View Full Version : Wizard in Action Examples

2012-04-14, 06:36 AM
Have a friend who has played mostly in 'JUST NUKE THEM' campaigns. I've been trying to give him examples of how utility/battlefield control wizards can do quite a bit.

I know it won't be a stretch, but I'm looking for some specific examples of spells in use against theoretical enemies.

Have fun with your creativity. :P


2012-04-14, 06:52 AM
Core: Evard's Black Tentacles for battlefield control. As the 3.5 tentacles are indestructible, you can then cover your enemies with damage-dealers, or, better, more battlefield control (solid fog on top to stop them from moving out).

2012-04-14, 06:53 AM
Just tell him "Wall of Stone".

If he's still not convinced, try "Sculpt Spell Wall of Stone".

Same with Glitterdust.

2012-04-14, 06:59 AM
I play a 5th level Wizard in one of the games I'm in. The only blasting I've ever done is via a wand of Melf's acid arrow I bought. I've had great success using grease to knock down enemies or to prevent them from closing to melee range. Glitterdust negates invisibility and has a really nice blindness effect. I'm really looking forward to getting Evard's black tentacles in a couple levels.

I generally use enlarge person or bull's strength to help out our primary fighters, or bear's endurance if I need to do the tanking myself (it comes up more often then you'd think). I use a lot of defensive spells. Between luminous armor, shield, and protection from arrows, I keep myself pretty safe from harm. Protection from evil or resist energy as needed.

Haste makes a great party buff. Everybody likes an extra attack and +30' to movement. Likewise, slow can mess up the enemies if you use it on foes with poor Will saves. Dispel magic is a must have, fly is great for speed and maneuverability, and I always save an invisibility and an expeditious retreat in case I need to flee the scene.

In the last adventure, I tipped the scales in my party's favor when I used a bands of steel spell to incapacitate the enemy wizard.

I know that Enchantment and Necromancy have some great spells as well, but those are my banned schools, so I don't have any realy experience with them.

2012-04-14, 07:00 AM
A very nice, low-level utility tactics is having a flying familiar (or summoned monster) approach an enemy who's in a superior, defensible position (on top of a tower, for instance) and then use Benign Transposition (SC) to have your familiar and your party's front-line fighter switch places.

Such as elegantly done here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12540291&postcount=515)

2012-04-14, 07:03 AM
A very nice, low-level utility tactics is having a flying familiar (or summoned monster) approach an enemy who's in a superior, defensible position (on top of a tower, for instance) and then use Benign Transposition (SC) to switch places.

Such as elegantly done here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12540291&postcount=515)

Benign transposition only works on allies. You need baleful transposition (1 level higher IIRC) to affect an enemy.

2012-04-14, 07:05 AM
No, you switch your familiar with your party member. Not with your enemy. Perhaps that was ambiguous. You would have needed to follow the link I posted above to understand better.

Basically, you bring your fighter to the enemy.

2012-04-14, 07:11 AM
Or you have your familiar fly above (20-30feet is enough) the enemy, you cast Enlarge Person for x8 weight and Benign transposition for 20d6 damage to the enemy

2012-04-14, 07:12 AM
Have a friend who has played mostly in 'JUST NUKE THEM' campaigns. I've been trying to give him examples of how utility/battlefield control wizards can do quite a bit.

I know it won't be a stretch, but I'm looking for some specific examples of spells in use against theoretical enemies.

Have fun with your creativity. :P


Haste: You may not nuke your enemies but hell, those extra atks/round might as well cause more damage by the end of the encounter.

Magic Circle of Protection from X: can be used not only as a party buff, but it can also be focused inwards, binding a creature of certain alignment inside. Very useful when trying to interrogate/torture someone or force a creature into a contract.

Arcane Lock: Effectively locks something so that it can only be unlocked through magic or the caster himself. Technically even the best thief in the world can't bypass it without some magic assistance.

Antimagic Field: Use this and stick close to the enemy party (preferably one that has many casters) along with your allied warriors and enjoy eating popcorn and gaining exp.

Power word Pain: power word spell affecting creatures with up to 100hp (!). Perfect for interrogation scenario IMO :smallbiggrin:

Darkvision spell: use this on party members to ambush most of your enemies in the darkness. Stealth-focused party recommended.

Enervation/Energy Drain: Your DM doesn't like his bosses losing saves for crazy damage and save or die effects. Use these, they will also help your tanks survive the physical attacks ;)

Mass Fly: Will allow all of your team's casters and ranged combatants to fight with less fear for the enemy melees

Web/Grease: Low level options for a nice escape (or prevent opponents from doing so). Choose Prismatic Wall for higher levels which even allows for splitting the enemy team and better battlefield management.

Dimensional Anchor: To make sure that caster won't just teleport away when his minions die and he's defenseless.

Arcane Sight: Will reveal any source of magic without you even having to concentrate. Which means you can detect buffed opponents, magic traps/doors kai items. Also, can be made permanent.

These are a few things that come to mind right now, could add more. Oh, and one last thing. If he doesn't find battefield control/utility spells interesting, give him this:

Evard's Black Tentacles: Field control was never so fun before... :smallcool: