View Full Version : Question - Natural weapons

Narciso Bizarro
2012-03-30, 08:27 AM
If a monster with a pair of principal natural weapons (for example, two claws) wants to make an attack with both of them... it's an Standar Action or a Full round action?

And if it's an attack with ALL its natural weapons (principal and secondary), is a Full round action, isn't it?


RMS Oceanic
2012-03-30, 08:30 AM
I believe a standard attack is an attack with one weapon, manufactured or natural, regardless of if it's linked with something. To attack with more than one requires either a full round action or a spell or feat.

2012-03-30, 09:38 AM
RMS is correct. Additionally, you can look at the stat block for the monster in question. The Attack: line gives you what it will do as just a regular standard action attack, and the Full Attack line gives you its routine for making a full attack.

For instance, take the Annis Hag on page 143 of the Monster Manual I. Round 1 it moves up to your nice squishy character and gives it a vicious swipe with a single claw. Round 2 it makes a full attack with both claws at its full attack modifier, plus a bite attack at -5 (for being a secondary natural weapon).

Narciso Bizarro
2012-03-30, 11:43 AM
RMS is correct. Additionally, you can look at the stat block for the monster in question. The Attack: line gives you what it will do as just a regular standard action attack, and the Full Attack line gives you its routine for making a full attack.

I can't look because I'm asking for monster creation haha. But thanks for the clarifications ;)