View Full Version : What a Twist [PF]

2012-04-11, 10:00 PM
So I've had a new idea for my one group of campaigners, they frequently meta-game but do stick to just core-rules meta-gaming (which in a way is a better form of it? I don't know this isn't what the thread is about)

In the next campaign the PCs are going to have to stop and capture a Changeling (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/changeling) Witch (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch), but I wish to turn them around and knock them upon their.... hindquarters. Since Changelings are always Female, and so are Witches, this one in question is going to be a Male Changeling Hedge Witch, or some other form of a non-evil or chaotic type witch (leaning towards neutral good).

I'm wondering if there's a way (even if totally improbable) other than DM fiat or a belt of gender swap (because still technically a girl) way for the changeling to have a different gender. Alternatively if not a Witch, definitely a Bard of sorts (Sound Striker/Magician , Arcane Duellist, Dervish Dancer or any others that seem nice)

Epsilon Rose
2012-04-11, 11:17 PM
Three suggestions:

Perhaps her "father" was actually a shape-shifted female mage out on a lark? The interaction of two shape-changing magics (plus the fact that both parents were technically female) could have done all sorts of things to a developing zygote.

The hag could have ticked of the wrong god/powerful mage while pregnant and they decided to use a bit of divine power/wish to flip the developing babies gender.

Maybe where the hag lived had a particularly thin planar wall and some bleed-through radiation caused the switch (possible plains include, but are not limited to, the plain of chaos, the far realms, a good plain seeking to give the child a better chance at being good, an evil plain for teh lulz.

2012-04-12, 06:49 AM
Three suggestions:

Perhaps her "father" was actually a shape-shifted female mage out on a lark? The interaction of two shape-changing magics (plus the fact that both parents were technically female) could have done all sorts of things to a developing zygote.

The hag could have ticked of the wrong god/powerful mage while pregnant and they decided to use a bit of divine power/wish to flip the developing babies gender.

Maybe where the hag lived had a particularly thin planar wall and some bleed-through radiation caused the switch (possible plains include, but are not limited to, the plain of chaos, the far realms, a good plain seeking to give the child a better chance at being good, an evil plain for teh lulz.

Haha, my one friend has the perfect character for a situation like that. A Male character that got hit with a cursed gender-swap item or something, and so used magic to appear male.

Divine Intervention is possible, but if I go that route I'll go with a cleric or something else religious, maybe a Paladin of the Holy Light.

Hmm, the Planes can be tricky like that.

Just thought of this one, a Wish Spell, I mean if you find out that the baby you just received might turn into an evil heart stealing [and eating] demon, you might try all methods to stop it, so you "Wish" for this to not happen least common denominator being a female changeling causes this, so if it's a male this doesn't happen.

2012-04-12, 07:30 AM
First thought: Alter Self is on the Witch spell list.

Second thought: The Disguise hex is hours/day, functions as Disguise Self, which allows gender change.

2012-04-12, 07:50 AM
First thought: Alter Self is on the Witch spell list.

Second thought: The Disguise hex is hours/day, functions as Disguise Self, which allows gender change.

I want a real fully male changeling.

2012-04-12, 08:05 AM
I'd just like to point out that, as far as Pathfinder goes, there is NO rule against Male Witches.
As partial proof the Prehensile Hair Hex:

Prehensile Hair (Su): The witch can instantly cause her hair (or even her eyebrows) to grow up to 10 feet long or ... A typical male witch with this hex can also manipulate his beard, moustache, or eyebrows.

As for a Male Changeling... that's a little harder.
Although I just thought up some...evil? ideas..

Changelings are always female, tall, and slender. A changeling’s hair is typically dark and her skin abnormally pale, but she otherwise looks for all practical purposes like a member of her father’s race....average changeling stands approximately 5-1/2 feet tall and weighs about 110 pounds.

First off, the "always female" bit may mean that 'mundane' magic couldn't change her gender anyway, because there IS no other gender to change to. There is only female.
So you'll have to do a LOT better than the 'Gender Swap Belt'.
Due to a Changeling LOOKING like her father's race, a Gender Swap Belt would, potentially, change her RACE as well as her gender. In this case an 'Orc-Father' Changeling, when gender swapped, would lose ALL Changeling racial traits, and gain those of an Orc, instantly becoming super tough, and really dumb.

Either way, you're pretty much just stuck saying 'A Wizard Did It' if you want a Male Changeling.

More interestingly is that REGARDLESS of the Father, she still LOOKS like the Father's Race, but is ALWAYS 5.5ft. tall.
Medium Size 'Gnome' anyone?
Medium Size 'Giant' anyone?
Medium Size Humanoid '*OHGODWHY*' anyone?

2012-04-12, 08:43 AM
Well, if a Wizard did it, then a Wizard did it I guess.

And wasn't saying only female witches, but the predominant thought is

Evil-Bent Mage
Witch=Female Wizard
Warlock=Male Wizard

2012-04-12, 10:17 AM
I'd just like to point out that, as far as Pathfinder goes, there is NO rule against Male Witches.

We prefer the term Warlock, thanks.

2012-04-12, 11:14 AM
We prefer the term Warlock, thanks.

Seconded, also previously said, but still seconded.

2012-04-12, 11:57 AM
As you noted, one option would be DM fiat. And that's what I would go with. There's an old writer's joke that goes something like:

Professor: How do you kill a vampire?

Student: It depends, sometimes it's a wooden stake, or sunlight, or beheading, or fire, or silver.

Professor: Wrong. Vampires are fictional creatures. You can kill them however you want to, as long as it doesn't break your readers' willing suspension of disbelief.

The same holds true in this case. Unless your particular game world has already established that all Changelings must be female, and the only class with access to certain spells that you want to use are Witches, and that Witches must be female, I would just go with whatever best fits your story. It's doubtful that your players are paying attention to that level of minutia in your game setting, and even if they are, there is no way for them to know the actual class levels taken by any NPC in the game unless you show them the character sheet.

2012-04-12, 02:12 PM
Evil-Bent Mage
Witch=Female Wizard
Warlock=Male Wizard

We prefer the term Warlock, thanks.

I'd just like it recorded for posterity, that my post was entirely rules-centric.

From a personal standpoint, I agree with both of you wholeheartedly.

But from a strictly game/rules standpoint, there are Male 'Witches'. And if/when there is a Pathfinder Warlock, there will most likely be Female 'Warlocks' as well.

2012-04-12, 03:42 PM
But from a strictly fame/rules standpoint, there are Male 'Witches'. And if/when there is a Pathfinder Warlock, there will most likely be Female 'Warlocks' as well.

Funny you should mention that (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/adamant-entertainment/warlock)-ish