View Full Version : Lightsabers and the Force (fanfic help)

2012-04-03, 12:42 AM
Hi playgrounders

A few days ago me and a friend where discussing lightsabers and their impossibility in canon (gravity fields and rebounding lasers) and it kind of segued into Midichlorians, Force inconsistencies and so on.
We both started trying to fix these things and decided to create an AU each with less plotholes and inconsistencies.

Here's where you come in. In general I overlook seemingly obvious things in my writing (fanfic or otherwise) so if you can look over it and point out paradoxes or inconsistencies it will be great
BTW The main theme is Ethics and Sentient Rights and the Force-Users are OP compared to Non-Force-Users for a reason.
Both Orders treat Non-Force-Users quite badly, some thinking them barely sentient, the rest think they don't even qualify as that.

The Force:
The Force is an extra-dimensional force that operates under different rules than the regular universe.
A Jedi/Sith draws their power constantly, filling a pool of energy they can draw from that expands with use, as does the fill rate.


Passive Force Powers:
Precognition: A Jedi/Sith can see what is about to happen and can react to it. The older and stronger the Force-User the more detailed and further they can see
Reactions: The Force is infused into your nerves, speeding it to higher and higher speeds, slowing down your perception of time in battle and improving your puzzle-solving and reaction speeds. This can be further augmented with an active Force Power but the Passive power is there as well. Jedi Knights or Sith Captains react twice as fast as a normal being of their race and it only improves from there.
Accuracy: A Jedi's hand-eye coordination, depth perception and fine motor skills improve vastly. This is good when dealing with Lightsabers

Opposite Force Powers:
When a Force-User attempts to affect a living being or affect an object in the opposite way as another Force-User (like pushing a wall while another tries to pull it) they contest it. The higher level of Force and concentration on the object affects who's affect triggers, the loser expending the energy for no physical reaction.
This means that the more you focus on doing it, the more chance of doing it occurs.

Midichlorians are not the source of the Force as in canon. But they are a sign of Force-Sensitivity. Higher levels of midichlorians do not show higher levels of Force Sensitivity but do have their own benefits.
They serve as Will multipliers, so the higher a Midichlorian count the higher likelihood of winning a contested effect.

Force Crystals:
Force Crystals, unlike canon, are not force-infused Gems of any type. Instead they are a race of semi-sentient telepathic crystalline beings that cannot gain the force naturally.
Each one is exactly the same shape, the only difference is the color. Each crystal can assume any color, from red to blue to black to white.
Their level of sentience is dependant on the level of Force they can acquire. In their natural state (sitting in a cave) they are essentially brain-dead. Unable to comprehend their surroundings or affect them in any way. After being claimed (picked up and infused with Force Energy) their level of intelligence increases, growing until they can communicate empathicly with their Master and are almost animal-like, gaining personalities (which may be any, even actively against the Owner). Eventually they start forming words and becoming Human-like. Force Crystals can emit the Force if they are imbued with the ability. A Force-User can channel Force abilities (like Force Push or Lightning) into their crystal and the Crystal can then channel that power, using their Force Reserves their owner gives them to use that ability.
Using the Force imbued has a delayed effect on their sentience. They will lose their intelligence but it takes several hours for them to do so.

Crystals have several powers that are inherent to them and them alone.
First is Force Emit, which creates a beam of Force that can cut through metal and is white hot to anything it touches but does not emit heat through the air (this is the lightsaber blade)
Second is Force Disappear. A Crystal who's master dies and is left unseen for a long time will disappear, reappearing in a nearby cave. No-one knows how they do so but it drains all their energy except the minimum
There may or may not be more.

A Force Crystal can 'dust' itself by channeling all it's power at once, even the tiny dregs until nothing is left. If it does so then it shatters into crystal dust. This very rarely happens however.

