View Full Version : 101 Ways to Cast a Spell

2012-04-15, 02:30 PM
There are as many approaches to magic as there are stars in the sky. But, rather than making a different feat and class and archetype for each one, why not just describe the way in which your spellcaster works his magic? This is for thematics and style, not to fix the rules.

1. You make the motions and mouth the words--but anyone looking closely would see your shadow shaping different symbols, and would hear a faint second susurrus of sound, for it is through your shadow that you work your magic.

2. You spin webs, pulling in magic and weaving it into strands like an arcane spider, which you throw out into the world.

3. The words don't matter, the motions don't matter, so long as you think they do. They are tools to focus your will to the superhuman levels required to change the world.

4. Magic? You don't work magic. Everything is in your head, after all, and you are just changing them to be what you imagine it to be. No one else really exists. Solipsism? No sir.

5. You have nurtured the seed of magic in your soul since you began your training. When the time comes, you reach out and intone your thanks to the spirit within to pluck one of the fruits of the tree of magic to alter the world.

I thought it would be interesting to see what the internet could do with this, to make magic even *more* interesting.