View Full Version : Heroes Vs. Empire(IC)

2012-04-10, 09:06 PM
It is early morning in the elven city-state of Willowhaven, and a group of heroes approaches a peacefully trancing elf sitting at an ornate desk marked "General Rillic". His eyes snap open suddenly.
"What? Who are... Oh, you're the "mercenaries" that loony King Adran recruited to defend ourselves against the Karalian Empire? Fortune seekers and vagabonds, more like! And only five? Our forces may be puny, but not puny enough that an addition of five would make any difference!
A long sigh escapes him as he looks out upon the verdant city.
"Still, it's something, at least. The only reason we even have a chance is that Emperor Karalius views us merely as a trifling little footnote in his epic novel of conquest, and thus only deigned to send a fraction of his vast army against us. With a small strike force of mercenaries, we may be able to catch them by surprise."
He turns back toward the heroes, a businesslike look in his green eyes.
"Alright, your first assignment will be to go investigate the watchtower in the Leafshadow Woods. We haven't heard back from them in a while, and I fear the worst. If it has been taken, destroy any Karalian forces you find there and interrogate one of them about the army's attack plan. Then report back to me. That 500 GP reward will be waiting for you once you get back.
He then gestures toward the door and begins trancing once more.

2012-04-11, 06:54 AM
- Well... That was brief and to the point. - Varis waited until the group left Generals office - I admit that when I thought of visiting places where elves live, I never imagined it'd be one on verge of war. God's hand in all things.

Xander Morhaime
2012-04-11, 08:53 AM
"This land no longer knows balance, whether by their own making, or that of outside forces. We will need to tread with caution," the Gith Inatai spoke up once they were out of earshot of the elven commander. "We shall see if it can be restored. First, though, we should learn the way to the watchtower. Wandering through the woods without a clear direction will do us little good."

2012-04-11, 11:42 AM
I don't know, wandering through the woods has done wonders for me Taldar will say with a smirk, Though it would be wise for us to get this little mission done before we are noticed by this invasion's main forces. I think we can do it.

2012-04-11, 12:50 PM
"Well, I would have liked some more information about the watchtower, such as how many troops they normally have stationed there. It would also have been good to know what kind of troops the Karalians have deployed against the elves. It would be nice to at least have an inkling of what could be out there."
Tiberius paused to look back towards the generals office before continuing with the others.
"He seemed awfully eager to get us on our way... and a bit disrespectful of the king."

2012-04-11, 03:07 PM
Dominick laughs.
I care not how the general acts. My spears yearn for the blood of the men who held my chains. They shall all perish before our wrath!

2012-04-11, 03:40 PM
Must you always be so dramatic Dominick? Taldar will say, slapping the shifter on the back in a friendly manner. He then whispers Justice will be served as Bahamut wills it

2012-04-11, 05:47 PM
A young female elf approaches the heroes as they converse in the hallway.
"Oh, hello. You must be the mercenaries. I assume Father was his usual brusque self? Don't mind him, he gets irritable in the mornings."
Her melodious laughter pierces the surrounding calm.
"I'm Lia, by the way. I looked over Father's battle schematics last night, so if you have any questions about the assignment he gave you, ask me. I know he doesn't like to talk any more than is absolutely necessary, so he might have not given you all the information you want."

2012-04-11, 11:30 PM
"Dramatic? A bit murderous I would say. It might come in handy." Tiberius smiles, and then turns to look and listen to the approaching elf.
"Thank you, anything you can tell us will be appreciated. I am Tiberius and this is Dominic, Taldar, Varis and Inatai." Tiberius gestures to each of his companion as he speaks. "Uh... What kind of forces have you elves been up against in the war so far? And do you have information about what forces the empire have stationed near the watchtower?"

2012-04-12, 05:56 PM
A thoughtful look crosses Lia's face.
Well, so far we've only been up against relatively weak scouting parties consisting mostly of humans, goblins, and kobolds. However, from what I've heard, there's nothing Karalius is above using. Undead, demons, elementals, aberrations... You name it, he has it. We've also heard tales of massive war machines powered by sparking blue crystals, but Father doesn't believe them. He says they're nothing but a pack of lies spread by Karalius to intimidate his enemies.
She begins pouring elven tea into a small teacup that seems to be growing out of the wooden wall.
As for the watchtower, there probably isn't anything too tough there. They're probably just rank-and-file soldiers, with a few low-ranking officers. The only particularly strong fighter we're certain we're up against is the leader of the attack force, Captain Johann. He's a vicious opponent even without his psionic fear-inducing powers.
The teacup falls off the wall, landing smoothly on the table without spilling a single drop. She takes a sip.
But you won't need to worry about him. Father believes he's with the main force, which won't arrive for another two days-plenty of time for you to take back the watchtower and get back here to defend the city. Father seems to think having the
watchtower taken unexpectedly will shake Johann's confidence.

Xander Morhaime
2012-04-12, 10:00 PM
"What a commander believes in his office, and what is true, need not be the same thing. And they rarely are," Inatai cut in coldly. "He claims to know the mind of the enemy too much for my liking by far. But we... we would know the way to the watchtower, if you would but point us in the right direction," the Gith added, flexing his spidery fingers with a few knuckles popping.

2012-04-12, 10:23 PM
The elven maiden shrugs.
I can't say I disagree with you. Father takes great pride in his ability to get into the minds of his enemies, but one can't help but get a little skeptical of that approach sometimes.
She strides toward a window and points toward a gate on the eastern end of the city.
To get to the Leafshadow tower, just go through that gate and head due northeast-you should reach it within five hours if you move quickly. You'll recognize it by the symbols of Corellon and Melora engraved on its base.

2012-04-13, 07:45 AM
- If you excuse my ignorance... - Varis decided to speak up - ...exactly what caused this Karalius to start the war? Haven't really heard of him back where I come from - is he just another monarch with abundance of power and dreams of conquest or is there more to him?

2012-04-13, 02:45 PM
Lia looks faintly surprised at Varis's question.
You want to know more about that madman? Most mercenaries would simply go off to fight for money without a care whom they were fighting…but you aren't exactly typical mercenaries, are you?
From what we know, he was the son of a petty noble who had a castle and a small domain out in a valley by the Stormpeak Mountains. He always thought the castle was the center of a vast kingdom, and would spend hours fantasizing about what he would do with his kingdom once he inherited it. When he was fifteen, his father unexpectedly fell ill and died, leaving his domain to Karalius. When he found out the true size of his new "kingdom", he was furious and vowed to obtain the kingdom he had dreamed about in his youth by whatever means necessary. How he came from frustrated ruler of a tiny valley to emperor of one of the fastest-growing nations ever remains a mystery.

Xander Morhaime
2012-04-14, 01:19 PM
"We shall inquire on the matter if we happen to run into him. I would wish to know what caused such an imbalance... I am starting to suspect some outside force at play. For now, we should set out. With luck, we'll be back before nightfall, as I would not recommend lingering out in the forest if enemy scouts and skirmishers are about."

2012-04-14, 02:04 PM
Lia bows farewell in the traditional elven manner.
Well, I wouldn't want to delay you. Thank you for assisting Willowhaven in our time of need, and may Corellon bless your journey. Hopefully we shall meet again by nightfall.

2012-04-14, 05:34 PM
"Thank you for the information." Tiberius bows in return to the elf before turning to the others in the group. "I have all the supplies I need. Do anyone of you need to get anything else while we still are here or should we head out to the tower? I would rather not delay any longer before leaving even though we should have plenty of time to complete our task.

2012-04-15, 05:18 AM
- I've got all the equipment I can carry. Ready to go out whenever rest of you are.

2012-04-15, 06:05 PM
Dominick growls in agreement
Good, I'm tired of talking. Let's get going.

2012-04-17, 07:34 AM
The party leaves the city through the massive east gate, which seems to be preparing to hold the brunt of the Karalians' attack. After heading northeast for an hour or so, they discover why the Leafshadow Forest was named as it was- the overhead canopy blocks out practically all the light, leaving the path through the woods dim and gloomy even in broad daylight.
You are aware of a faint rustling through the nearby undergrowth. You also hear faint snatches of conversation.

2012-04-17, 12:39 PM
Taldar walks along with the group, using his spear as a walking stick. He will say as they enter the woods, It is pretty dark in these woods. Hope nobody tries to ambush us in here

Xander Morhaime
2012-04-17, 01:03 PM
Inatai seemed quite at home in the forest, or at least in the shade. After all, shadow was his closely tied with his chosen profession. Still, before long he brought the group to a halt, looking around cautiously.

"Know that we are not alone. Someone is nearby... and I shall find out who. Wait here, and stay alert," the Gith said in hushed tones before drawing his blade and creeping off into the undergrowth to seek out the source of the sounds he'd heard.

Going to try Stealth to creep up on whatever was making the noise.

2012-04-18, 04:46 AM
Tiberius has been chatting quite happily along the road but as the road heads into the forest and the light grows dimmer he has quieted down. And at Inatai's warning he readies his shield and draws his blade as he peers in the direction the Githzerai crept off in.

