View Full Version : Campaign: Wretched egg

2012-04-13, 12:15 PM
Ok Mostly everything is set for the campaign i planned for my friends.
It will be our first campaign so I went lax with a number of rules.
before i start the campaign I thought I'd ask the Gintp forums to see if I made mistakes especially with the character sheets. Don't try fixing grammar, I know I have too many errors already.

Without further ado....

The Wretched Egg Campaign

Campaign: Plot

Once on the continent of Genn a great city once prospered. In the great city of Rozan lived an old
and withering but powerful Sorceress. With Her Elven and Demonic lineage She lived for a long age
but those years she lived were not enough for her. With this she looked for a way to immortality
and maybe even invincibility without losing her sanity. As an added bonus she would become even
more powerful than she was now.

With her remaining yars before she turned into dust she sent her most loyal vassals to find and make her the immortality she wished. Within the span of a year and a half research was complete. Two and a half years after that all needed materials were gathered and the ritual was ready to proceed. Everything was in place and in a matter of minutes the Sorceress would attain godlike power with her loyal vassals ruling beneath the dust of her feet but something unexpectd happened.

Four of the eight leaders of the Council of Magus The Eternal Hero apparated into the chamber where the Sorceress' plan was coming into fruition. A battle then ensued where all but three of the vassals survived and only two of th council remained. The elder leader cast the younger into a safe plane while he used his power to seal the last two vassals and distort if not destroy the Sorceress' ritual of immortality, this cost him his life.

The end result was the destruction of the city leaving only a battered remnant of itself while all of the residents died, as for the place where the Sorceress was in place a spiked egg covered in a gray stone-like mold beside it on each side two figures were posed screaming in agony covered in the same gray ass the egg.

The remaining leaders of the council immidiately found out about the incident. They found the site of sealing and from one look knew that the seal would not hold for long. With that in mind the council used its resources to build a seal. Unfortunately the beings being sealed were too powerful so every ten years someone would replace the seal with another. Years, decades, centuries and millenias passed. The city was only a ruin now and around it grew a great forest with the oldest being a hundred spans wide.

Now the history of the place is long forgotten save for the tradition of replacing the seal. The why of it is no longer questioned as it had become tradition. An apprentice graduating from a master may choose this as his pilgrimage or final test to graduate.

And what about the fate of the one cast into another plane? Who knows maybe the Pilgrim will find out. This time replacing the seal may not be so easy. Forces of great evil and greed have been drawn to the increasing allure of the spiked egg. Those that venture into Rozan and the forest around it may not be leaving for quite awhile if ever.

Campaign: paths

There are three ways this can go but all with the same beginning. First is Obviously either sealing or destroying the what I call "Wretched egg". Whoo Deadman Wonderland reference! Second is Falling into desire and becoming the new loyal vassals. Lastly Is harnessing the power for themselves but I highly doubt anyone would choose this.......right?

Campaign: GM knowledge

One way or another I'll get the PC's to cooperate in a subtle or not so subtle way. If they choose to Destroy/seal wretched egg then the lich of the guy who was cast into another plane will test and help them but he will not be gentle with the testing part. If they succumb to desire, they will not meet the lich but instead will meet the other evils that were attracted. If they end up wanting to take power for themselves They will have to kill all competition, the lich, the vassals and maybe even the Sorceress and I'll make them kill each other in greed if they choose this path, they deserve a bad ending if they choose this anyway.

Campaign: character meeting

I plan to let the players work that out. If they stray I'll prod.
I hope they make use of RP.

Campaign: Characters

Gian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=390223), Norabi (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=390207), Broggol (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=390193), Seven (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=390176) and Garret (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=390137)

I even found other people willing to GM for us!
Just tell me what maybe missing.

Kol Korran
2012-04-13, 01:47 PM
so you did decide to prepare sheets for all. oh well.

i'm not familiar enough with pathfinder to offer much help, but a few things i thought to suggest:

0) each member seems to have quite a lot of money left, which they could have used for better equipment.

1) you forgot to add their Con modifier to their hit points

2) you didn't seem to choose a favored class for them (or i didn't notice)- you didn't give them either an extra hit point or a skill point

3) the spells for the sorcerer are quite weak. magic missile is pitiful at the first levels, and shocking grasps demand he get near his enemies, which he does NOT want to do. plus, they are both offensive. i suggest giving him one offensive spell (sleep, color spray and grease are all excellent choices) and one defensive spell (mage aror or shield come to mind)

4) the bard needs ranks in perform (decide which style) in order to use his bardic music

5) if i'm not mistaken, the repeating crossbow of the fighter is an exotic weapon, so he'll take a -4 to hit with it since he doesn't have a feat.

