View Full Version : [PF] Optimize my Monk

Jack Zander
2012-03-30, 04:13 PM
I'm currently playing in a pathfinder game with 6 players. Our group consists of a witch, a cavalier/bard, a magus, a rogue, and an oracle. When I rolled my stats I got pretty even scores across the board (16, 15, 15, 15, 14, 14). Another player suggested I play a monk since they generally suffer from MAD and that will be a little less of an issue with these rolls. I'm a bit of a power gamer so I liked the idea. The rest of the players aren't really into optimization, and the ones that claim they aren't aren't actually that good at it. At the very worst, I'd like my monk to be on an even field with the rest of the party. At best, I'd like the players to cry that monks are broken by the end of the game. :smallamused:

Anyway, I've been playing this build for a few sessions already, from level 2 to 5. Here's the build thus far.

Makoa the Ferocious One
Lawful Evil Half-Orc Flowing Monk of the Sacred Mountain 4/Thug 1

Str 18
Dex 15
Con 15
Int 14
Wis 16
Cha 14

53 HP rolled

I pretty much took advantage of that +3 class bonus thing and put 1 rank into almost every class skill I had, plus I maxed out Diplomacy, Intimidate, Use Magic Device, Perception, Sense Motive, and Acrobatics.

Improved Initiative (lvl1)
Improved Trip (mnk1)
Toughness (mnk2)
Antagonize (lvl3)
Enforcer (lvl5)

1 masterwork temple sword
20 cold iron shurikens
20 silver shurikens
7 poisoned shurikens (fort 17 1d4 dex 6 rounds cure: 1 save)
1 necklace of natural armor +1
~1,000 gp
We are extremely poor for our level, I know...

Typically the witch will use his ward on my character along with a wand of mage armor and a spell of enlarge person before a fight (unless its a random encounter of course).
1st round: Charge attack with my temple sword two handed for bonus damage and trip them on their turn with my free counter attack from flowing monk OR antagonize an enemy to attack me (especially a mage) and trip them on the charge or with the free counter attack from flowing monk.
2nd round: Flurry the now prone target with non-lethal punches, first getting an intimidate check to make them frightened for 1 round, then making them shaken for a number of rounds equal to damage dealt +1, and then switching to my temple sword for the bonus to hit and damage for the remaining attack(s). The enemy now attempts to stand up and run away on their turn, allowing me to either hit them while they stand for an easier hit, or trip them again as they run away, locking them down.
3rd round: Rinse and repeat.
Remember this whole time my AoO are causing enemies to become flatfooted for the turn, giving me another 1d6 to damage. I've pretty much become the party's main source of dps and the lock down gives me a nice secondary role. Last session I dealt 52 damage in 1 round to a Tendriculous while being grappled :smallbiggrin:

So playgrounders, where do I go from here? I definitely need combat reflexes, but I feel like it won't be that useful until level 8 when I can boost my dex since I spend most of my time enlarged and at -2 dex. I was thinking of going another level of rogue to get evasion and the Strong Impression talent to pretty much guarantee I never fail an intimidate check. Then I can take 2 more monk levels to give me that delicious combat reflexes and some other goodies.
But what about after? Should I grab some lore warden levels for the bonus feats and +2 to combat maneuvers? Keep going monk for the extra counter attacks each day and favored class bonus? Which feats should I focus on? Weapon Focus + Dazzling Display to have another use for my intimidate check? (Plus the chance to frighten every enemy in a 30 ft radius) Stunning Fist to have another lock down method? Skill feats to boost my intimidate even more? Some other tactic that I haven't thought of?

Jack Zander
2012-04-01, 05:06 PM
Bump for help please?

2012-04-01, 05:35 PM
the problem with "optimizing" at this point is, you have kinda already set course for whatever destination you had in mind for this monk. This just isn't the way I envision *my* "optimal" monks going.

me trying to "optimize" at this point would be like a troll trying to join into a halfling double dutch jump rope tournament.

Jack Zander
2012-04-01, 05:39 PM
the problem with "optimizing" at this point is, you have kinda already set course for whatever destination you had in mind for this monk. This just isn't the way I envision *my* "optimal" monks going.

me trying to "optimize" at this point would be like a troll trying to join into a halfling double dutch jump rope tournament.

Well the destination is just about reached. I want to know what I should do afterwards, and what kinds of things I should focus on.

And there is a difference between theoretical optimization where you have a blank slate and just make it as powerful as you possibly can, and actual optimization where you take a character concept and see how powerful you can make that while staying true to the concept.

2012-04-01, 05:55 PM
Start by taking the 5th level of Monk.
Flowing lets you spend 2 Ki to make a Reflex save to take 1/2 damage from an attack.
Sacred Mountain gives a +2 AC/CMD if you DON'T move on your turn (Swift action + Ki to increase to +4).

Then you may as well take Monk 6 for the Bonus feat and round off your Saves.

A few more levels of Rogue for Sneak Attack and a couple Talents would be good.

If you want more Sneak Attack you'll have to keep taking Rogue, as most Sneak Attack PrC's must be a different alignment than yours, OR they _really_ don't fit in with what you're trying to do (or they require too many "meh" feats, I'm looking at you Duelist...).

2012-04-01, 07:00 PM
Monk is still quite a weak class in Pathfinder. So if you're "quite an optimizer" then you should look elsewhere.

Anywho, assuming you do stick with Monk, take a look at the Hungry Ghost Archetype (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/coreClasses/monk.html). Or better yet, ask your DM if you can mix and match the good alternate class abilities from various archetypes (normally you have to follow a complete path, and can't skip bad abilities if you want good higher level abilities).

Pathfinder also added a few good Monk specific feats, like Punishing Kick, Touch of Serenity, and some of the various Style feats.

