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Scowling Dragon
2012-04-13, 09:47 AM
You wake up. You feel the cool air touch your skin/Chitin.
This is Day 1,186,537 in the vault. And you happen to be a citizen.
Welcome to your life.

2012-04-13, 10:18 AM
Well 5069.46 years later...

At what would be considered the morning time. Thlo'kt would begin his daily routine. He would first travel over and see his brother, Kli'ta'ta, who cooks a fine breakfast every day. After some basic chatter about the night's goings on he will report to his post in the mage sector. He would serve his standard shift talking with his postmate about Gli'tikat, a soccer like game that the kreen have developed, of which Thlo'kt is a very avid player. As his shift ends he will prepare himself for his Gli'tikat match.

(if details are wanted on the game or interactions please let me know)

Gli'tikat almost seems disappointed as he realizes that his match was cancelled due to the 'olympics' and decided to head with the crowd to see what the draw is.

2012-04-13, 02:18 PM
At about 7am, the magitech lumen-globes which stud the vault's ceiling slowly begin to brighten, announcing to Tschak'nik'arakh that his maintenance shift is almost complete. In the main, magic keeps the vault secure and impenetrable, but there's still a requirement for workers to comb the surface. Cracks in the plaster, loosening blocks - nothing that would compromise the vault integrity, but enough to cause injury or death if they fell nearly 100 feet to the floor below.

The night shift is almost entirely staffed by thri-kreen. He looks down at the streets below and, over the next half hour, people start to move about. Soon the soft-body novices will have finished their breakfast and will relieve the current shift. It still disturbs him a little how they need to lie as though dead for so long when the lights go out, but no more than some of the other things they do. Eating cheese for example. Why any race should wish to take milk, mix it with stomach fluids and leave it to stand until it goes solid...

Finally the novices arrive and take his place, and he is free to take his morning meal. Meat is resource-expensive in a closed environment, so while the monastery breeds rats, chickens and rabbits, a more normal meal consists of baked crickets, caterpillars and ant larvae. Crunchy and tasty, but not as juicy.

The morning is spent practicing the martial arts of the order, moving through forms, learning new strikes and sparring with others of his grade. After the midday meal, Tschak'nik'arakh joins some of the higher grades in studying weapon forms before spending 2 hours in silent, personal meditation. Normally the early evening is spent demonstrating sparring and weapons forms to the novices, but today is special - some of the highest grades are competing in the games, so at 5pm Tschak'nik'arakh is standing in the crowd with the rest of the order, ready to cheer his fellow students on.

2012-04-13, 02:50 PM
Waking up around mid-morning in the Vault was a familiar and re-assuring experience for Dante Azenshari. Often he wondered how many people or things skulked about in the night looking for him to take back what might be theirs. Waking up however was more of a refreshing experience after 6 hours of rest; he often went to sleep a couple hours before the lights came back on.
Today however, was a particularly special day inside of the Vault. The games between the magic-users was on, the psychics and the arcanists, as he knew them. The day for him however meant many fresh pockets to pick and new faces to swindle. Everyone came out for the games like these and Dante would now be able to peruse the wares of people who weren't often up at this hour or in this sector for that matter. He enjoyed a wonderful breakfast at the local Inn, Branward's Flagon and went off to the games to meet up with his Thri'Keen contact and friend to plan and plot the day's activities.

[Continued from Yesterday]
The stadium was filled with the roar and cheers of the crowd as magic-wielding humanoids conjured flame and frost to impress them. The psionics-based users dazzled the imagination of the crowd by manipulating large objects or disintegrating them with a mere thought. The distraction of the spectacle gave Dante an impressive motivation to get work done.
As the events went on around him Dante and "Hi'Jik", as he called his Thri'keen companion, split up to cover more ground in their pickpocketing attempt. Hi'Jik was a masterful theif with an advantage of having four separate appendages with which to manipulate; Dante's advantage came in his ability to move amongst a large crowd fairly unnoticed or at least go unrecognized.

Dante will take 10 on both his Stealth (+10) and Sleight of Hand (+12) checks. Respectively 20 and 22.

As the day goes onward and Dante becomes hungry, he stops a wandering food vendor in the stand and requests the fried bit of meat and vegetables on the sticks he has. Hi'Jik also gorges himself on insects and other Thri'Keen food from their vendors. Dante keeps a watchful eye out while he eats and keep his hood up and cloak about him, he notices a gruff looking Human type in the crowd, a local Thri'Keen adoptee of sorts. Dante knows Allistar only because they both have an offbeat relationship with the Thri'Keen race of the Vault; Dante only watches and observes the marksman while chatting with Hi'Jik.

2012-04-14, 01:48 PM
Tiatad grunted as his psicrystal suddenly started nagging him out of his sleep.

"Wake up wake up! Today's the big day! No time for lollygagging! Eyes on the prize! No distractions!"

Tiatad sighed. It had seemed like such a good idea to make crystalline companion to help keep him focused, but the thing could be such a pain. Eventually, to appease his relentless taskmaster, he got up and started dressing in those hideous pink clothes that were just about the only colour available in the vault, except if you're willing to pay through the nose for orange ones.

"No time no time! Forget about dressing! What are you doing eating?! No time! No distractions! Today's the big day! Today we'll show them all! Keep your eyes on the prize!"

Tiatad stolidly ignored the psicrystal and finished his breakfast. He didn't dally long after that though, since today was indeed the big day. The he would show psionics to be the better in the demonstrations, to one up those arcane elitist snobs who constantly harassed the psions.

"Just because we didn't build a giant prison to keep people 'safe' in, they feel they can lord it over us, nevermind that it was their kind that brought about the catastrophe in the first place!" Tiatad mutters to himself.

"No time for brooding! Hurry hurry! Get going already!"

Eversuffering Tiatad sighed once more and got going. One day he was really going to have to smash that never sufficiently damned thing.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-14, 06:22 PM
Allistar rises wearily from his bed, these days his sleep had been somewhat restless. Looking out in the darkness of his tiny room he noticed how empty it truly way, only adorned by a single chair and a small table. He quickly got dressed and armed himself with his well kept bow and well oiled sword. The air inside the vault had a high salt content and was a major annoyance to deal with since most weapons rusted within it. Silently moving out he notices the quietness and tranquillity of the area, most still asleep and oblivious but this enforcer was the restless sort. The first of his daily rituals was approaching one of the doors of the vault where he prayed silently, only a few inches of steel separated him from the outside, the home of his ancestors. Not wasting any of his time further he sets out on his early morning patrol first going by the homes of the Thri Kreen. Though they were an oddity, he did appreciate their order and clockwork like routine. Since they never slept they were always the first faces that greeted him, saying a quick greeting in their native tongue he proceeds forward in his duty. Once he has completed his first task, Allistar then partakes in a simple yet nourishing meal before setting out once again but this time limiting his movements into the area where both the Thri Kreen and humans interacted. For the most part little happened but occasionally a stupid person would get brave, high on what ever substances were popular these days, and try to pick a fight with one of the bug people. He didn't do it to protect the Thri Kreen, no, he did it to protect the humans from being rendered by an entire clutch thus starting a major riot. Most of the time he picked out the trouble makers and dealt with them accordingly before any altercation broke up. Today was different, the people were in high spirits over something and the usually busy chamber was rather empty. Noting that nothing of consequence was happening here he made his way towards the noise which led him in the direction of the stadium.

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-15, 01:00 AM
Whatever your deal, the main event in the colosseum proceeds.

After watching the minor entertainers do stuff (Or in some cases you are the minor entertainers) before the main event you hear the buzz of the main horn.

The crows goes wild. Infused with energy they cheer for the official announcement of the games. A giant pillar elevates itself from the middle of the arena, as the head mage (Enasurthil the half orc) and a psion (There is no real official psionic leader) fly up to the top of it.

To mark the beginning of the ceremony, the mage and the Psion woud combine their powers to create something visually beautiful and place it atop the pillar. Last year they created a lifelike recreation of athas, in all its green glory. Most people didn't know it like that. They thought it was just a nice spinny thing.

This year the drums rolled, the tension builds.

Enasurthil begins to form something, it takes the shape of some huge animal made purely of fire. A huge blob of animate flame.

Chomp. The fire creature devours the Psion.

The crowd gasps.

Enasurthil flies up to atop the beast. He begins to speak in a voice heard by the whole stadium.

"Citizens, for far to long have we been nothing but the engineers and caretakers of the vault. For far too long have the governors

*He points at the stage saved for government officials*

Many of the higher up mages also take offensive positions and ready terrible spells.

limited our power. Well no more, we shall be your entertainers. For now we are leaders like the founders! And we shall git rid of the pestilence that these mind abominations bring once and fo-"


A streek of invisible energy almost knocks Enasurthil off the air.

Talking about cleansing the Psionic population where the concentration of the most powerful psions currently are was a REALY stupid idea. More so, you see many enforcers and even the Monks of the 5 scarlet rose petals jump onto the stage. Even more comedically you see some of the lower mages start attacking the higher up ones. Apparently not everybody was in on the revolution and they expected the lower ones to just roll with it.

What happens next was a horrific smack-down from the part of the common populace. Whilst the mages where more powerful and organized, they where majorly overwhelmed. And so they fled.

Maybe you participated in the battle. Maybe you didn't. Most importantly, you where not there too see the end of the conflict in the mages Sector.

