View Full Version : [Encounters] Death & Dying

2012-04-14, 08:28 PM
For those of you who play in D&D Encounters, you'll know that this past session was the end of Chapter 2 of, "The Elder Elemental Eye." However, both groups I ran were easily trounced by the Amorphous One. As written, the penalty for death is the loss of 4 healing surges, but the rules don't cover for death at the end of a chapter (when the party would take an extended rest, and thus regain all of their spent surges). Has anyone seen anything official (or, barring that, some accepted practice) in this regard?

2012-04-15, 06:05 AM
Man, a TPK on the LAST BOSS FIGHT?


I'd just go "YOU FAIL, HEROES" and then move on to the next season.

Maybe with just a little bit of rubbing it in.

2012-04-15, 04:02 PM
Man, a TPK on the LAST BOSS FIGHT?


I'd just go "YOU FAIL, HEROES" and then move on to the next season.

Maybe with just a little bit of rubbing it in.
I haven't looked at the book in question, but Encounters are usually three or four Chapters long, so it's more of a TPK halfway through than on the last boss fight.

My most recent book is Lost Crown of Neverwinter (season 6), so it might be out of date. According to that, you can bring the same character back at the beginning of the next session with four fewer healing surges. Additionally, the extended rest occurs at the end of each chapter. So, the way I see it, is:

You die.
End of chapter, extended rest.
You bring your character back with four fewer healing surges.

That said, if you want to abuse the system, you can just change to a new character identical to the one you're currently using, and not have the four surge penalty.:smalltongue: