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View Full Version : Solo Feats (3.5 Feats, PEACH)

Noctis Vigil
2012-03-31, 03:18 PM
Some feats I made. The titles of the feats are based off of some short stories I wrote (and have created a campaign around); the inspiration for these came from the stories' content. I'm unsure how these balance; my goal was feats that only benefit you when you're alone. I think I succeeded, but I'd still like some PEACH.

In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone
Benefit: You work best by yourself, feeling at peace in the solitude. Whenever you are alone with no foes, allies or neutral characters within 100 feet of you, you gain an untyped +2 bonus on all die rolls. For the purpose of this feat, "foes, allies or neutral characters" counts as any creature with an Intelligence over 3, any construct, any undead, or any creature with a language. This bonus goes away if you become aware of anyone within 100 feet of you , but returns when you are alone again.

Alone, Where We Are Surrounded
Prerequisites: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone
Benefit: Any time you are alone with no allies to back you, you harden your resolve against your foe. When you are alone and outnumbered by the enemy at least two to one with no allies within 100 feet of you, you gain an untyped +2 bonus to all attack rolls (including attack rolls involved in spellcasting), damage rolls (including damage rolls as a result of spellcasting), and AC. This bonus goes away if you become aware of any allies within 100 feet of you , but returns when you are alone again.

In Exile, Where We Are At Peace
Prerequisites: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone, Alone, Where We Are Surrounded
Benefit: You know that you must never lose your cool, because you are all you have. Whenever you have no allies within 100 feet of you, you gain an untyped +4 bonus against all fear effects and mind altering or controlling effects. Additionally, you are not flatfooted in a surprise round, and may choose to act in a surprise round against you. If you choose to act in the surprise round, your turn automatically goes last that round, after which you roll initiative as normal for the rest of the encounter. This bonus goes away if you become aware of any allies within 100 feet of you , but returns when you are alone again.

Forsaken, Where We Are Strong
Prerequisite: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone, Alone, Where We Are Surrounded, In Exile, Where We Are At Peace
Benefit: Whenever you are forced to fend for yourself, you always keep your chin held high. Any buff effect that you use on yourself when there are no allies within 100 feet of you, be it from a feat, spell, power, item or class ability, is increased by +4, and has its duration doubled. Any effects currently in the doubled portion of their duration immediately end if you become aware of any allies within 100 feet of you, as does the +4 bonus.

2012-03-31, 03:35 PM
I like the flavor for these, and would certainly try to take them if I were playing a solo campaign. Naturally, they'd be all but useless in a campaign with multiple PCs, but that's obvious enough that it isn't really a balance concern. As far as the balance goes, two things occur to me. Firstly, "In Solitude" should probably specify what constitutes a 'character.' If dust mites count, the feat is useless in anything short of a sterile demiplane.

Next, I think "Forsaken" might need to be redone. A 3rd level wizard probably shouldn't be able to give himself +8 Intelligence for 6 minutes. A 5th level wizard, similarly, shouldn't be able to grant himself +5 to AC, Attack and Reflex saves, as well as +34(?) to movement speeds for ten rounds. I'd suggest specifically stating which bonuses can or cannot be increased, and changing it from a flat bonus (which could be fantastic, in the case of Haste, or meaningless, in the case of Expeditious Retreat) to a multiplier (for example, all numerical bonuses granted by a given spell/whatever are multiplied by 1.5).

2012-03-31, 03:49 PM
Very pigeonholed into being a solo-only campaign option, since nobody wants to play with the PC who always has to be seperated from the party. I agree that Forsaken is a bit strong, but that's not necessarily a bad thing if you're the only PC in a campaign.

And of course, you may encounter PCs who want to take these with the Blind flaw. "What, I don't have a line of sight, I'm always alone!"

Instead of Line of Sight, couldn't you have it be a "No ally within X feet" type restriction? That way it's still useful to PCs in a group, since they're not too far from the rest of the party, but they're still effectively alone. Other than Forsaken, none of these bonuses are overwhelming enough to be considered overpowered if you give up any chance of a nearby PC taking a hit for you.

Noctis Vigil
2012-03-31, 11:17 PM
Hmm. I originally had these with a 50 foot restriction, but changed it for Solitude because as long as it's LoS it can't be applied to attacks, making it less useful/broken.

I just changed them to make this a chain of feats as well. Does that balance it slightly?

2012-04-01, 09:31 AM
I'd change Exile's Surprise Round effect so that if you do manage to act in a surprise round by dint of being aware of whatever started the encounter, you aren't automatically last if Exile is in effect.

2012-04-01, 11:18 AM
I see (?) a party moving around all-invisible, with telepathy, gaining all those bonuses. Feet restrictions could be better, so could 'that they are aware of' line instead of 'line of sight'

Noctis Vigil
2012-04-01, 03:39 PM
Alright, I gave them an overhaul. How do they look now?