View Full Version : Gnome Artificer suggestions? (Optimization/Additions)

2012-04-09, 05:14 PM
Yeah its me again LOL

So I'm in a friends D&D campaign right? I took Wizard/1 and Rogue/3 to meet all the requirements for the Gnome Artificer by level 5. I'll be maxing out that PRSC by level 15 however and am not sure what else to do with him.

He's very much a capitalistic individual looking to make money off most any given situation (Lawful Evil) and while more of a thief, is currently working as a mercenary for hire. His primary starting device is a claw arm similar to the one from the NES title "Bionic Commando" which can be switched out for a spear head, basically making it a spring loaded whip dagger. He also has a Light Repeating Crossbow. Still not sure if he should focus more on ranged or melee.

STR 14
DEX 15
CON 14
INT 17
WIS 16
CHA 14

I guess I'm looking for suggestions for feats, additions or other PRSC's that would accentuate his abilities later on...like would Maester or Effigy Master work well or be more redundant? :P

I'm also pretty sure he'd be open to optimization schemes involving switching back and forth leveling in various prestige classes as long as I made the commitment to max them all out eventually.

2012-04-10, 11:32 AM
If you could switch your WIS and CHA so you get better use out of Use Magical Device that you be a plus. I was toying with a Rogue/Artificer build before. with tumble and flaking i was able to Craft a wand and get the Wandstrike Feat. Look it up if you want to do a melee/ranged build. you can fire off a wand normally (lets say Scorching Ray with a meta magic feat (maximize)). Or with Wandstrike you get to add a 1d6 during melee.

Just for fun, you get to Tumble, Flank, hit with your wand for 1d6 + the spell (and a charge) are spent and automatically hit (lets say 10d6 at max). not bad right?

NOW think what you can do with 2 weapon fighting, and Dual Wand Wielding and Wandstrike....pretty tasty! right?

2012-04-11, 06:33 AM
Gutterface, the OP is referring to the PrC from Magic of Faerun, not the base class from Eberron.

Anyways. you're in for a rough time with that. The PrC has some big disadvantages, namely the weight of the devices and the cost to recharge them. If you want to use them as your primary offense, look for classes that'll add extra damage and get some method of dropping an Anti Magic Field on your opponents (your devices will still function, but they'll be SOL).

Of course, if this sort of class suits you, you may wish to ask your DM if you can try some of the base classes from either Iron Kingdoms or Dragonmech, or even add some newer spells to the device list.