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2012-04-04, 11:15 AM
The Kelgrym


The kelgryms are the most prized children of the kobolds, and the most reviled of the children of the orcs. Born of some unholy union between the two creatures, orcs often discard them as weak and worthless. But to kobolds, kelgryms are the perfect leaders, finally strong enough to do battle with the humans.
Personality: Kelgryms are incredibly violent and commanding, their personalities more overbearing than even their wildest orc ancestors. Kelgryms have notoriously sharp tempers, although this is largely because when they are raised by kobolds they can be expected to be obeyed without question. Those few kelgryms not raised by kobolds, instead growing up with foster parents (or even orcs) are much less aggressive and, well, bossy.
Physical Description: Most people think kelgryms are just huge kobolds, since that's more or less what they look like. Generally, they appear to be about 5 foot 8 and about as muscled as a lean human. Some have small, stubby tusks, compliments of their orcish ancestors. Ironically, kelgryms are built more like elves then anything else.
Relations: Orcs despise the kelgryms, seeing them as unworthy of their blood, while kobolds see kelgryms as the perfect warrior. Other races view them in much the same light as they view kobolds.
Alignment: Most kelgryms are chaotic evil, growing up their whole life fighting as massive warlords for their kobold parents. It's extremely rare that any kelgrym deviates from this alignment, but it has happened before.
Kelgrym Lands: kelgrym have no lands of their own, but they do usually grow up with their kobold parents. Orcs never welcome them openly, but a few kelgryms have been able to prove themselves through trial by combat and gain reluctant acceptance in orcish land.
Religion: Kelgryms usually worship Kurtulmak, the kobold god of traps. A surprising number though have converted to the worship of Gruumsh instead since they find themselves fighting so much.
Language: Kelgrym usually speak draconic and common. Those that adventure usually learn orc as well, mostly out of curiosity.
Names: Kelgrym names are usually short, harsh, and guttural, although still surprising elegant, combining aspects of both draconic and orc. Most kelgryms take up titles instead of surnames (titles like "the Fierce" or "the Terrible), and the letter "k" is quite commonly used in their names.
Male Names: Gorak, Vulkor, Zurshak, and Delrac.
Female Names: Relka, Zerenda, Korrack, and Nelja.

Kelgrym Racial Traits

+2 dexterity, -2 charisma. Kelgryms are swift and much stronger then their kobold parents, but still a little bit frail. Most are very aware due to the nature of kobolds (mostly from traps) but the fact that when they're raised they get whatever they want most of the time, and their alien nature in general, makes it hard for people to get along with kelgryms.
Medium size: As a medium creature, kelgryms have no special bonuses or penalties based on size.
A kelgrym's base land speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
+1 natural armor bonus. Much like kobolds, kelgryms have fairly thick scales across their body.
+2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks. Kelgryms grow up scaring away kobolds.
Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic. Bonus Languages: Orc, undercommon.
Favored Class: any.

2012-04-04, 11:16 AM
reserved for racial paragon class

2012-04-05, 08:10 PM
Kelgrym Racial Traits

+2 dexterity, -2 constitution, +2 wisdom, -2 charisma. Kelgryms are swift and much stronger then their kobold parents, but still a little bit frail. Most are very aware due to the nature of kobolds (mostly from traps) but the fact that when they're raised they get whatever they want most of the time, and their alien nature in general, makes it hard for people to get along with kelgryms.
Medium size: As a medium creature, kelgryms have no special bonuses or penalties based on size.
A kelgrym's base land speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
+1 natural armor bonus. Much like kobolds, kelgryms have fairly thick scales across their body.
+2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks. Kelgryms grow up scaring away kobolds.
Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic. Bonus Languages: Orc, undercommon.
Favored Class: any.

The con penalty seems out of place, as does the wisdom bonus. Maybe replace the Wisdom bonus with a strength bonus, and throw down a wisdom penalty instead of a con penalty.

Otherwise everything seems good. A orc/kobold combo does seem weird however. I would flavor it as the perfect mix of dragon blood and orc blood.

2012-04-05, 08:12 PM
The con penalty seems out of place, as does the wisdom bonus. Maybe replace the Wisdom bonus with a strength bonus, and throw down a wisdom penalty instead of a con penalty.

Otherwise everything seems good. A orc/kobold combo does seem weird however. I would flavor it as the perfect mix of dragon blood and orc blood.

Hmmmm. That might be wise...

Changed their ability bonuses and penalties.

2012-04-07, 10:06 AM
Do they count as either kobold or orc blooded? Usually a crossbreed counts as one of their parent species...

Otherwise rather nice little idea.