View Full Version : [3.5] Increasing Range

2012-03-31, 01:18 AM
Heya folks. I'm preparing a little siege against a small walled outpost my (by then level seven) PC's have to defend. Their enemy is a group of tribalistic wereboars and I was thinking of using a trio or quartet of redspawn firebelchers (refluffed as giant fire or acid breathing hogs) to be used by the tribe as siege weapons.

Then I looked at the range of their belching. 60 ft., which is faairly short range. Short enough to reach in a charge by most medium sized things and definitely short enough to shoot with arrows from a wall.

What I want is the fire or acid breathing hogs to be able to be a threat to the walls from a distance, forcing the PC's to try to sneak past the wereboars in front of them (possibly with the militia keeping the wereboars occupied) and take the hogs out before the section of wall is destroyed and the wereboars can charge in.

I thought, perhaps, to increase the range of the belch blast to be more like a fireball spell, which hits targets from 400 + 40 ft/level (so, probably around ~640 feet here). Do you think this is a fair adjustment? Would the CR be significantly increased by this increase in range?

2012-03-31, 02:07 AM
You could just put the boars in siege towers, which will protect the boars from archery on the walls and forward charges.

If you're increasing the range, I'd likely increase the CR of each belcher by +1 to compensate.

2012-03-31, 10:48 AM
Does this count as a Breath Weapon ?
If so you can use some Metabreath feats from Draconomicon
Enlarge Breath would increase the size by 50%, which is proably not enough.
Extend Spreading Breath would give them a range and spread, there are two pre-req feats however: Shape Breath and Spreading Breath
The range and spread depend upon their size
Medium spread: 15 ft. range: 60 ft.
Large spread: 20 ft. range: 80 ft.
Huge spread: 25 ft. range: 100 ft.

Otherwise, well there are some spells in SpC. Are these things casters though ?

2012-03-31, 03:50 PM
Their ability to belch fire is not a breath weapon and not a spell either. Rather, it's a (su) ability to make a range touch attack against a target for 6d6 damage, also dealing 3d6 damage to adjacent creatures. It works much like a splash weapon.

2012-03-31, 04:15 PM
There's the Enlarge Supernatural Ability feat in Tome of Magic - increases the range of a supernatural ability by 100%. Unfortunately, only works 1/day, but you can take the feat multiple times for additional uses.