View Full Version : Traveling in an underground river pf only

2012-04-14, 08:30 PM
We have a great need to travel an under ground river. We have a total of 4000 gold, a 7th level cleric and 4th level casting for wizard. It is 7th caster level. We have a need to travel about 2 days under water.

Any ideas how we can do this?
We can breathe but then we have trouble resting if we do this.

2012-04-15, 12:16 AM
What are your surroundings like? Your resources (setting-wise)? When you say underwater do you mean that there is no surface to the body of water?

2012-04-15, 12:40 AM
Sorry that original post was in a brainstorming mid session while on my phone.

I'm an arcane trickster, casting at level 4 with a 7 CL.
We have a straight cleric 7.
2 Paladins, only one with spells at level 7 as well.
1 barbarian, 7.
Ranger no showed, but she exists, level 7.

It is a river fed underground river that feeds into a lake in the underdark. We do have to worry about possible encounters, but only 1 per day at the most.

Surroundings is mostly pure rock, we don't know of any possible air holes. I have extend spell and rope trick, but we will run into problems with air. We have a cleric that can obviously stone shape a hole, but again the problems with air.

PF has a few useful spells, and there is one big house rule that will help. We can only have at most of 6 beneficial buffs, but any spells that last minutes or longer is instead in hours. (Except for 24 hour spells, they stay 24 hours.)

So any spell that can create air of a sufficient quantity for 6 people would be enough to do this. Unfortunately a bottle of air is beyond us at 7k+ cost.

2012-04-15, 01:32 AM
Well I'm going to sleep soon but a quick search revealed the awesomeness of tier oneness in the form of a level one spell called air bubble.


If anyone has pearls of power I'd lend them to your cleric and have them prepare/ cast that spell on the entire party. You should prepare your extended rope trick and with enough cycles of "cast air bubble on everyone, travel for 7 hours, rest to regain spells" you can get anywhere you need to. If there are chances of underwater combat I think air bubble cast on a weapon let's you swing normally. Needless to say the cleric might need all of his slots devoted to this one, BUT since it's a ranger spell too, your ranger might be able to help out too! (albeit at a 3 hour duration instead). In regards to the resources available if you can buy a scroll in town you can chip in your 4-hour version too. I only got to the end of the first level cleric spells (because they can prep any spell on their list, so have the least chance of inhibitions ( unless time is a constraint the only resources required are a new day to prep)) but if you are in the planning stage and are in town, or something, you have other options.

My other idea just off the top of my head is to stone shape a boat. Unless you have an engineer for a DM, " a boat that is deep enough for the displacement to keep it afloat" should work. Since usually when I think of underground rivers I think of enough headroom for something like this to work. If it doesn't you could ask your cleric to keep a few stone shapes handy to clear stalagmites or something. This approach uses the least spell slots and also has the added benefit of putting several inches (or at most 2-3 feet) of stone between you and encounters. (and doesn't get you wet if you are into roleplaying; a 7 hour bath in cold water doesn't appeal to me at all. Even with a magical air bubble)

Well those are two suggestions I have, more to come if needed, and after I look past 1st level spells lol, but I'm going to sleep so expect that no earlier than a few hours

2012-04-15, 01:59 AM
I have spells of a 4th level wizard, with a 7th level CL.

We are currently in town, and can find any magic item within our budget. Casting air bubble means the cleric CAN'T rest. Takes 8 hours uninterrupted sleep.

Hmm. However I can cast an extended airbubble on him, or even we could use a ring of sustenance as that is within our budget.

Its also really less a river and more a tube of water. It is cause by the rainy season, and 5 rivers feeding into it. A lot of the information is vague due to us not really knowing whats in it.

2012-04-15, 11:14 AM
I thought you would extended rope trick a resting place anywhere in the water when your air bubble ran out?

2012-04-17, 12:19 AM
What will prevent the water from soaking us in our rope trick? Or us from suffocating?

2012-04-17, 01:09 AM
If you can breathe water for 24 hours at a stretch, why does it prevent you from resting? If absolutely needed, cast one at breakfast and another just before bed, doubling up so to speak, so as to prevent the "you run out of air just as you are waking up" syndrome.

2012-04-17, 01:47 AM
I'm not sure I quite follow your implications as to how your group plays rope trick. They way it works in my group is that you create an extradimensional pocket that is just an "empty" air filled room. Nothing environmental passes through, so you climb the rope and make camp and sleep/ regain spells? If your DM says that it would fill with water point out that (at least I assume) the space is filled with air and since the air has nowhere to go, the water can't take its place. If your DM says that rope tricks are created as vacuums, well honestly that's strange. I'd argue that the spell seems to imply that it can hold 8 creatures for a duration of 1hr/level. This implies to me enough air to breathe.

As I said I would, there are a few more spells such as water breathing and freedom of movement that come into play by 4th spell level that are all accessible to clerics. With that said I still stand by my air bubble tactic as the best option if there really is no surface to this body of water. (keep some freedom of movements prepared as it makes combat a breeze)

2012-04-17, 04:37 AM
If you can breathe water for 24 hours at a stretch, why does it prevent you from resting? If absolutely needed, cast one at breakfast and another just before bed, doubling up so to speak, so as to prevent the "you run out of air just as you are waking up" syndrome.

Mainly because it is casting a spell every 7 hours that allows it. Casting a spell means you have to rest again.

Nothing environmental passes through,

Where does it say that? Good point about the air pressure. However, the air would go old, most of the time you can cast it when somewhere you can cycle old and fresh air due to being somewhere with air. I think we assumed the problems after reading about bags of holding.