View Full Version : Faiths and Panths + Acorn = Insanity [3.5]

2012-04-15, 05:15 AM
So I just read Mystra in Faiths and Pantheons, and in her temples clerics can cast spells with metamagics without increasing level. Isn't there an acorn item that would let the cleric "always" be in the temple? Insanity!

2012-04-15, 05:35 AM
So I just read Mystra in Faiths and Pantheons, and in her temples clerics can cast spells with metamagics without increasing level. Isn't there an acorn item that would let the cleric "always" be in the temple? Insanity!
Acorn of Far Travel.

"Any spell cast within [a temple of Mystra] can benefit from one metamagic feat without needing to take up a higher-level spell slot; the benefit ends if the recipient leaves the location of the temple." ~ p.51 of F&P

You're right, it is there. It, however, is in the flavour text, making it not quite iron-clad. I wonder if Mystra would allow clerics/wizards to get away with bypassing her restriction with an Acorn. It's not a massive improvement compared to some of what you can do with an Acorn, but a free persisted buff could be quite useful.

If she did allow it, though, then just find a temple to Mystra in Rashemen somewhere and be a Hathran.

2012-04-15, 07:39 PM
I really don't think Mystra would mind all that much as long as you weren't abusing magic. It's in fluff, but I luck out because I play with a group of FR diehards who argue fluff just as much as rules.

2012-04-15, 08:11 PM
No one else sees a problem with free unlimited quicken?

2012-04-15, 08:36 PM
Quicken? You are thinking small!

Persist is where it is at. Actually that's usable even without the acorn.

2012-04-15, 09:23 PM
Be druid, worship Mystra, plane shift to Ysgard, establish temple there, grow oak tree in temple?

Edit: But how do you make the spell permanent?

2012-04-15, 09:31 PM
It has a days per level duration. Extend to double that and be content with recasting it occasionally.

2012-04-15, 10:59 PM
Persist is where it is at. Actually that's usable even without the acorn.
There's no need for Persist if you just pick up two or three levels of Incantatrix (and use a Spellcraft booster), leaving you free to grab Quicken. Since any metamagic abuser worth their salt would be taking Incantatrix anyway, Quicken becomes the better choice for the Mystran temple trick (do we call it that?) because it allows you to get the speed increase on your spells.

I still think it could be paired with Hathran somehow, even discounting the Ysgard bonus. Maybe a constant planar breach to Ysgard in Rashemen, with a temple of Mystra built around it and the oak tree growing in the center?

You can use the planar breach to pull through the Positive-dominant trait of Ysgard, giving you the resurrection and other toys, and the breach itself will last for 1d6 days even if it's only a minor break. To get access to more of Ysgard's traits, just scale up the breach to a major or severe variant with the appropriate spell. You'll have spontaneous casting of all the spells on your class list, true resurrection 24 hours after death, fast healing, unlimited free Quicken (which is the equivalent of what, three epic feats?), and if you're an Incantatrix you can persist everything you're casting.

At 17th level you'll come into 9th level spells, including Genesis, so you can shift the breach from Ysgard to your private demiplane set up for (ab)use with the traits you want/need. It also gives you better security, because somebody on Ysgard might wander past and decide to close your breach.

Then, when you hit epic levels, tack on a mythal and reap the benefits of every spell ever as vanguard spells (or just Wish, Miracle, and a Shadow-seed-anyspell of your choice that can reach 10th level spells for the epic stuff).

Anybody see any holes in it?