View Full Version : Solo PF: City of the Spider Queen

2012-04-10, 09:26 PM
You have received an urgent summons to the hall of Lord Randal Morn, ruler of Daggerdale. Randal Morn has governed the war-torn dale for more than four years now. Under his wise guidance, much of the damage done by the decades-long Zhent occupation has been repaired, and the folk of Daggerdale have begun to prosper again.The heroic story of Randal Morn's resistance against the Zhents and the restoration of his throne is widely know throughout the Dalelands.

The lord of Daggerdale does not stand on ceremony, and he personally greets you at the foors of his hall. Leading you to a comgortable study lined with bookshelves, he calls for refreshments. "I thank you for coming so quickly," he begins. "I'd heard that your were passing through the area, and you have a repoutation as courageous problem-solver. Well, I think I have a problem that needs solving.

Seven days ago, a band of drow raided several farms and freeholds about 10 miles south of here. A number of people were killed, and the marauders caused much damage. Local milittia tracked the drow band to the vicinity of an old set of crypsts on the western edge of the Dagger Hills. Rumor has it that those crypts conceal an entrance to the Underdark.

Three nights ago, the drow raiders returned and caused even more damage. I think the time has come for an experienced and capable adventurer to put a stop to these raids. We haven't had trouble with drow in Daggerdale for hundreds of years, and I have no idea what has stirred them up now. Can you help me?"

2012-04-11, 12:15 AM
Ayaka appeared be an average height for human of 5' 4" and weighing about 120 resulting in a slim but slightly muscular build. Ayaka was dressed blue tinted chain shirt with what appears to be black shirt with pink stripes running down. Ayaka hair seemed to be sliver in color with bit of black roots indicating she had dyed her hair, but is need of touch up. On her side was gem encrusted handle of scimitar sheathed in a scabbard, with the handle showing it has seen better days. A small headband with the image of Selune holy symbol rest upon her forehead partially obscured by her bangs.

As soon as Lord Randal Morn finished talking Ayaka quickly found herself looking around the room as if expecting he was talking to someone else. Ayaka had a look of concern on her face as if a heavy weight has been placed on her. "Wait you want me to head to the Underdark and face the Drow Army myself? It seems to be offtly tall order for just a single person. I'm no Elminster, surely there are more people that will be assisting me?" Replied Ayaka with a look of concern.

2012-04-11, 08:51 PM
Randal looks at you surpriced, holds his chin with his hand and says No body said anything about going to the underdark although as i said there is rumor that the crypst are a way to the underdark, but if you are not so confident on solving the problem with the drow raids by yourself, I can call a friend that can come with you, he is the only one available and he is more of a support asset he is skilled in healing and the wilderness as well

Roll diplomacy please

2012-04-12, 09:15 PM
I almost forget to tell you that there is rumor that the crypts are haunted. I'll tell my friend to join you as soon as you want to depart, I would go myself but my duties bound me here, I have a territory to govern. If you get rid of the drow raids you will have Daggerdale's friendship and gratitude and as well as a good monetary reward.

2012-04-13, 01:06 AM
Ayaka shook her head no as the lord mentioned a monetary reward. "I should be ready to go, after I make some last minute purchases, but I shall not need reward, helping people is enough gratitude. I just request little less Gur prejudice in the streets. Most people seem to think we're just beggars and thieves. Before I go what is your friend's name, what does he look like where can I meet him" Ayaka responded.

2012-04-14, 08:08 PM
You are a real hero and philanthropist. I thank you in advance for your help. My friend's name is Melayas he is a wanderer, a reserved man, he wears a white robe. He is of short stature and darkish skin, light, almost white hair. He must be near here I will send him a message to find you. Please wait for him before you leave the dale.

2012-04-16, 12:54 AM
"Ok, I shall wait for him after my purchases at the town's gate towards this haunted crypt" replied Ayaka. Should the lord have nothing else to say Ayaka planned on shopping for several items for the adventure she didn't have before.

2012-04-17, 11:38 AM
The lord noded. Let's say you go to the towns armory, it's a store about 40 feet square with stone walls and is full of wealpons. A muscular tall man aproches and says.

Good day, you must be Lady Ayaka, it is an honor to meet you. How can I help you?

2012-04-18, 03:45 PM
Ayaka had traveled around town looking for armorer or bowyer in town. Not finding much of interest Ayaka had managed to wonder over towards the town’s armory in hopes of they would be willing to spare a good bow. Akwaya entered the armory first excepting to be quickly turned away, only to be welcomed by the muscular man.

“I am Ayaka, but Lady is hardly befitting me. I have never earned the knighthood. With as many gods we have, I’m sure there is some sort of secret god who in charge of keeping titles, we don’t want to upset him” Ayaka responded with a surprised tone to her voice at first, followed by jest tone.

