View Full Version : 3.5e - Immunity to mind-affecting abilities

2012-04-04, 11:11 AM
I'm playing an Alraune (Which I realise is a pathfinder creature but we've houseruled it into normal play) and I'm playing with one other dude. Unfortunately I have this ability:
Calming Fragrance (Su) A supernaturally sweet perfume that calms the nerves and blunts aggression constantly surrounds an alraune to a radius of 60 feet. Any creature in this area of effect must make a DC (10+1/2 Character Level + Cha mod) Will save at the start of its turn to avoid falling under the effects of calm emotions for 1 round. Creatures that could be attracted to the alraune's current apparent gender take a –2 penalty on this Will save, while all other creatures gain a +2 bonus on the save. This is a mind-affecting effect.

TLDR and summary:
--Basically, my friend needs to be resistant to mind-affecting abilities or a super high will save, or some way to avoid being affected by this. He's got a fair bit of money and is willing to take any creature template up to LA +2 solely for this because we love each other.
-I've asked my DM and I can't suppress it.
-Also I have a high Cha mod because spellcasting.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

2012-04-04, 11:21 AM
If you have the Fiend Folio, Fey-Touched is a +1 LA race that grants immunity to mind-affecting stuff.

Incidentally, that would also likely qualify as an enchantment effect, so from the same book, the +2 LA Half-Fey template would probably work. It's a pretty good template, too- flying, good ability modifiers, and spell like abilities. Plus 'immune to enchantment' is neat.

Check the immunity to mind-affecting list here if neither of the above options appeal. (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871954/Lists_of_Stuff)

Frog Dragon
2012-04-04, 11:23 AM
Necropolitan? It costs a level (+1000 xp), but it doesn't have an actual LA, which means that your friend should eventually catch up in XP (due to having lower ECL). It makes you undead, and the undead type has immunity to mind affecting. It's in Libris Mortis.

2012-04-04, 12:52 PM
If you worship an elder evil,one of the bonus feats you can select makes you immune to mind-effecting things, though it hurts your wisdom score (-4 penalty).

2012-04-04, 01:59 PM
Mind Blank, all day, erry day. Even better, that ring that gives you Undead traits.