Force Crystals have 2 forms 'Neutral" and "Yours". Neutral Crystals can bond with anyone and many Force-Users have half a dozen of these, though some have more and the Ancient Masters of the Kachili Form have several dozen studding their armour.
Your Crystal is a crystal totally attuned to a specific User. It's personality, when it develops, compliments the User. It will aid in every fight, using it's power and shifting the arc of the Lightsaber it is embedded in to aid the User.

Lightsabers have 3 distinct layers
1st layer is the armour. It surrounds the core of the saber, protecting it.
Over time it is infused with Force and upgraded with better materials by the crafter. By the time several decades have passed a Jedi/Sith's Saber is nigh-indestructible
The 2nd layer is the Gravity Field Emitter. This is the most technological of the layers as it creates the holding field, that stops the saber from going past it's regular bounds. Specialized sabers can have different sized and shaped fields, assuming different forms. Some can even have dual (or more) settings but the complexity of this is great.
The 3rd layer is the Emitter. A tiny laser is focused through a Force Crystal that channels the Force into pure energy, adding pure Force into it to create a beam of light that is searing to touch but does not radiate heat like it would normally.

A lightsaber is a Jedi/Siths life. You are not considered a true Jedi or a true Sith without a functioning blade.
Almost all Force-Users have 2 blades (or more), the first, their main lightsaber holds a Neutral Crystal and is used in all combat. The second is their ceremonial blade and their backup in case they are disarmed, it contains their personal (Your) crystal and is always a 1crystal blade.

Different types of Sabre:

Traditional: The standard blade, a single blade and crystal with no upgrades. Many Jedi and Sith use this sabre

Double-Bladed: This Blade has 2 variants, the first is the 1-Crystal which is in general shorter but more focused, being 2 smaller blades that cut through armour and walls faster. This variant is rarely used unless it uses a Force-User's personal Crystal
The second variant is the 2-Crystal. This is the more well-used of the two variations as it is not splitting power between two blades but having two independent power sources fueling each.

Customized: Many Masters of the two Orders have customized lightsabers. Some have battleaxes, Curved sabers etc.
These customized lightsabers take decades to perfect as they do weird things with the gravity field.

Add-ons: There are some additions that can be applied to any of the 3 variations but are not in themselves a variant.
Shorter: This blade is shorter but more focused (even moreso than a single-crystal double-bladed) and good against Kortosis-Armoured foes.
Longer: This blade is longer but less focused, allowing greater reach for less chance of penetrating armour.
Switch-Settings: Some Sabers have more than one setting, though this takes a long time to set. These are quite rare however. Some of the settings can be other additions or activating/deactivating secondary Blades

Lightsabers and Non-Force-Users:
The Lightsaber Crystal will actually fight anyone who doesn't have it's allegiance (it's Owner or anyone trying to reunite it with it's owner), causing it to spiral, increase or decrease weight and speed. Due to this (and the lack of precog/lower reflexes) it is likely that a Non-Force-User with it will lose a limb as the weightless blade spirals and moves oddly.
They also do a smaller version of this to their Owner and anyone they have allegiance too though it is almost unnoticed and good swordsmen can use the variations in their fighting styles.

The force does not have a Lightside OR a Darkside.
It is a personal choice.
What is known as the Darkside is actually a style of Force-Use focused on Brute-Force. A Darkside Force User (the Sith) are less subtle and a more likely to blast through a fortification with sheer power and claim the goal.

The "Lightside" is a style focused on Precision, on precise bursts of power to accomplish the goal with less expenditure of power.
They are likely to hit the weakest points of a fortification and watch as the walls crumble, then simply walk over the rubble to their goal.

Lightside or Darkside are not better overall compared to the other. The Darkside does improve their Force power faster than the Lightside but their usage of the Force takes more of it.

Neither represent Evil or Good. In fact both have good and bad elements.

The Jedi order is a luxurious order. They revel in their positions of power over the "Ants" as the collective Non-Force-Users are called by Force-Users.
The Jedi are less cohesive than the Sith Order.
The hilts of their lightsabers are quite stylistic, having patterns and looking quite aesthetic. Due t this they are in general thicker and bigger than the spartan Sith hilt.

