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View Full Version : Innsmouth 3.5, E6 style

Grimsage Matt
2012-04-07, 05:44 PM
I like HP lovecraft, and have always wanted to make a E6 or d20 modern campain with some of those themes. And here's my, "I think this place isn't really just a sleepy fishing village...."

To start, all the natives have The Deep Ones Touch Reigonal feat.
The Deep Ones Touch(Reigonal)
Prequistes; Native to Innsmouth, 1st level.
Benifits; You pick one of the following features;
Touched; Still human, you gain +2 on social skill checks with Deep Ones, Hybrids, and Creatures with the Waterspawn Feat. You also take a -1 penalty to social skill checks with humanoids who don't have this feat.
Hybrid; Part human and Part Deep One, your heritage becomes more pronoced over time. At first level you gain Abberation Blood (Webbed Hands), At second level you gain Abberation Blood(Slimy Skin), at third level you gain Abberation Blood(Tail) and Abberation Blood(Bulging eyes), at fourth level you gain either Beastial hide or durable form. At fith level you gain either Scavanging Gullet or warped mind. At sixth level you Gain inhuman vision and Waterspawn. The maximum age cap is also removed at sixth level. This is a LA+2 Feat for PC's.
The Second feature is ment to be that way, represnting their transformation into Deep ones.

Secondly, Innsmouth is a tainted area:smallbiggrin: Due to that, the poor, poor people living there have taint scores, but do they need to suffer from them?
Physical Taint Suppression
Prequsities; Con 6 (Before Taint is applied), And Native to a Tainted area or; Taint Score of 8 and special training to resist taint.
Benifits; you no longer apply your taint score as a penalty to Constitution.
Mental Taint Suppression
Prequsities; Wis 6 (Before Taint is applied) and native to a Tainted area or; Taint Score of 8 and special training to resist taint.
Benifits; You only take 1/2 your Taint score as a penalty to wisdom.
The reason the Score requirements are low, I assume if your making a native of the area, and it's applied scince birth, you've had a great deal of experince with it already.