View Full Version : Dm Help.

2012-04-05, 05:30 PM
My campaign is like this: The pcs are in a hunger-gamesesque game run by the gods. Each god chooses a champion, and enters them. They are randomly put in teams of four, and they are given tasks to complete, where they may or may not run into other teams. My problems are, I need to come up with challenges other than the usual "snatch this object" or "kill this monster" Ideas?
Additionally, if anyone keeps their character sheets on the computer, and happens to have eighth level characters, I would appreciate if you sent them to my email, which I will give in a PM. Thanks guys!

2012-04-05, 08:23 PM
Break the curse on the [Insert Cursed Entity], while ensuring it lives till the curse is broken. I have two character sheets to email you, (One and wizard, one a wizard/druid w/animal companion)

Another Idea, get the other members of your team killed without actively harming them. (If you want a betrayal heavy game.)

2012-04-05, 08:37 PM
Give 1 disease, 1 curse, 1 poison, and 1 parasitic life form to the characters (one each). Then, when they enter the arena have it empty except for a piece of paper on a stone pedestle. When they read the piece of paper have it say, "Your task is to save _______."

Give them no information about what they're supposed to be saving them from or how they're supposed to save them.


Next use a hypercube and task the parties to escape it, but put different enemies in each room. Have lots of the enemies not be physically aggressive, but dangerous nonetheless. (Arcane Oozes or poisonous creatures. That sort of thing.)


You can also put them inside a very big golem's head and task them with killing its enemy. Its enemy is a giant monster of some sort that it suddenly begins to fight. Different reflex saves for when the golem moves and attacks are a necessity.