View Full Version : Mounted crusader build

2012-04-06, 12:42 PM
Crusaders are usually known as classes that can stand their ground and defend their party members against even the most dangerous foes. Many builds focus on lockdown. However, crusaders also have the ride skill. This makes me wonder if its a good idea to make a mounted crusader and, if it is, what a good mounted crusader build would look like.

2012-04-06, 01:19 PM
I imagine it would have some mounted-charger elements (don't go overboard with damage because the DM will have to bend over backward to keep the game fun), with some power attack and mounted combat feats. Up-close you'll be using standard-action maneuvers to keep pace, with your main trick being white raven charges on the opening round.

If it fits the image you're going for, a medium mount and small race may be desired if you want to ride into narrow spaces. Otherwise, you can dismount and be a perfectly awesome Crusader on the ground, or use size-reduction effects.

Knight flavor will be very easy here, using lances on horseback and [close melee weapon of choice] for dismounted combat. On horseback, heavy armor won't be an issue because the horse is moving for you anyway. You can always go for lower-weight armor or speed boosts if you think it'll be an issue on the ground.

Also, get a flying mount if possible, because it happens to be both freaking awesome and optimized at the same time.

2012-04-06, 01:38 PM
Get max cross-class ranks in Handle Animal, and pick up Wild Cohort (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a). I'd go with a small size race, such as (Whisper) Gnome or (Strongheart, Water) Halfling, and a (Magebred) Riding Dog. Give your wild cohort the Warbeast template (MM2) as early as you can make the Handle Animal check by taking ten, and don't forget a masterwork tool for another +2.

2012-04-07, 12:20 AM
Avoid Stone Dragon stuff as you won't be standing on the ground anymore. So that leaves the other two . . . I would say get leadership, go with a lot of white raven stuff, and inspire the heck out of your followers (and warhorse, come to that!).