A weeks passes. The mages quarter is cut off from public view. Most of the higher up mages are dead. People nurse their wounds and air their utter shock. Riots almost erupt. Each one of you is then called by the high governing office.

As you all see each other across the table (and some other people. About ten in total) you get approached by one of the higher up governors. He looks incredibly tense.

Gentlemen.....We may need your help...You where chosen out of a random slot and even this selection will be refined into a small team of 5 people-

"Wait ah minute"

Says one of the random other mooks that will not play a part in the story.

What for?

The governer gives a worried look and sighs. He takes you all to the mages sector.

You see the devastation caused by the battle. But what chills you to the core are 4 destroyed statues. Statues of the founders.

But it doesn't end there, he takes you to the growery of magical plants.

You see that a section for the Garzap plant is razed to the ground. Tschak'nik'arakh (We need a nickname) realizes immediately that that is the plant that he uses to refresh the sewage filters every couple of years.

You get approached by one of the last remaining mages.

"You might think that this plant is used for simple things like restarting the water filters. Its much more grave then that I must say. Garzap plant is the basis of all the magical technology in the vault. Without it, our vault would wear out in a matter..of.....years."

He says feverishly wipes away the sweat from his goblinoid head.

The governor, a half elf named Dzar says

"We need somebody to venture out to the surface. We cannot afford to send a large group out. If the populace knew about this, this would incite panic. We also cannot afford to send the heads as that would also alert suspicion. We picked you as the most capable, yet also comparatively unimportant members of the vault. Only five of you will be picked. A group any larger might pull attention to themselves up there."

He points to the ceiling.

Perhaps we even got this all wrong. Maybe the catastrophy is long over?...If so you mission will be simple. Report back and mention that the vault can leave. But if not, your mission will be far more dangerous. To find plant samples of Garzap. Swallow these

He gives you each a pill to swallow. You do so. Roll a sense motive Check

DC: 18
You see that somethings off about the way the Governor says the pill will kill you. He seems a bit worried.

If you tell anybody else about the integrity of the vault you will die. You have a week to prepare your belongings in case you plan to go. If not. If we have more then five contestants, you will be randomly selected.

You leave to your quarters. Describe what you do in that week (A bit of a railroad sorry, but you must decide that you want to go).

2012-04-15, 01:16 PM
Tiatad immediately induces vomiting to get rid of the pill.

"You can do it champ! Eyes on the prize!"

Morbis Meh
2012-04-15, 01:36 PM
Sense motive roll, will edit response based upon result and continue on after. [roll0]

Allistar gingerly swallows the pills, why would they kill him if they want him to go on a expedition that could determine the fate of the entire vault? Whatever it did he cared not, if it was enough to put the paper pushers at ease it was enough for him. He took his leave of the governor and his ilk, forever at unease in these more formal settings. His blood yearned to be outside, the call coming from deep within his bones, why would he endanger the people he has devoted his life to protect? I suppose ruling over a rag tag bunch of people in the face of an impending disaster made a man paranoid but he didn't like his treatment nonetheless.

Making his way back to his room, his thoughts turn to the outside, what it may be like and secretly hoping it would be like the histories he had been told as a boy. His hands began to shake with anticipation and even though his departure was days away he began preparations immediately. Gathering up any useful items he already possessed and making note of anything that he might need in the future. He walks slowly towards a plain wooden case that rests upon his table, lovingly he caresses it before opening it. Inside are two items, both heirlooms of his family, the first was a tiny circular object that told the direction one was heading and the other a larger device a tool used to judge the angle between two objects. His father told them that they had been in the family for countless generations before the breaking. Closing the lid he picks up the case and places it gently in the bottom of his bag.

The next few days were the same old repetitive routine, though Allistar himself was much more lax in his duties often letting minor issues slide. He began spending more of his free time standing before the exit and pondering what it would be like. He still kept company with the Thri Kreen, watching that odd kick ball game they were so fond of. He never tried it himself, he didn't understand the appeal of having five hundred pound bugs chasing after him but each to their own. Knowing a great deal of the items he needed were not really available for purchase in legitimate shops, he went to the more shadier underside of the vault to pick up a more specific type of rope and a magical torch said to never go out. Though he was often met with glares, the locals didn't bother him that much for they knew who they were dealing with and what the consequences would be if the interfered. With his shopping finished all he could do was patiently wait for the day...

2012-04-15, 02:44 PM
Tschak'nik'arakh returns to his quarters feeling rather insulted. That they would think so little of his word that they would attempt to coerce him with death threats was... incomprehensible. Regrettably, though, it seemed all too common in the dra. They seemed to have no tokchak, no understanding that he would no more betray the greater pack than he would cut off an arm.

After informing the elders that he has been chosen to investigate the outside world, he is excused his duties on the wall. He collects together what possessions he has and buys food and equipment for the journey ahead. Having no idea what he will find outside, he decides that it would be best to be self-sufficient, at least in the short term. Buying a yak as a pack animal, he prepares a pack for it with enough food and water to last 10 days. If they are out there longer, well, the yak will feed the group for many days.

Finally the day comes when it is time to go. He is called by the elders of the temple, who present him with two magical relics - a pair of bracers which help ward away attacks and a scabbard which will enchant his sword for up to a minute each day. As he leaves the grounds, the gatekeeper calls him over and presses a small vial into his hand.
"This should help if you get hurt," the human says with a conspiratorial smile. "Take care of yourself, eh? We want to see you back alive."
"I shall," Tschak'nik'arakh replies, bowing respectfully. "Thank you."
As he heads towards the door, he wonders when he will return...

2012-04-16, 07:15 AM
Thlo'kt will immediately take the pill and pledge that he shall undergo this important task, after all, a good soldier follows orders. The following week he will act as though everything was normal and take to what duties he has left and see to it that he enjoy what time he has left with his friends. Aside from his standard routine he will try to get to know the other likely candidates and get a feel for who would be the strongest, aside from himself.

2012-04-18, 09:23 AM
OOC: APOLOGIES! I have been away from my computer for a couple of days. Work and GF stuffs, I know it isnt a good excuse but I am sorry folks. I will make better on updating sooner.

Dante makes a Sleight of Hand check to fake swallowing the pill 1d20+12=1d20+12

The rest of the week seems like a blur to Dante who is both confused and excited to see the world around him in full for the first time. His mind is wrought with the thought of death by large creatures and the harsh wilderness he imagines in his wandering muses. He is immensely happy to be travelling alongside Thri'Keen warriors and a trusted member of the guard. Dante worries that his reputation may proceed him in this adventure, but knows that his skills will come in handy eventually; They did choose him right?

Theday finally comes when he is ready to embark on his journey with the new group. He spends some time with Hi'Jik and gives him his stash of silver that he has been saving up for a while now. Hi'Jik is grateful to Dante and swears that he will continue with their work while Dante is gone. They spend the afternoon eating a delicious meal at their favorite spot in the commercial quarter. After some time they eventually part ways.

Dante goes back to his small flat in the residential sector and prepare shis things. He dons his studded leather armor that he purchased from a master tanner in the commercial sector. He also gathers up his necessary things to keep him alive. He buys a few trail rations and some rope and twine from a shop.
He prepares his weapons and puts his fine metal daggers in their wrist sheaths, his punching daggers in his boot sheaths and a hand crossbow attached to his hip pouch/belt. He gathers all of the small tools of the trade as far as thieving goes and a few other necessities into his backpack. He takes one final look at the flat he has been living in, strikes a match and lights his pipe as he begins to meander off toward the meeting spot for the group. He just hopes that no one saw him fake-swallow the pill. He put it into his pocket for safe keeping and later analysis.

Upon seeing the meeting spot Dante raises his head and with a big grin says, "I am the guy who gets you out of tight spots. Maybe my reputation precedes me friends, but I am no cutthroat, and I am no scoundrel. I am just very good at what I do." He then take a long drag off his pipe and blows a smoke ring high into the air. "Lets get this show on the road."

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-18, 12:17 PM
You gather around in a subsector intermediate tube between all the sectors.

In the area you can see 6 people, the governor, a tall Orcen enforcer and a Dwarven lead enforcer.

"I am the guy who gets you out of tight spots. Maybe my reputation precedes me friends, but I am no cutthroat, and I am no scoundrel. I am just very good at what I do." He then take a long drag off his pipe and blows a smoke ring high into the air. "Lets get this show on the road."

The governor turns to you and smiles

"Ah, there you are Dante. Good. We know you are not a cutthroat. If you where one, we would know"

He says it all in such a self assured knowing manner it gives you the chills. You almost choke on your pipe.

"Now, I hope none of you where inciting panic in the public? Good"

He points at the 6th random mook who will not matter

He flips a credit in the air and says "Cross"

It lands on a Scratched circle.

"Your out."

The mook looks at disbelief but before ha can voice his concerns he is escorted out by the Orc.

"Don't worry, he will be fine."

Grunts the Dwarf. He continues as he scratches his beard

"Now then. You where all chosen in this attempt to save the vault. We know that you all purchased your own supplies and thats good. We also wanted to provide some more supplies just in case"

He opens up a small chest nearby.

He first retrieves two bottles of pills. He hands then to the Kreen of the group

"Im not sure what they do, but the Founders specifically specified that all Kreen must take them. Not sure why but in case you where running low here are some. Take one every day just like before. Should be enough in here for a year. I think they might have something to do with stopping Chitin rot or somethin. I don't know, Kreens confuse me."

