View Full Version : [3.5]Monk/Druid help?

2012-03-30, 07:30 PM
Just a few questions, as this idea has struck me as amazing for a long time.
1: How would one do it?
2: What's the best way to optimize it?

2012-03-30, 07:49 PM
Well, you could take levels in both monk and druid. I don't know of a PrC or feat that combines the two nicely, but the Wis synergy is there. For optimization, you are best off with Monk 2/ Druid 18 for feats, Monk 1 / Druid 19 for better spells/companion/wildshape, or Druid 20 with a Monk's Belt for... because Monk isn't good to take a lot of.

2012-03-30, 07:53 PM
Druid 20 with a Monk's Belt and a Wilding Clasp (MIC). Be sure you have Natural Spell.

Averis Vol
2012-03-30, 08:25 PM
Monk 2/druid 4/fist of the forest 3/ barbarian 1/natures warrior 3/ druid 7 was a fun one i tinkered with once, i forget the feat progression but i know there was something that let my pet rage with me (shared fury maybe? races of the wild i think but im afb) so i'd rage me and my pet after buffing and just tear through the field. so something like that might work. only thing is it was kinda light on spells, was more about wild shaping.

2012-03-30, 09:23 PM
Dragon 314 has a PrC called Master of the North Wind, which advances druid spellcasting and several monk abilities. It only advances wildshaping by half, but there's a lovely feat from Pathfinder called Shaping Focus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/shaping-focus) which is essentially Practiced Spellcaster for wildshape, which could make up some of the difference.

2012-03-30, 09:43 PM
I think Spirit Shamen is better theamatically, and works quite well. Druid is obviously more powerful.

Monk 2 / Spirit Shamen X
Quarterstaff is a Monk Weapon with which you can flurry.
Add in the Shillaleagh/Brambles, Shillaleagh/Spikes or Shillaleagh/Brambles/Entangling Staff spell combination and you are useful in melee.
Later use the Bite of X line.

The trouble with either of these is that you don't have access to DMM for Quicken or Persist so it takes you a while to prep for combat.
So if you play in the sort of game where combats last 2 rounds you will be a spectator.
You will easily out damage Monk though.

Elric VIII
2012-03-30, 10:32 PM
Dragon 324 has the Wild Monk variant (gain Wildshape, lose slowfall, dimension step, and some other stuff). It gains exactly the Druid's Wildshape (not like Wildshape Ranger), however it explicity doesn't stack with Druid levels, but instead is an independant progression.

Or, you could just go for a Monk's Belt + SUS.

There's also a Druid ACF that trades Wildshape for Wis-to-AC.

Just wondering, what exactly do you want to get out of the combination? On which abilities do you wish to capitalize?

2012-03-31, 06:13 AM
Dragon 314 has a PrC called Master of the North Wind, which advances druid spellcasting and several monk abilities. It only advances wildshaping by half, but there's a lovely feat from Pathfinder called Shaping Focus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/shaping-focus) which is essentially Practiced Spellcaster for wildshape, which could make up some of the difference.

The prereqs for that PrC are classic tax. It requires the ability to fly (assumed to be the result of an existing wildshape ability) and 4 ranks in Climb. I found that soooo painful. Neither class is swimming in skill points, and you have to waste 4 ranks on a skill you would never use (because you can FLY).

2012-03-31, 10:37 AM
Actually, it's 10 ranks in Climb, which is entirely owing to the fluff of the PrC. (The monastery where you learn this is located high on a mountain peak, etc. etc.) There's also a spellcasting requirement that effectively requires a 5th level druid.

However, the only requirement on the monk side is Monk 1, so you could slip in a couple levels of something else for skill points, maybe rogue with Ascetic Rogue or the like. Never tried it myself, just looks fun.

Famous last words, I know. ;D

2012-03-31, 10:49 AM
I would do it like this:

Monk2/Wild Shape Ranger18 with Ascetic Hunter
(and this is indeed a good build)


Druid20 with improved unarmed strike, superior unarmed strike and a monk belt

2012-04-01, 07:38 AM
(The monastery where you learn this is located high on a mountain peak, etc. etc.)
Right, sure, but with 5 levels of Druid you can FLY.

Wow, 10 ranks, it's more painful than I remembered.