View Full Version : Kings & Presidents (IC)

2012-04-11, 10:53 AM
The dust has finally settled. No longer do people have to fear the sirens of nuclear alarms, or watch the sky in horror, fearing the next rain of destruction carried by black wings of aluminium. There are no more nukes. They've all been detonated on the scorched earth. There are no more super powers, for even superpowers run dry after years of brutal warfare. Right now, there are only the shattered remains of humanity that have salvaged what their foolish predecessors almost ruined. But bit by bit they rebuild themselves, gathering the masses under their own flags to guide their people towards a brighter future. Where that future is, none can say for certain right now. But it is there. Humanity still exists... at least for the time being.

Welcome to the game!

Since this is the first round, there is nothing to report for you. But every round following this, I'll put the results of your prior actions into spoilers, headered by the name of your nation. For now, knock yourself loose and try to play a round. Don't worry about making mistakes. I'll take my time to ensure that this gets done correctly.

But most of all, have fun! And if you have fun ideas or complaints about me not including enough cool events like the discovery of atlantis, my PM box is open unless it is full. At which point it opens up shortly later.

2012-04-11, 02:57 PM
At 6 PM, 3 days after he took office, President McCallister gave his inaugural address. "People of the new Confederate States of America, we have finally reached the end of the time of troubles! World War 3 is over, and the Second War of Southern Succession was a success! We have gained our freedom from the yoke of the Yankees, and now we must look towards rebuilding our great society. These states have long been the butt of jokes in our former nation, our education and modernization laughed at, and rightly so. Within my first 100 days, I intend to take the first steps to fixing these problems. I know that to many, this seems as though I have thrown out the Yankees only to begin acting like them, but I say 'No!' Properly education our children is how modern societies act, not how only the enemy acts. In addition, our economy, once the largest growing on our continent, has been upended by the series of wars. This too we will take the first steps in repairing. With the increases in both these fields, there is no doubt in my mind that the glorious CSA will become the superpower that it has always been meant to be!"

1 mC in agriculture subsidies, helping farmers buy un-owned/state owned land, farm machinery, putting up silos, buying seed and livestock, etc.
1 mC in industrial subsidies, same as above, but with industrial products.
2 mC on educational, setting up schools, giving bonuses to tenured teachers or those with PhDs, buying school books, offering lower-cost lunches
1 mC to send out 4 diplomats, (one heading north out of virginia, one heading north/west out of Texas, one heading south out of Texas, and one sailing south out of Florida through the Caribbean). each diplomat will be accompanied by a small guard to insure safety, and is instructed to greet and attempted to establish diplomatic relations with any non-hostile government they come across.
1 mC into savings

Focus: Economy

Attacks: None

Freeform: None

2012-04-11, 08:23 PM
The Principality of Kreia:

There was a somber air over the otherwise majestic ceremony as Merya was coronated as Princess Merya Rinil of Kreia. Head of state at the young age of sixteen, the future of Kreia was suddenly unknown, sending ripples of uncertainty through the populace. The Princess looked appropriately downcast as she accepted the crown and took her seat on the throne. What she was missing in regal behavior and look, she made up with her natural beauty, accentuated by the finest tailors and makeup artists the country had to offer. Princess Merya stole the breath of millions across Kreia. Long black hair, carefully brushed and groomed until it practically shone. Dark brown eyes, with a slight touch here and there, unnoticeable unless one looked for it, to help cover up the redness from wiped away tears before the ceremony. And a beautiful white, green, and gold dress to top it all off.

And as the ceremony came to an end, the Princess spoke to address her people. "I am Princess Merya Rinil, daughter of the heiress..." And she paused for a moment, closing her eyes as emotion nearly overwhelmed her. "Daughter of Lady Lorana Rinil and granddaughter of Princess Rina Rinil, may they both rest in peace. With the passing of Princess Rina and her two children, I am next in line of succession, and with great sorrow at this turn of events, I humbly accept the responsibility as your Princess." Her voice wavered near the end, and she closed her eyes again, her head turning down for a moment as she gathered her thoughts.

When she spoke again, her voice was steady. "We are a strong people. When others fought, we made ourselves a place underground to shelter the young and the weak. As others fought, we expanded our caverns, adopting the refugees of pointless war. As others fought, we created new methods to survive away from the flames of war. And as the others stopped fighting, we expanded out of our caverns to take their now abandoned land as our own.

"We are strong. We did not waste our strength on a pointless, wasteful war, and we are strong because of it. If we all strive to work together as one, we can become even stronger! Look at what we have accomplished as a people! The greatest series of dams in the world! Our glorious capital, located in the first manmade cavern of its kind! Our palace, the symbol of Kreian unity! It is together that we did all of this, and I promise you, it is together that we will move forward! We will grow together as a people, all of us, and I will grow alongside all of you.

"I have so much to learn. No one, especially myself, expected me to take the throne so soon. But I will learn, I will grow, and I will become a Princess you can all be proud of. That, I can promise you." And with that, she smiled, the mic cutting out as the ceremony concluded, the Princess being led out of the throne room through the back, out of sight of the camera.

Investments: 1 MC on new industrial technology (Improved Metalcrafting - Improving the quality of products forged from metal, and the rate at which they are made)

1 MC on new construction technology - (Improved Interior Supports - Using lessons learned from Mining Supports, this technology allows large buildings to be constructed using powerful interior supports, either saving on overall material by requiring less supports, or allowing heavier or more fortified structures to be built)

2 MC on an education overhaul - (In order to keep up with the new technologies rapidly appearing throughout the world, and to keep the citizens of Kreia competitive with other nations, a major national revamp of the entire education system is underway. Schooling is completely free all the way through the university level, though university is still optional. To encourage students to progress through university, the government has begun offering a subsidy to all companies that hire students straight out of college. In addition, the government is hiring many of these students for their own projects, many of which are research related.)

1 MC on the creation of an espionage department - (The KDC, or the Kreian Department of Counter-Espionage, has been formed to help protect the technologies of Kreia from would-be thieves. Naturally, their overview also includes any Kreian espionage projects, along with prevention of terrorist acts and keeping tabs on foreign governments and their activities. The formation of this department coincides with the wishes of Princess Merya to find out more about what happened in this so called 'train accident'. The department is headed by an old friend of Princess Rina, Sir Ledrick Mahann, a retired Crimson Knight who had once headed the Crimson Knights.)

0.6 MC saved

Focus: Education

Attacks: None

Freeform: Next turn, Princess Merya will be starring in a documentary focused on her life before her coronation, as her life was kept rather private in the interests of allowing her to lead a normal life before she graduated. The Princess intends to cooperate fully with the media during this documentary.

Kreia will send diplomats to each of the major nations to attempt to make diplomatic contact, along with any minor nations in the immediate area. The purpose of these diplomats is to inquire as to how each nation is doing, and take the first step towards forming embassies with other nations. The diplomats will certainly inquire if the other nations are interested in doing so. At the same time, this provided a good opportunity for one or members of the newly formed KDC to slip into the small entourage that accompanies the Kreian diplomats and begin gathering information on the foreign nations. The intent is purely academic; no technologies will be stolen or anything of the sort. Kreia is simply interested in learning more about their neighbors on the global front.

2012-04-12, 09:22 AM
Brisbane: 10:00am

There was much cause for celebration in Brisbane that day. The country had achieved so much despite the war leaving the world devastated.
Economic forecasts were good, the environment was not too damaged and elections had been held for the first time since the coronation of Empress Elizabeth.
The Chancellor-Elect rode down George Street toward the National Parliament Building where the Empress awaited to inaugurate him into office.
The whole celebration was a trifle overdone. He did not need to be escorted toward Parliament by one hundred mounted police officers while he himself rode on a graceful palomino. The jet aircraft flying overhead were deafening more than anything, and did they really need to have a marching band playing?
Still, it was a display of national pride, so he waved to the spectators lining the streets and smiled. It'd all be over shortly, and then he and the Empress could get to work with the Cabinet Ministers.
He groaned inwardly. There was a reception planned that night in celebration, and then he had a hospital opening the next day followed by lunch with foreign diplomats. Looks like it could be a while before he could work to fulfill his campaign promise of increasing the cinnamon ration as soon as possible.

Investments: One Megacredit into mineral surveys to locate copper deposits.
One Megacredit into producing spices for domestic use and potential export.
Two Megacredits into developing Geothermal Energy. (how did I not think of starting with that?)
One Megacredit into a diplomatic and exploratory expedition into Asia and the Middle East to establish what countries exist there and to scout for potential economic advantage.
The last Megacredit is to be saved in case of disaster.

Focus: Economy.

Attack: War? At this point? Not the best idea...

Freeform: Australia shall attempt diplomatic negotiations with whomever the expedition finds. Resource trading is good for all involved.
Also, the Australian Government announces the beginning of the first annual Royal Queensland Show since the War. Should be worth a visit.

2012-04-12, 10:57 PM
Deep beneath the Crystalline Cathedral, the Crypt of the Founder sat, the great door sealed and the path closed with rubble over a decade old. Within the tomb, the bathed in soft blue light from a few hundred LEDs, was Lemareaux's Cylinder. From here, the leader of Casadonia could broadcast himself to the various corneal implants his people received.

There were information reports to sift through, potential diplomats knocking at the proverbial door, science to fund, shipping manifests to acknowledge -- while he could delegate, there was a certain pleasure for Lemareaux in doing it all himself.

There were various eunuchs he did delegate to in some way, men who Lemareaux had selected based on their capacities and skill. A small icon appeared in the upper right corner of their field of vision, a small mailbox. Technology permeated Casadonia, and thanks to the research the Republic had developed, Lemareaux could communicate with his citizens whenever he needed. Big Brother was watching, indeed.

Various new projects and business ventures had been greenlighted. It was time for Casadonia to take part in the global economy once more.

Investments: Business embassies and trade rights -- 2 Megacredits
Lemareaux believes strongly in providing for the world, so long as they can pay. With an incredible, year-long harvest and arable soil, Casadonia produces excess crops -- and thanks to refining techniques from the RASG, Helium-3 and Deuterium, Iron and Tungsten were all in abundance. Provided someone was interested in obtaining these things, Lemareaux would be more than happy to work out the trade rights and establish business embassies -- small Casadon marketplaces that would be free from tariffs while maintaining the important pieces of a regular diplomatic embassy.

Project HAPPINESS -- 2 Megacredits
A top-secret project, aimed at improving the current weather manipulation technology.

Project HADES -- 3 Megacredits
A top-secret project, aimed at improving the current mind-machine interface technology.

1 Megacredit saved

Focus: Economy.

Bunny of Faith
2012-04-12, 11:48 PM
The Grand Kingdom of Canada:

Alexander stepped up onto the podium, with a slight feeling of apprehension. The King's Speech set the tone for the year, and so it was important that his words were chosen carefully - the entire kingdom's eyes and ears were on him, and he did not want to disappoint.

"I am King Alexander the Second, and I have been your king for many long years. I led this grand Kingdom during the last few years of the war which has damaged us so..." He looked down for a moment, his fists clenched on the podium. "But I have also led this Kingdom, this beautiful land, in the process of rejuvenation which has finally come to an end. It is now time to look forwards, to the future, and to skies. Canada shall once more be travelling to the moon!"

He briefly adjusted his crown while the thousands before him erupted in cheering. "We have a bountiful land that we call home. Despite past... Mistakes with how it has been made use of, I can assure you that this will not be repeated. And as such, we shall be attempting to make contact with other nations out in the new world that we live in, so that we can preserve it and make sure that nothing of the magnitude of the past war can occur again! Long Live Canada!" Raising a fist in the air briefly, he smiled and stepped off of the podium.

