View Full Version : The Veil?

2012-04-04, 10:46 PM
I know this is probably going to be more World of Darkness then anything but I need some help with something.

What would happen if someone destoryed the Veil that hides magical creatures and the Fey Courts?

Yuki Akuma
2012-04-05, 02:29 AM
Humans would find out about magical creatures and the Fey Courts.

What they'd do depends entirely on the story and what the magical creatures and Fey Courts are doing.

2012-04-05, 10:38 AM
An interesting series for this is Patricia Briggs Mercedes Thompson novels; her Alpha and Omega series, set in the same world, might work as well, but I haven't read them.

In that world, they Fey "came out" in the 80s, largely so they could control the process. They showed a few harmless fey, wrangled some reservations out of the government, and basically keep a low profile, not letting the world really KNOW about the world-shatteringly powerful fey, or the vicious psychopaths in their ranks.

Subsequently, werewolves did similarly... picking an opportune moment and an appropriate spokesperson to come out to the world, and show werewolves "aren't really that bad", while keeping a lid on just how terrible they are. The first, "Moon Called", deals with werewolves coming out.

If a Veil-like enchantment were to fail spontaneously and suddenly? I would expect a lot of fey to get caught with their metaphorical pants down. The sidhe who'd lived forever, just passing things along to a convenient "relative" when they "died"? Suddenly, everyone notices that he's the exact same in every photo. People suddenly start questioning "Wait, why has a child gone missing every year, for decades?" (a la American Gods).

Depending on their level of organization, and their penalties for not keeping quiet, I would expect some fey would get shoved into the limelight as decoys (either "We're not that bad" role models or "We police our own" monsters), and you might have some who are fey blooded but not wholly fey getting rich off the dirty secrets of the fey... as well as tricksters who seek to make money on fake fey secrets/defense, people who are paranoid about the fey, people who want to be the fey (and the charlatans who will prey on both).

Assuming the world beforehand is mundane-on-the-surface, you might see other groups "coming out", as well.

2012-04-05, 06:51 PM
I suppose it is quite dependent upon which world you base it in, nWod or cWod.

Also there is the question of who you are having be powerful enough to cause such a destruction and why he is being allowed to do so untouched.

2012-04-06, 01:59 AM
The person breaking it is someone that has taken over the world and crushed the other races under a combined human force and a few other creatures that valued their own life vs their race. Its a whole world that I'm crafting and anyway the man running the world is using 2 very powerful mages (one is in thrulled to a creature from the abyss) and a man of science. The man running things wants to bring down the veil so he can conqure the fey courts and enslave all fey there. Someone said is the veil comes down not only would all magical cretures in hidding be seen but the abyss seperating the two would merge into both of them.

2012-04-06, 11:02 AM
Well unfortunately there isn't really such a thing as the Veil in Wod as Arcadia is a different realm it is not simply hidden. I don't really think such a concept would work within the standard world. As, why are the other mages not putting him down? What has happened to all the were's? If it is championed by a human, why is he not in the pocket of a vamp? How is he able to stand against ALL shining ones who would want such an action stopped as it poses a threat to all gardens?

To be honest it would have to be a pure home-brew world(maybe just steal the mechanics) as there are too many groups already in place, dedicating themselves to stopping just such an occurrence.