Overall the Jedi are good, and are very honorable (though less honorable than the Sith).
This is slowly decaying however, the Jedi becoming more secretive and less moral towards their own (it isn't really possible to be less moral to the Non-Users for them) though it is a slow process over centuries.
The Jedi are a very political, very subtle Order. Newcomers into the Order are sometimes lost if not given a competent Mentor who actually explains things

The quarters of a Jedi are very posh. An expansive bath, large soft bed and state-of-the-art technology fill the rooms and a direct commlink to the Ant Depot

The Jedi (and the Sith) have several Non-Force-Users in their academies and worlds that are treated as little more than slave

The Sith Order is a very military Order. In contrast to the political Jedi the Sith are very merit-based. Promotion is military and given for winning Duels against superiors or winning in battle against their enemies, the Jedi.
They hold more tradition in common with the ancient Samurai-like order the two Orders are split from.
Their quarters are a lot more spartan than a Jedi's. The bath being tiny and the bed rougher. This is to instil the military lifestyle into the recruits and then they get used to it.

Their lightsaber hilts are quite spartan, holding nothing but the basics needed.

Relations with the Republic:
Both Orders are separate from the Republic and there is law against a Force-Sensitive from holding any authority in their government.
This is due to the fact that to side with one order over the other means going up against the second Order, something they are completely unable to do.
In the current time (40,000DR {During Republic}) the Republic's population is just now rising from being cut in half by the Sith Empire after they aligned themselves with the Jedi Order. Several sectors were abandoned due to lack of population, pulling back into the Core and leaving the settlements for reclaimation when they had the population and trade to support it.

Blasters use the ample Gravity technology around. They encase a massive charge of electricity inside a field of gravity, containing it.
When it hits something the field dissipates and the electricity floods into the person's system. Most Blasters have several settings, the highest shutting down a victims Central Nervous System on a direct hit, and disabling the limb it hits if it only glances.
There are several variants of this, including a Grenade that makes a field of electricity arcing into everything in range.

1Million years before the Republic was formed there was a planet. A lush planet filled with plants and verdant fields.
On this planet there was an Order of swordsmen. They were an honorable people, though very military.
Near the headquarters of their Order was a cave. In this cave were hundreds of uniform gems that, when inserted into the hilt of their traditional swords would infuse power into it, making it better. But only if certain people infused energy into it.
Over time they learned that only certain people had the "Force" as they called it and the Crystals could be infused with Powers that could use the infused energy to achieve certain effects.

Time passed as the Order became exclusive to Force-Users, developing the ability to use Force Powers outside of their crystals.
Soon enough their race was interstellar and learning how to manipulate gravity fields. It was here the Saber they had used for generations became a Lightsaber, gravity fields rather than metal containing the emitters of the Force Crystal

But like all things, the Age of the Forerunners (as the original Order is known as in the present day) came to an end.
No-one knows why or how they split, though many suspect a succession issue or a philosophical issue of Brute Force vs Precision.
No matter how it started 2 Orders formed where 1 had been, the Jedi and the Sith.
Ever since the 2 Orders have been at war. Fighting on and off, going through treaties, alliances, cold wars and hot wars. Entire worlds have been contested for a century with piles of corpses rising with lightsaber holes as the armies of Jedi and Sith fought.

The Hyperdrive uses Wormhole technology, collapsing two points together to shorten the time needed to be spent. The Entry point is open until the last ship in the wormhole arrives at the destination however so tracking a ship is rather easy unless the first ship opens several wormholes in a row and outruns any pursuers.

Fighting Styles
[not done]
There are many fighting styles a Jedi or a Sith can take
The main ones are (and will be named better later):
Lightsaber: Uses a Lightsaber in combat almost exclusively
Double-Bladed: Uses a Double-Bladed Saber in combat

Please and thanks for any ideas or opinions on it.
Also any questions if you have any.

