View Full Version : [3.5] Curst Human Gestalt

2012-04-12, 02:55 AM
I'm trying not to miss anything to avoid questions anyway. If it's too much - or against some rule of some sort (I apologize if I missed one such rule. Most rules on forums strike me as common sense, so I stopped reading each and every one of them. I skim.) I'm looking to improve my build, get suggestions for classes that synergize well, get a better idea of what feats I want and/or need.

Currently I'm in a game of GURPS, in a supers campaign, which isn't even near complete. I just like making characters in D&D. :smallsmile:
Once my group finishes that, we're moving on to a High-power Gestalt D&D 3.5 campaign, the details of which I'll share so that I'm not asked later. Stats are likely to be point-buy, point count given at a later date. For the time being, my DM said to roll 4d6k3, reroll anything below 12s. 1 Flaw, 1 Trait, 1 Mandatory Major Bloodline with no lost levels or such, just the abilities. Templates are encouraged. We start with only the randomized treasure from a CR5 monster (DMG Table 7-4), so most magic items are out for now.
My DM has ruled that if I can "summon" myself, anything that would affect my created/summoned undead will affect me (ie., the Corpsecrafting feat series). I don't know if that has a time limit of some sort, but I'm sure it's not going to be stackable in the case I'm summoned 2+ times (HP/HD bonus included). He has assured me I may make some sort of item with which the rest of the party (I have no clue what they're going to be) can use to summon me if they get into trouble (likely at a later level, though). They're not likely to be undead or Tomb-tainted, so explosive rats are out of the picture.
My DM has also said that I get the same bonus/penalty to HP that I would have gotten from my previous Con score. My previous Con score was 13, so I have negated the -1 from my trait.

I'm set on playing a Dread Necromancer, Minion-master style, with a LA+2 house-version of Curst, (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/curst.shtml) while everything else I may be convinced to change. Here are the changes that were made to the version linked.

Madness is regardless of Wisdom
No Spell Resistance
Fast Healing is 1 HP/hour
LA becomes +2
Note: The hit die doesn't change from previous whatever-it-was-->d12. Something I disliked about the online Curst I found.

This is a Gestalt Campaign that is most likely starting at least at level 3, so for this purpose we'll presume I'm starting at such a level (Note: LA +2 template, so only one class level at the start. That's annoying...)
My current planned build is a Curst Human [Dread Necromancer 8/Pale Master 10//Paladin of Tyranny 4/Bone Knight 10/Paladin of Tyranny +4]
Trait: Quick
Flaw: Murky Eyed
Bloodline: Vampire
Feats: Human: Improved Toughness
Flaw: Battle Caster
1: Corpsecrafter
3: Nimble Bones

Male LE Curst (Vampiric) Human Level 3, Init +2, HP 10/10, Speed 40 ft.
AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18, Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Falchion 1d20+6 (2d4+7, 18-20/x2)
Shortbow (60 arrows) 1d20+3 (1d6+1, x3)
Breastplate (+5 Armor, +2 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con -, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16
Condition None
It seems like I can't earn an army until level 10, when I get level 4 spells - and Animate Dead. Summon Undead will have to do, I guess - Unless of course someone out there has ideas that don't involve excessive amounts of cheese (a little is fine, but no Pipe of the Sewers + Bag of Holding schemes, or the like, for me). As I said earlier, exploding things are out for me due to a living party.

I'd appreciate feedback over the weekend, but I can't respond for a bit. I'm going on a trip - I'll be back by Monday to read up. I have faith in you guys! :smallbiggrin:

The Mentalist
2012-04-12, 03:09 AM
Fell Animate (Libris Mortis) gets you undead a little earlier. (A lot with Easy/Practical Metamagic, which on FA isn't really cheese) it also gets you around material components.

Though there is great GREAT fun in Pipes of Sewers+Fell Animate AOE spell+That explodey undead feat+regular AoE spell and have them all explode for 2d6 damage. (I know, I know, living party... but still EPIC DEATH!)

2012-04-12, 03:19 AM
a.) I've seen that. It seems like it's relatively feat intensive (to lower the spell level) and not quite at worth it at later levels.

b.) Destruction Retribution, yes - As I said, no boomies for me. :smallsmile:
Kelgore's Grave Mist (at DN level 4) was a highly suggested spell on one of the Handbooks I read. It sounds like loads of fun, but... ya know.
One problem I noticed with the Pipes though... What if there are no rats around? "he can attract 1d3 rat swarms if rats are within 400 feet." Rats aren't always that plentiful. :smallfrown:

2012-04-17, 10:13 PM
I'm disappointed. I guess not more than one is interested in helping out such a high-powered gestalt with set goals. Perhaps it's because it's a Curst. Perhaps it's because there are handbooks for Dread Necromancers already.

Whatever the case may be, I'd appreciate help on the other side of my Gestalt if nothing else. Dread Necromancer all the way on one side, Paladin of Tyranny/Bone Knight on the other. How well do they pair up? Does anyone have experience with this class set-up?