3 MC into funding/beginning Canada's new space program, and the construction of a rocket with the intention of going to the moon. A second rocket is planned to be built alongside this, but with the intent to repair the currently damaged OSLs(Orbital Space Lasers) that are floating about. This second rocket has not been announced.

1 MC into a research group to determine what would be needed to construct a space elevator.

Focus: Economy

Freeform: Alexander intends to send diplomatic expeditions south into America to find out the current state of affairs down there, and to Greenland. I don't think that requires any sort of spending?

Mr Stereo1
2012-04-13, 04:03 PM
The Director watched impassively as the state media corporation staff set up the camera for his announcement. He felt he should explain the situation to the population at large directly, at least in general terms, before the information trickled down the chain of command.

It had been a hard few years, but thanks to the intervention of himself and his organisation during the war, order had been restored to the southern African states far earlier than would have otherwise. Many considered him the worst sort of imperialist, but while he was of European descent, his organisation had included individuals of every racial background that had survived to the present day. If some considered him an imperialist because of his skin colour, then so be it, but he had never been a bigoted leader. In many ways, the region was more prosperous than it was before the war, with clean government, good infrastructure, and a solid technological base. The same couldn't, unfortunately, be said of much of the world.

The camera man caught his attention, and began to count down. Looking straight into the camera, the Director waited for the transmission to begin.

"Greetings people of Omega. Over the last few years, the formerly disparate nations of southern Africa had joined together and recovered admirably. Now that our situation has stabalised within our borders, I feel that it is time to begin to look to the world outside of our immediate environs. There are many other nations which have survived relatively intact, and now that we have the resources available to initiate diplomatic contact and trade, I intend to do so. However, there are other regions which continue to host what can only be considered humanitarian disasters.

Within living memory, the people of our nation have suffered under incompetent, corrupt, brutal government. Your grandparents, your parents, or even you yourself, must empathize with the suffering many outside of our borders continue to endure daily. Now that our own situation is secure, it is time to begin helping others, and once again investing in improving our technology. To this end, the Omega armed forces will launch an invasion of the congo, and begin offering what assistance we can to those beyond our immediate borders. A significant amount of our resources will be allocated to aiding our neighbours in the Congo in the immediate future, but I implore you to ask what you would hope a nation such as ours would do to help you if you were in the position of the citizens of the Congo. The region will be annexed to the Omega territories.

While our educational infrastucture is already some of, if not the best, in the world, additional resources will also be made available to fund research into new technologies. Once the situation in the Congo has been resolved, this trend will continue.

Work hard, pay attention, and don't do anything stupid."

Words he had lived by, when he could.

Now, time to get some real work done. The employees needed to know where the company was going, but he trusted them with the bald truth most of the time. He was an administrator, after all, not a politician.

Investments: 6 Megacredits

3 Megacredits for reconstruction and state-building within the Congo territory. I don't really have enough information to say how I want it spent with any confidence, but I'd prefer to trust the judgment of competent subordinates rather than guess if none is available.

1 Megacredit for the replacement of military assets following conquest/occupation of the Congo, and the recruitment of additional forces in line with the increase in the population of Omega if funds are available, keeping the total at or below the 'safe' 1% level.

2 Megacredits for research and development of Nuclear Propulsion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_%28nuclear_propulsion%29) and artificial gravity.

Focus: Reconcile dissidents within the population.

Attacks: Topple the Congo warlord (assuming he's as bad as was implied in PM requesting info) and annex the region. Dispatch 300,000 Army personnel, and 350,000 peacekeepers. Send Naval and Air assets as requested by military leaders, but I want a solid reserve within the country at all times. Have the warlord assassinated either using missiles/bombardment, or snipers/assassins if he doesn't surrender immediately in exchange for a fat pension and amnesty for himself and his supporters in exchange for laying down arms. If any of the old leadership are found engaging in subversive behaviour after surrendering, they're to be crucified, with the exception of very senior leadership who'll be placed under strict lifetime house arrest if they cause trouble.

Freeform: Dispatch summons to all known nations offering to host/join in a technology and map information trading conference.

Also, dispatch diplomatic parties to every nation that still functions, and scouting parties to all regions without a functioning government. For now focus on the coasts using naval assets and helicopters. Where the surviving population is small enough for existing assets to transport, offer to bring them back to Omega, where existing assets are insufficient but government has collapsed, provide humanitarian aid and begin gathering information for future annexation. Individual officers are allowed to use take their own initiative in intervention in regions without surviving government if there's inter-factional conflict, but no action is to be taken against any governments at this time. No matter how f**ked up.

Gather information on the borders, disposition, and economic assets of all extant nations. Offer trade agreements to those with interest in such things.

2012-04-13, 10:00 PM
The world is a chaotic place still. All over the world, smaller nations are struggling to break free from the quagmire of their past and fortify themselves as independant nations with unique cultures. But it seems for every nation that manages to rise up, and manifest their destiny, another is doomed to be quashed and forgotten. True in the past, and true now...

World News:
Norway reopens its borders after the war. Seeks to reestablish embassies with nations across the globe.
Congo subsumed by one of its neighbours. Thus ends a culture.


National news: None that are noteworthy

Project results:
1 mC in agriculture subsidies: Farms have begun expanding, but there is a severe lack of availability of different types of seeds. The food economy is on its way to stability, but one estimates five years until it is fully stable and can support enough produce to be sold. Ministry of Health worries about the overabundance of corn in the diet. (Project done in 5 years)
1 mC in industrial subsidies: The industry is once again working, and can subsist at a functional level without further subsidies... for now. (Project done)
2 mC on educational: Education is a slow process, it is hard to say how much the investment has helped just yet. (Project done. Results available in 10 years)
2 mC into savings: (Current budget +2 mC)

Budget: 6+2 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: Minor nation Norway seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations
Major nation Kreia seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations
Major nation Omega seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations

Political balance:
Culture: 1
Education: -1
Environment: -1
Economy: 2
Military: 1

The Principality of Kreia

National news: None that are noteworthy

Project results:
1 MC on new industrial technology: Progress is going well, and the research can currently sustain itself without further investment. (ETC in 5 years)

1 MC on new construction technology: Progress is going well, and the research can currently sustain itself without further investment. (ETC in 15 years)

2 MC on an education overhaul: The results of investment in education take time before they can be felt. (Project done. Results available in 10 years)

1 MC on the creation of an espionage department: Creation of the department is successful, but it will take a few years for the new department to iron out all the kinks of a new system. (Project done. Result-normal peaks naturally in 5 years)

Budget: 5.6+0.6 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: Minor nation Norway seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations.
Local minor nations accept your diplomats and embassies. Close stable nations open to you are "New India, Thailand, Mongolia and Khazakhstan".
Emissaries sent to major nations. (But I'll leave it to them to decide how to respond)
Major nation Omega seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations

Political balance:
Culture: 1
Education: 2
Environment: -1
Economy: 1
Military: -1

Australian Empire

National news: None that are noteworthy

Project results:
1 MC into mineral surveys to locate copper deposits: Success! Copper has been found! Enormous quantities even. A mining operation should be organized to make use of this bounty. (Project successful)

1 MC into producing spices for domestic use and potential export: A dry season with little rain almost burned the investment to a crisp, but the efficient water systems of the nation kept the fruits from drying up under the sun. (Project successful. Add one quantity of spices to your resources)

2 MC into developing Geothermal Energy: Research is a slow and laborous project, but the investment seems to be enough. No further investments but time neccessary. (ETC is 5 years)

1 MC into a diplomatic and exploratory expedition into Asia and the Middle East to establish what countries exist there and to scout for potential economic advantage: Several smaller nations as well as the major nation of Kreia are discovered. Only the island of Japan is completely uninhabited and thus allows you to scour it. You cannot get far in on the island however, before the undergrowth becomes too difficult to work through.

Budget: 6+1 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: Minor nation Norway seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations.
Major nation Kreia seeks to establish diplomatic contact and an embassy with you.
Major nation Omega seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations

Political balance:
Culture: -1
Education: 1
Environment: 1
Economy: 2
Military: -1


National news: None that are noteworthy

Project results:
3 MC for reconstruction and state-building within the Congo territory: The reconstruction is a slow process. Congo is large, and the results of the war were devestating. (Project not completed)

1 MC for the replacement of military assets (Add 10000 units to your troops)

2 MC for research and development of Nuclear Propulsion and artificial gravity: Research is a slow and laborous project. The investment for Nuclear Propulsion is well spent, and no further investment but time will be neccessary. Not so for artificial gravity, as those money have been wasted to little gain. (Nuclear Propulsion Success. Artificial gravity Failure. ETC of Nuclear Propulsion is 10 years)

Budget: 6 mC

Offensive actions: Attack upon Congo. They fought to the last man, and made Omega pay in blood for every inch. While the nation itself was all but obliterated, Omega suffered a loss of 90000 units.

International reports: Minor nation Norway seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations.
Major nation Kreia seeks to establish diplomatic contact and an embassy with you.
Your show of power has intimidated most neighbouring nations, and they close their borders fully to units flagging Omega, refusing them entrance.
As there are no embassies within Omega, none respond to the summon of a conference.

Political balance:
Culture: -1
Education: 2
Environment: -1
Economy: 1
Military: 1

Canadian Empire

National news: None that are noteworthy

Project results:
3 MC into space program: A success. Of course, space programs are long an intricate, but further investments should not be needed for the time being. (Project successful, ETC 5 years for the space program.)

1 MC into research for a space elevator: Success. You will need a location at the correct latitude. A search crew could find one in the pacific ocean probably. Furthermore, you will need a solid material. Nanotubes is such a thing. You will need the technology to create them, to manufacture them, and to mold the finished nanotubes into a space elevator(Project successful. Those three techs are required for a space elevator. Nanoforge. Industrial Nanobots. Nanopaste manufacturing.)

Budget: 5.6+1.6 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: Minor nation Norway seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations.
Major nation Kreia seeks to establish diplomatic contact and an embassy with you.
Major nation Omega seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations

Political balance:
Culture: -1
Education: 1
Environment: 1
Economy: 2
Military: -1


National news: None that are noteworthy

Project results:
2 MC into business embassies and trade rights: This would be a good idea eventually, but currently there are no political embassies with any other nation. Once those have opened, this project will begin to take effect.(Project successful.)

2 MC into project HAPPINESS: Research is a slow and laborous project, but the money was well spent, and the project is self-sustaining for now. Estimated time of completion is about 5 years. (Project successful. ETC is 5 years)

2 MC into project HADES: The project seems to be going well for now and is self-sustaining. (Project successful. ETC is 5 years)

Budget: 8+1 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: Minor nation Norway seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations.
Major nation Kreia seeks to establish diplomatic contact and an embassy with you.
Major nation Omega seeks to open an embassy contact between your two nations

Political balance:
Culture: 1
Education: -1
Environment: 1
Economy: 2
Military: -1

2012-04-14, 01:47 AM
Brisbane: Several days later, at 7:00pm.

It had been a tough week, and Chancellor Mental was taking the relatively calm of a Saturday evening to rest in his office. There was a stack of diplomatic documents on his desk. He needed to read them all before Monday.
This is why you should never send Kim overseas, he thought to himself.

Aboard HMAAS Toowoomba: 9:00pm

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kim Smith, surveyed the land they were flying over. It was dark, save for the light of isolated cattle stations and mines.
Little news had come out of Asia since the war, and now contact had been re-established with numerous surviving countries.
As such, the Chancellor and the Empress had decided it was necessary for her to make this trip. She had had tickets for Wicked next week.
But she got her revenge, the Chancellor had to do all her paperwork...

