View Full Version : Back in the game, Spellthief/assassin optimization

2012-04-12, 01:42 PM
Hello my old friends, its been a LONG time.

All campaings are finished, our setting is going to change into eberron (we are introducing races, clases and action points so far)

My dm loves urban settings, solo misions, and roleplay. and since the campaing will be magic heavy my character is going to be the following

Spellthief5/Assassin4/Unseen seer2/Assassin3/Unseen seer2/Assassin2/Unseen seer1/Assassin1

Change to the assassin prc: poison resistance removed and the DM added the insightfull strike class feature but with the following changes changes.

- lvl2 Begginer: x ½ INT mod to dmg.
- lvl4 Apprentice: x 1 INT mod to dmg.
- lvl6 Adept: x 1½ INT mod to dmg.
- lvl8 Expert: x2 INT mod to dmg.
- lvl10 Master: x1 INT mod to dmg agains any type of creatures.

Feats so far:

Flaw Craven
1 Obtain Familiar (changed to DARKSTALKER)
3 Weapon finnese
6 Master Spellthief (CL 20 for class and assassin)
9 Shadow striker (Handbook 2 pag 94)
12 Knowledge devotion (a must, high int and all knowledge class skils Useer)
15 Spell thesis heart ripper (no need to shout KALIMA any more and more HD)
18 Rising strike?

Total BaB 14, SA dice 9d6, Steal spell lvl 9
I was allowed to exchange spellgrace from spellthief for the altertate rouge feature penetrating strike.

My feast so far, im extreamly squishy, i have no defenses and from lvls 15+ i bet we are going to fight colosal constructs/demons/whatever and i wont be as usefull as i was in the mid lvls.

I ask the playground for advicies from those who palyed this kind of characters before in long campaings 1 to 20, this is our second 1 to 20 campaing after the first one wich lasted 5years.

and those who never did but know lots about books and character building i accept any advice from feats to equipment and spellchoices.

Ty again playgrounders, sry for the long post :smallbiggrin:

2012-04-12, 02:15 PM
Obtain Familiar requires a caster level of 3rd, so you probably won't be able to get it until 9th level.

Get the feat Darkstalker from Lords of Madness (p 179). Get a greater Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis in Tome of Magic (p 156). Use your Assassin spellcasting to put Deeper Darkness on a small pendant you wear on a chain or string around your neck. Pick up the pendant from your chest and put it in your mouth, thus the Darkness effect is blocked as long as you hold it there. You can 'drop' it as a free action by spitting it out, and it falls back into place and plunges the area into darkness, enabling you to hide regardless of other conditions. With a sufficiently high Hide check, Hide in Plain Sight, Darkstalker, and reliable access to free-action Darkness, you should not find yourself coming under attack very often, if at all.

In the Spell Compendium you can find Grave Strike, Golem Strike, and Vine Strike, each of which enables you to deliver sneak attacks to undead, golems, and plants respectively for one round. Get a Wand of each one, since the spells have a Swift Action casting time the wands will have the same activation time (Rules Compendium), and you can Use Magic Device them if necessary. Wand Chambers for weapons and shield can be found in Dungeonscape (p 30, 34). A gauntlet is a weapon, so you can wear two gauntlets with wand chambers and have another in your primary melee weapon, a spot for each of those three wands to be always at the ready. I'd probably just skip Vine Strike and put a Wand of Wraithstrike in one of those instead, it's on your Spellthief class list.

2012-04-12, 02:35 PM
Done, darkstalker is in, familiar is out, may come back later in the build. also the flavour is perfect since the wolr will be recovering from the last campaing (mother of monsters) so it will be awesome and understandable to have a character trained in aberration hunting