View Full Version : Images you can't shake

Mauve Shirt
2012-04-07, 11:14 PM
This is for you people who read books! I think a thread like this has been made before, but here's a new one.
You know how you'll picture someone or something in your head and no matter how the book describes it you can't get that picture out? If you wish to, here is a thread to discuss/confess. I was reading one of the Dresden Files last night during a fit of insomnia and I realized that whenever Lord Raith speaks I don't picture some handsome guy, I picture the Ice King from Adventure Time. :smalltongue: Also, Mouse looks like an Irish Wolfhound in my head, not a Caucasian Mountain Dog or whatever, and Molly has black hair, as does her mother, even though they are described as platinum blonds.

Lord Raziere
2012-04-08, 12:35 AM
For some reason, even though I know that Harry Dresden doesn't actually wear a cowboy hat like he does on the cover, I can't shake the image of him wearing it in every single appearance, no matter what. its just how see him after like twelve books of seeing that on the cover.

Y'know the Bartimaeus trilogy? That one is very weird in my head:
-For some reason I can't stop imagining Nathaniel as the blue cell kid mayor from Ozzie and Drix
-For some reason I can't stop imagining Bartimaeus as the Genie from Disney's Aladdin.
Meaning both protagonists of those books are somehow blue people in my head. freaking weird.

what else, what else….

Oh for some reason, I also keep imagining Artemis Fowl as the kid mayor from Ozzie and Drix to. what is with me and imagining kid genius's as that cartoon cell kid?

oh and more of an RPG thing: whenever I imagine Solars first thing that comes to mind: Misho. Whenever I try to imagine dragon-blooded, they always somehow come out resembling Ten Winds. and Lunars always come out somehow resembling Marena! Curse you Keychain of Creation! You keep messing up my visualization of Exalted!

2012-04-08, 12:44 AM
I read Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency shortly after hearing that Douglas Adams had worked in a lot of elements from two of the Doctor Who stories he was involved with, City of Death and the unfinished Shada.

So somehow I mentally peopled the entire book with actors from Doctor Who, no matter how little their appearances and personalities matched.

Richard was Peter Davison, Dirk was Sylvester McCoy, Reg was William Hartnell, Gordon Way was Tom Baker, Michael Wenton-Weakes was Colin Baker, and I think Susan was Nicola Bryant.

So basically I took a Doctor Who story that had been turned into an original novel, and turned it back into a Doctor Who story.

2012-04-08, 12:45 AM
For some reason, even though I know that Harry Dresden doesn't actually wear a cowboy hat like he does on the cover, I can't shake the image of him wearing it in every single appearance, no matter what. its just how see him after like twelve books of seeing that on the cover.

That's made fun of in the DFRPG.

In-character, for that matter. :smallbiggrin:

2012-04-08, 12:47 AM
Funny flashback to a old game I was in:

In a Vampire game, I had a nice little group of a wild, crazy werewolf-slaying Brujah, a shape-shifting Gragrel, a sassy pre-teen Tremere, and a Toreador beauty.

A year after that game ended, I was struck by the fact that the charecters could have basicly been named Finn, Jake, Marciline, and Princess Bubblegum.:smallbiggrin: Best team of vampires in New York, I will tell you..

2012-04-08, 01:51 AM
To me, Aragorn will always be beardless, pants-less and will sound rough yet noble. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077869/)

2012-04-08, 01:53 AM
Game of Thrones (book 1 only) related

I went through the entire first book of Game of Thrones with the hair colors switched. I thought the Baratheons were blond and the Lannisters had dark hair. It makes absolutely no sense looking back on it, but it took me forever to shake that mental image.

2012-04-08, 02:12 AM
I had the original version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and for some reason, this happy-chappy on the back has ever since been associated with Hagrid in my mind. On reflection, he's probably Dumbledore drawn by someone not paying much attention to the details, but try telling that to my eight-year-old self.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HVpZ4mKcr5Y/TgVTR1Ivw7I/AAAAAAAABtY/siprhy8WSwI/s1600/hp+and+the+philosopher%2527s+stone+back+cover+1.JP G

2012-04-08, 05:55 AM
In a Vampire game, I had a nice little group of a wild, crazy werewolf-slaying Brujah, a shape-shifting Gragrel, a sassy pre-teen Tremere, and a Toreador beauty.