Investments: One Megacredit into the exploitation of copper deposits.

One Megacredit into a general mineral survey. (not looking for anything specific, just what I might find if I look harder)

Three Megacredits into large scale humanitarian aid throughout Asia, as I assume it's needed.

One Megacredit into developing high speed trains to better link up Australian cities.

Again, save the last Megacredit in case of disaster.

Focus: Onto economy again.

Attack: Still not a wise choice, but put the military on a low level alert.

Freeform: Accept Embassy proposals from Norway, Kreia and Omega and send ambassadors to their countries.
Also, send ambassadors to the smaller nations I discovered in Asia.
Send my Minister of Foreign Affairs to Kreia to negotiate treaties and economic agreements and such.

2012-04-14, 12:30 PM
President McCallister looked out his office window. For eight days now, eco-activists had camped outside, demanding change. McCallister had to admit that yes, there were less trees in the area than when he was younger, and maybe the sky was smoggier, but that was progress, right?

Two days later, with the activists still outside chanting, the President had had enough. He called together his cabinet. "Alright, it's time to get some piece and quiet. We need to come up with a way to get these activists to leave. Here's my plan..."

2 mC to begin a combination tree-planting/kudzu removal program.
1 mC to create and hype up a new, eco-friendly holiday. Like Earth Day or Arbor Day, but actually cool.
2 mC given as grants to major universities developing eco-friendly technology (whether it's eco-fuel, designing fuel efficient cars, more efficient scrubbers, etc)
1 mC invested into the agricultural sector again
1 mC into building embassies in Norway, Omega, and Kreia
1 mC into supplying diplomats and their escorts

Focus: Enviornment

Attack: none

Freeform: the CSA will accept all embassy requests that it received, and send ambassadors to their countries. In addition, they will send 4 small groups of diplomats and their armed escorts towards the Midwest/northwest (eventually into Canada); California, Mexico and latin America; the Caribbean; and the North East (also eventually going into Canada) – one in each direction. They are to try to find out what government, if any, exists in these areas, and then report back if they can get to a phone, or have the time to send someone back.

2012-04-15, 10:51 AM
Principality of Kreia

About a week after Princess Merya's coronation ceremony, a documentary featuring the several interviews with the Princess regarding her life before taking the throne was released to the general public. Various clips recorded by the family were used within the documentary as well, giving the viewers insight into Merya's childhood.

Excerpt from Getting to Know: Princess Merya

The interviewer would smile, leaning forward a bit in his chair. "So, from what I hear, you were rather active in your school, Princess?"

Princess Merya would nod, smiling as well. "Yes, though I wasn't part of the student government or anything! When I was growing up, I always loved playing soccer, but there really isn't enough space for most schools to have a field. I'm not really that good at it anyways! But I tried playing tennis back in middle school, and it just clicked." As the Princess continues speaking, the video cuts to a recording of one of her matches back in high school. "I spent a lot of my free time playing. I love it, really, though I don't think I'm good enough to be a professional!"

"From what I can see, I don't think I could score a single point off of you, Princess."

And a laugh. "But you're way stronger than me, and taller too! I wouldn't want to play basketball against you!"

The interviewer would laugh as well. "I guess we all have our talents."

Investments: 2 MC to assist in the stabilization of the remnants of China, and to attempt peaceful absorption of the populace and lands. No one is forced off of their lands or anything of the sort in the process, and if there's resistance, negotiators are sent rather than using military force. It's likely this will end up being a long term project, but the ideal situation is to have them join Kreia willingly. If allowed by the general populace, Kreia will begin expansion of their railways into Chinese territory, to expedite the process of moving supplies.

2 MC to begin construction of the Kreian Athletic Grounds. Similar in scope to constructing the grounds for the Olympics, the various facilities are capable of hosting numerous athletic events, and when finished, will host national sporting leagues and tournaments, along with potentially being the host location for a new Olympics.

1 MC on new military technology (Personal Targeting AI - An advanced program housed inside a headset worn by military personnel, the AI accurately predicts the flight and trajectory of a projectile weapon based on current conditions, and displays this weapon on the headset. It is linked up with state of the art weaponry to detect the direction the weapon is currently being pointed in.)

1 MC on new computer technology (AI Injection - A protocol developed to allow an unauthorized user to inject a program into a system without alerting the administrator of the system. While the stated purpose of this research is to interfere with potential automated military units, it has an obvious use for hacking into high level government systems when combined with other technologies.)

0.2 MC saved.

Focus: Culture

Attacks: While not a true attack, 100,000 troops from the Outer Guard along with necessary vehicles are deployed to assist with the stabilization of China. They have been ordered to avoid military engagements, and to withdraw if they would be forced to fight otherwise. Their main goal is to distribute aid.

Freeform: Kreia will accept the offer from Norway and Omega, and open embassies with them as well. Members of the KDC will be sent to gauge all nations that Kreia has an embassy with.

As Omega is located near Congo, the Kreian Ambassador to Omega, Raja Avninder, will request an explanation as to what happened. The KDC will launch an investigation as well, as their first official 'operation'. While not fully formed, I imagine they have at least a few operatives by now.

2012-04-15, 12:32 PM
Lemareaux scanned through the various reports. He arranged to speak with the proposed ambassadors individually, as it simply wouldn't do to allow a country into Casadonia without some preventative measures. Considering the various ways that could go wrong, he pulled up the information for, and greenlighted, additional security measures for the country as a whole. With HAPPINESS and HADES working on their own now, and with predicted advancements in those projects aimed well into the future, it was time to focus the economy of Casadonia on something else.

Toggling his messaging system from private to country-wide, Lemareaux began his address to the people. Anyone with the proper implants and software would be able to see it, but there were no external signs of such a speech being given -- to anyone without the cerebral and corneal implants, the way Casadonia worked might look mighty strange.

Completing his address, Lemareaux considered the past and future. Dante had written that the sinners of the Inferno would never be capable of seeing the present, and thus, when the Day of Reckoning came, the sinners would be forever blind, as there would cease to be a future. The aged autocrat forgave Dante for his lack of understanding of time, since those were based in religion and one shouldn't hate another for their religion, but the thought was still quite interesting. Had Earth's Day of Reckoning come already? Was this the Kingdom of Heaven?

Certainly he hoped not. Preparing for his conversations, Lemareaux essentially gave the proposed ambassadors a call.

Investments: 1 Megacredit: The Casadon Expanded Police Act, which creates the espionage and counter-espionage branches of the Casadon Police Force. The CEPA primarily investigates acts of proposed treason or the likes, with an aim at preventing the technology or state secrets of Casadonia from being leaked to the external world. Spurred on by the rush of potential embassies, the CEPA additionally restricts what surgeries foreigners can receive, and specifically forbids the surgical implants most citizens of Casadonia receive at birth from being sold to foreigners.

1 Megacredit: The Rezjic Department of Transportation is funded, which is aimed at increasing the security of the capital city. Their headquarters are located in the Cathedral Square, which marks the RDT as a surprisingly influential group within the state, and is well lit, remarkably windowed and overall quite pleasing to the eye. This all obfuscates the fact that the RDT is in charge with the capital's security, which they achieve with an almost bloodthirsty fervor.

2 Megacredits: The Economy of Scales Act, which is aimed at determining new ways to improve the economic power of the state. Specifically, making sure all factories and mines are properly tooled and active, to weed out any potential corruption, and to make sure all taxes are being paid. The ESA is primarily enacted to help Casadonia, especially her citizens, in the coming global market.

2 Megacredits: Project LUMIERE is greenlighted, with a stated goal of investigating the future of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. It is further aimed towards improve current LASER technology.

2 Megacredits: Project LAMBASTE is given the go-ahead, with a stated goal of investigating the future of technological miniaturization. The aim is to reduce the sizes needed for things such as fusion reactors and factories, as to reduce the impact of industry on the environment.

1 Megacredit banked.

Focus: Military.

Freeform: Lemareaux updates the Casadon Department of Health's mandate, which puts into effect several smaller changes. Retroviral injections against this year's predicted flu, for instance, have their prices slashed in half. Additional small and overwhelmingly tedious changes are implemented, with the goal of protecting the populace from infection.

Mr Stereo1
2012-04-20, 04:31 PM
OMEGA Turn 2

Research - Megacredit apiece
1. 'Cuddly Puppy'
2. 'Fluffy Bunny'
3. 'Lassy'
4. 'Mostly Harmless'

Two Megacredits for Congo reconstruction, codenamed - 'Obvious in Hindsight'.

Focus: Economy

Attacks: Well, keep the peacekeepers in the Congo for now while whatever the civilian police system is is established, but otherwise none.

Freeform: All embassies are kept within their compounds, and only allowed out under escort for the time being, although a small number (that can be monitored 24/7 while outside) are allowed free reign as long as they stay with their escort. Any spies are interrogated.

If any neighbouring countries want to have a look in the Congo, same deal. Try to offer the refugees a chance to return, if they'll follow the law.

The rough foreign policy aim is to create an image similar to modern china. Which would make the Congo Omega's Tibet, I guess.

2012-04-21, 04:27 PM
Silence sweeps across the globe like a blanket. Little happens in the world, but much happens in the nations. And whispering on the wind is that strange, heavy feeling that something is going to break this silence, and very soon.

World News:
The humane nation of Australia offers massive relief aid to the suffering nations found on the Asian continent.


National news: Embassies opened up between CSA and several other nations (Norway, Kreia, Omega).

Project results:
1 mC in agriculture subsidies: ETC 4 years
Education results available in 9 years
2 mC to begin a combination tree-planting/kudzu removal program. Success. New trees give a breath of fresh air into the environment, and as an added bonus, with some careful investment, you could start a logging industry to further boost the national stockpile with wood.
1 mC to create and hype up a new, eco-friendly holiday. Like Earth Day or Arbor Day, but actually cool. Success. The holiday actually takes. While having people for one day of the year bother about the earth may not be much, it is a start.
2 mC given as grants to major universities developing eco-friendly technology (whether it's eco-fuel, designing fuel efficient cars, more efficient scrubbers, etc) Success, the grants are established, but it will take time before results are available. Eco-Tech results available in 10 years.
1 mC invested into the agricultural sector again. Failure. Somewhere in middlemanagement, some crook "skimmed the milk" so to say, leading to inefficient investments.
1 mC into building embassies in Norway, Omega, and Kreia. Success
1 mC into supplying diplomats and their escorts. Success. To the north, your diplomats find the Major nation of Canada (though you should still talk to him about any form of deals), to the west you find the shattered remains of a nation. Small sequestered societies with no form of centralized government to take care of them. Most too paranoid to allow your diplomats to approach safely, though a few spread all across the map accept and explain how these small societies are trying to rebuild themselves after the war. The diplomats going to the south are stopped as they near New Mexico, where they meet a society that has collapsed into a military Junta. They barely manage to escape with their lives from the paranoid military.

Budget: 6 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: None

Political balance:
Culture: 1
Education: -1
Environment: 2
Economy: 2
Military: 1

The Principality of Kreia

National news: Embassies have been successfully established in nations all across the globe

Project results:
1 MC on industrial technology (ETC in 4 years)
1 MC on construction technology (ETC in 14 years)
2 MC on education overhaul: Results available in 9 years
1 MC on the creation of an espionage department: Result-normal peaks naturally in 4 years.

