View Full Version : Goblin Barbarian help

2012-04-09, 08:15 PM
Hello dear playgrounders,

I'll be creating a goblin barbarian for an online campaign with two good friends of mine since table-top is impossible for now for one of these people.

It will be my first time creating a goblin and playing a barbarian.

Why goblin? For the fluff, an inside joke and for fun.
(+1 LA is allowed so I thought about the forestkith goblin (MM III) in order not to have a STR penalty)

What I need are your suggestions regarding choices of feats, alternate classes, sub-races, options etc in order to get my little tornado of fury as lethal as possible.

I've thought about a byzantine build with monkey grip, two-weapon fighting and the like and I realized it could be too long to achieve something tangible.

One of my bud told me to focus on power attacks all the way.

What are the general paths I could use and what are the steps (feats etc) to get there?

Note: Most 3.5 books are ok except Tome of Battle, dragon magazines and anything that could be considered broken or overpowered ;)

NoteII: I tried the search engine but now it is a bit laggy

2012-04-09, 08:40 PM
First thing, trade fast movement for pounce (Complete Champion)

Take a two handed weapon, take power attack, leap attack, shock trooper

2nd, trade DR for track and survival +2 (Complete Champion) or +1 HP per level
(up to your taste, I find I use survival a lot with barbarian builds)
3rd trade trapsense for trapkiller (Dungeonscape) which gives you yet another way to use survival

The whirling frenzy rage is generally better than the standard kind (especially with pounce) but that changes at higher levels once you get access to haste so it's up to you

Even a small (str -2) barbarian can do just fine. If you're good aligned you can also take the dragonborn of bahamut template to boost your CON a bit and get access to flight