He then retrieves two metal club looking things.

"Now I heard that not everybody here can see in Darkness. Which is a pity. These will provide you with infinite light."

With that he flicks a switch on one of the clubs. The top of the club opens up its claw like top and reveals underneath a bright glowing orb.

"But no heat. Its a miniature sunlight."

He touches the orb with his hand. He closes the club.

"Now, we don't plan to use the main exit. It is far too loud, will raise far too much attention and may shot circuit the network. Instead, we researched that the vault contains some extra smaller evacuation pods. They are a one time use affair. They can only be used to go up to the surface, and then back again."

He leads you to the stone magitech pod.

"Its a simple matter, just strap yourselves into the chairs and press that single slab. Be sure to psychically mark where you left the pod. Remember, the closest major city was located to the south west, past a large lake, a large body of water (Also to the south west)."

He indicated Tiatad.

With some small talk between each other you strap yourselves into the seats. Close the door, and press the slab.

After a series of clicks and light whirs, you begin to feel movement, and hear drilling. Lots of drilling.

You feel an increase in the movement, and an incline. Suddenly there is a burst of speed and you get almost smushed to the seats.

After roughly fifteen minutes of this you stop. After quelling the unease in your stomaches. You approach the door. You cautiously begin to touch it. Somewhat scare of opening it.....You slowly push it open. You see no light from beyond the crack.

It suddenly springs completely open. The first thing you feel is this uncomfortable disgusting warm air (Like Jello pudding). Unlike the Thri-kreen you feel incredibly strange, somewhat. Comfortable.

The next thing that hits you is the seeping in reddish sand. It looks like a combination of sand and reddish dust. The Kreens heads start to hurt a little.

You out of fright quickly stumble outside. The heat intensifies its disgusting. Its night.

You all swerve around and your heads begin to spin. The Kreen more then the humans.

All roll will saves (DC 17) . Congratulations, you all have agoraphobia (Functions like light blindness except only in wide open spaces. Like now. Roll to avoid suffering its effects for a day).

You see all around nothing but flats and more reddish dust. You look up, you see a giant round orb floating in the sky. Your head tries to comprehend infinity as the kreen try to comprehend something more.

Images flash in the Kreens heads. You see images of grizzly hunt, a beautiful star creature, sand, sand and sand and sand. Home. You are where you belong.
SAND SAND SAND SAND SAND. More hunts more more more! The flashes increase as you fall to your knees. The start slowing down, yet you cannot shake the feeling of home. But the surrounding is still not right. The home is corrupt. Its like a slightly perverted feeling of home. Yet home it still is.

The humans fall to their knees and try not to look up. After a while your head stops hurting and you can look around (Just not the sky) without it hurting.

Sand Sand sand in every direction. Could the ancient co-ordinates simply be wrong? Is this a fertile forrest? Or has something happened? What do you do?

Morbis Meh
2012-04-18, 12:55 PM
Wow an agoraphobic ranger that makes little.sense but whatever.... he will fail miserably I am sure... [roll0]
well I'll be damned he is more sturdy than I anticipated[
I will post in a little bit but I was wondering if we can over come this?

2012-04-18, 12:59 PM
Despite the burning heat that seems so unfamiliar to Dante, he immediately puts his hood on his cloak up. The brightness of the floating object in the sky is daunting to his eyes that have never seen such intensity of light and of that size.

Will save [roll0]

He looks around at the other humans to see there reactions to the intense light. He can barely make out their features as they fall to their knees in the heat and res glare of the sands. What the hell is going on?!, he thought as his knees gave out as well. He was told of stories that this place was a lush forest, or possibly even plain at one point; simply ideas that were hypothetical to him. This scene however was much different from his imaginings.

After collecting his thoughts and shaking off the effects of the red orb, he fumbles in his backpack and looks for his compass and some ammunition for his small crossbow. However, he cannot shake the feeling of dread when comprehending the huge vastness of expanse that lies before him. He finds these things and puts 5 small bolts into a quiver dangling from his belt. He pulls out his crossbow and loads a bolt. After he looks at the compass to get his bearings. Even if the sands have changed our thoughts, hopefully this compass can lead us to a city that has changed as well, he thought.

"Is everyone alright? What the hell is this glowing orb in the sky? And why is it bright? The vault is nothing like this, where are the shadows and cool spots?" Dante says to the rest of the party. "I have a compass that can hopefully direct us to the city we seek that the elder told us of". He looks at the psionicist and says to him, "What is this fear that grips me so? What is this mind affliction i cannot shake?"

2012-04-18, 01:23 PM
Will [roll0]

As his senses come back to him, Thlo'kt will stand, and ready his weapons. He then looks around, peering into the sandy wastes. "What is this, I cannot focus," he asks aloud.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-18, 01:42 PM
Allistar stands up, mildly disoriented from the sudden change in light. For a moment he is overcome by a feeling of great discomfort but with stern resolve he suppresses it and focuses on his surroundings once his eyes adjust to the light. His heart sinks as he gazes across the barren landscape. [color="Navy"]This is wrong... where are the.forests, the rivers, the animals? What has happened to this land to change it so?[/color

Hearing Dante speak in a near hysterical voice, Allistar sighs deeply "Haven't you ever heard of the moon? It is just one of the old gods guiding travellers in the night. All is well with me lets get out of the open unless you wish to die of exposure or prefer to be hunted by an animal. . Ignoring the oppressive heat, Allistar makes ready to leave in search of shelter or at the very least cover.

perception [roll0]
survival [roll1]

2012-04-18, 02:43 PM
"I have heard of the moon thank you much. I just... well, I just didn't think it would be so bright, or blind me so. I am not accustomed to such light anyway, i prefer the cover of shadow" Dante says to Allistar. He has a composed look on his face despite the new fear of the open world racing in his mind. "Anyway, where are we? Do you have any idea? My compass reads that we should head in a South Westerly direction to get to that apparent city, though, I am not sure if it exists still", he glances down at the compass then looks back up at Allistar. "I am amazed you are handling this so well, though I never doubted your skills good watchman... I say you lead the way." Dante suggests.

He looks over at the psionicist. Then at the two Thri'Keen on the ground. He walks over to them and asks, "are you two alright?"

Edit 1: Dante will follow Allistar towards cover or shelter and have his hand-crossbow at the ready in case of an ambush. He also will scout ahead with the Ranger if the situation needs to happen.
OOC: I will be going to work, so I wont check back here for a bit.

2012-04-18, 02:49 PM
"I will be fine," Thlo'kt eeks out. "Where to?" Thlo'kt will wait for someone to point him toward the southwest and then start walking.

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-18, 03:20 PM
Allistar look around. In hopes of finding anything protective. He sees some cavities in the ground in the distance. The look like they could provide some protection or such. But nothing more.

No plants. No animals. Just san....What is this? You feel the ground in your hand. Its some combination of sand and some kind of dust that turns it reddish grey.

Your heads adjust. While you still spin a little, you can look at the moon. Next to it, you can see another moon. Their light shines palely on you all, illuminating this whole place. To the north of you are some mountains in the far far distance.


The heat. Its so filling. Like a horrible stew. The air blows so lightly, yet its still so hot.

The Kreen don't feel that way.

2012-04-19, 11:16 AM
Tschak looks up at the sky with both wonder and a bit of trepidation. The thing the others are calling 'the moon' blazes above him.. and this is night? By day this land will be fearsome indeed. He falls to the ground as the visions hit him, his antennae twitching and the spiracles on his face flaring wide as the scents on the wind awake memories of things he has never done. Hunting strange insectoids, howling beasts and great, armoured lizards with gythka and chatkcha and claw...

He shakes the visions away, but already there is an urge in him to run across the desert with his clutch, to kill and eat. Such violence had little part in the life of a vault-born, and he wonders how well his training has prepared him for what lies ahead.

"Yes, let us seek this city using this com!ass", he begins, struggling with the new word. The sound he produces is more a pop than a 'p'.
"We can can ask what has occurred here."

2012-04-20, 09:11 AM
As Tiatad is exposed to the huge...vastness outside the vault flinches back, nearly losing himself to a irrational fear of the bigness and space. Before he can completely succumb though a irritating high-pitched voice cuts through his fear.

"No time for phobias boss! We gotta get going on whatever we're going to be doing. Focus and control! Focus and control!"

The psicrystal's ranting manages to keep Tiatad's fear at bay, through sheer annoyance factor if nothing else.

"Alright already you misbegotten piece of scrap! Shut up!"

Tiatad seems to collect himself and then turns to his companions.

"I will psychically mark this spot so that we can find our way back to it once we have found the plants. Then we can be on our way"

Tiatad starts casting know direction and location, he spends can't remember how many rounds to recall the unknown spell and then will began the actual casting, still unsure on what the exact rules on casting are now as well.

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-21, 10:10 AM
Anyway after setting a Psychic point near the pods location, you venture forth.
Tiatad adds 1 Power point to his list.
Before your feet get stuck in the sand (I assume) Tiatad would have manifested skate (For next time, tell me what you prepare to do as you venture forth on the overland map). It will last for 3 hours.

This brings up his power point list up to 6, and Tiatad takes 3 nonlethal damage

Allistar takes the lead as he seems to know at least what the moon is.