2 MC to assist in the stabilization of the remnants of China. Success, though the absorbtion of a nation is a slow process, and a lot can happen before the project is completed. Most areas are accepting of the help offered by Kreia, but the military presence is slightly unnerving. The closest areas allow themselves to be absorbed into Kreia. In time, others may do the same. (ETC 30 years)
2 MC to begin construction of the Kreian Athletic Grounds. Success. By the end of the year, the Athletic Grounds are completed, and open for use.
1 MC on Personal Targeting AI. Failure.
1 MC on AI Injection. And yet another failure. It seems science team has vapors for brains this time around.

Budget: 5.6+0.2 mC

Offensive actions: KDC groups sent to all nations successfully. Due to its status as a minor nation, KDC can already report that the government of Norway is a three-way split between a monarch, a democratically elected house of representatives, and a supreme court.

International reports: None

Political balance:
Culture: 2
Education: 2
Environment: -1
Economy: 1
Military: -1

Australian Empire

National news: Embassies successfully established with other nations. Life is good.

Project results:
2 MC into developing Geothermal Energy: (ETC is 4 years)
One Megacredit into a mining survey. The survey discovers large deposits of Bauxite that can be refined into aluminium.
One Megacredit into the exploitation of copper deposits. Success. Add a quantity of copper to your stockpile of resources.
Three Megacredits into large scale humanitarian aid throughout Asia, as I assume it's needed. Success. Your humanitarian efforts bring your nation recognition from your people, Asia, and even the world at large.
One Megacredit into developing high speed trains to better link up Australian cities. Success. By the end of the first year, the rail line manages to stretch through most of southern Australia and will continue to trail itself through the nation. (ETC 4 years)

Budget: 6+1 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports:

Political balance:
Culture: 5(!)
Education: 1
Environment: 1
Economy: 2
Military: -1


National news: Embassies established. Contact between embassies and the people are naturally kept limited.

Project results:
2 MC for research and development of Nuclear Propulsion (ETC is 9 years)
1. 'Cuddly Puppy' - Success. ETC is 5 years before it takes full effect.
2. 'Fluffy Bunny' - Failure.
3. 'Lassy' - Success. ETC is 5 years.
4. 'Mostly Harmless' - Success. Trace amounts can currently be made, but for large scale production, you will require further techs in both production and containment.
Two Megacredits for Congo reconstruction, codenamed - 'Obvious in Hindsight'. Success. Congo will be restored in but five short years.

Budget: 6 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: None

Political balance:
Culture: -1
Education: 2
Environment: -1
Economy: 2
Military: 1

Canadian Empire

National news: Embassies established

Project results:
3 MC into space program: A success. Of course, space programs are long an intricate, but further investments should not be needed for the time being. (Project successful, ETC 4 years for the space program.)

1 MC into research for a space elevator: Success. You will need a location at the correct latitude. A search crew could find one in the pacific ocean probably. Furthermore, you will need a solid material. Nanotubes is such a thing. You will need the technology to create them, to manufacture them, and to mold the finished nanotubes into a space elevator(Project successful. Those three techs are required for a space elevator. Nanoforge. Industrial Nanobots. Nanopaste manufacturing.)

Budget: 5.6+5.6 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: None

Political balance:
Culture: -1
Education: 1
Environment: 1
Economy: 2
Military: -1


National news: Several new embassies have been established.
Flu shot sales go through the roof.

Project results:
2 MC into business embassies and trade rights: With the opening of new embassies, your economy experiences a temporary boost.
2 MC into project HAPPINESS: (Project successful. ETC is 4 years)
3 MC into project HADES: (Project successful. ETC is 4 years)
1 Megacredit: The Casadon Expanded Police Act. The act failed to take with the population. Failure.
1 Megacredit: The Rezjic Department of Transportation. The department however was a huge success, further increasing the protection of the capital from dissenting voices and terror.
2 Megacredits: The Economy of Scales Act. The act is a success and helps streamlining the economy of the state.
2 Megacredits: Project LUMIERE. The project is a success, with ETC at 5 years.
2 Megacredits: Project LAMBASTE. The project is a failure. Your researchers may be smart, but good with money they aren't.

Budget: 8+1 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: None

Political balance:
Culture: 1
Education: -1
Environment: 1
Economy: 5(!)
Military: 0

2012-04-22, 10:30 AM
2 mC on propaganda in New Mexico, both putting down their own leader, and glorifying life in the CSA
2 mC in equipping 150,000 men with minor combat suits
2 mC continuing the tree-planting started last year, in particular trees that are suitable for the logging industry.
2 mC to start up need-based scholorships

Focus: military

Attack: no attack, but the 150,000 men that were re-equipped (successfully or not) will be redeployed in west Texas.


2012-04-24, 02:28 AM
The new beach-front plaza had been built a few miles away from Rezjic. Architecturally, the bones of the place could withstand an earthquake if need be, with several installations for protection against flooding including personalized 'panic rooms' which included several days' worth of air and a hermetic seal. In several ways, Lemareaux had been reminded of his own tomb when he had been discussing the designs with the architects and engineers. They were older -- first generation Casadons. The new generation was exhibiting... well. There would be time to fix whatever was wrong with the current generation later.

The plaza was where the embassies were constructed. Currently an Omegan embassy was being built, although the discussions with the potential ambassador had yet to be finalized. A villa with the Norwegian flag flying had been completed, the first of the embassies. And while the diplomats were encouraged to enjoy the new plaza and the new, tiny town that had been planned around it, being allowed off of the plaza and into Casadonia proper was heavily restricted. The token guard force served equal parts as security and jailer.

The telepresence screen had been delivered to Kreia, as well as a few engineers in case the princess didn't mind having foreigners in her palace installing electronics. It would serve immeasurably better than an embassy -- having a direct connection between the leaders bypassed the need for hearsay and bureaucracy.

With the boom in industry, Lemareaux pumped an incredible sum into LAMBASTE and into the revised Anti-Piracy and Security Act, a reworked version of CEPA. The remainder of the funding went into city-building, attempting to establish greater cities in the vast farmlands in order to facilitate trade and security nation-wide.

Finally, Lemareaux dispatched two teams of explorers: one team, to investigate the islands immediately surrounding the continent Casadonia was situated on, and the second to explore the planet proper and establish discussions with the remainders of civilization. The presence of an embassy -- "foreign soil" -- on Casadonia had shown Lemareaux that it was time to embrace the global community in new ways.

Investments: 3 Megacredits: The Anti-Piracy and Security Act, which creates the espionage and counter-espionage branches of the Casadon Police Force. The ASPA primarily investigates acts of proposed treason or the likes, with an aim at preventing the technology or state secrets of Casadonia from being leaked to the external world. Spurred on by the rush of potential embassies, the ASPA additionally restricts what surgeries foreigners can receive, and specifically forbids the surgical implants most citizens of Casadonia receive at birth from being sold to foreigners.

3 Megacredits: Project LAMBASTE is given emergency funding in order to maintain the momentum of the researchers. The aim is to reduce the sizes needed for things such as fusion reactors and factories, as to reduce the impact of industry on the environment.

1 Megacredit: Nation-building. I hope to increase the population of Casadonia with this measure, although I cannot remember if there are mechanics in place to do this or not. Regardless, that's what this is aimed towards.

2 Megacredits: The Inquisitive Nation's Department of International Acceptance is created. INDIA will act as a diplomatic corps, traipsing the globe to find people and bring them into the international community once more.

Focus: Military. CEPA and ASPA are, in my mind, Military endeavors.

Freeform: "Fireside Chats with Lemmie" begin to broadcast through the neural network of Casadonia. During these chats, an avatar of Lemareaux in an armchair near a fireplace discusses the news of Casadonia in a calm baritone, explaining the importance of whatever is happening in the world. Roughly an hour long and occurring twice weekly, "Fireside Chats" is aimed at easing such measures as ASPA into the populace to avoid incidents such as the mishandling of CEPA. Furthermore, "Fireside Chats" is designed to engender a closeness between the citizens and the autocrat, to demolish barriers between the ruled and the ruler.

Furthermore, the Diplomatic Plaza is created in response to the need for embassies. Unwilling to acquisition existing real estate in Rezjic or the Cathedral Square in order to appease the foreign dignitaries, Lemareaux greenlighted the Diplomatic Plaza and the small town of Paz around it in order to satisfy the nations of the world who required some sort of embassy. That said, dignitaries are confined to the Plaza and Paz, in order to prevent espionage or diplomatic faux pas.

Finally, Lemareaux authors and dispatches a letter to the world's remaining superpowers, sending copies with the INDIA representatives. The contents of the letter emphasize peace and prosperity, the need for free trade and lowered restrictions on what was once considered taboo, and a fervent interest in establishing long-lasting and mutually-beneficial trade routes between nations. The Casadon Merchant Marine Corps, which makes up a significant portion of the armed forces for Casadonia, are prepared to initiate trade with any water-accessible nation.

2012-04-24, 06:13 AM
Brisbane: Sometime around five in the morning.

Chancellor Mental was finding it very hard to sleep. He looked up at the clock, and saw it was five already.
The Empress had said he was pushing himself too hard, and she was right. Again.
Still, he could be sick on the weekend.

-One megacredit into another mining survey. This time, the surveyors are told to specifically look for zinc.
-One megacredit into establishing embassies in Kreia, Omega, Norway, New India, China, The Phillipines, Russia and the Arabic Gulf.
-One megacredit into a detailed exploration of the area of Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea.
-Three megacredits into vaccinating children and adults across Asia against potentially deadly diseases. Such as measles, cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis, typhoid, yellow fever and others on the WHO Essential Medicines list.
I'm assuming there is a great risk of infection in these troubled times, and I would not want these diseases to claim even more millions of lives and then spread to Australia.
-Again, save the last credit.

Focus: Education for a change.

Attack: Technically not an attack, but the fleet is being given the order to move up to Darwin.

Freeform: Nothing at this time.

Mr Stereo1
2012-04-24, 02:15 PM
OMEGA Turn 3

Research - Megacredit apiece
1. Mobius
2. Bob
3. Perdition
4. Archimedes
5. Enthusiastic Labrador Puppy

National Health Service

Focus: Education.

Attacks: None for now.

Freeform: Send another request for technology trading talks with major nations, ask Norway whether they would be willing to host said talks.

Scout out as much of the world as possible to indentify anywhere without a government, or with one that's 'evil' enough it's an acceptable target. (Do we get XP for that, by the way?)

Freeform: Send another request for technology trading talks with major nations, ask Norway whether they would be willing to host said talks.

2012-04-24, 03:48 PM
Principality of Kreia, Year 3

An excerpt from Princess Merya Rinil's year end address:

"As I'm sure everyone is aware, this year, our great nation has established contact with the other major powers of the world. Embassies have opened up between Kreia and these powers, along with our regional neighbors. This is the first step towards opening borders across the world once again and allowing international trade and travel to recommence.

"The world is a very different place compared to before the war. I myself am much too young to remember such a thing, but I am sure there are many of you who do. I simply ask that you do not look upon the new powers with the same prejudices that you once held for the old. Kreia is a great nation of many distinct cultures, some of which were even at war not ten years ago. And yet we have a comfortable peace within our own borders, and our people are prosperous. I simply ask that you attempt to extend this to our neighbors on the global scale. There is no reason that we cannot treat the peoples of other great nations the same as our own. And failing to do so could reignite the hostilities that just cooled not threeyears past. It is in our best interest to put aside our past grievances and move forward with our hand extended in peace."