Ayaka then coughed slightly before adding in a more serious tone “I was looking for longbow that was well crafted enough that it could be one day enchanted. If it’s not too much of a burden I was also like it be little stiffer requiring more strength to pull then other bows”

2012-04-18, 09:10 PM
The man looks around and then picks a bow. It's not new but is a masterwork composite shortbow.

The guy looks kind of ashamed, he shows you the bow and says: "Sorry, miss Ayaka. This is the only bow with those characteristics, it's price is 400gp"

2012-04-20, 01:46 AM
Ayaka simply nods as she place down some gems that were worth slightly worth more than 400 gp. "It would have to do, also I would also like some arrows, so it won't be just decorations" replied Ayaka.

2012-04-20, 07:17 PM
The man looks surpised, he hands you a quiver with 50 arrows, and says "there you have miss. You don't need to pay extra for them since this gems are worth more than I asked for the bow."

2012-04-21, 10:16 AM
Ayaka performed a thankful gesture before exiting the building. Next on Ayaka's agenda was to head towards the gate where she was suppose to meet her companion towards the trek into the cemetery. "I bet this is going to be very cliche area where there would be undead or maybe ghost" Said Ayaka towards herself as she wondered what she got herself into.

2012-04-21, 07:40 PM
As you get near the gates, you see the man in white robes, when he sees you he says "Greetings. You must be Ayaka, I'm Melayas, it is an honor to meet you.

2012-04-22, 05:17 AM
"Nice to meet you, I hear you're good trail blazing. Do you know where is the location of this Cemetery" asked Ayaka as she gestured a hello towards Melayas. It seem Ayaka is a walking Caravan holding on to various materials and equipment, but it also seems Ayaka holds the material lightly and without much effort.

2012-04-22, 07:34 PM
The crypts are 10 miles to the south. We can depart whenever you wish. I'm ready. Melayas points to the south.

It's a cloudy day and is a little dark even though is around mid day. There is some wind coming from the east and the town is very quiet.

2012-04-25, 03:12 PM
"It feels kind of creepy that's dark here even though it's midday" Said Ayaka mostly to herself as she begins to look around the area. Ayaka then pauses to look around for anything out of place and then turns to ask Melayas, "Is it normally this dark during this time of day?"

2012-04-27, 09:51 PM
Melayas looks to the sky and after a pause he says I think is going to rain, and that's why the sky is dark. I don't care of getting wet, as long as we end those drow raids as soon as we can. He looks at you then with a serius face. Thanks to the dark maiden that we are here to deal with them.

2012-04-28, 08:34 AM
“Great rain” Ayaka muttered to herself. “So which part of the crypt should we check out first” replied Ayaka said as she began to walk towards the crypt trying to look for obvious standing structures that may hide something.

2012-04-28, 12:28 PM
Before you, the trail winds past low, rounded hill dotted with jutting boulders and dense briar patches. Sere grasses crown its barren slopes. Beyond this first rampart, a long chan of rugged hills stretches away to the south and the east- the Dagger Hills. The trail turns here and continues south, skirting the lower slopes.

Two old, small, stone buildings stand here in the shadow of the hill. The ruined shells of several more lie nearby, overgrown with tough brown grass. A niche has been cut in the hillside just past the surface buildings. Within it, a stone door stands closed in a masonry alcove.

Maybe we should check the bigger building first...

2012-04-29, 02:04 PM
"Agreed, but first lets check the more intact buildings first. That way if it does rain we have a little place to retreat to" replied Ayaka as she started to head towards the small hill with the two buildings. Ayaka drew her blade ready to engage any drow that would be either hiding, exiting/returning for raid or even perhaps an undead. "Hey 10 gold says we'll run into a undead here" Ayaka said half joking as she drew closer to the small buildings.

2012-05-02, 11:50 AM
"about the bet, I respectfully pass"

going to the first building you see:

Great stone double doors bar the entrance to this mauseleum. The doors or the lintel may once have borne an inscription on the crest, but centuries of wind and rain have erased any such marking, just as they have slowly eroded the structure of the building itself, leaving cracked walls and crumbling mortar in their wake.

Do you enter?

2012-05-07, 04:52 PM
"Well darn" Ayaka replied in a joking manner as she approached the mausoleum. Prior to nearing the door, Ayaka slowly bent down to see if there were any tracks on the floor. "Hey before we check around the place, let see if has anyone been here recently" said calling out towards Melayas.

((Sorry about that I didn't see your post))

2012-05-08, 10:21 PM
I don't recognize any fresh tracks here. I think It was looted some time ago

You don't see any tracks near the mausoleum.

It's still raining.

2012-05-23, 09:21 PM
"Great, just great. Should we check around the area or wait out the storm here" replied Ayaka as she places her hand on the stone doors pushing or pulling on depending how easy it opened.