As you march, following his lead, the heat stops bothering you that much after a while. You glance around and see nothing. Sometimes you see shrubs around you. Allistar collects one for inspection. Mostly deadish. Completly alien from anything he has ever heard of or seen in the vault.

The marching is difficult, as you seep into the sand, yet not entirely difficult as the layer of sand is not that high, so you don't sink in that much. Even with the levitation, the terrain is bumpy forcing you to go slowly.

You march for 3 hours

Tiatad Sustains the ritual taking another 2 nonlethal damage and building up 5 more power points taking his power point total up to 11.

Another hour you see the sunrise.

As the orb that is the moon lowers, you see the monstrosity that is the sun rise. Some sort of cracked black...thing. Like a obsidian orb, bursting from within with lava. The second you see it you also feel it. Harsh, dead, angry rays bombard you. The temperature rises. You take off some clothes and metal armor as the heat fries you.

You march for another hour in the temperature. You surely would be lost without the compass as everything looks so similar.

After another hour of march (not forced march) the temperature rises again.

The heat is just SO unbearable. It begins to wear you out:

You all roll for heat related nonlethal damage:

See Desert Treck (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=240534)

But fortunatly, in the distance you see some smoke. Something....Far away.

Tiatad sustains Skate, taking another 3 nonlethal damage bringing his total power points up to 16.

It takes another hour and the heat REALY begins to burn, but you don't care, you are there.

You arrive (Skate is still in effect). You have marched a total of 7 hours. You are exhausted (But fatigued in condition). If you wear any armor, you have long since dumped it on the yak.

For those to lazy to read the rules or care here are your conditions:

Allistar: 1 Nonlethal Damage (You are Fatigued)
Tschak: 8 Nonlethal Damage (You are fatigued)
Thlokt: 4 Nonlethal Damage (You are fatigued)
Dante: 4 nonlethal Damage (You are fatigued)
Tiatad: 8 Nonlethal Damage

When you arrive you see 8 small tents and a larger tent surrounding a large bonfire. The larger tent has a hole in it and seems to be fuming smoke from a hole in it (As in the tent is made to have a fire inside). The tents are strangely made out of....think paper. Huh.

Nearby is a small oasis (You do not know what an oasis is). It has a few plants growing out of it. It seems like somebody placed another tent near the shrubbery near the oasis.



The place seems abandoned. Although the fire seems fresh, but dying out.

You take a peak inside one of the tents. A couple of drops of blood on a bedroll.

zoom in pic:

2012-04-22, 08:46 AM
Dante will ready the daggers in his wrist sheaths but still keeping them semi-concealed in case someone/something comes out of the tent near the Oasis.

[roll0] Sleight of Hand

He walks up to the the tent near the end to inspect what is inside.

Perception [roll1]

While he engages in inspecting the tent, he says to Allistar,"Think you might know what kind of blood that is? Or perhaps how fresh it is?"

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-22, 09:38 AM
Suddenly, one of the farther tens opens up. Out of it walks out a tall tattooed and very tan Human with a black knife in one hand that shows fresh blood.

Her clothing is simple: a very plain and simple dirty brown robe, with many different doodads hanging off strings.

Her hair is yellow with braided in knots and loops.

The moment she sees you looking into the tent she screams in common

"Bundits!" (Be sure to speak appropriately for how many points you have invested in common)

As you stand in shock the tents for about 10 seconds out of 4 tents (Not the biggest one and the one next to the water) erupt out of the entrances other humans wearing similar get up. They all seem to be wearing a leather of some sort. Including the woman there are 4 people. Two women and two men.

Except for the woman they wear strange scaly hides that don't seem to cover all of their bodies.

3 brandish the black Knives and one seems to have a cut on his hand brandishes nothing but a club made of bone.

The other woman speaks in a load enraged voice

"Whur are you doeng here!"

You hear more voices

"Bundit scrum!"


They seem to be speaking in common, yet the words are very slurred. Those that speak common poorly don't notice the destiction, yet those that do notice this very much.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-22, 11:21 AM
Allistar shakes his head, the heat of the noon day sun nearly unbearable, noticing the sudden emergence of what seems to be hostile beings he walks over to the body of water and takes a few sips of water. He unwraps his turban and also dips it in the water. Once he has finished he stands up and looks to the on edge people then says "If we were bandits then don't you think we would attack sometime other than noon? Not to mention if we were here to draw blood, I guarantee that we would have done it by now. We are only travellers seeking water and shelter from the heat who stumbled across what seemed to be an abandoned, nothing more. I apologize for startling you and hope that we can share this spot or at the very least share the water. "

This is going to go so bad.... diplomacy...please people roll so you can aid me [roll0]
well.... we're screwed and dead if we have to fight in this condition.

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-22, 11:45 AM
The angry quadro looks baffled for a second by you not being intimidated at all.

As allsitar speaks, the quadro look at each other with questioning looks

The man with the club says

"Uhm.....Down to the ground! Palms on your back!"

As he menaces with his club.

the woman in the plain outfit looks at your yak with amazement.

"What are that?"

2012-04-22, 12:25 PM
Dante look at the tattooed female and merely nods in acknowledgement towards her. He begins to slowly back off with his hands raised but with the wrist sheaths facing him. He says to the leader looking type, "We do not mean harm. I do believe we can find an understanding here... I have items to give or trade if you are in need. We also have been travelling for some time and would gladly seek some shelter and water if you so would kindly allow us."

Diplomacy [roll0]

"The animal you are wondering about is our pack animal and trusted companion in the desert. He tends to help us find good water sources... He is also thirsty and needs a drink from that fine pool of water your tents guard." His mannerisms seem a little off to the party, but he hopes that the communication will reside with the native folks.

Dante begins to point at the leader's knife and asks, "Where do you find such a beautiful instrument?"

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-22, 12:40 PM
The guy with the club once again yells

"Lie down! We are not stupid!"

The woman wielding the bloody blade ignores your complimement looks at you and says

"Maybe. Where are you frome. Why are you wearing jester cloths? Lay down!"

Morbis Meh
2012-04-22, 01:15 PM
Allistar scoffs "Obviously you are stupid since we have made no hostile actions towards you and your party, you are the aggressors here and the choice whether or not blood gets spilled is up to you. Right now, I could care less about your paranoid delusions, I just want to rest under the shade before we continue on. As for where we're from, it's a place you would have no idea about so it is a moot point to discuss it." Growing tired of the silly people, Allistar moves under the shade of the tree and begins to relax, though he has his weapons next to him in case any get stupid enough to attack him.

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-22, 01:40 PM
"If you not bandits then why don't you listen?"

Yells the other woman (Not with the blood dagger).

As Allistar rests under the tree one of the men (Without the club) smiles, takes his hand to his mouth and yells "Zkunthrath Grab!"

From the tent near the tree erupts a lizard shaped creature, larger then horse!

It attempts to grab you with its mouth

VS AC of 10 (No arm and flat footed....I think)


Damage: [roll1] nonlethal

Grapple attempt:
VS 17

It bites Allistar , but Allistar maneges to prevent the jaws from clamping on him completely.

With a sense of triumph the woman with the bloody knife calmly demands

"Lie down"

GM note: Im not comfortable devolving into combat just yet. This is semi combat. If you want to go into combat already we can roll for initiative.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-22, 02:00 PM
If you didn't want combat then why did you have something attack, the guy was sitting down minding his own business, you know very well that anyone in his position would retaliate since he did nothing to provoke it. Hell sitting down vs laying down is only a slight difference in degrees, so they are retarded and are going to die. So if this ends up in a TPK then oh well! Initiative roll [roll0]
Upon being attacked Allistar immediately rolls forward away from the beast with his weapons and draws his bow aiming at the stupid cocky woman.

2012-04-22, 02:27 PM
Dante watches as the monstrous lizard thing bites down on Allistar. "What are you doing?!" He screams at the Nomad-people. He pulls out his mechanical torch and sparks it to life. "Do you want this? I can offer you this everlasting fire!" he yells and thrusts the torch to the ground in front of him as it stays alight amidst the crimson dust.

"Barbarians the lot of you!" he says scowling at the leader type. "Instead of taking advantage of us and our supplies, youd rather risk the chance at mere death because you think we are going to rob you at MID DAY!"


Note: If the nomads decide to attack then Dante will aid Allistar and the rest of the party in combat. If Intimidate works then Dante will make it seem like an even match and that fighting wouldn't benefit either side.

Edit 1: Initiative in case of combat.

2012-04-22, 02:29 PM
Initiative [roll0]

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-22, 02:32 PM
The group jumps back from the torch

"A warlock!"

Shrieks the woman

They group immediately drops their weapons and drops to their knees

The woman that had a cut looks up at you in desperation

"Please, dont kill we. We will give you anything want!"

On of the men yells with a shaky voice
"Zkunthrath down. Please don't hurt him. He only doing what I say!"

Zakunrath sits, even though there is a bow pointed to his head.

The group begins moaning in fear.

2012-04-22, 02:44 PM
Dante looks towards Allistar and shrugs, a look of confusion and exhaustion worn on his face. "Warlock? HA! We have more than Warlocks with us! The one who does not speak can move objects with a mere thought!"

Dante walks over and pick up the torch again and clicks it off. "Give us shelter for the evening and food and drink. We shall try to describe the place that we come from and the places we wish to find. Perhaps you could be more help to us than your fear is indicating." He says to the leader female with a deep bow.