2 MC to begin expansion of the Kreian rail network into New India's territory, and connection to the nearest major port within their territory, as per the agreement.
1 MC as a budget expansion for the KDC. This is meant to help expand the department and speed up projects currently underway through the recruitment of new, talented personnel, and new training courses for personnel already employed.
1 MC to continue research on Personal Targeting AI.
1 MC to continue research on AI Injection.

0.8 MC saved.

Focus: Economy

Attacks: The 100,000 troops deployed to China remain stationed there as part of the continuing process of stabilization. Soldiers are cycled out every six to twelve months to return home when possible.

Freeform: The Princess makes a personal visit to China in an attempt to get a better idea as to what can be done to accelerate the stabilization process. She is escorted by the Crimson Knights. While the Knights will do everything in their power to insure that the Princess is safe, she is rather fearless and will insist on visiting one or two of the more 'dangerous' areas to get a better feel for the situation.

2012-04-27, 06:42 PM
The silence across the world frays at the edges, as talk of mysterious signals cross the globe at high speed. This mystery leaves the world aghast at what hidden secrets there might be still undiscovered in the vast oceans.

World News:
Strange signals discovered! Radio signals have been found to emanate from the depths of the Indian Ocean.
Norway accepts request to act as neutral ground for technology trading talks, with the caveat that no nation will bring foreign military presence into the nation of Norway.


National news: Minor scuffles as a response to the propaganda assault upon New Mexico, but those are easily repelled.
Casadonia makes contact. Requesting mutual contact and trade between your two nations.

Project results:
1 mC in agriculture subsidies: ETC 3 years
Education results available in 8 years
Eco-Tech results available in 9 years.
2 mC on propaganda in New Mexico, both putting down their own leader, and glorifying life in the CSA. Failure. Your propaganda agency free press fails to properly account for cultural differences, and thus fails to stir the hearts of the people.
2 mC in equipping 150,000 men with minor combat suits: Success. The combat suits respond well to the field tests, and you can now safely start building up forces of dedicated combat suit troops.
2 mC continuing the tree-planting started last year, in particular trees that are suitable for the logging industry. Success. Add one count of lumber to your economy.
2 mC to start up need-based scholorships. Failed due to insufficient funding. (You only had a Budget of 6 mC. Your investments total 8)

Budget: 6 mC

Offensive actions: The western front is suitably reinforced. The aggressiveness of some of the Mexicans is easily stopped before it can do any damage. This does not escalate however, and the Mexicans quickly learn to back of and entrench themselves.

International reports: None

Political balance:
Culture: 1
Education: -1
Environment: 2
Economy: 2
Military: 2

The Principality of Kreia

National news: New traderoutes bring a surge of economic vitality to Kreia.

Project results:
1 MC on industrial technology (ETC in 3years)
1 MC on construction technology (ETC in 13years)
2 MC on education overhaul: Results available in 8years
1 MC on the creation of an espionage department: Result-normal peaks naturally in 1 year.
2 MC to assist in the stabilization of the remnants of China. (ETC 24 years)
2 MC to begin expansion of the Kreian rail network into New India's territory, and connection to the nearest major port within their territory, as per the agreement. Success. Kreia now has access to new trade routes by sea. The negotiation of a successful trade agreement with Australia gives both a great boost to their economic stability.
1 MC as a budget expansion for the KDC. This is meant to help expand the department and speed up projects currently underway through the recruitment of new, talented personnel, and new training courses for personnel already employed. Success. KDC enjoys the economic benefits, and report that they'll be operating at full effort in but a single year.
1 MC extra on Personal Targeting AI. Success. The technology is self-sustaining, and should be completed in but 5 years.
1 MC extra on AI Injection. Success. The report suggest completion in 10 years.

Budget: 5.6+1.8 mC

Offensive actions: KDC further reports on Norway tell of a small but well-trained military, suggesting a military that focuses on quality over quantity.

International reports: The visit to China takes a turn for the drastic. Though the Princess is for the most part met with friendliness mingled with caution, tragedy almost strikes as the Princess visits one of the more dangerous areas of China. Her group is assaulted by loyalist Chinese troops, and though her knights manage to fend them off, the Princess still leaves the assault with a dislocated shoulder and first-degree burns from a molotov cocktail. This unprovoked assault sends political waves through China, and several villages close to the Kreian border secede from China and accept Kreian protection in protest against their former government and its refusal to acknowledge the assault.

In addition, the Princess herself is gifted with a large bouquet of roses from Norway, and a set of fresh tea from India as get-well soon gifts from those nations.

Political balance:
Culture: 2
Education: 2
Environment: -1
Economy: 2
Military: -1

Australian Empire

National news: New traderoute by sea successfully established with Kreia, as new, exciting goods are brought into the nation.
Australian take pride in their nation and the good they do across the globe. They have drawn up the designs for a new cultural landmark, and simply await government approval before construction. (You're allowed to construct a free landmark next round)
Casadonia makes contact. Requesting mutual contact and trade between your two nations.

Project results:
2 MC into developing Geothermal Energy: (ETC is 3 years)
One Megacredit into developing high speed trains to better link up Australian cities. Success. By the end of the first year, the rail line manages to stretch through most of southern Australia and will continue to trail itself through the nation. (ETC 3 years)


One megacredit into another mining survey. This time, the surveyors are told to specifically look for zinc. Failure. Though some deposits of Zinc has been found, there were no findings large enough to justify any mining facilities.
One megacredit into establishing embassies in Kreia, Omega, Norway, New India, China, The Phillipines, Russia and the Arabic Gulf. Success. Embassy contact has been established.
One megacredit into a detailed exploration of the area of Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea. During the exploration, you discover something most peculiar. Radio signals have begun to echo from within the Indian Ocean. They have not been possible to decipher yet, but they follow a peculiar pattern of coming out constantly for two hours, then going silent for the next thirteen. Natives upon the islands have noticed this as well, and report that it began shortly before the explorations set out, placing their beginning at sometime early december last year.
Three megacredits into vaccinating children and adults across Asia against potentially deadly diseases. Such as measles, cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis, typhoid, yellow fever and others on the WHO Essential Medicines list. These efforts are a huge success, and the nations of Asia respond with gratitude at the kindness of your nation. Your ministry of health evaluates that the risk of an epedemic entering Kreia and New India, and through that Australia has been drastically reduced.

Budget: 6+2 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports:

Political balance:
Culture: 2
Education: 2
Environment: 2
Economy: 2
Military: -1


National news: Embassies established. Contact between embassies and the people are naturally kept limited.

Project results:
2 MC for research and development of Nuclear Propulsion (ETC is 9 years)
1. 'Cuddly Puppy' - Success. ETC is 4 years before it takes full effect.
3. 'Lassy' - Success. ETC is 4 years.
Two Megacredits for Congo reconstruction, codenamed - 'Obvious in Hindsight'. Success. Congo will be restored in but four short years.

1. Mobius. Failed due to economic mismanagement
2. Bob. Success. The work is expected completed in 10 years
3. Perdition. Failed due to economic mismanagement
4. Archimedes. I'm making a note here. Huge success. The reinvestment allows the process to move ahead by leaps and bounds. The project is expected done in but a few 3 years.
5. Enthusiastic Labrador Puppy. Success. Expected prototype ready for field-test in 5 years.
National Health Service. Failed due to economic mismanagement.

Budget: 6 mC

Offensive actions: Your scouts spread out to cover a lot of Africa, though with Kreia and Australia on one side and Casadonia on the other side, scouting elsewhere is cut short without a declaration of war, stealth techs or open border agreements. Most nations of middle Africa have barely functioning government and have fallen back into smaller individual villages, that thus far haven't been bothered by the greater nations of Eastern Africa. Northern Africa is more stable. The nations that once were Libya and Algeria have scuffles amongst themselves, which seems to be the result of a family feud, as the nations merged during the great war, but have now split apart as brother fights against brother to assume full control of this nation.

International reports: Norway is willing to host the trading talks.

Political balance:
Culture: -1
Education: 3
Environment: -1
Economy: 2
Military: 1

Canadian Empire

National news: Casadonia makes contact. Requesting mutual contact and trade between your two nations.

Project results:
3 MC into space program: A success. Of course, space programs are long an intricate, but further investments should not be needed for the time being. (Project successful, ETC 3 years for the space program.)

1 MC into research for a space elevator: Success. You will need a location at the correct latitude. A search crew could find one in the pacific ocean probably. Furthermore, you will need a solid material. Nanotubes is such a thing. You will need the technology to create them, to manufacture them, and to mold the finished nanotubes into a space elevator(Project successful. Those three techs are required for a space elevator. Nanoforge. Industrial Nanobots. Nanopaste manufacturing.)

Budget: 5.6+5.6 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: None

Political balance:
Culture: -1
Education: 1
Environment: 1
Economy: 2
Military: -1


National news: Economic upturn! Your nation have played its economic cards well, and you now reap the fruits of this harvest.

Project results:
2 MC into project HAPPINESS: (Project successful. ETC is 3 years)
3 MC into project HADES: (Project successful. ETC is 3 years)
2 Megacredits: Project LUMIERE. The project is a success, with ETC at 4 years.


3 Megacredits: The Anti-Piracy and Security Act. Success. The department of espionage will naturally peak in 5 years.
3 Megacredits: Project LAMBASTE. Success. ETC is a few 3 years.
1 Megacredit: Nation-building. Success. Results available at the next Census.
2 Megacredits: The Inquisitive Nation's Department of International Acceptance is created. Quite successfully I might add. This specialized department is equipped to travel across the globe far and wide when you send them out.

Budget: 8+1 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: None

Political balance:
Culture: 1
Education: -1
Environment: 1
Economy: 2
Military: 1

2012-04-27, 10:14 PM
Pres. McCallister looked over his reports. reports from the SW weren't encouraging... The armed forces were ready however, which would put a stop to the boarder skirmishes. Other projects were coming along as well, and he had heard that technological talks were going to be taking place in Norway. He would send an ambassador at the very least, perhaps a few of the top specialists in the civilian field...

2 mC: retrying the propaganda campaign. The campaign is to be led by people from the border, and broadcast in English, Spanish, and any native languages that may be in the area and known well enough to be translated into.

1 mC: establishing need-based scholarships to 4 year universities

1 mC: Improving transit across the CSA (Preferably turning the present highways into the equivalent of the Autobahn - deeper roadbeds, thicker asphalt, etc)

2 mC: Researching safer nuclear energy (IE, a way to have nuclear plants with less chance of a Chernobyl or Fukushima type disaster)

Focus: Education

Attack: If the people of NM sent anymore people across the boarder, the army is to move in, led by the mech-suit infantry regiments. Also, all armed forces are to be on alert due to the strange signals from the ocean.

Freeform: Establish communications with Casadonia, and ask for land to construct an embassy. Inform the people of NM that any further attacks on CSA lands will be considered an act of war.

2012-04-28, 01:23 AM
The final reports were being sent in for the year. Lemareaux smiled. Casadonia was working well, slowly becoming what he had envisioned for his fledgling country. HAPPINESS, HADES, LUMIERE and LAMBASTE would all be complete in four years, most in three.

Artificial intelligence... it was an interesting way to go, but the prospect of hacking made it less enjoyable. More like FENIX would be the future of MMI, it seemed to Lemmie. He'd have to see about eventually dealing with that, seeing to it that more preservation pods were created. Instead, he decided to begin work on the JOLLY-RODGER, an attempt at creating an "eternity code" -- a theoretical system of encryption that would 'take an eternity to decrypt.' While Lemareaux greatly dismissed the idea of 'brain-jacking' -- that is, biomechanical hacking that would result in the autocrat's mental processes being hacked into and state secrets being intercepted -- there were many ways in which the encoded information might be obtained by the enemy.

