View Full Version : Voice-Chat Software

2012-04-13, 12:28 PM
Question the First: Has anyone tried out C3? Is it really free? Is it any good? Is the hosting free as well?

Question the Second: What voice-chat software do you use in gaming, if you use it at all? Ventrillo, Teamspeak, C3, Mumble, Skype, etc.

Octopus Jack
2012-04-14, 02:46 PM
Can't answer question the first. But as for the second depending on who I'm playing with I use either skype or mumble, though I prefer mumble as skype generally slows my gameplay down a little bit.

2012-04-14, 07:59 PM
I use Mumble for all my chatroom needs, although occasionally I use Skype for regular VoIP or webcam-chat.

Personally, I like Mumble. It's free, it's high quality, it's Linux-ready, and it doesn't eat up a metric ton of system resources.

fred dref
2012-04-14, 10:14 PM
I prefer Mumble, but I use RaidCall, Ventrilo, Teamspeak and Skype occasionally, if someone else really doesn't want to use Mumble.

2012-04-15, 03:08 PM
I've used Mumble a lot, its nice, I guess. I prefer Vent because I can manually lower the volume of people and stuff, and that's nice.

I have not at all been impressed with TS3. Skype is... Skype. Its for VIDEO Chat with your Parents or Girlfriend or something. Not for video games. Unless you don't have a Vent server, but then you're obviously a bunch of noobs. :smalltongue:

2012-04-17, 04:06 PM
Team speak is what I use, but that is because I am part of a regiment with a few rooms for gaming to join if I fancy some multiplayer, but it has the issue of voice detection not working well.

2012-04-19, 07:14 AM
I use Skype most of the time. Really handy not to have to push to talk when you can just yell out "Numpty! Stop standing in Fire!" and they move. Saves that extra keypress before they get locked down and die.
Of course, it's still dependant on people who actually listen to instruction, so PuGs are right out.

Also, you can use Skype from work if you know how.

2012-04-19, 08:56 AM
Mumble mostly, but I use Vent and TS3 if that's what people are using. Skype is a resource hog, and I want nothing to do with it.

I use Skype most of the time. Really handy not to have to push to talk when you can just yell out "Numpty! Stop standing in Fire!" and they move. Saves that extra keypress before they get locked down and die.

Hardly an advantage exclusive to Skype, that. Me, I can't live without push-to-talk. I talk to myself and hum tunes while playing and generally don't shut up for more that five seconds at a time, which (understandably) tends to annoy people on the other side of the mic.

2012-04-19, 09:12 AM
I use Skype most of the time. Really handy not to have to push to talk when you can just yell out "Numpty! Stop standing in Fire!" and they move. Saves that extra keypress before they get locked down and die.Ventrillo has a voice detect feature, I'm very certain mumble does as well, Teamspeak probably has it, even some in-game voice chats have it these days.

Actually, that was something that sort of annoyed me was my mic options for my Livestream are pretty limited with one of the programs I'm using (though there probably is a hotkey I just haven't found it). It's either always on or always off. Handy for giving the play by play for the stream though.

2012-04-19, 09:26 AM
Mumble mostly, but I use Vent and TS3 if that's what people are using. Skype is a resource hog, and I want nothing to do with it.

Hardly an advantage exclusive to Skype, that. Me, I can't live without push-to-talk. I talk to myself and hum tunes while playing and generally don't shut up for more that five seconds at a time, which (understandably) tends to annoy people on the other side of the mic.

Word of advice: tell your future roommates about this habit. You'll end up doing it when they're within earshot and they'll be...surprised.

Ventrillo has a voice detect feature, I'm very certain mumble does as well, Teamspeak probably has it, even some in-game voice chats have it these days.

Actually, that was something that sort of annoyed me was my mic options for my Livestream are pretty limited with one of the programs I'm using (though there probably is a hotkey I just haven't found it). It's either always on or always off. Handy for giving the play by play for the stream though.

Please don't turn vent on to detect voice. Maybe they've improved it in the last year or two, but my experience is that it's always the guy that breathes really heavily that turns on automatic voice detection. Most games aren't so busy that you have no free hand time to press push to talk, and you can always bind it to your mouse.

2012-04-19, 06:00 PM
In the past I used teamspeak. I have used ventrillo a little bit to chat with a raiding group I had joined but didn't raid much so wasn't on it much.

Lately I play lotro and often just use the built in voice chat. The odd time I will use Skype when playing it with my girlfriend but does cause some issues with connectivity.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2012-04-19, 07:07 PM
I use Skype for casual conversations, but I've used Teamspeak in the past for organized multiplayer regiment-type play. Dabbled a little in Mumble...

2012-04-20, 07:35 AM
I use Steam voice-chat with the group of gaming friends I had.

Seems to work pretty well.