2012-04-01, 08:23 PM
I am sorry, but you are looking for advice on "what to do from here", "optimization" is a misnomer in this regard. I don't really know what you are interested in doing, but it seems that you are going for strength in versatility and doing a good job. You have power and a lot of gimmics giving you options.

You might take Fury's fall, Vicious Stomp, or start down a style path. Marry a Dragon or a Crane early, avoid the Rat. You already mentioned Combat reflexes, and I think it would have been preferable to take that instead of toughness or one of the intimidate synergy feats.

Personally, I don't like the intimidate gimmic, so I am a little biased there. I suggest adding more potency to your tripping. Although, I do like what you are doing with antagonize.

..also, I don't think it is legal for the witch to use a wand of mage armor on you. Or am I miss-reading this? ..it seems a little vague when you describe your SOP. Are you using your UMD to use the wand on yourself?

@Person_Man - I don't see monks at all as weak, I see a lot of people having unrealistic expectations of a class strong with versatility but potent when focused.

Chained Birds
2012-04-02, 01:30 AM
Antagonize Feat = DM throwing books. Remember to explain the feat to the DM before setting your character concept with it in stone.

- Switch out Antagonize for a different Intimidate synergy feat. Like the one that adds your Strength mod to your Intimidate along with whatever Charisma you've got lying around.
- Switch out Toughness for either another intimidate synergy feat, a trip support feat like Fury's Fall, or some Style feat of your choice.
- Take the 5th level as Monk. I'd go up to 6th level maximum for this particular Monk archetype and then Prc or multiclass into something that fits your gimmick.

Jack Zander
2012-04-02, 09:42 AM
Guys, toughness comes with Monk of the Sacred Mountain. I'd never have taken that feat myself.

The DM seems fine with antagonize so far. I've been using it for 3 levels already and heard not one complaint. That's probably because we've mainly been fighting things like plants and animals which I believe you can't use the feat on (or am I mistaken?) and while my intimidate is respectable, its only about 50/50 on NPCs of about our level with a decent wisdom.

A wand of mage armor can be used just fine by a witch. It's on their spell list and its a touch spell, so I'm not sure where the problem is there.

I wasn't a big fan of crane and dragon styles, but I took a look at tiger and it is absolutely amazing. So thanks for that advice.

Definitely going to take only 6 levels of monk. I'll probably go with 4 rogue levels to pick up two talents without losing BAB, and then hop into Lore Warden for the BAB, CMB, and all the delicious feats I want to grab.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

2012-04-02, 10:43 AM
Antagonize Feat = DM throwing books. Remember to explain the feat to the DM before setting your character concept with it in stone.

The recent UM errata nerfed it down some, now it's just a taunt that lets the target decide how to attack you, so the DMs should be able to lay down their books and play the game with the rest of us.

I don't think Lore Warden is the right path, honestly, as it mixes better with Maneuver Master than Flowing Monk. I do support Tiger Style, though, for so you can pick up Improved Reposition and Power Attack. Going up to 8th level means you can do both maneuvers at the same time and if you grab the greater version of either or both, you can give party members the ability to AoO your target once or twice.

Jack Zander
2012-04-02, 11:36 AM
I don't think Lore Warden is the right path, honestly, as it mixes better with Maneuver Master than Flowing Monk. I do support Tiger Style, though, for so you can pick up Improved Reposition and Power Attack. Going up to 8th level means you can do both maneuvers at the same time and if you grab the greater version of either or both, you can give party members the ability to AoO your target once or twice.

Hmm, this seems like a good idea, though I'll probably take at least two levels of lore warden just to grab the bonus feats. I need them for the tiger chain.

2012-04-02, 12:54 PM
Hmm, this seems like a good idea, though I'll probably take at least two levels of lore warden just to grab the bonus feats. I need them for the tiger chain.

I'm not sure what 2 levels of Lore Warden is doing for you to get into Tiger chain faster, whereas Brawler gets you those feats, as well as maneuver boosting and attack and damage enhancements, since it's front-loaded for whatever reason compared to other fighter archetypes.

Jack Zander
2012-04-02, 01:07 PM
I'm not sure what 2 levels of Lore Warden is doing for you to get into Tiger chain faster, whereas Brawler gets you those feats, as well as maneuver boosting and attack and damage enhancements, since it's front-loaded for whatever reason compared to other fighter archetypes.

2 Levels of Lore Warden gets me 3 feats, one of them being a prereq for Greater Improved Trip later. Brawler doesn't seem like it does much that lore warden doesn't do better already, and the attack and damage bonuses are rather meh since I don't plan on using unarmed strike for my primary damage output.

2012-04-02, 01:15 PM
2 Levels of Lore Warden gets me 3 feats, one of them being a prereq for Greater Improved Trip later. Brawler doesn't seem like it does much that lore warden doesn't do better already, and the attack and damage bonuses are rather meh since I don't plan on using unarmed strike for my primary damage output.

Ah, I forgot Greater Trip requires Combat Expertise. Carry on.

2012-04-02, 01:19 PM
Tiger style is fun but Crane style is even better, prevent 1 attack a round and get a AoO out of which combos well with the Flowing Monk level 2 feature. Add in Deflect Arrow and become much harder to hit.

Jack Zander
2012-04-02, 01:24 PM
Tiger style is fun but Crane style is even better, prevent 1 attack a round and get a AoO out of which combos well with the Flowing Monk level 2 feature. Add in Deflect Arrow and become much harder to hit.

Offense is the best defense IMHO. I'm not too worried about being hit. Enemies hardly ever get an attack off on me anyway since I'm tripping them before they reach me, or tripping them before they resolve their attack.