Preparing a mobile display system, Lemareaux intended to arrive at the Norway Technological Conference in 'person,' as much as he could. As per the caveat, there wouldn't be any armed guards, but for a glorified television on wheels... well, it wasn't particularly troublesome if destroyed.

He sent dossiers out to INDIA, explaining that the department ought to visit the lands of each of the dignitaries who participate in the Norway Technological Conference.

Then was the matter of this signal. Mobilizing the massive navy, Lemareaux sent out two battleships and five destroyers, as well as a ship of 'technologically adroit individuals' -- not quite specialists, really, but people with the know-how to fiddle the knobs and read the print-outs. In total, it represented roughly six thousand men, fifty five hundred military personnel and five hundred civilians. Their destination: the Indian Ocean. Their mission: ascertain the source of the signal.

Investments: 3 Megacredits: Project JOLLY-RODGER, a top-secret project to craft an eternity code.

Invest: 5 Megacredits

Focus: Economy

Freeform: Lemareaux sends out a pair of La Gente-class battleships. Each have two thousand men, including a complement of officers and 220 Casadon Marines. The La Gente-class battleship is the second largest of the fusion-powered non-submersible marine vessels in the Casadon Navy. With a broadside of ten 440 mm turrets grouped in pairs along the length of the ship and four turrets with three 130 mm guns each in between the pairs of larger guns, the La Gente-class battleship isn't something to be casually trifled with. In addition to the broadside, several anti-aircraft manned turrets are placed around the deck. The high durability alloys allow for stronger ships and more potent cannons, and the armor-piercing munitions benefit from the increased shearing power of the material. The two La Gentes sent are the Astra and the Terra.

In addition to the battleships, five Olvidame-class destroyers are dispatched. Primarily equipped with anti-aircraft and anti-missile weapons, Olvidame class destroyers substitute thinner hulls for less weight, allowing for increased maneuverability. The five Olvidame-class destroyers dispatched are the the Gilgamesh, the Enkidu, the Humbaba, the Lugalbanda, and the Ishtar.

Finally, the Paz-class support vessel the Dulcinea is sent to provide food and munitions, as well as house the various scientific instruments and adepts to read them. The Dulcinea is equipped with a powerful transmitter and receiver system, allowing Lemareaux to telecommute to the fleet whenever he so chooses.

Despite the presence of the fusion-powered fleet, Lemareaux expresses to the captains that the mission is one of peace, and that the military presence is to avoid any potential skirmishes. Hopefully, the autocrat explains, the show of force will prevent others from assaulting them. And should the signal be anything malignant, having an incredible supply of ballistics in the region might be incredibly useful. The operation is entitled 'Operation: ATLANTIS.'

2012-04-29, 07:18 AM
-One megacredit into establishment of an industry for the manufacture of consumer goods for markets opened up in Kreia by the new trade route.
-Two megacredits into buying up forestry throughout Indonesia, Malaysia and New Guinea in order to protect it from logging.
-Three megacredits into agricultural aid and improvements throughout the aforementioned regions in order to stave off potential famine.
-Two megacredits into developing a new class of battleship incorporating holographic projection systems as an added defense/tool.
-Zero megacredits because I'm getting it for free: Construction can begin on a new National Performing Arts Centre, consisting of several buildings displaying numerous early Australian architectural styles surrounded by gardens.

Focus: Military.
Those mysterious radio signals are potentially dangerous.

Attack: Not actually an attack, but a significant portion of the Imperial Australia Navy is ordered into the Indian Ocean, under the command of Admiral Brian Smith aboard the battle-cruiser, HMAS Adelaide.
Their orders are to locate the source of the anomalous radio signal and to discern its purpose. As a secondary objective, they are tasked with defending the coast of Western Australia in the unlikely instance that the signal is the result of a hostile force.
However, no ship is to engage the enemy without just cause.
The airfleet is on alert in case of emergency, and most of the rest of the navy is currently stationed in Darwin anyway.
My forces are ordered to work together with the Casadonian Navy.

Freeform: Chancellor Mental declines to let his foreign minister lead the delegation to the conference in Norway, instead opting to attend in person.
He and the rest of the delegation will be travelling aboard the government jet as conditions across the world would make a much slower moving airship much too dangerous.

The Empress and Government of the Great and Bountiful Australia Empire wishes to advise all who may concerned that the Imperial Australian Navy is conducting an investigation into the anomalous radio signals detected in the Indian Ocean.
We do not feel it necessary to deny or hinder your own investigations, but do be aware of this if you do desire to investigate.

2012-05-01, 08:56 AM
Principality of Kreia, Turn 4

As reports of the recent attack on the Princess spread through Kreia, the initial reaction of the people is filled with both anger and worry. It brings them to the realization that there is no heir to the throne, and if the Princess were to have been killed, the nation would have been left with no clear leadership. But of course, such an unprovoked attack, and on their Princess no less, was like an attack on Kreia itself. The Royal and Outer Guards would seize on this patriotism, seeking to inflame it and expand their ranks, while other government organizations would attempt to expand themselves with those less military oriented.

Princess Merya herself would not make an official statement or appear in front of camera for nearly two weeks, outside of a few pictures taken by journalists during the attack itself. Her staff of makeup artists would do an excellent job of making her look worn and worse than she really was, yet mixed with her now practiced bearing, made her seem a powerful figure nonetheless. And it came as little surprise that her speech was both passionate, yet tempered with caution.

An excerpt from Princess Merya's address:

"It brings me great pleasure and pride when I hear the stories of Kreians joining the Guard for my sake. Our nation and its people thank you, but I personally am very grateful; it is not often that someone in my position receives such a powerful message of support. It brings such warmth to my heart.

"I assure you all that my injuries are well on their way to healing, and there will be no permanent damage of any sort. The attack on my person was a terrifying ordeal, to be sure, but it is important to remember that situations like these are a common occurrence throughout China. Their government has lost control of the situation. Corrupt, lawless gangs ravage the countryside for their own personal gain. It is for this reason that we, as a people, have stepped in to assist. Assisting their people is not only for own benefit through stabilization of the border and increased security, but it is simply the right thing to do as human beings. No person should have to live in fear of being attacked like I was.

"But I ask that you do not hold hatred in your hearts for the Chinese people as a whole. It is only a very small group that is responsible for this heinous attack. Their citizenry is innocent as a whole. Our objective there is peace, not revenge. Even if such attacks happen again, please keep this thought first in mind. Seeking revenge will only provoke more of these attacks, and will in the end, be counterproductive to the safety of the rest of our proud soldiers stationed there."

2 MC on military expansion in both the Royal and Outer Guard. Riding on the wave of patriotism created from the attack on the Princess, the two military branches both begin recruitment campaigns through the media to attempt to bolster their ranks.
2 MC on formation of a scientific task force designated to decipher the mysterious signals emanating from the Indian Ocean. With no naval presence, this is the only real option Kreia can exercise currently.
2 MC on Project Q.
1 MC on Project SEAHAWK.

0.4 MC saved.

Focus: Military

Offensive actions: An additional 20,000 troops are deployed to China as a result of the attack. These troops bolster the currently stationed soldiers, ensuring that each group is larger as a whole, rather than creating new ones.

Freeform: As part of the mass recruitment campaign launched by Kreia, a brilliant scientific team led by Doctor Fima Kaminski offers to join up with the Kreian research organizations in return for funding on a theoretical project of sorts. Their hypotheses and theories are presented in a meeting a week later with senior government officials and Princess Merya herself, who, after some debate, agrees to fund the research. The project is labeled Project Q.

2012-05-03, 08:21 PM
The silence across the world frays at the edges, as talk of mysterious signals cross the globe at high speed. This mystery leaves the world aghast at what hidden secrets there might be still undiscovered in the vast oceans.

World News:
The strange signals continue from the Indian sea, and are beginning to draw attention from the world at large.
Norway is ready to host the first World Technology Talk, and await the technologies offered for sale or share.
(In other words, PM me with the technologies you're offering to share or sell and your conditions and I'll post them for all to see.)

World Census
Most economically stable nation: Casadonia
Most environmentally friendly nation: Australia
Most educationally friendly nation: CSA
Greatest military strength: Kreia
Happiest population: Australia


National news: Contact established with Casadonia.

Project results:
1 mC in agriculture subsidies: ETC 2 years
Education results available in 7 years
Eco-Tech results available in 8 years.
2 mC on propaganda in New Mexico. Success. The propaganda effectively paralyses the Mexican. They won't bother you for about another five years for certain.
1 mC: establishing need-based scholarships to 4 year universities. Results available in 4 years
1 mC: Improving transit across the CSA (Preferably turning the present highways into the equivalent of the Autobahn - deeper roadbeds, thicker asphalt, etc). Failure. Unfortunately, the money is bled dry with only a few cities linked together by high quality transit.
2 mC: Researching safer nuclear energy (IE, a way to have nuclear plants with less chance of a Chernobyl or Fukushima type disaster). Your project is wisely invested, and you see immediate return as several new safety measures and checks can be installed cheaply and effectively in nucelar powerplants.

Budget: 6 mC

Offensive actions: As Mexico remains on the defense, so too do your forces

International reports: None

Political balance:
Culture: 1
Education: 0
Environment: 2
Economy: 2
Military: 2

The Principality of Kreia

National news: The economic tradeboost remains for now.

Project results:
1 MC on industrial technology (ETC in 2years)
1 MC on construction technology (ETC in 12years)
2 MC on education overhaul: Results available in 7 years
1 MC on the creation of an espionage department: Espionage peaked! You now have a fully functional espionage department.
2 MC to assist in the stabilization of the remnants of China. (ETC 23 years)
1 MC extra on Personal Targeting AI. Success. The technology is self-sustaining, and should be completed in but 4 years.
1 MC extra on AI Injection. Success. The report suggest completion in 9 years.
2 MC on military expansion in both the Royal and Outer Guard. Riding on the wave of patriotism created from the attack on the Princess, the two military branches both begin recruitment campaigns through the media to attempt to bolster their ranks. Success. Add 200000 units to your military strength.
2 MC on Project Q. Success. Expect result in 15 years.
1 MC on Project SEAHAWK. Success. Expect result in 5 years.

2 MC on formation of a scientific task force designated to decipher the mysterious signals emanating from the Indian Ocean. With no naval presence, this is the only real option Kreia can exercise currently.
Your scientists struggle long and hard. Somehow something so... blatantly simple is still incredibly difficult to decipher. There might still be far more mysteries to be deciphered, but what they did finally manage to come up with... is a sound. After a lot of crossreferencing patterns and various test emitters, they manage to pull out a tune so... logical they assume it to be correct. But despite its logical nature, it is also chillingly haunting. When Merya heard the tune for the first time, a powerful chill crept down her back, and for a moment, she felt observed.
Budget: 5.6+1.4 mC

Offensive actions: KDC worry that they're being observed by Norwegian Counter Espionage, as the nation clearly has advanced technology relating to information networks and digital warfare.

