View Full Version : Dark Bard Upgrade

2012-04-08, 12:22 AM
I ask the following question on behalf of a friend of mine, who is playing a level six Changeling Bard who wants to make a change.

Bad things keep happening to her, mostly through betrayal. She wants something mechanics-wise to represent her turn toward the neutral or evil side, with the typical evil Bard themes in addition to treachery or revenge. I keep this vague in the hope of yielding many options.

I told her to negotiate with her DM on home-brewing an item, prestige class, or scenario to establish her development, but such things aren't likely, considering the groups stream-lined beat-em-up play style that doesn't make room for subplots or subterfuge.

Homebrews are also welcome. I apologize in advance for any lack of information, as it has been a while since I played D&D or read a D&D supplement (making a conversion toward GURPS as of now).

2012-04-08, 12:28 AM
You could ask the DM permission to have him switch over to the Harbinger variant bard from Dragon Magazine 337. If you have access to such things.

2012-04-08, 12:32 AM
Thank you for the quick reply. Before I go perusing for that issue, could you summarize the effect and abilities of the variant? My DM would be open to it.

2012-04-08, 12:48 AM
Harbinger's songs all offer saves, which makes it much worse than the standard Bard. I would instead recommend feats like Doomspeak, Sickening Sonata, Blasphemous Utterance or Haunting Melody that give you additional options for your music. Dragon #336 has the Undertone of Heresy - Blasphemous Utterance - Sickening Sonata feat chain that will allow you to devastate enemies with your music.