He walks over to the tall female and holds out his hand in greeting and peace. Offering the torch with the other, he is careful not to bear his teeth and show any sign of weakness.

"Let us be friends for the moment, until the new days is upon us again."

Morbis Meh
2012-04-22, 02:50 PM
Allistar drops his bow muttering something about superstitious savages. He is very tempted to kill the beast despite the pleadings of the fool but he puts aside his temper and speaks to Dante in Thri Kreen "We will travel at night from here on out, going during the day is suicide so rest now while you can and we will set out when the sun goes down. Did anyone bring tents?"

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-22, 03:12 PM
GM Note: I realized that I was making them sound like cavemen. Whilst they ARE savages, they do not sound like cavement. Compare it to olden english (What you guys speak) to our modern english (What they speak)

"You also have Mindbenders? Agana in the larger tent there is also a Mindbender"

A man questions.

"Apparently they do Pavek. Quick hand them the food"

says the woman in the simple clothes

He quickly shuffles off and into the larger tent.

The woman stands up.

"Im sorry for attacking you. You are definitely not bandits. We will give the best food we can."

We will travel at night from here on out, going during the day is suicide so rest now while you can and we will set out when the sun goes down. Did anyone bring tents?

The leader woman says:

"Its also not wise to travel during the night. Last night was fortunately warm. Its usually very cold. Lots of creatures hunt at night. You can ride with us. We are going to Urik, would you like to go as well?"

The other woman (With a cut on her hand) says

"So you have come to drain this Oasis of life? Just like the one near Tyr?"

2012-04-22, 03:37 PM
"Wake up you sleepyhead! Rise and shine!"

Tiatad suddenly jerks awake, his eyes snapping open.

"Huh? Whut? Uh, I wasn't sleeping! Just resting my eyes, this skating business is tiring you know..."

He then takes in the scene before him.

"...what in the name of Space is going on?!"

2012-04-23, 04:55 AM
Tschak sighs in relief and relaxes from his fighting stance. For a moment there he'd thought things were going to get ugly.

"We do not want to take all water, just drink a little," he offers. "Why you think we were bandits?"

As the woman responds to Allistar his antennae twitch in excitement.
"You speak the language of my kind?" he asks, also in Thri-Kreen. "Are there many kreen nearby?"

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-23, 05:16 AM
The woman responds. Her kreen is rather poor.

"Yes. Kreen we hire to unload animals from our trade in Draj is a kreen"

"There are kreen in Urik also"

2012-04-23, 07:49 AM
"No fight," Thlo'kt says in common, almost questioning as he holds his weapons, then slowly lowers them. "I am getting some water," he says to his companions in kreen.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-23, 08:10 AM
Allistar rubs his shoulder grumbling over lizards then walks to the woman in charge and then mages through his bag for a moment. He produces a bandage and hands it to her "Here take this as an apology from me, it is a special bandage that will heal a wound much quicker than normal. If you wouldn't mind we would like to travel along with you. We are new to this area and could use a guide of sorts but we can repay you by protesting your family while we're here."

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-23, 10:04 AM
"Here take this as an apology from me, it is a special bandage that will heal a wound much quicker than normal. If you wouldn't mind we would like to travel along with you. We are new to this area and could use a guide of sorts but we can repay you by protesting your family while we're here"

The woman looks at you in shock. She looks at the bandage, then back at you. Then back at the bandage. She slowly takes it.

"Where do you come from to have such space for such generosity? Your speech is so very flowery, your clothes are so colorful, as warlocks you spare this oasis from your wrath and do not drain it of its life. And you try to heal my wounds even though it was us that assaulted you. Where do you find such generosity within yourself?"

Before you can answer, the man comes back with the food. He and his group agree to stay until the next day to give you all time to rest.

"T'Kkyl can moan about us being late. Wel just tell him it was a storm or such"

"We where planning to sell this meat but to your generosity we can splurge a little."

For a while you sit around the campire, cooking the meat.

When you eat it its taste is very peculiar. Very interesting. You ask what meat it is

"Carru from Raam"

You decide not to question what that is.

You find out the names of the people:

The woman with the bloody knife is named Essen, the man with the club is Pavek, the man without a club is named Vordon, and the woman with the cut is named Zadira.

After a while Zadira asks again

"Where are you from?"

2012-04-25, 07:44 AM
Tschak accepts the food gratefully.
"We travel a long way," he replies to Zadira. "Fighting in our homeland, decide to go west to get away. What kind of dwelling is Urik? We find good new living there?"

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-25, 09:22 AM
"What kind of dwelling is Urik? We find good new living there?"

"You never heard of Urik huh? Amazing. Your village must be very far away. Or very secluded"

Says Essen

"Well. Its a city just like the others"

Says Vordon with a sneer

"Well thats not true"

Says essen "Humanu the King Lion is a very respectable king"


Vordon rolls his eyes

"Even since Kallak died the kings been trying to clutch the whole city at once! Can't sell a packet of sand in the city without some Templar looking for some error in in my trade."

Essen replies

"You wherent so cocky when we sheltered there for the storm! A single gust of wind didn't even touch us!"

Vordon shuts up

Zadira says

"If your planning on living there I suggest you learn hamanus code, or youl end up in the Obsidian pit"

2012-04-25, 09:36 AM
Thlo'kt will walk back up. "If I understand, sounds like the place we were looking for," he says in kreen to his companions.

2012-04-25, 10:48 AM
"Long way, yes," Tschak replies to Essen, "City is word I want, not dwelling. Is a good place? What is Ha..." he struggles with the word a little. Ms are difficult when you have no lips - it comes out as more of a hum. "Hamanu's Code? And the O..." He tries to tackle the words again but the b gets the better of him. "The 'sidian !it?"

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-25, 12:02 PM
Zadira giggles at your attempt to pronounce the words. She then gives a light cough and says (In Thri-Kreen)

"Obsidian. Like Knife"

She shows you her knife and you finally realize that its not actually made of steel. Its made of stone. Or more accurately obsidian. You realize that all their weapons (As intricate or plain as they are) are made of stone. And they look at your steal weapons with amazement.


Says Pavek

"Humanu the great king of Urik. They say he personally carved Urik out of a mountain in the sand. He has great powers. Nobody knows what he truly looks like. Some see him as a half man half lion. Some see him as a powerful man. He fears nobody."

Essen chuckes "Great prose there Pavek."

Pavek looks embarrassed. She says:

"We all know he fears the Dragon. Only madmen don't fear the dragon"

GM note: You cannot possible know what a dragon is. Athas is not a standard DD world.

"Urik is...alright. I guess If I wanted to live in any city I guess Urik would do fine"

Vordon pipes up again

"Stop it Essen. Just because father loved the city doesn't mean Its as great as he said it is"

Essen angrily replies

"And where would you prefer to live!"

"Tyr. At least there are no slaves in there"

He snaps back

GM note: The vault also has no word for slaves.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-25, 12:19 PM
Initially Allistar watches the ailing banter with minor amusement but it soon fades and is replaced with annoyance. Growing impatient with the two he looks to the patriarch and asks politely "Excuse me, you have eluded to a code, I assume that refers to a set of laws. If that is the case would you be so kind to enlighten us on the subject. The last thing we need is to make a social faux pas, especially while in your company. I would hate for your family to be come involved with unpleasant circumstances that arose from one of our mistakes."

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-25, 12:46 PM
"Yes yes. Sorry about that. The code well...Its complicated. In a sense there are two codes. One code that the bureaucracy squabble over. Memorizing all of it will drive one to madness. But there are simpler rules, ones for the people follow. Im not too well versed in it, but its available at every entrance to Urik. Im sure the templars would provide you with a copy. Its pretty simple: Obey the laws or go to the obsidian pit or mines."

Vordon says

Essen replies: "You dolt, they don't know what the pit is"

Vordon replies: "Oh...Right. Its the gladiatorial ring. One of the most deadly in the tablelands. Composed entirely of obsidian, and they say that once within the heat is so hot that many of the gladiators simply die from exhaustion"

2012-04-25, 02:11 PM
Tschak notes the mention of these 'Dragon' and 'slaves' and mentally notes them down as bad things. Having recovered his slip about Urik, he senses that asking what either of these two things are will lead to further questions and attempts to change the subject.

"You are traders, yes? What do you trade in Urik?"

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-25, 02:19 PM
Vordon: Currently were trading meats. Like the ones your eating.

Essen: "Were nothing like the dune traders. Not belonging to a merchant house. We just scavenge what we can find. Buy the odd something or other. Then we go to the city that buys them for more. Then back again. Simple life, as long as we don't muddle with the politics."

Zadira: "Or get killed by the raiders, the beasts and the things we can't even identify" Says with a sarcastic grin.

Pavek: "But Agana keeps us safe. Shes the one sleeping in the larger tent." he says with assurance in Agana

2012-04-26, 09:24 AM
Dante is content with the situation now and is somewhat glad he didn't have to resort to bloodshed. He takes his time inspecting the area, just walking around and observing the surroundings. The desert scene intensely plays out in his thoughts with images of dry skeletons wasting away in the sands and of huge beasts that lurk in dark holes.

