View Full Version : Eight-Headed Serpent's Counterattack

Deth Muncher
2012-04-03, 01:54 PM
In the 1980's, Studio Daicon (now known as Studio Gainax - yes, THAT Gainax) made the film Yamata no Orochi no Gyakushū (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamata_no_Orochi_no_Gyakush%C5%AB)- or, The Eight-Headed Serpent's Counterattack. This movie is a parody of the kaijuu genre - for the unindoctrinated, that's Godzilla-like films - and I need to see it. Badly. I can't find it online in any way, shape or form - the best I got was on Gainax's Japanese site's store page, which had a picture of the re-release of it. Has anyone here seen it? Does anyone know of a place to get it? Hell, I'd buy a bootlegged copy in Chinatown, New York if it had even halfway decent subtitles.