View Full Version : [PF] Fluff-centered Flames Oracle (and what to do with Intimidate)

2012-04-12, 11:03 PM
Eh, yeah- I'm aware that a blaster Oracle ain't the best optimization out there, nor am I doing it any favors with this build. However, it's translating a character I like into Pathfinder terms.

The original character, Voror, is a genuine fire-eater. He actually eats fire to survive, and it continues burning away inside him. He has a love-hate relationship with fire- while it pains him, it's preferable to the icy chill he feels creeping out of his bones when he goes too long without eating. Years of fire-eating, performances, and experimentation with numerous flammable mixtures have left him raspy, bloodshot in the eyes, and so coated in soot as to be largely inflammable. Constant pain of one form or another has left him jaded and spiteful- the only real pleasures he gets are from his fire-eating and unsettling those around him.

I generally stat characters at level 11, just because this has always felt like a good level to me.

Level 11 Human Oracle

As far as the three basic Oracle choices go, the obvious choices seemed to be Flames mystery, the Wasting curse, and inflict spells.

Molten Skin- for the fire resistance
Cinder Dance- he is a performer, after all
Gaze of Flames- years of performing with fire have left him with a knack for
Form of Flame
(Fire wings, however useful, are rather ridiculous.)

Mostly open. The two I'd prefer to get are:
•Necromantic Affinity- ability to heal himself, general fluff of being associated with negative energy
•Elemental Spell- more practical consideration of not failing as soon as something has fire resistance. Cold fits best fluff-wise (playing off the chill he feels), but acid is probably better and fits well enough.
That leaves another five for anything from some more metamagic (probably best for higher levels) to some combat stuff or Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) for a rat familiar and a Sorc. spell (more at later levels). Expanded Arcana is a nice choice so I don't have to settle for certain spells.

•Two-World Magic (Putrefy Food and Drink)- fluff reasons! A variation on only eating fire, in this case, he could only eat the putrefied food and drink.
•Stage Magic- Meh. This fits perfectly fluff-wise, but he's already taking a major hit to Perform, which is useless anyhow. The bonus is at the cost of an item that costs more than it's feasible to make from a performance. XP


Spark, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Resistance, Stabilize
Inflict Light Wounds, Burning Hands
Protection From, Obscuring Mist, Divine Favor, Infernal Healing, Burning Disarm
Consider: Murderous Command,
Inflict Moderate Wounds, Resist Energy (check with DM on getting Pyrotechnics instead)
Channel Vigor, Disfiguring Touch, Dread Bolt, Enthrall, Resist Energy
Consider: Spiritual Weapon, Restoration (Lesser), Silence, Boiling Blood
Inflict Serious Wounds, Fireball
Bestow Curse, Contagion, Fractions of Heal and Harm, Prayer
Consider: Waters of Lamashtu, Wrathful Mantle
Inflict Critical Wounds, Wall of Fire
Fleshworm Infestation*, Debilitating Portent, Shield of the Dawnflower
Consider: Infernal Healing (Greater), Restoration
Duration: 1 round/level (D)

With a touch, you cause an infestation of ravenous worms to manifest in the target’s flesh. The target must make a Fortitude save every round. Failure means it takes 1d6 hit points of damage and 2 points of Dexterity damage, and is staggered for 1 round. If it makes the save, it takes no hit point or Dexterity damage and is only sickened for 1 round rather than staggered. Fleshworm infestation cannot be ended early by remove disease or heal, as the infestation starts anew if the current worms are slain. Protection from evil negates this spell’s effects for as long as the two durations overlap. Dispel evil automatically ends a fleshworm infestation.
Okay… So it says they have to make a Fort save every round. Does that mean that if they pass their save, they have to make a new one next round? If so, Extend Spell on this baby for a level 5 "save at least 11 times out of 22 or suck to the point of dying". And with no initial save! 0_o Slow as all get-out to finally get them, but still…

Mass Inflict Light Wounds, Summon Monster V (Fire elemental)
Slay Living, Contagion (Greater)
Consider: Spell Resistance, Flame Strike, True Seeing, Boneshatter

There's a lot of touch stuff in there with a focus on debuffing/control. No saves where possible. A little buffing here or there, but it tends to rub against the grain of Voror's character.

As the title also mentioned: Intimidate.
It's the one thing he can do well with his CHA, and it's a class skill. Out of combat, it works like Diplomacy except that people don't like you and might call the cops. In combat, you can give a nearby guy a few penalties for a round or two instead of casting a spell. If it's one round, you don't even get to cast a spell on their -2 to saves. Suggestions on how to use this? Y'know, apart from whining at the GM to use better-written versions. XP

Anyways, thoughts and suggestions on the overall character would be nice. :)

For some additional details, he'll be Neutral Evil, which is a bit of a shift from the original's True Neutral. He'll have a great deal of respect for paladins and clerics of any alignment (to the point of not attacking unless provoked, possibly donating 100gp and asking for prayer) because he hopes to have his affliction ended some day and doesn't wish to tick any deities off. His mastery of fire and curses is a result of studying his own, trying to find a cure. Initially, he tried traditional healing, but this proved futile and sometimes even left him worse than before.

2016-07-20, 03:22 PM
Sorry for the necro:
In theory, the Consumed curse mixed with the Oracle's Burden spell can amplify the damage output without impacting the character concept unduly. It's an extra 50% damage that comes free, and has the added benefit of making them pass out from the heat instead of incinerating every time. Coup de Gras fodder, if nothing else. You can do a Flames mystery Dual-Cursed oracle. Take the Blackened curse to get back burning hands (still lose fireball =( ) and the Consumed curse (non-advancing) to amplify the damage. Fits the overall concept while giving you a sick debuff to stick on someone (takes 50% more damage[ish] and takes a -4 to all weapon attacks). With the Misfortune revelation that comes standard on the Dual-Cursed archetype and getting Intimidate through your mystery, you WILL make that curse stick.