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View Full Version : 4th to 3.5 conversion

2012-04-04, 10:36 PM
Last month I bought an adventure module. Without looking closely I realized upon bringing it home that it was 4th ed. So I thought Hmmm. maybe I could convert it to 3.5.

Now I did a search and found a thread from 2 years ago on this topic. Essentially the wisdom there is to use the plot and storyline, but you have to completely redo the encounters, treasure, and experience. I'm okay with doing that if I must.

But I was wondering if in the past two years if there's been advances or people with more experience in efforts of convering the systems?

2012-04-04, 10:50 PM
I'm pretty sure the answer is "No." The two systems are completely different, especially on the DM's side with monster design, and they haven't gotten any more similar in the last two years.

2012-04-04, 11:01 PM
Yeah, that basically hasn't changed.

2012-04-05, 07:44 PM
Well I was looking to see if anyone's who's tried has any advice as well.

2012-04-05, 08:48 PM
Read the module, work out the theame/plots/characters etc.
Then completely re-write it from scratch.

Ed: Ninja'd by the OP. Sorry, I really must pay more attention when reading.:smallamused:

2012-04-05, 09:56 PM
I've tried, and you can kinda-sorta run a similar thing with ease, but it ends up being very fiated.

2012-04-06, 09:53 AM
BAHAHAHAHA! Change nothing and destroy your PCs!

2012-04-06, 03:11 PM
Last month I bought an adventure module. Without looking closely I realized upon bringing it home that it was 4th ed. So I thought Hmmm. maybe I could convert it to 3.5.

Now I did a search and found a thread from 2 years ago on this topic. Essentially the wisdom there is to use the plot and storyline, but you have to completely redo the encounters, treasure, and experience. I'm okay with doing that if I must.

But I was wondering if in the past two years if there's been advances or people with more experience in efforts of convering the systems?

Deprnds on Module I'd say.
Is it high level 4E or low level. That matters as low level ones are more survivable but high level 3.5 are more.