A year after that game ended, I was struck by the fact that the charecters could have basicly been named Finn, Jake, Marciline, and Princess Bubblegum.:smallbiggrin: Best team of vampires in New York, I will tell you..

That's incredibly awesome.

And here's a tip about spoiler bar guys. Spoiler is absolutely useless if you don't put a title or hint on what the spoiler is about.

2012-04-08, 02:40 PM
I had the original version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and for some reason, this happy-chappy on the back has ever since been associated with Hagrid in my mind. On reflection, he's probably Dumbledore drawn by someone not paying much attention to the details, but try telling that to my eight-year-old self.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HVpZ4mKcr5Y/TgVTR1Ivw7I/AAAAAAAABtY/siprhy8WSwI/s1600/hp+and+the+philosopher%2527s+stone+back+cover+1.JP G

What is that??? That never appeared on the U.S. Version! To me, that looks more like Rufus Scrimgeour, or at least how I imagined him.

2012-04-08, 05:29 PM
And here's a tip about spoiler bar guys. Spoiler is absolutely useless if you don't put a title or hint on what the spoiler is about.

This. Very much.

2012-04-08, 05:36 PM
That's incredibly awesome.

And here's a tip about spoiler bar guys. Spoiler is absolutely useless if you don't put a title or hint on what the spoiler is about.

Oh, I know. Funny that hindsight is twenty-twenty. Also, noted and edited.

Soras Teva Gee
2012-04-08, 08:38 PM
Hey I have always pictured Harry with the full brimmed hat even before I owned Dead Beat. Jim Butcher you are wrong, it looks awesome and should be embraced, every wizard needs a hat.

Some others, I am absolutely terrible on names and terms. Through some combination of factors, my pronunciation on less common words or fantasy terms is abysmal. I for years thought "scimitar" was pronounced "skimitar" for example, because I never had occasion to hear the word aloud for many years. Then there's when I miss some bit of spelling the first few times and a misspelling gets stuck in my head.

2012-04-08, 08:43 PM
Don't ask me to do this I read a lot and this happens to me with every character in every book.(Except the Harry Potter books because of watching the movies)

2012-04-09, 12:26 AM
For Dresden Files, due to a recent Book Club meeting, I now Imagine Harry as a taller, more scared Hugh Laurie as seen in House.

2012-04-09, 05:13 AM
I don't know how, but I got the idea that snape from Harry Potter is an old man, with a grey goatee and always wears a judges wig.

I also always thought Harry Dresden wore a hat and looked nothing like he does in the TV series.

2012-04-09, 05:43 AM
For some reason, even though I know that Harry Dresden doesn't actually wear a cowboy hat like he does on the cover, I can't shake the image of him wearing it in every single appearance, no matter what. its just how see him after like twelve books of seeing that on the cover.

what else, what else….

oh and more of an RPG thing: whenever I imagine Solars first thing that comes to mind: Misho. Whenever I try to imagine dragon-blooded, they always somehow come out resembling Ten Winds. and Lunars always come out somehow resembling Marena! Curse you Keychain of Creation! You keep messing up my visualization of Exalted!

Do you mean Harry doesn't ?!

And as for exalted count your blessings I only wish every time i ran an Exalted game they were half that awesome!

For me every time I watch the opening to the Final Fantasy game that starts its gameplay with the older brother of the main hero of the game and I keep picturing it being done within the Eberron setting!

Brother Oni
2012-04-09, 08:17 AM
For me every time I watch the opening to the Final Fantasy game that starts its gameplay with the older brother of the main hero of the game and I keep picturing it being done within the Eberron setting!

FF12 I think?

2012-04-10, 06:10 AM
FF12 I think?

They were riding chocobo's into battle and the opening led into an epic fight the kind I still can't help associating with the Last War of Eberron.
13 was the first PS3 one wasn't it? Then it must have been 12 I think 11 was an online version which also had an epic opening scene... admittedly the latest online one still reminds me of Eberron though!

Shame there's no elemental powered ships' or lightning rails which is why I'm left wondering what setting works best...

Anyone caught the extended Prometheus trailer?

When they showed that truck heading away from their landing craft I couldn't help wondering if they were planning on remaking Doctor Who and the Tomb of the Cybermen... it had that kind of feel to it!

Only thing missing was lots and lots of ice it was supposed to be cold after all!