"This meat you have isn't half bad I must say." says Dante, as he takes a huge bite out of some unknown animal. "Zadira, I was wondering if you could teach me some survival techniques for the desert... specifically vegetation. Do you know where the best edible plants grow? And what kinds of animals roam the dunes at night?"

OOC: Before they leave, Dante will fill up his waterskin to full in the oasis, taking the necessary precautions to ensure it is drinkable (boiling/filtering, etc.). He also wishes to trade for a couple of the Black Knives that they carry.

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-26, 09:42 AM
Zadira scratches the back of her head and looks at you awkwardly

"We don't really know much of the vegetation in the area, except that the majority of it can move and drinks blood, and we just try to stock up on food before we leave a settlement. The beasts that roam the current area.....Some spinewurms.....And from where we are relative to this oasis Im sure were close to an antliod den....Other then that Im not so sure...."

OCC: Sure sure. Il count it that you have 5 extra days of rations (1 per person) after leaving the oasis. Also- Obsidian weaponry is inferior to metal. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/special-materials#TOC-Obsidian) If you want one because its badass (One of thier weapons is masterwork and looks very nice and works as well as metal) lets RP it out.

2012-04-26, 09:55 AM
Dante is fascinated by the very light yet durable material that the black knives are made out of. "We didn't see many of these where I am from... What is one of these worth? I would like to have one, I am a bit of a knife collector of sorts. The light weight must make it especially nice for throwing, though I am not so sure how much impact they could take before breaking".

Dante smiles at Zadira and the rest of the merchant band and says, "I mean, they must be sharp, you did cut you hand on one, no?"

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-26, 10:23 AM
A light grin crosses Zadiras face but then as she looks at Vordon who gives a disapproving look it quickly vanishes

"Well this is the obsidian knife that was a present from Vordon here. Hes our "master weaponmaker""

Vordon gives a knod and says

"I know stone knives are usually somewhat more durable, but they usually aren't as sharp, and the way I construct mine, they usually are much more durable. Here il show you the rest of them that I have, You might find one useful"

He leads you to another one of the giant lizard creatures inside the tent. From inside a pack on its back he retrieves a bunch of weapons:

He has 5 just plain old obsidian knives that don't look that fancy (And he says are rather brittle). He says they might be fine for throwing. Says each is a usually 3 ceramics but hel give you a discount and sell you one for 2.

He also has a much more solid looking dagger that retracts from a wooden stick. Its very carefully made and costs 4 ceramics

He then retrieves a VERY nicely carved rather large round wooden medallion. On the front is a carving that looks like a serpent eating itself. When he shakes it in a specific way, it unfolds revealing one large blade and a handle. Its reset by pushing a button in the middle. Its a throwing axe. One of his best weapons currently on stock. 16 Ceramic pieces.

2012-04-26, 10:42 AM
Dante grins as the weapons are shown to him. He glances over the brittle black knives and then to the wooden handled one, he thinks to himself that it would be good for concealing, but a little clumsy. However, he sees the throwing axe and is immensely intrigued at the design and the carving of the snakes.

"What does this symbol mean?" Dante asks.

He reaches into his back pack and pulls out a small leather sack tied with a leather cord. He opens it and deposits several large iron caltrops into his hand and says, "I don't have this ceramic you speak of, but a master weapon-maker should know how to smelt... These are caltrops, normally for impairing a foot, but, I am sure enough metal is here for you to create something of worth to your people that will last much longer than obsidian, though it is beautifully sharp!"

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-26, 10:54 AM
"This symbol its just a illustration of how some people enter this self destructive cycle. Just reminds me of my own village. Its own greed and arrogance got it destroyed."

He says grimly.

Once his hand catches the caltrops this happens

"COUGH COUGH COUGH" Vordon almost coughs on his own spit.

He quickly gives you everything. He falls on his knees: "THANK YOU! OH DEAR GUARDIAN THANK YOU!". He clutches the caltrops so hard that they start to pierce his rugged hand.

2012-04-26, 07:32 PM
"Well I am glad you are happy with the trade and I hope we can aid one another in future endeavors as well. I admire the craftiness with which you make this deadly objects Vordon, and I admire your strength in managing such a business in such harsh conditions. You would not understand where we have come from, it is nothing like this, but, I can surely say that you are more resilient than most of the folk I used to live with." Dante replies to the ecstatic nomad.

He takes up the throwing axe and tests its weight, tossing it gently between both hands to get a feel for it, then pressing the small button to retract it back into its medallion form. "This is truly remarkable" Dante says "and quite beautiful in the light". He admires the shine of the black glassy objects and smiles at Vordon, holding out his arm to grasp Vordon's.

"Well met. I am Dante Shazenari"

2012-04-28, 06:17 AM
Tiatad seems to be listening attentively to the conversations going on around him, saying little himself however, seemingl content to listen for now.

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-30, 04:48 AM
Consider your HP fully restored.

During the middle of the day, you find out who sleeps in the larger tent. A woman with a child with the name of Agan. The child looks very young, no older then a month. You chat it up for a while and find out that she is a powerful wielder of the way. Her powers are dependent on her feelings, and currently she feels still very tired after the birth of her child.

You find out that the group met her only 8 months ago, but became very close. With her as part of the caravan, she was able to defend the group from powerful beasts.

After resting for the day, you go to sleep and wake up the next day. Except for the Kreen. They just watch. If you dream, you dream of colors and spaces.

The sun looks at you overhead with its dead cracking core. Its rays say that it hates you.

After taking some water, you set off. You place the canibu on one of the giant lizards (That are called Inixes).

Inix Picture:

Before setting off, Agana tries to cast skate, but finds herself too tired to do so. She faints trying to generate the energy to manifest Skate. So, being a nice guy, Tiatad casts Skate. You account for the 5 Inixes so thats 2 Nonlethal damage. Power point total 5.

Agana gets the biggest Inix and Is lead by Pavek, Essen shares a Inix with Dante, Allistar and shares one with Zadira and Tiatad shares one with Vordon. The Thri-Kreen ride one on their own. Fortunately its smart and doesn't need to be lead. It just follows the lead.

As Kreen, you realize after a mere 3 minutes of riding the Inixes, you get intensely uncomfortable. To the point where you would actually prefer going on foot. Thats another 1 nonlethal damage. Power point total 7

As you ride, its not NEARLY as uncomfortable as when you walk. Even the marching kreen go under the Inixes shadow. Get a +3 bonus to rolling against heat effects due to shade and comfort.

As the sun rises, its at first not too bad. You just feel sticky as your clothes cling to your body. It feels very stuffy, but at the very least there isn't the intense burning of the sun. The Kreen once again feel more suited, because the Chitin isn't as sensitive. Whilst traveling you hit a rather sharp incline and some of your stuff falls off. You manage to generally pick everything back onto the thingy.

What happens during the Days worth of travel:

Day 1:

Occurances: Outside of EXTREME boredom, nothing much occurs during the day.

You spend the day traveling, going through the ups and downs. The sun is...Tolerable, and only at its hight do you begin to feel very tired and fatigued. The others in the caravan don't seem to be as uncomfortable as you are.

Heat: Roll for heat related Troubles 5 times.

Upkeeping Skate: You would usually have Upkept skate 2 more times, but agana takes over for the last casting. So take an additional 4 Nonlethal damage.

The heat thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=240534)

Damage Taken:

Tiatad: 17
Thlokt: 7
Tsachak: 8
Aliistar: 1
Dante: 7

You travel for 8 hours before the sun begins to slowly drop and you set up camp once again.

Your Resting heals 10 nonlethal damage for the majority of the day being spent on camping and resting

Damage post healing:
Tiatad: 7

Day 2:

Oh snap! You realise that yesterday you dropped your special Kreen pills!

Whilst riding, you suddenly stop. Pavek warns you all to be very quiet. You see a gigantic Flying monsters pterodactyl thing fly overhead. It itgnores you and snatches up an equally large snake monster from the ground. Pavek says that that was an amazing sight. Its a Drake, beasts of huge power, second only to the Kings of the Tablelands (The name of the current areas)


Heat: Roll for heat related Troubles 4 times.

Upkeeping Skate: Cast skate once: 3 Damage. Agana feels better today.

The heat thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=240534)

total current Damage Taken :

Tiatad: 13 Fatigued
Thlokt: 1 Fatigued
Tsachak: 0
Aliistar: 0
Dante: 11 Fatiuged

You travel for 8 hours before the sun begins to slowly drop and you set up camp once again.

On the second day, whilst you set up camp, you notice something in the distance. The starts are overhead, but you notice that its some large black object sticking from under the sands. You cautiously approach it....Its stone. Its very smooth black stone. But it appears that it has a hole into it. The object is very round and has one hole in its side, large enough for a human, and maybe a kreen with a escape artist check to squeeze through. Only a part peaks through the sand. The rest seems to be beried beneath it.

Essen: So...what should we do.......

Pavek: I think we should leave it alone....

2012-04-30, 07:21 AM
"I say we watch it while the rest sleep. In case something comes out," Thlo'kt will say to Tsachak in kreen.

2012-04-30, 07:59 AM
Tschak never really had to travel any long distances in the vault, so he's surprised that running alongside the inixes just feels right. In fact, more than once he feels the strange urge to leap onto it, to bite and claw and slash with his sword, but he shakes the thoughts away. By the second day he's begun to fall into a rhythm, staying in the shade cast by the inix's howdah.

