View Full Version : Warblade20 or Fighter2Thief3 with ???

2012-03-30, 12:42 PM
We will be starting a new adventure in the not too distant future and I am trying to decide if I want to try Warblade again (I had bad luck with a save early on in my last one's career), or if I want to do a Jack-of-all-trades type character with a fighter2/thief3 mix in there somewhere?

Either way he will be one of the 2 heavy hitters in the group and will be flanking with another thief possibly. I would be focusing less on the picking/disabling/party face and more on the brute force, kill it for being in my way/worth something for me.

As a warblade I would play him as the "TROPHY" Hunter and the Brute as more of a cunning killer. (Some one who could have been a serial killer but still has vestiges of a soul [Think Venom])

Any comments?

If i do the brute thing, suggestions on which way to take it?

2012-03-30, 01:06 PM
Warblade 20 is fantastic, but it really depends on your game, and your stats or point buy, as well.

If you have a high point buy or rolled great stats, I'd lean towards multiclassing into Swordsage, perhaps Swashbuckler, have a level of Rogue and Able Learner for keeping the skills up and go for an AoO build with Int->damage, Dex->damage, Wis->AC, Assassin's Stance, Shadow Jaunt mobility and a good skill set. Elf would be a good choice, and Eternal Blade an excellent prestige class.

Actually, I'm currently playing the exact build :)

2012-03-30, 02:01 PM
At first I was going to suggest Iaijutsu Focus Factotum/Swordsage but if you're going to be a flank buddy you'll be killing your target before the other guy can do anything, almost better off solo but lots of flexibility and skill monkeying. Full swordsage could be fun in this situation. They have decent mobility and have some fun tricks. Another option would be Bard 1/Warblade19 with Song of the White Raven, throw Silverbrow Human and Dragonfire Inspiration on it for some fun. Or go the other way Warblade1/Bard19 with Bardic Knack ACF if you want some casting. Spellthief with the Trickster ACF could be fun here too, take Craven and you're good to go.

Take this for what its worth. I am a huge fan of these classes so I suggest them often ;)


2012-03-30, 02:27 PM
Take some diamond mind maneuvers to deal with bad saves, though. :smallsmile:

2012-03-30, 02:39 PM
Warblade goes incredibly well with Factotum.
You wanted to be a jack of all trades?
Factotum8 Warblade12

Knowledge Devotion, Power Attack, Font of Inspiration (as many times as you can)

What you do:
Jack of all trades focused on combat. Lots of actions, you can burn all your strike maneuvers in one round, adding INT to hit/damage and/or AC. You can cast some spells (heroics being the most important) and heal some HP. Great skills. Maneuvers up to 8th level but you get to ninth as soon as you level up.