View Full Version : To Modify Dreadnought to Deff Dred or not?

2012-04-08, 08:30 AM
So I talked about how I was looking for a cheap Mini's set to just build, well my friend convinced me to go into 40k, which I'm alright with. As soon as I said I was looking to get into wargaming he's like we should do it together and so yeah.

So I am an Ork player now, he is grey knights. I decided to go straight into buying Assault on Black Reach, I get 20 boyz, 3 deffkoptas, 5 nobs and a Warboss. The real issue started to come up when my friend said lets get a 1000pt army. I want a Deffdred in my army but they are expensive online. Also I have an entire space marine army/squadron from Black Reach that I am planning on selling(Ebay priced at ~$30 American).

So I was wondering would it be worth it to modify the Dreadnought that is currently in Black Reach and turn it into a Deff Dread? If I plan on selling the Space Marines how much will I lose?

2012-04-11, 02:56 AM
Cheap and GW products are words that don't work together. Add in that you are now collecting a Horde type army...