When they reach the stone, Tschak looks it over with interest.
"This is a stone like your daggers cut throm?" he asks.

(Looking over the stone:
Is it obsidian?
Does the hole appear to lead down underground?
If so, does it appear to widen out once inside?
Does the stone/the hole/the tunnel appear to be natural or tooled?
Can he hear anything down the hole?)

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-30, 10:36 AM
Vordon: Im....not......sure.......Obsidian is usually very jagged and sharp...But this stone feels like obsidian yet....Its smooth. The sands couldn't have done this, worn down stone doesn't feel like this.

The stone is very smooth, and seems to reflect light. It also is cool at first like obsidian, but obsidian heats up rather quickly.

The hole seems to lead inside the structure, the hole is about 3 feet deep and the structure is simply a 15ft hemisphere. The hole is too perfectly round to be a natural hole, When you look inside, or shine a light you don't see much because the deepness of the hole restricts your vision. But it does seem to widen on the inside. You hear nothing inside and when you speak into the hole the sound bounces back.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-30, 11:19 AM
I recommend we either explore it or find another place to camp because it is dangerous to be next to an open hole. You never know what is down there and I will not risk the life of a newborn and its mother on a needless gamble. If you insist on staying I will go down alone if need be but I would prefer if someone tagged along or at the very least lag behind so they can warn the others. Allistar dismounted from the lizard and began to strap on his armour and nodded to his rope "If some one could find a place to tie off one end that would be great or have someone hold it up so they can bring it up until I get back."

2012-04-30, 03:18 PM
As exhausted as Dante is, he replies to Allistar, "Let me catch my breath from the heat..." He wipes away the dirty sweat and grit from his forehead and swigs from his waterskin, "...and I will help you down there. I can be quiet at least and step lightly. As well, we may find a hospitable environment down there. I am sure underground is much cooler than above, it would be nice to rest in a cool place, no?".

He drops off the back of the lizard, weak in the knees and walks over toward the hole inspecting it, attempting to see how far it goes.

[roll0] for Perception

Scowling Dragon
2012-04-30, 03:50 PM
"If some one could find a place to tie off one end that would be great or have someone hold it up so they can bring it up until I get back."

Essen: Er...Yeah...Sure.

She ties it to one of the inexes.

If you peer inside you see darkness. If you illuminate you see nothing much. Just some more obsidian walls from the inside.

2012-05-03, 12:36 PM
Tschak looks around. Looks like a few people are getting ready to go down the hole. Drawing his sword, he begins to squeeze himself through the narrow opening, holding the blade in front of him while he pushes himself along with feet and lower arms.

2012-05-03, 01:25 PM
"Guard," Thlo'kt will say in common as he takes up next to the hole with an imposing stance.

2012-05-03, 02:53 PM
Dante decides to stay above ground and see where the Kreen goes, he observes from the shade of a lizard trying to recuperate. He will rest until he is healed of fatigue and non-lethal damage, and then explore the hole with the rest of the party. However, right now he is too tired and exhausted to seriously consider adventuring into a dark hole.

2012-05-04, 01:12 PM
He watches the Kreen get stuck in the hole and walks over to help get him un-stuck. "Not a very malleable body i take it?" he mentions in a crude Kreen bastardization of language. "I really think we ought to wait a bit and see if anything strange happens with this monument" he says reverting back to Common, "perhaps something happens with it in different lights, or times of the day? Either way I will begin to cook some of the rations we have and get some fresh water for us".

"Tell me a story of your Homeland Zadira. I wish to know more about this place and the people who populate it."

Morbis Meh
2012-05-04, 02:54 PM
Allistar looks at Tschack and almost laughs but manages to restrain himself, well for the most part anyway. He saunters over to the unfortunate Kreen and pats him on the shoulder and begins to chitter away in Kreen "Nice try but let me go down first." He turns to Dante shaking his head "Feel free to stay here but I am going down now, it's better you rest otherwise you'll be a liability down there; however, like I mentioned earlier it is not only extremely foolish but also dangerous to wait beside an open hole in unfamiliar territory. The last thing we need is to be ambushed in the middle of the night, just make sure you leave some good for me."

Allistar proceeds to tie the rope around his waist, activate his lightness torch (which hangs down off of his belt) and slowly begins his descent, keeping the rope taught.

climb check [roll0]
wow this is one of the first times I have had a character with ranks in climb.

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-05, 09:13 AM
For Dante:

Zadira looks at descending alistar for a bit and then starts talking to you as she watches allistars descent

"Im from Shazlurm. Thats quite a bit away from here. Its not related to any of the cities."

For Allistar:

You descend pretty well. You hold a tight grip and everything fine. Its ascending thats the hard part.

The rope isn't that long but you descend into this:
Note, The thingies are chairs. Inconsistencies in size are due to crappy drawing skills

The whole room seems to not be at an even angle.
You see everything made up of stone. Lighter stone then the obsidian top. The room looks very empty. The walls are decorated with symbols you don't recognize. These symbols look simple, but alien.

One side of the wall has a rather exact square hole. Some sand seeps through it. Though because the sand is much denser here it seems to be prevented from just toppling entirely out.

There are two large seat like things attached to the same side of the wall. They are rather large and are also inscribed with the strange symbols.

At the floor is another hole leading elsewhere.

There are about 6 suits of armor scattered around the room. 2 of them sit on the chairs, the other 4 are just scattered on the floor behind the seats.

Perception Check 10

There are two armor designs. One is very simple, and covers the whole body including the head. The plates are interconnected with wires. The chest is especially thick and is decorated with a round black stone (Most likely obsidian) in the middle. Well one is. The rest seem to have their stones broken. These are littering the floor. The helmets cover the whole face, whith only two holes for eyes.

The other design seems to be made for people of much thinner status, and the metal plates only cover half the upper body with no helmets. Its much more designed with metal patterns on it, engraved with more black round stones all around the armor. None of these suits of armor seem to have their plates connected to each other by anything. The armor rests on decayed skeletons that seem to be mostly composed of dust.
Roll perception and wisdom allistar
Perception Check 15

There are tatters of leather and cloth still stuck to the more complex armor designs.
Perception Check 24

The Suits of armor littering the floor seem to be too big for any human complexion. The helmets are of a weird shape, the chest is not designed for a human chest, the eyes on the helmet are to far apart.

Wisdom Check 15

What was holding some of these armors together must have decayed over time. Some armors are composed of metal plates and held together by leather cloth, and others might have pieces that are wooden. The simpler designs seem to have pieces missing, but would make sense if those pieces used to be wood that rotted away. And the more complex ones where also made of leather.

Morbis Meh
2012-05-05, 04:36 PM
perception check [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-05-05, 08:09 PM
Wisdom check... this is going to be a fail [roll0]

2012-05-07, 10:04 AM
Tschak peers down after Allistar.
"What is down there?" he calls softly. "Is safe I try again?"

Morbis Meh
2012-05-07, 11:18 AM
Allistar wines at the question, though he was sure it was done quietly it was actually rather Lou due to the acoustics. Waiting to see if anything happened Allistar hung on the rope quietly. Once he was sure it was safe he made his way back up, with a notable amount of effort, and untied the rope around himself. "It's a crypt down there though it is not a human one, in fact I cannot tell what race once occupied.it. If it's inhabited then whoever lives down there must be really good at climbing. There were a.couple of corpses but if we want to explore it further we'll need a lot more rope."

2012-05-07, 06:39 PM
Dante listens intently as Alistar explains what he has found. "I have some extra rope in my pack. Do you think we should explore it now?"

Dante gets up and walks over to the pack-lizard holding his things and rifles through his backpack finding the silken-rope that has been so useful to him. He also pulls out a three-pronged hook with an eye-hole at the end, a giant fishing hook essentially. "This grappling hook might be useful to you if you plan to explore further in. Plus, typically keeps a rope sturdy." He says walking toward Allistar and the Kreen. He hands the hook and extra rope to Allistar.

Morbis Meh
2012-05-10, 01:04 PM
Allistar shakes his head "We would need a lot more rope than that I am afraid. From what I could see there is another level right below the first and no means to access it save more rope. I will leave the decision to the group... we can only hope that if anything is living down there that it can't fly"

2012-05-10, 01:14 PM
"No rope," Thlo'kt will say in common.

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-10, 01:17 PM
Essen replies

"Uh....We have rope"

Morbis Meh
2012-05-10, 01:26 PM
"Well of you want me to explore down there then I would appreciate it if you grabbed it and helped me tie it together."

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-10, 01:30 PM
And so they did.

DM Note: Im currently unprepared to finish the second level. Will post it tomorrow.

2012-05-10, 01:50 PM
"Want me to follow," Thlo'kt will ask his companion in kreen.

Morbis Meh
2012-05-13, 05:08 PM
Allistar shrugs "Feel free to, just make sure you don't get stuck and block my escape as well. " Gathering up the extended rope, he ties it back to the lizard and throws it down the hole. He ties himself off like the previous time and pulls the rope taught before he descends for the second time, the flameless torch still on at his side.

climb again as well as perception and such. I don't think this is the desert so I will not put my bonus on perception
climb [roll0]
perception [roll1]

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-14, 12:50 AM
You descend down the longer tunnel. You descend for about a minute until you reach the bottom.

You find no room, the tunnel just stops at a gravel floor. The floor has a damaged metal plate half buried in the sand.