International reports: None to note

Political balance:
Culture: 2
Education: 2
Environment: -1
Economy: 2
Military: 0

Australian Empire

National news: None to speak of

Project results:
2 MC into developing Geothermal Energy: (ETC is 2 years)
One Megacredit into developing high speed trains to better link up Australian cities. Success. By the end of the first year, the rail line manages to stretch through most of southern Australia and will continue to trail itself through the nation. (ETC 2 years)
-One megacredit into establishment of an industry for the manufacture of consumer goods for markets opened up in Kreia by the new trade route. Success. Expect the boost to remain for another three years.
-Two megacredits into buying up forestry throughout Indonesia, Malaysia and New Guinea in order to protect it from logging. Success.
-Three megacredits into agricultural aid and improvements throughout the aforementioned regions in order to stave off potential famine. Success. Your benevolence is becoming known through the world, though the population of Australia is starting to grow discontent at the major spending of government resources on lands beyond Australia.
-Two megacredits into developing a new class of battleship incorporating holographic projection systems as an added defense/tool. Success. ETC is 5 years

Budget: 6+2 mC

Offensive actions: Your military presence in the Indian Ocean manage to decipher three approximate locations which seem to be the emitters of these signals. East of Madagascar, not far from Mauritius. South of India, near the Maldives. Southwest of Java. The emitter closest to Java is the one nearest the surface of the ocean.

International reports:

Political balance:
Culture: 2
Education: 2
Environment: 2
Economy: 2
Military: 0


National news: Embassies established. Contact between embassies and the people are naturally kept limited.

Project results:
2 MC for research and development of Nuclear Propulsion (ETC is 8 years)
1. 'Cuddly Puppy' - Success. ETC is 3 years before it takes full effect.
3. 'Lassy' - Success. ETC is 3 years.
Two Megacredits for Congo reconstruction, codenamed - 'Obvious in Hindsight'. Success. Congo will be restored in but three short years.
2. Bob. Success. The work is expected completed in 9 years
4. Archimedes. I'm making a note here. Huge success. The reinvestment allows the process to move ahead by leaps and bounds. The project is expected done in but a few 2 years.
5. Enthusiastic Labrador Puppy. Success. Expected prototype ready for field-test in 4 years.

Budget: 6 mC + 6mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: None

Political balance:
Culture: -1
Education: 3
Environment: -1
Economy: 2
Military: 1

Canadian Empire

National news: Casadonia makes contact. Requesting mutual contact and trade between your two nations.

Project results:
3 MC into space program: A success. Of course, space programs are long an intricate, but further investments should not be needed for the time being. (Project successful, ETC 2 years for the space program.)

1 MC into research for a space elevator: Success. You will need a location at the correct latitude. A search crew could find one in the pacific ocean probably. Furthermore, you will need a solid material. Nanotubes is such a thing. You will need the technology to create them, to manufacture them, and to mold the finished nanotubes into a space elevator(Project successful. Those three techs are required for a space elevator. Nanoforge. Industrial Nanobots. Nanopaste manufacturing.)

Budget: 5.6+5.6 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: None

Political balance:
Culture: -1
Education: 1
Environment: 1
Economy: 2
Military: -1


National news: None

Project results:
2 MC into project HAPPINESS: (Project successful. ETC is 2 years)
3 MC into project HADES: (Project successful. ETC is 2 years)
2 Megacredits: Project LUMIERE. The project is a success, with ETC at 3 years.
3 Megacredits: The Anti-Piracy and Security Act. Success. The department of espionage will naturally peak in 4 years.
3 Megacredits: Project LAMBASTE. Success. ETC is a few 2 years.
1 Megacredit: Nation-building. Success. Results available at the next Census.
Investments: 3 Megacredits: Project JOLLY-RODGER, a top-secret project to craft an eternity code. A true eternity code is impossible. Such is the tenacity of humanity. But something close to it may be available in but 10 years.
Invest: 5 Megacredits (??? Something missing here?)

Budget: 8 mC

Offensive actions: None

International reports: ATLANTIS. The lost continent. This project would prove to be quite interesting. Both for the troubles you meet, and the things those troubles teach you. The radio waves initially cause interference with the Dulcinea and its radio equipment, forcing a recalibration to ensure it stays in touch with Lemareaux. This does provide some ideas on which frequency exactly the radio waves are using, but all attempts to isolate one single frequency and wavelength fails. With the aid of the Australian navy, the ships do manage to locate three locations from where the signals come from. East of Madagascar, not far from Mauritius. South of India, near the Maldives. Southwest of Java. The emitter closest to Java is the one nearest the surface of the ocean, however, the Indonesians fear your military presence. Your ships also identify boats from New India who seem to have taken interest in the emitter near the Maldives.

Political balance:
Culture: 1
Education: -1
Environment: 1
Economy: 3
Military: 1

2012-05-06, 11:25 PM
The Technology Conference

The image displayed on the screen for Lemareaux

Presumably there was a gathering of notable dignitaries. Whenever the ambassadors and diplomats from the important countries were gathered together for a dinner function, Lemareaux made his speech. The self-propelled telepresence device, with a prototype miniaturized fusion reactor powering it, displayed a cheerful picture of the Casadon autocrat, the high-fidelity speakers emitting a soothing baritone. The picture of Lemareaux, however, did not move -- apparently Lemareaux preferred static images to virtual avatars.

"You really must forgive me for not being here in person," the telepresence said, an audible smile ringing in the words, "but I'm the tiniest bit preoccupied with a bevy of things. Truly, not my finest moment. But how perfectly marvelous that our friends here in Norway have permitted this little device to act as my messenger, and to provide me the opportunity to meet, in a manner of speaking, the lovely folk in attendance. This is an absolute pleasure on my end, and I apologize if it isn't mutual. I see a few faces I'm already familiar with here, hello Hugh! Hahaha, what a sport he is. And a lovely woman wrapped around his arm! Is that Mrs. Southersby? No! Uh oh, it would appear someone's in for an interesting conversation with the missus back home, eh?

"But let us be frank for a moment, and drop the guise of carefully-managed civility and such. The world ended. The meek, presumably, have inherited the Earth. Now isn't the time for us to dance lightly around matters that will determine the course of human history." The telepresence moved so that the monitor made 'eye-contact' with everyone in the room. "Humanity is at the precipice. If we are knocked forwards, we shall fall forwards. If backwards, backwards. A strange signal emanates from the ocean, a signal I have devoted resources to investigating. I am positive this signal hasn't been left unobserved by the governments in attendance? Certainly not. Anyone with technology beyond the transistor radio noticed that glowing beacon of the seas.

"Who knows what is beneath the waves? What secrets, what dangers are down there? I intend to find out. I hope everyone in this room intends the same. Any information my men gather, I would be more than happy to give out. It is my fear, however, that this information may be too inflammatory to simply broadcast to every human on this planet. Therefore, I shan't simply update some databank with the knowledge and allow just anyone to obtain it! Any government here tonight, I will freely grant you whatever information I obtain on the Sea Signal. Simply speak with me later and we'll arrange for that.

"But that," the telepresence returned to a neutral 'wide-pan' position, "is only one of the terrors that might befall humanity. We have the constant threat of war -- surely you have heard the reports of the Congo? -- looming above us, starvation gnawing on our flanks. Humanity grows lean in this environment of fear and transition. I believe it to be the case that humanity must band together. We must demolish the barricades of fear and doubt, mistrust and hatred. Humanity must band together, for the only possible option outside of that is destruction.

"Let us linger on that word for a moment, shall we? Destruction. Annihilation. The end of us. Consider it, please, I implore you. The end. A little over seven billion corpses were strewn across the continents not thirty years ago. A great pruning occurred. Destiny came to a close for the Old World. Now it is up to us to make sure that never happens, that that can never happen again. Ah, I apologize. I get ahead of myself!" The telepresence emitted a clearing of the throat. "I am, ahem, rather passionate about the preservation of humanity. Please, forgive an old man for his forgetfulness.

"Our gracious hosts have allowed this technological conference to take place, and for that I thank them. I've had a look at the various intellectual appetizers, and I must admit I am shocked. We, as a race, are a great deal better off than I had anticipated! Truly, superb. I am sad I cannot offer much beyond my own fusion technology. You simply don't require anything else!

"But humanity does. Outside of our fancy reactors, our sleek hydroponics, humanity needs more. We are a fractured people. All infrastructure was wiped out, in a single atomic blow, and now we are left holding the, what... the scraps? The remains? Regardless. Humanity requires structure.

"It is to this end that I hope you will consider your governments' attention concerning a new venture from Casadonia. We wish to open the global marketplace once more. A unified currency, backed by the industrial power of Casadonia. Nothing so invasive that it will replace local currency, no, but something that will ease the exchange of international trade. A lubricant for the life-blood of prosperity. Furthermore, a stock market, something to empower the individuals of our countries and to bring the public eye to the notion of unified ventures.

"Questions, perhaps? Comments? I do hope there's some response to this! Let the floor be open to whosoever wishes to seize it."

2012-05-07, 02:12 AM
Chancellor Mental rose from his seat, a glass of cold water in his hand.

"I'll keep this brief, I'm not very good with speeches you see.
"Firstly, I would like to thank the Norwegian government for volunteering to hold this conference and for everyone for attending. It is my hope that we can continue to come together and work for the greater prosperity of all our nations.
"However, I must object to Lemareaux's suggestion of an international currency. I feel it is not in anyone's best interest to tie our economies too tightly together with peace still in such a fragile state.
"Though, an international network of stock exchanges and banks could perhaps be worked out in order to ease the trading of goods, but I'll leave the details to those with a greater understanding of economics."

2012-05-07, 02:17 AM
"Chancellor, if I were to go to Australia now and ask to buy a loaf of bread, how many gecci would it cost me? What is the exchange rate right now between our two countries? Or if I were to go down the road to a local brickmaker here in Norway, what would a brick cost? Imagine I had a pocket full of change -- or, indeed, imagine that I have pockets for the sake of argument -- what would that be worth?

"You're correct that it might be seen as 'risky' to 'tie' our economies together, but doing so puts an incentive on peace. And as I said, it isn't the purpose of this proposed currency to usurp local legal tender. But some sort of exchange rate must be established, and for the sake of abbreviation calling that exchange rate an international currency seemed to me sufficient.

"If we cannot establish a lingua franca, a system of trade, if we are prone to miscommunication and a lack of understanding, will we ever be farther from war than we are now?"

2012-05-07, 02:52 AM
"I agree. A system of currency exchange is required. However, a global currency is not something I feel the people of Australia would accept.
"I instead propose an international bank to handle currency exchange. Between the two of our nations, we can probably support such an institution. Anyone else who wishes to participate can do so."

2012-05-07, 11:04 AM
Tech Conference: VP Jacobson stands. "As the representative of the CSA, I will say that our stance is with the Australians. While we recognize the need for exchange rates, we would be against any form of true world currency. That being said however, I believe this meeting is for purposes other than sorting out monetary issues, correct? Perhaps we could get that underway, and have a true monetary conference at a later date where we can debate this and put exchange rates into practice. The CSA would certainly be willing to take part, and to help in the founding of an international bank, if it is the wish of the world."


For the first time since his re-election, Pres. McCallister was spending a late night in his office. It was times like these he wondered if he had been in his right mind when he accepted the nomination. After approving more funding to improve the highways, he opened a large file on the southwestern boarder skirmishes. At least the news was better now. The fighting had calmed down, and his latest projects were going well. It was time for phase two of his plan.

1 mC: Project M - a new propaganda attack on the mexicans, extolling the virtues of the CSA in order to build sympathy in the natives (essentially, I'm trying to make it so that the people will be less disruptive if I invade)

3 mC: Project N - building a navy - consists of a battleship, 4 cruisers, and 2 submarines, and the sailors to man them, all stealth, thanks to my technology. Assuming the project succeeds, they're to be stationed in Charleston.

1 mC: retrying the Improved Highways Act.