2012-04-18, 09:24 PM
As you approach stealthily through the foliage, you are able to make out the conversation. It appears to be between a few goblins, conversing angrily.
Honestly, Shargro, this seems kinda stupid. What makes us better than those other few scouts they already sent out that died, huh?
The second goblin laughs dismissively.
I keep tellin' ya, Malkim, those guys got killed by them watchtowers. Now we took one, it's gonna be smooth sailin' for us all the way to the city. We ain't gonna get caught by no namby-pamby elves today, no sir!
The third goblin speaks up.
'Sides, if we do find ourselves in a scrape, we can use these babies.
He gestures toward a couple of strange, rattling cages he's holding that seem to have an odd magical energy emanating from them.
Shargro looks at them nervously.
Aplekk, what's with you and them weird things, anyway? We took 'em without permission from Johann, we need these fancy cages just to keep 'em contained, and we ain't got much of a clue what they'll do. But you treat 'em like they're some sorta secret weapon!
Trust me, they ain't gonna turn on us or anything like that. Now, just go on and keep yer mind on scoutin'. We'll see what kinda defenses they put up for us, then report to Johann.
They continue onward toward the elven city, not noticing the githzerai silently watching them.

Xander Morhaime
2012-04-19, 01:42 PM
His curiosity satisfied for the moment, Inatai moved away from the group and made his way back to his own party.

Stealth check, if needed:

[Assuming he is not detected...]

The Gith emerged from the shadows of the undergrowth with the faintest smile on his face.

"Goblin scouts, heading towards the city. I count three, but they also carry with them some manner of tamed creature for use as a weapon. What manner of creature, I do not know," the Gith explained quickly in hushed tones. "We could intercept them, though I doubt they would pose much threat to the city itself. It would remove a few scouts from the picture, but might alert others... and there is the matter of whatever they're carrying. We could also carry on to the watchtower...

2012-04-19, 03:03 PM
I vote we stop them. Worst case scenario is that there are three less goblins to fight once we get to the tower Taldar will say with a glint in his eyes

2012-04-19, 03:50 PM
"You didn't see the creature? Or you haven't seen whatever it was before? Anyway, I think we should stop them too. I would rather we ambush them now when we have the advantage than having them stumble into us after or while we scout the tower."

2012-04-20, 04:14 AM
- I also think stopping them would be wise. We were told the opposing army has access to various powerful creatures, those animals the goblins have might end up being something more dangerous than we think.

2012-04-20, 11:14 PM
Dominick smiles a toothy grin.
Also, what's stopping us from taking this creature and taking it to use in our own offensive!

Xander Morhaime
2012-04-21, 01:18 PM
"The goblins were quite confident that the creatures would not be turned against them. If we're even able to capture one alive, that is. At any rate, if we're going to intercept them, we should go before they get too far ahead. At least with the noise they're making, tracking them down again should not pose a challenge," Inatai pointed out, sword still at the ready, taking a few steps in the direction where he'd run into the goblins - with some adjustment for their marching speed, of course.

2012-05-02, 07:00 AM
As the party rounds the corner of a particularly large tree trunk, they can see, through a gap in the foliage, three goblins conversing among each other. One wields a black sword, one a nasty-looking axe, and the third seems to be carrying two cages humming with magic. They abruptly stop when they see the party. The one with the sword turns to his comrades.
Hey Shargro, weren't we, y'know, gonna avoid being seen by elves?
The one with the axe snorts derisively.
Hah! Those ain't elves, Malkim. They just a few travelers who happened to see us. Besides, there's only a couple of 'em what looks like elves anyway. Still, we can't leave no witnesses, can we? Aplekk, I think them weird aberration whatsits would come in useful here, eh?
The third goblin drops the cages, popping them open, as he reaches for a javelin on his back. From the opened cages come bizarre creatures; floating, translucent knots of tendrils and eyes. The purpose of the cages' magic is evident now, for the creatures seem to float directly through the leaves and branches in their way. The goblin smiles viciously.
Couldn't agree more, my friend. Let's kill 'em before they run off.

2012-05-06, 08:41 PM
Aplekk is the first to act, leaping through the trees away from the half-elven paladin that seems to have closed in on his companion under the direction of the small warlord.
Hey Shargro, you want any help with that there paladin? he asks as he tumbles through a particularly dense patch of undergrowth.
Nah, I got him. the goblin replies, as he brings his axe to bear. Just go and toss them javelins of yours at their ranged guys.
Aplekk nods his agreement as he smoothly tosses a javelin into Dominick's side, his movement seeming to add momentum to the throw. He grins cruelly at the shifter's pain, then looks toward his aberrations expectantly.
One of them floats toward Tiberius, emitting bizarre, incomprehensible murmurs. It lazily reaches an insubstantial tendril towards the halfling's forehead. As it makes contact, Tiberius feels the creature's warped parody of a mind momentarily touch his. The pure madness contained within leaves Tiberius rooted to the spot with a splitting headache.
Malkim lets out a whoop of joy.
Aw, yeah! Aplekk, I'm doubting you less and less. Now Shargro, I don't care if you don't want help, that paladin looks too tough for you to take on your own.
Malkim then sneaks around Varis and thrusts his knife at the half-elf's back. His underhanded stab scrapes off of the paladin's plate armor with a loud screech, doing no harm whatsoever. The goblin curses in frustration.

