View Full Version : Something a bit more Subtle. *DM help.*

2012-03-31, 04:14 PM
Ok, so, as a New DM I am in the habit of running things by the playground for feed back and such. And Thus, the new thread topic.

So, My players have expressed interest in doing a kill team mission/something requiring a tad more stealth then the average dungeon dive. When this idea was brought to me as the DM as a though for a adventure, my mind went back to my first actual pen and paper campaign as a player, years ago and with a completely different group.

The Mission was part of a Dragonlance game (I said it was my first campaign meaning I did NOT know what I was doing and thus didn't really know enough to know that Dragonlance stinks as a 3.5 game setting. Moving on.). We had to go and figure out a way to keep Some creature native to the setting form forming an alliance with the Ogers and Hags in one area of the continent and overrunning this city with there army, slaughtering and enslaving everyone. What ended up happening was we let ourselves get captured, then we were shown alone to there leader, and we got out of our bonds (We'd done something to make that work ahead of time.) and all tackled him to group grapple him. From there We took his Ax away and gave it to the fighter who killed him, and then took this Sword favored by a member of the flavor race and put some cuts in the corpse and left it there, causing them to not only not ally with each other but get into a war with one another instead of the human city.

I'd like to do something similar here for the group I'm DMing for. I was thinking Ogers and Hags would be good, and Trolls seem appropriate for the third one. I was also thinking of a twist were once the Oger leader is dead the party has to find his two possible successors and do something to make sure that neither of them are going to just smoothly step in a week or two later and for the alliance and kill the none evil sentient beings.

Anyway, that's what I've got at this point. That and a week between now and the session to put it together. So, could use any in-put you guys and gals have for me. Thanks. =)