1 mC: Project E - training a group of military men to go into Mexico and start inciting revolt against the government. They are NOT to be sent in yet, only trained. This will include local languages and customs in order to let them blend in, as well as political centers, so they know where it will be easiest to incite rebellion, and where they'll be shot on site for saying anything.

focus: Military

attacks: None

freeform: None

2012-05-07, 12:31 PM
"Ah, Vice-President Jacobson. To be frank, the point of this meeting is food, I believe." The telepresence once again broadcast the audible smile in the words of Lemareaux. "I'm sure there will be time to vie for new technologies soon, although I do wonder in what way we'll be trading technologies. Can someone properly evaluate knowledge? But regardless. You're correct. I'll begin drawing up the plans for an Economical Summit to be held in the Cathedral of Illumination. There we can better discuss the relative merits of a united currency, and further investigation into this system of banks and stocks.

"Has the Confederate States of America launched any particular investigation of the mysterious Sea Signals? I feel that's certainly something we should discuss while we're at a conference based around technology."

2012-05-08, 05:45 PM
The technology conference

Amongst the representatives for Norway at the opening gala dinner, which number the Chief of Security and the Minister of State, is the red-headed frame of Lady Maria. The High Judge of West Norway, and the one who will oversee that any information distributed or traded at the conference is done in a lawful manner. This places here in a rather unique position of being highly knowledgeable regarding foreign matters, and well suited to speak up on behalf of her nation.

"Sir Lemareaux. Your proposal is good as an idea, but there are some unfortunate problems regarding its execution. First and foremost is the fact that, while we all come from nations that have managed to endure the War, many have been far less fortunate. For some, there is barely a concept of "currency" remaining in their country, as it has been wrecked by inflation or rendered worthless by violent instability. Before we even begin to talk of a single currency, we will need a manner in which all nations can enter the world economy. My proposal, as suggested by Chancellor Mental, is that an international bank be opened, and its HQ to be on ground not in control by any superpower. My first suggestion for this is Switzerland. Though the nation still struggles too much economically to host a summit such as we did, with financial and technological support the nation can lift itself up from its problems and reestablish its banking traditions. Other nations in Europe would work well, as there were no major powers in Europe that survived the War. Furthermore, even if a neutral worldbank were to be established, convincing a nation to change its currency would not be easily done. There is a lot of national identity in a currency."

"That said, let us move on to something that is of more interest to discuss. The strange radio waves. Please, if you will all listen to this." As the chatter dims, Maria pushes a single button, and a hauntingly beautiful tune fills the room. After three and a half minute of this, Maria fades the tune then turns to those assembled. "Norwegian scientists managed to pull out this tune from samples captured of those radio waves, though we suspect that this... melody that you heard is but part of the whole. We have had some doctorates in musical theory examine it, and though it may sound beautiful to the untrained ear, most of our experts agreed that, assuming we are on the correct course of action that it is a kind of... music that is being sent out, then there is something missing from it to make it whole. As I am no expert on music, I will merely have to believe that what they have said is true."

2012-05-12, 06:50 AM
"Agreed. Shall we request that the government of Switzerland allow us to set up an international banking institution? Of course, we will reimburse them of any costs associated.
"And on the other issue we should address in this meeting..."

The Chancellor listened to the music for a short moment.

"It does seem to be missing something. But I do not know what.
"However, an Australian team is soon to investigate one of the sources of this signal. Our findings will be shared with you all."

2012-05-12, 02:03 PM
The technology conference

"The Norwegian people thank you, as I am sure will the rest of the world in time. Do anyone else have anything of interest to add then, or shall we resume discourse upon the conference itself? The dossiers that the CSA have handed over give me good hopes that we can avoid the environmental issues of the previous century."

2012-05-16, 07:32 AM
"I'm afraid Casadonia will have nothing to do with a bank based outside a 'superpower,' as you called it. And really, must I repeat myself ad nauseum? The purpose of the proposed currency was never, and never would be, to replace the local coin. I'm starting to wonder if the vocator is failing whenever I utter that sentence.

"Anyhow, a detachment from the Casadon Navy is investigating one of the sources of the signal located in the Maldives. I propose we wait until we have additional information before bandying about theories concerning both the purpose and origin of the signal. That it bears a similarity to music could be coincidence. I fondly recall a composition based on the number tau, and played in the harmonic scale. Rather enjoyable, yes."

---Side Note---

Casadonia is offering fusion power and the supplies for clean fusion energy as their technology du jour. They wish to obtain the advanced aircraft technology of Australia, since the skies are the new oceans of the world, and the oxygen recycling technology of Kreia, since the implications of such technology are mind-boggling. If it is unknown that those technologies exist in the aforementioned states, then they'll look at the other technologies offered and see if anyone is interested in a trade. Because there isn't an established exchange rate, Casadonia is only willing to do a barter-system.

Investments: 2 Megacredits: Project SASSY, an investigation into pyrogens. These are compounds that require great energy to produce and, when ignited, first crack the hydrogen and oxygen from the atmospheric water, burn them, and then repeat the process several 'cycles'. The explosive potential is high, and tempered by the initial energy required in their production.

Banked: 6 Megacredits (Total of 11)

Focus: Economy

Freeform: Lemareaux directs the ATLANTIS operation to move towards the Maldives, in order to investigate. They've been told to hold fire unless fired upon, in which case they are to unleash a devastating hellstorm upon whosoever was fool enough to assault them.

2012-05-17, 09:25 AM
The Technology Conference

Princess Merya would listen carefully, nodding a few times as the various heads of state or their representatives spoke, before finally deciding to speak up herself. "First, let me say what a pleasure it is to finally get a chance to speak with all of you in person. With the exception of Mr. Lemareaux, of course! Though I must say, that is quite the dashing representation for yourself that you have there!" The young woman smiled before continuing.

"We certainly have some interest in creating an international system to help bolster the global marketplace once more. As I understand it, Mr. Lemareaux is not proposing that we open an international bank, nor for us to unite under one currency, but for our nations to come to create a system that allows our currencies to be measured against a single new currency, so that the businesses of our nations can trade with the security that comes with knowing the value of your goods in both your own nation, and in the nation that you are trading with. This, of course, has several difficulties, but it is a very good idea. The main question, of course, is what this currency is, and how to value the currencies of our nations.

"As I'm sure many of you know, trade recently between Kreia and Australia is at an all time high, thanks to the recent opening of several New Indian ports to trade between our two nations. We have already run into this issue between our countries, and as I have discovered, businesses are quite adaptable. The law of supply and demand ignores such borders as different currencies; if one business needs something that they can get from outside the country rather than within, then they will do so. Already, Australian products are beginning to dot our retail markets, and Kreian manufacturers are reporting increased profits thanks to the sale of Kreian goods in Australia.

"If we were to assign an exchange rate to our two currencies, it would only help trade, provided it were a reasonable rate. But it is important that we keep the opposite in mind: if the rate becomes unreasonable for whatever reason, whether it is due to internal strife in one nation, or simple politics among ourselves, it is everyone that is affected by a rate change, not just the country that finds its currency weakening on the global market.

"It is for this reason that I while I am interested in a unified, international currency, linked not to one country, but all, I also wish to express caution. Especially with the addition of a stock market, I believe we will find that, should the affairs of one of our great nations become worrisome, that money will simply flow out of the country, making things even more difficult, as investors convert all of their holdings into the international currency. It is because of this that I suggest that this new currency simply be a 'placeholder' of sorts. It is not a currency that one can actually hold in your hands, but simply something to measure your own money against. This prevents any one nation from benefiting more than others due to controlling this currency, and yet at the same time, ensures that the value of the new currency does not fluctuate as a result of international politics.

"Regarding an international stock market, Kreia has little interest in such affairs. Businesses will always find a means to gather new capital from outside investors, even without a stock market, and I believe that it is a poor idea to have some of the smartest people in the world spend all of their time simply playing with stocks, rather than leading our people to further greatness. I may seem a bit naive in believing that simply having no stock market will ensure that those people spend their time in more meaningful pursuits, but I am of the persuasion that simply putting a system such as a stock market in place encourages people to spend more of their time on acquiring more money, rather than creating products that are actually worth something."

Princess Merya would take a sip of water before continuing. "Moving on to other matters for a moment. Kreia would like to offer the expertise of our science department to any nation looking into the signals coming from the Indian Ocean. We have already struck a deal with New India, but as I see it, it would be a benefit to us all to make this an international research project. These signals could be a great threat, or could help advance technology in a manner none of us can fathom at this moment. In either case, it seems best for our nations to present a unified front regarding this matter, rather than all of us wasting resources doing the exact same thing.

"Finally, I would like to broach another matter entirely. With the breakout of the massive war from years before, the people lost hope and trust in their nations, and in their futures. While I believe we are on the right road to recovery, I would like to re-establish the Olympics once again. Athletics and sports have always been something that people can band together for and cheer on their favorites, and I believe that it is an excellent way to encourage friendly competition and cooperation between our nations. The Olympics have always bolstered trade and economy in their host nation as well, even if they are certainly expensive to host. With this in mind, Kreia has already built stadia that are quite capable of hosting such an event, and we would be honored to host the first Olympics since the war, should your nations find the idea agreeable. And should your nations dislike the idea of opening your borders for such an event, or to spending money on the construction of the necessary stadia, we would be willing to host the event ourselves every time it is held, should such a thing be necessary."


The Principality of Kreia, Turn 5

3 MC on Project DUST
2 MC on the creation of the KSP (Kreian Space Program), along with the launch pad for shuttles.
1 MC on Proton Encryption (A new encryption method that adds one or more protons to all data packets sent from a network system. When a system receives these packets, if the protons are not present due to the packet being intercepted by an unauthorized system, a warning is immediately flagged to the system adminstrator, allowing immediate reaction to hackers or other unwanted intruders. Unauthorized systems accessing the network through normal methods do not send the appropriate protons as well, also flagging an immediate warning to the admin.)
1 MC on continued research into the mysterious Indian Ocean signals. The research team will partner up with New India, along with any other nations that accept Kreia's offer in the tech conference.

0 MC saved.

Focus: Education (space program and all)

Offensive Actions: None

Freeform: None for this turn.

2012-05-18, 06:10 AM
Fearing that dinner may be ruined by these discussions, Chancellor Mental stood up for one last time.

"Clearly, our discussions of economics will not reach their conclusion soon. I feel it would be best to allow everyone time to discuss the issue with their economists before we make our final decisions.
"As for Kreia's bid to hold the first of hopefully many Olympic Games. I have no objection to their holding of the event. I merely ask that they give our athletes time to prepare."

The Chancellor smiled slightly.

"Next Leap Year should do it.
"Now, as for international cooperation into the mysterious anomalies detected in the Indian Ocean... Perhaps it would be in our best interests to establish an international team of scientists to study the issue?
"A pooling of our finest minds should surely get to the bottom of this much more rapidly than if they were forced to work by correspondence."

Note: Australia offers our Advanced Cancer Treatments for free.
People who want them, can exchange for our High Efficiency Irrigation, High Efficiency Solar Panels, Efficient Desalination and Low Impact Mining.
Each one for a technology of equal or great value. Final details to be worked out via negotiation.

-One megacredit into an underwater scientific exploration of the signal source near to Java.
-Two megacredits into a state of the art research facility in Perth.
-Two megacredits into a campaign of propaganda in Indonesia stressing the benefits of Australian Statehood.
-One megacredit into cleaning up toxins left in the Canberra region left there from the war.
-Two megacredits into backing the Australian Dollar in silver. I have a feeling it would be advantageous to have a strong currency.

Focus: Education

Attack: Again not an attack, but Australian warships move to the signal source near to Java to protect the scientific expedition.