2012-04-03, 02:43 PM
Midichlorians are not the source of the Force as in canon. But they are a sign of Force-Sensitivity.

They're not (technically) the source of the force in canon either- they're just "the intermediaries between the Force and the Force-user"

2012-04-04, 02:14 PM
They're not (technically) the source of the force in canon either- they're just "the intermediaries between the Force and the Force-user"

They're a source of the force, being living things and the force being created by life (as per Obi Wan Kenobi in A New Hope).

2012-04-04, 07:51 PM
Let me rephrase that:
Midichlorians aren't the connectors between the Force and a Force-User like in Canon.

2012-04-07, 10:09 PM
Hi playgrounders
Force Crystals:
Force Crystals, unlike canon, are not force-infused Gems of any type. Instead they are a race of semi-sentient telepathic crystalline beings that cannot gain the force naturally.
Each one is exactly the same shape, the only difference is the color. Each crystal can assume any color, from red to blue to black to white.
Their level of sentience is dependant on the level of Force they can acquire. In their natural state (sitting in a cave) they are essentially brain-dead. Unable to comprehend their surroundings or affect them in any way. After being claimed (picked up and infused with Force Energy) their level of intelligence increases, growing until they can communicate empathicly with their Master and are almost animal-like, gaining personalities (which may be any, even actively against the Owner). Eventually they start forming words and becoming Human-like. Force Crystals can emit the Force if they are imbued with the ability. A Force-User can channel Force abilities (like Force Push or Lightning) into their crystal and the Crystal can then channel that power, using their Force Reserves their owner gives them to use that ability.
Using the Force imbued has a delayed effect on their sentience. They will lose their intelligence but it takes several hours for them to do so.

Crystals have several powers that are inherent to them and them alone.
First is Force Emit, which creates a beam of Force that can cut through metal and is white hot to anything it touches but does not emit heat through the air (this is the lightsaber blade)
Second is Force Disappear. A Crystal who's master dies and is left unseen for a long time will disappear, reappearing in a nearby cave. No-one knows how they do so but it drains all their energy except the minimum
There may or may not be more.

A Force Crystal can 'dust' itself by channeling all it's power at once, even the tiny dregs until nothing is left. If it does so then it shatters into crystal dust. This very rarely happens however.

Force Crystals have 2 forms 'Neutral" and "Yours". Neutral Crystals can bond with anyone and many Force-Users have half a dozen of these, though some have more and the Ancient Masters of the Kachili Form have several dozen studding their armour.
Your Crystal is a crystal totally attuned to a specific User. It's personality, when it develops, compliments the User. It will aid in every fight, using it's power and shifting the arc of the Lightsaber it is embedded in to aid the User.

Lightsabers have 3 distinct layers
1st layer is the armour. It surrounds the core of the saber, protecting it.
Over time it is infused with Force and upgraded with better materials by the crafter. By the time several decades have passed a Jedi/Sith's Saber is nigh-indestructible
The 2nd layer is the Gravity Field Emitter. This is the most technological of the layers as it creates the holding field, that stops the saber from going past it's regular bounds. Specialized sabers can have different sized and shaped fields, assuming different forms. Some can even have dual (or more) settings but the complexity of this is great.
The 3rd layer is the Emitter. A tiny laser is focused through a Force Crystal that channels the Force into pure energy, adding pure Force into it to create a beam of light that is searing to touch but does not radiate heat like it would normally.

A lightsaber is a Jedi/Siths life. You are not considered a true Jedi or a true Sith without a functioning blade.
Almost all Force-Users have 2 blades (or more), the first, their main lightsaber holds a Neutral Crystal and is used in all combat. The second is their ceremonial blade and their backup in case they are disarmed, it contains their personal (Your) crystal and is always a 1crystal blade.