You look up and see that from this angle the tunnel splits off into two other tunnels that lead up. So 3 tunnels in total from this direction. One that leads back up and and one from the left and from the right.

2012-05-14, 07:13 AM
Thlo'kt will wait patiently to see if all of the others file into the hole.

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-14, 01:09 PM
Stanley, if you want you can try to shuffle in as well. Just need an acrobatics check.

I also missed the detail that there where metal trapdoors covering the other two that sprout off this room tunnels.

Perception Check 15

The tunnels are not square shaped but rectangularly shaped. Thus the metal trap doors don't look like standard trap doors but like standard rectangular doors

Also pic:


Morbis Meh
2012-05-14, 01:22 PM
Allistar casually unties the rope from his waist and takes a look around at the bottom of the shaft.

perception [roll0]

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-14, 01:31 PM
Whilst inside you feel the comforts of enclosed space again. You stop shaking.

2012-05-14, 01:34 PM
Thlo'kt will eventually cram himself in the hole and drag his weapons behind him.

Acrobatics [roll0]

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-14, 01:35 PM
Perfect. You ace that hole.

Now Climb down (As long as you don't roll less then 10 for climb check your down safely.).

2012-05-14, 02:05 PM
As Thlo'kt reaches the edge of the entrance he tries to lower himself to the end of the rope.

Climb [roll0]

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-14, 02:23 PM
Perfect. You ace the climb so well you just ninja-cend your way down there making a few ninja flips on your way down.

Now that your at the bottom roll for perception.

2012-05-15, 08:10 AM
Tschak waits patiently at the entrance to the structure. If he had trouble getting in at the very beginning, he decides that crawling about in the tunnels probably isn't going to be his strength.

2012-05-17, 04:37 PM
Since I'm being retconned in, I'll just start with a brief description of what he's been doing up till now.

Galen had remained quiet for the majority of the trip thus far, staying out of everyone's way and speaking only when spoken to. He would trudge along a short distance behind the rest of the caravan, head tucked into his chest, looking at the shifting grains of sand beneath his feet so as to maintain his balance as he walked. As he walked, he thought. Galen had been amazed by the seemingly endless nature of world above the vault. The loss of the forest had been somewhat surprising and seeing that there was only sand as far as the eye could see even more so. But what had really caught him was the sky. The vast endlessness of the world above the one he now stood on. Seeing for the first time he had almost been afraid and was nearly overwhelmed by the emotions he fought so hard to contained. But now that he had been under the sky for several days, the fear had faded only to be replaced by a mild curiosity about the potential for worlds even further beyond the one he saw above him.

When the caravan settled down to rest after the second day of travel, Galen sat off to the side under the shadow of one of the lizard mounts and watched as his allies began to explore the mysterious black outcrop. He was the frailest of all those sent on this mission, he was tired, and he needed rest. After watching his other team mates enter the crag (and resting for a few minutes to catch his breath), he finally follows behind them and climbs into the darkness below.

What kind of checks need to be made?

2012-05-18, 07:06 AM
After looking about, Thlo'kt will attempt to push open one of the doors in the 'ceiling' with his gythka.

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-18, 07:25 AM
You give a light push. Some sand falls to the floor but nothing else.

You give a stronger push. The entire metal door breaks off its hinges from the stone and falls on you with its very heavy heaviness.

Thunk. It falls on your foot....claw....thing.

2012-05-18, 08:15 AM
"Ouch," Thlo'kt will exclaim in kreen.

Morbis Meh
2012-05-18, 08:18 AM
Allistar shakes his head and suppresses a grin "They just make things like they used to... Move over a bit a bit and let me have a look." He steps around the broken door and looks upward through the open doorway whilst holding up his flameless torch for light.

perception [roll0]

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-18, 09:08 AM
Your light source doesn't reach that far unfortunately. All you see is more tunnel. But you see some something small and sparkling at the side of the tunnel.

Morbis Meh
2012-05-18, 09:46 AM
Allistar frowns at the sight then looks over to Thlo'kt and critters in kreen "Could you give Mr a bit of a boost, it will be easier for me to get up there than you my friend." He matches the torch back onto his belt and cracks his hands, not looking forward to climbing but his curiosity was piqued

Climb [roll0]

2012-05-18, 10:00 AM
Thlo'kt will give him a boost up.

Strength [roll0]

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-18, 10:06 AM
You clamber up, and wedging yourself against the walls and using the carvings to climb up you manage to scale a very tough wall. Part way. You brace yourself.

You see the shiny thing as a iron ball embebed in the wall. Some of the carvings seem to stem from it.

Morbis Meh
2012-05-18, 11:13 AM
Allistar grunts as he braces himself against the wall. He looks intently upon the drawings and shouts down to Galen "Hey, if I shout down what I see from these drawings, would you be able to translate? Foreign diagrams isn't exactly my forte."
For a brief moment he is tempted to touch the iron ball but he suppresses that notion knowing if something happened he'd lose his grip and fall. He concentrates on the drawings and relates what he sees to Gale below.

perception [roll0]

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-18, 11:22 AM
They seem like gibberish. Garbage. Nothing.

2012-05-18, 04:53 PM
I don't know, Galen replies simply in a voice just shy of monotone. The carvings mean nothing to him.

Galen decides to find out a little bit more about their surroundings. Maybe there's some source of power nearby or an artifact of some sort. Something that might help reveal the secrets of this place. He closes his eyes and begins to focus on bringing forward some of his power.

Going to cast Detect Psionics. No augmentation. Target, 15 points (I think? Assuming I got all of the rules right.) Rolls: [roll0]

Following rolls are just in case it takes longer: [roll1]

He allows his mind to open to to his surroundings, searching for something of power.

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-19, 12:46 AM
You fail to properly control your energy. Your mind slips and the energy causes you to be stunned for 1 round.

DM Notes for Hpboy:

First of all, you have a +5 bonus to casting (Remember, the core + charisma?)

Second Im sorry I had to do that. Your first unmodified d20 rolled less then a 6 (2). Thus two points where subtracted. Thus you had a critical failure and something bad happens. Its just for 6 seconds so thats OK I hope.

Also mate, I said take 8 nonlethal damage, not 18.

Don't forget to write down that you built up 1 power point under "current power points".

Also, don't forget about your built up energy. You have 20 of it. On the next attempt you can just add 15 of it to ensure that your roll succeeds.

Morbis Meh
2012-05-19, 01:49 AM
Allistar sighs deeply, growing tired of this extremely odd place, putting his better judgement aside he examines the metal ball. He begins to reach out to it but hesitates "Heads up people, I am going to do something that may or may not have some kind of consequence." With his companions notified he steadies himself and gently touches the ball.

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-19, 02:52 AM
You feel as if something rips your mind out of your skull and grabs it out into the ball.

You feel in horrible pain, as your mind isn't used to this. But as the pain begins to dull you get a feeling that you can access and do something from this metal ball. Like some sort of muscle that you can manipulate that can only be accessed from the ball. But before you can pull the "muscle" your mind crashes back into your head as you realize that you lost your grip and fell to the floor pulling your mind with it.

To everybody else. You see the runes surrounding the ball light up with a dim glow. The runes illuminate the whole tunnels very briefly but as allistar falls they switch off again.

2012-05-19, 08:12 AM
That's ok Scowling Dragon. I now have some first hand experience and understand everything better because of it. Sorry about the 18, didnt mean to put a 1 there.

Galen feels a sharp jab of pain in his mind and closes his eyes, sucking in a air sharply. That was careless. As the pain began to fade he opened his eyes and watched as runes began to glow and Allistar fell from his perch.

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-20, 09:45 AM
You hear Essen calling from the outside

"Oy, whats going on down there?"

2012-05-22, 04:39 AM
Tschak calls down as well.
"You are alright? I should go in too?"
He begins to rethink how he could squeeze through the hole if necessary.

2012-05-22, 06:55 AM
"Need a hand," Thlo'kt will kreen out.

2012-05-22, 07:28 AM
Galen looks up the shaft, once again focusing his energy and sending his thoughts outwards into the world again.

Once again, manifesting Detect Psionics, using 15 points of stored energy this time. Concentrating for as long as possible to get the best read on the area. Thats now a total of 2 power points manifested today, another point of non-lethal damage.

He then turns to Allistar with a hand held out in an offer to help pick him up. What happened? He inquires softly.

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-22, 07:36 AM
Under the spell you see that all the runes are infused with light psionics.

You know like how in laser tag where in the darkness only the spray painted on symbols remain illuminated? Or like Tron?

Well thats what happens. You see Psionic energy, a combination clairsentience, and telepathy. You see a strong aura of Telepathy radiate from the metal ball.

To your surprise you detect that the runes stretch below you under the sand.

2012-05-22, 01:13 PM
Tschak tries to lower himself into the hole again. Somehow, despite his years of training and excellent flexibility, he can't seem to get through the hole... :smallannoyed:

Scowling Dragon
2012-05-22, 01:17 PM
Essen attempts to give you a shove.


Her attempt is a success. Make an climp check to prevent yourself from tumbling to the floor.

2012-05-22, 01:32 PM
Managing to land with more grace than he entered, Tschak calls back up "Thank you for assist!" before heading deeper into the tunnels to find out how he can help.

Acrobatics checks if needed:


Edit: ...:smallfurious: