View Full Version : PF Drow Cavalier Mount

2012-04-11, 03:07 PM
I was wondering what a good mount for a Drow Cavalier (npc) would be. I was thinking some kind of spider.

2012-04-11, 03:38 PM
Well, could could always find a wall-crawling lizerd. That freaks out people.

2012-04-11, 05:58 PM
I, too, am a fan of drow with giant lizards, wall-crawling or otherwise. I particularly like them for drow who aren't connected to Lolth.
Heck, it doesn't even have to be a tyrannosaur. Could be a mildly refluffed deinonychus (pre-errata version, that has it as a Large creature), just make it something like a giant gecko-dile with talons on its forepaws - or on its tail.

Could always go with a giant/dire lizard who has the arachnoid creature template.
Large (-1) Aberration (augmented animal)
Hit Dice: 6d8+30 (57 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 50 ft. (8 squares), climb 30 ft.
Armor Class: 19 (+4 Dex, +6 natural, -1 size), touch 14, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+15
Attack: Bite +10 (2d4+6 plus poison)
Full Attack: Bite +10 (2d4+6 plus poison) and 4 claws +5 melee (1d6+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: Immunities, light blindness, low-light vision, scent.
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +6
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 19, Con 21, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills: Climb +18, Hide +4, Jump +14, Listen +4, Move Silently +8, Spot +10
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Power Attack

Environment: Warm (any).
Activity Cycle: Nocturnal
Diet: Carnivorous
Organization: Solitary or domesticated
Alignment: Unaligned
Advancement: 7-11 HD (Huge), 12-18 HD (Gargantuan)
Challenge Rating: 6.

Vicious monsters, naugla-ruxes are creations of the sects of dark elves devoted to Atlach-Nacha. They were once ordinary dire lisks that the dark elf priests transformed through dark ritual into eight-limbed reptillian-arachnid monsters. A naugla-rux is roughly ten feet long and one thousand pounds, combining the best features of a tarantula with those of a lizard. Its body is covered in an armored exoskeleton and thick scales, with eight sprawling legs tipped with a sharp point and a segmented tail. The head is shaped something like a lizard's, with a spider's eight eyes and downward-pointing fangs to either side of the jaw. The naugla-rux's tongue is a hollow tube that it uses to drain the liquids from its prey after the venom has softened it.
Dark elves use naugla-ruxes as war mounts. Like their dire lizard mounts, dark elves frequently use their magic to graft new and interesting weapons and armor onto their naugla-ruxes.
Carry Capacity: A light load for a naugla-rux is 600 lbs or less. A naugla-rux can carry 601-1200 lbs as a medium load. A heavy load is 1201-1800 lbs. A naugla-rux can drag up to 9000 lbs.

Naugla-ruxes like to attack from ambush, but are bloodthirsty opponents who eagerly attack anything that moves. A naugla-rux fights by rearing up on its four back legs to stab with its four front legs and bite with its jaws.
Immunities: Naugla-ruxes are immune to poison and all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Poison (Ex): The naugla-rux's poison deals 1d6 Str primary and secondary damage. Fort DC 18 negates.
Skills: A naugla-rux has a +8 racial bonus on any Climb checks. It can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while climbing, provided it climbs in a straight line. Naugla-ruxes gain a racial bonus of +4 on Hide and Move Silently checks and a racial bonus of +6 on Jump and Spot checks.

Training a Naugla-Rux
A naugla-rux requires training before it can bear a rider in combat. To be trained, a naugla-rux must have a friendly attitude toward the trainer (this can be achieved through successful Handle Animal check). Training a friendly naugla-rux requires six weeks of work and a DC 25 Handle Animal check. Riding a naugla-rux requires an exotic saddle. A naugla-rux can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless they succeed on a Ride check.
Naugla-rux eggs are worth 1000 gp apiece in dark elf markets. Young are worth 3500 gp each. Professional trainers charge 500 gp to train or rear a naugla-rux. All prices are tripled in above-ground markets, as the dark elves do not often export their delightfully vicious spider-lizards.

That Damn Crab, if you're feeling evil.

If it's your standard-issue Lolth-worshipping drow, though, then it ought to be a spider. Make it a 'roided out version of one of these guys (http://www.vincelewis.net/deadlyspider.html).

2012-04-12, 10:33 PM
I will have to agree with the previous comments, this (http://www.josephwu.com/dnd/minibase/freebooter/DUN003-hs-01-1.png) is much scarier than this (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dx20070412iw_drow2.jpg). On a side note, I would think the dinosaur/lizard mount would do more damage than a spider.

2012-04-12, 11:06 PM
I believe that Underdark (3.5e FR book) actually statted out one of the infamous Menzoberranzan riding lizards. Shouldn't be too hard to convert to Pathfinder.

2012-04-13, 07:44 AM
You could have your drow ride around on a giant skeleton, because doesn't sitting on the shoulder of a giant seem fun?