View Full Version : looking for some quest ideas

2012-04-11, 12:38 PM
I'm trying to start a solo campaign with my gf, and I need some new ideas. The story I have so far can summarized thus:

-Her character is a wizard. Play began with her waking up in an arcane lab with no memory at all. From the other wizards working there, she found out that she is the Archmage of the school. She had been working for months on a time travel spell, but when she tried it something went wrong. She is now younger, has no memory, and has lost all of her power. She later finds evidence that her rival at the school may have sabotaged the experiment in an attempt to get her position. This idea gains credence when she is hauled in front of the board to demonstrate "magical aptitude" (which she of course no longer has). She is thrown out of the school, but her best friend goes with her out of protest. However, they are quickly attacked by the rival wizard - he has come to kill the PC once and for all. Her companion saves her by sending her to another plan: The Dreamworld. The dreamworld is exactly what it sounds like; where dreams and nightmares come from.

This is where I'm stuck: I'm not sure where to go from there. I was thinking of involving her in some kind of war between the Nightmare and the Dreams, but that's long term stuff. What kind of things should I have happen now? The character will be level 2 wizard, with a relatively inexperienced player.

Kol Korran
2012-04-11, 02:27 PM
note sure how much this would work, but you can play on HER nightmares, HER dreams, HER memories... (as a character that is)

from what you wrote my first thought is that her young self was swapped with her old self. but perhaps in the dream world their memories are entwined?

so she enters a dream that is somewhat familiar- her old home, perhaps some friends, perhaps some small nightmares that come real?
(this can be "D&D nightmares which are monsters, or more psichological nightmares such as seeing her mother sick in a time of famine, fearing she will die, perhaps that somethign will get her). you set the exact mood, depending on the mood of your play and girlfriend. a few ideas though:
- parts of the dream give her clues as to the real world! perhaps places she might visit, people who might help her, maybe clues to a... secret journal of the experimentation? this is her older self thinking in the dream. include a few shocking or strange occurances (a loved one she was married to and perhaps died. dealing with some fiends? or some otherworldy beings. some sort of a hard choice- someone to save and someone to abandon)

- build the dream scenerio as a sort of an investigation, with "rooms" presented by memories, ability to travel through "doors" by evoking another memory, and "NPCs" as images in the dreams. monsters could be fought easily, or perhaps require a special knowledge or attitude in order to confront them.

a bit out there, but i hope this helps. use the clues given by her older self as potential roadmap for further exploration.