View Full Version : Only for the Babylon 5 fans in the house. ; )

Triple F
2012-03-30, 09:14 PM
BTW. I’m not some elaborate ‘bot – if concerned (I know it’s a problems with many forums these days) you can PM me on here or ask something on this thread. I just thought some B5 fans might find this of interest. ; )

Basically, more by accident than design a learning exercise in putting a web page together somehow ended up full of interviews provided by a dozen or so of the FX artists who worked on B5 and the various spin-offs – they even sent over a fair bit of previously unreleased production concept art.

Here’s a link to a facebook page showcasing the site – the reason for pointing there will become obvious once you see it. So hopefully you’ll ‘like’ the thing for the reasons stated. . . . . assuming that you like it of course. ; )

Even if you don’t have a facebook a/c you can still use the link that you’ll see there to take you to the actual B5Scrolls website.

Here’s a small selection of images from the Concept Art section. All the artwork was sent over by the artists for inclusion to B5Scrolls.


Because of the interviews, there’s a lot more to the site than just concept art that’s not been released before. For example: Incredible as it sounds, an exec producers/Warner Bros. decision to save $75 an episode is the reason why the CGI was rendered in 4:3 rather than widescreen, and you couldn’t make up what went wrong with the eventual windscreen conversions. ; )

So if you like the site – it would be cool if you could ‘ like’ that facebook page so others can find, and download it. I feel like a used car salesman in a cheap suit for asking, but I know of no other way to let fans find the thing.


2012-04-01, 04:23 PM
That's pretty cool, thanks for sharing.

Triple F
2012-04-18, 01:53 PM
With it jumping over 500 since I posted the above message in a few forums, thanks to all those who ‘liked’ the facebook page – you know who you are. ; )

With over 1,000 new downloads, new folk are obviously finding the actual website and the information it contains, which at the end of the day was the reason for making a bit of a tit of myself by doing this.

It’s genuinely nice to know that some found it of interest, and that some of the work of some of the artists, without whom the show would never have been made, the tech inovations, etc. are getting a bit of an airing. ; )


2012-04-19, 04:08 PM
Awesome dude! I loved B5.

Triple F
2012-05-25, 12:59 PM

Even with all the unique content I wasn’t sure if turning up on forums or setting that facebook page up was a good idea. But over 4,000 folk have downloaded a copy, which is kinda cool. ; )

2012-05-25, 03:14 PM
Very nice. Love the concept.

Triple F
2013-04-08, 09:14 AM
Just a FYI type thing. Those hosting the site renewed their agreement last year, so it should stay up for the next two. Plus I just added an update, new interview as well as new production concept art.

The links at the start of this thread still work. ; )