Different types of Sabre:

Traditional: The standard blade, a single blade and crystal with no upgrades. Many Jedi and Sith use this sabre

Double-Bladed: This Blade has 2 variants, the first is the 1-Crystal which is in general shorter but more focused, being 2 smaller blades that cut through armour and walls faster. This variant is rarely used unless it uses a Force-User's personal Crystal
The second variant is the 2-Crystal. This is the more well-used of the two variations as it is not splitting power between two blades but having two independent power sources fueling each.

Customized: Many Masters of the two Orders have customized lightsabers. Some have battleaxes, Curved sabers etc.
These customized lightsabers take decades to perfect as they do weird things with the gravity field.

Add-ons: There are some additions that can be applied to any of the 3 variations but are not in themselves a variant.
Shorter: This blade is shorter but more focused (even moreso than a single-crystal double-bladed) and good against Kortosis-Armoured foes.
Longer: This blade is longer but less focused, allowing greater reach for less chance of penetrating armour.
Switch-Settings: Some Sabers have more than one setting, though this takes a long time to set. These are quite rare however. Some of the settings can be other additions or activating/deactivating secondary Blades

Lightsabers and Non-Force-Users:
The Lightsaber Crystal will actually fight anyone who doesn't have it's allegiance (it's Owner or anyone trying to reunite it with it's owner), causing it to spiral, increase or decrease weight and speed. Due to this (and the lack of precog/lower reflexes) it is likely that a Non-Force-User with it will lose a limb as the weightless blade spirals and moves oddly.
They also do a smaller version of this to their Owner and anyone they have allegiance too though it is almost unnoticed and good swordsmen can use the variations in their fighting styles.

Force crystals are crystals, gems, stones or other things, that have gone under a force imbuing process. Certain items can generate force effects after the force imbuing process but most are just prismatic.

For lightsabers, the blade would be a forcefield or hard light hologram. The properties are reflexing energy and cutting though very dense materials, where density can affect the blades cutting ability.
The only difference between a lightsaber and other energy swords is the quality of manufacture of the weapons. The nobles of the tapani sector use a weapon called a lightfoil which is a poor quality lightsaber and none of the nobles are force sensitives.

2012-04-08, 01:54 AM
Force crystals are crystals, gems, stones or other things, that have gone under a force imbuing process. Certain items can generate force effects after the force imbuing process but most are just prismatic.

For lightsabers, the blade would be a forcefield or hard light hologram. The properties are reflexing energy and cutting though very dense materials, where density can affect the blades cutting ability.
The only difference between a lightsaber and other energy swords is the quality of manufacture of the weapons. The nobles of the tapani sector use a weapon called a lightfoil which is a poor quality lightsaber and none of the nobles are force sensitives.

I know how Force Crystals work in Canon. As said in the first sentence
"Force Crystals, unlike canon, are not force-infused Gems of any type."
I am making an AU fic that ups the use of the Force Crystal and makes them less variable, becoming a specific gem-like species not any Ruby, Diamond or hunk of rock imbued with the Force.

Lightsabers in Wookiepedia (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsaber)
In canon the Saber is pure plasma contained by a forcefield.
It is supposedly absurdly hot but it is completely contained in the field.
I am not using that kind of Saber in my fic.

I am actually basing my lightsaber on the Rakata Forcesabers which are described on Wookie as "They were able to channel the dark side of the force through ebon laboratory-grown crystals which would create the glowing energy blades."
My Sabers channel the Force into a weak laser by going through a Force Crystal, the beam emitted is a blade made up mostly of Force Energy which is an extra-dimensional energy that operates under different physical laws. Which means it emits no heat, is contained in a Gravity Field and generally does all the Physics-Breaking stuff Canon Sabers do like somehow nullifying the forcefield holding the Plasma (i.e the lightning/hot-fire/rocket thrusters) when it hits something to allow a cut.
In mine it's simply a Gravity Field making it near impossible to exit once you enter, thus making a 1-way containment.

I'm remaking Star Wars into a slightly more consistent setting and making a story to show it. I do know how Canon works.