6) also, his choice of feats is quite bad. as a fighter who uses a two handed weapon, power attack is quite useful. alertness is nearly useless to him- it's not even a class skill (and you didn't add it to his modifiers).

7) the ranger can't fire his bow while wearing a light shield. also, there are far better feats for a ranger than improved init. many that deal with his favored enemy.

8) i'd advise against choosing the ranger's animla 3 levels in advance. let that be the player's choice. they should understand the game sufficiently well by then.

9) nothing wrong with the druid, but i'd go for a different feat than enlarge spell. perhaps towards the augment summoning line?

a few things more general to the campaign:
1) you give 3 possible paths to choose from, but then you say you're going to

I'll make them kill each other in greed if they choose this path, they deserve a bad ending if they choose this anyway.
they deserve to have a fun and satisfying game (possibly with consequences, but not as punishment) whatever path they choose. if they choose this path and you're going to make the end miserable as punishment then that is no fun, and a waste of everyone's time. if they achieve their goal, it should feel like victory, even if it's a "bitter sweet" victory.

2) is the entire campaign going to take place on the way to the forest? near the seal and so on? because you need to think about things like trading treasure, buying items, finding a place to raise the dead or find new team members (to replace those who died)

3) characters meeting: if these ARE new players, they need quite a bit of help here. you gave no world other than the wretched egg and that council. i suggest to have them all hired by whatever remains from this council. should be good enough to start at least, no?

these are new players, it's going to be a bit forced anyhow, might as well be connected to the plot.

4) how exactly are they going to reinforce the seal? it was created by this uber duper character, they are level 1... how are they going to do it?

i'm not trying to bash you, just trying to help, even if it seems otherwise.
good luck to you!

2012-04-13, 08:50 PM
1)Thanks for pointing out the mistakes and by the they just used my account I didn't do that for them. Its kinda hard to make characters when 5 people are only glossing the core rule book on one PC.

2)They weren't allowed to bring laptops:smallannoyed:
So we were cramped on one PC :smallfurious:

3)I'll also tell them of the suggestions you made since they chose the feats skills and whatnot.

4)Man Looks like we'll have to spend another meeting reading the whole rulebook with all the mistake made. And the extra money was for future events, just in case. The guy with over a hundred GP is just Backstory as he is part of royalty.

5)Like I said he chose the animal companion in advance he wanted a flying one so I copypasted him an Eagle on the sheet.

6)Augment summoning? I guess Ill have to look for that

7)So I need to tell them to make alts? They were antsy enough with making one. As for raising the dead I'll have to make an NPC then.

8)NPC merchants? I'm kind of thinking of a Demon souls/ Dark souls setting so maybe a nexus or firelink shrine?

9)So I make the story By them Hired to do one thing BUT don't know much about the others except for what they see. With this I'll have to change the lore a bit cause i wrote The reason why is not known it is just done, so it makes no sense whatsoever to hire mercenaries meh I'll use a deus ex machina?

10)Oh no They won't be making the seal, They already have it made by the current leaders of the council. I guess I forgot to put it in the pilgrim's inventory. We'll try to fix everything next meet I guess?

11) Anything additional info you can give? I just noticed now that i haven't done the monster/ encounter part. What else did I miss?

Kol Korran
2012-04-14, 12:44 AM
They weren't allowed to bring laptops:smallannoyed:
So we were cramped on one PC :smallfurious:
i suggest printing the pages for next sessions at least.

So I need to tell them to make alts? They were antsy enough with making one. As for raising the dead I'll have to make an NPC then. they don't need to make alternates, but you do need some possibility of bringing in new characters when the situation arises.

NPC merchants? I'm kind of thinking of a Demon souls/ Dark souls setting so maybe a nexus or firelink shrine? i have no idea what a firelink shrine is, but having demon merchants might work well.

So I make the story By them Hired to do one thing BUT don't know much about the others except for what they see. With this I'll have to change the lore a bit cause i wrote The reason why is not known it is just done, so it makes no sense whatsoever to hire mercenaries meh I'll use a deus ex machina? your writing is a bit confused for me. why can't they know the reason that they need to strengthen the seal, without knowing much of the details? or they can even know some or all of the details if you like. i'd advise to keep some surprises though.

11) Anything additional info you can give? I just noticed now that i haven't done the monster/ encounter part. What else did I miss?
if i remember right you're planning to play this till level 20, right? even if you're planning to play this till level 5, i wouldn't start statting all the encounter from now. i usually stat out big bads that can affect the campaign in most of it's parts, and maybe some common enemies that i can throw away at every opprtunity if the players do something unexpected.

other than that i suggest to plan for 2 sessions ahead at most. or you'll burn yourself out.

good luck!