2012-05-07, 03:26 PM
Dominick shouts in rage and launches a spear over the combat towards the goblin's attacking Varis.

2012-05-07, 04:41 PM
As the thing in front of him touches his forehead, Tiberius lashes out with his sword. Hopefully his attack should leave the aberration open to attack if it tries to move.

He shakes his head to clear the pain and focus on the enemy in front of him.

Xander Morhaime
2012-05-08, 01:50 PM
Inatali left the floating aberration to the blades of his fellows, seeing an opportunity for a good strike at one of the goblins. He dashed forward, skirting around the nearby aberration, and struck out at the goblin, calling up the surrounding shadows to lash out and add to the damage of his blade.

"Find rest, wretch. You tip the scales. You must be removed for the balance."

2012-05-08, 09:30 PM
Malkim gasps in pain as Inatai's strike exacerbates the wound caused to him by Dominick.
Hey!, he shouts. It would be a really good time to have some help over here! As if in response to his cries, the second aberration's oddly placed eyes flash in succession as its tentacles writhe in an impossible manner. It flings out three strange psychic projectiles in an erratic fashion. Two miss their intended targets, but the third strikes Varis in the chest, passing through his plate armor as if it were nothing. He feels a strange, painful, twisting feeling in his mind as the bolt hits.

2012-05-09, 04:02 PM
Hey, I'm the only one who gets to do psychic things Taldar will yell to the abberation that shot beams at Varis while pointing a finger at both the abberations, muttering a word in primordial. He then shoots a bolt of silvery blue energy at the creature which attacked Varis

2012-05-10, 04:43 PM
As Taldar's magical assault flies past the aberration, Shargro swings his enchanted axe haphazardly at Varis. As the weapon catches on Varis's shield, Shargro grunts in irritation.
By Maglubiyet's blade, there ain't nothing that can get through that paladin's defenses. Whadda we do now?

2012-05-11, 09:37 AM
The paladin only smiled and quickly stepped out from between the goblins. He swung his longsword at the one Inatai wounded, and as his blade connected with the creature's flesh a star-shaped mark appeared in the air above it's head. Second later similar marks started showing above heads rest of the enemies.

- Surrender wretches, or suffer Corellon's wrath!

2012-05-12, 09:04 AM
Varis's blade slashes through Malkim's chest, and the goblin collapses to the ground in a bloody heap.
Malkim! No! Aplekk screams, readying a javelin in his state of near-constant motion.
Aplekk, save it! Shargro yells. I can avenge him. You keep targeting their ranged guys!
Alrighty, if you say so. Aplekk says, burying a javelin with expert accuracy in Taldar's side. As he does so, brilliant white light flashes from the star-shaped mark above his head, searing his flesh.
Hey! shouts Aplekk. Them mark thingies are dangerous!
Oh, whoops. says Shargro. Forgot about that. I seen this before. Divine magic. Hurts you if you don't attack the caster. Shargro looks over toward the aberration. Yer precious aberration don't seem to be following my advice.
Sure enough, the aberration, heedless of the mark over its head, swings a tentacle towards Tiberius. As the maddening tentacle connects, the mark above the aberration's head flashes down upon it. It only seems to do a small amount of harm to the thing, however.

2012-05-25, 04:59 PM
"You've been hit by worse than that Taldar! It barely scratched you!"
After encouraging Taldar to fight on, Tiberius once again wildly (and inaccurately) swings at the magical creature in front of him. He then raises his shield and prepares to block any attack against him or his nearest allies.
"Stay close you two! Lets see if I can make you a harder target for that goblin!"

Xander Morhaime
2012-06-06, 02:26 PM
With one goblin out of the fight, Inatai focused his attention on the next closest target, the creature the goblins were transporting. Whatever they were, they could not be left alive...

2012-06-07, 08:12 AM
Inatai's shadowy strike connects, but it feels as if it went through nothing more than empty air. The creature seems to be hurt by the attack, but not nearly as much as would be expected.
Meanwhile, the other aberration's murmuring becomes louder as its largest eye flashes, sending a strange pulse toward Varis. The pulse passes right through the paladin's helmet and he feels a searing pain within his mind.

2012-06-20, 04:47 PM
Taldar will take aim at the Abberration who just attacked the paladin, and send a blast of blue energy at the creature, a slight maniacal cackling heard above the sounds of battle

Eldritch Blast

[roll1] Psychic Damage

Sorry for not posting for so long. I had accidentally deleted the game from my subscriptions. Sorry everybody