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2012-04-15, 10:37 PM
The Eidolon Handbook


The eidolon is an incredibly unique base class from the Ghostwalk supplement, which is designed as a character class for ghosts after a player dies. The eidolon is very customizable and is not a weak class, generally agreed to be mid Tier 3. Right at the ideal balance point. The formatting for this handbook will be as follows:

This option is perfect. If you don't take it, you better have a good reason :smalltongue:
This is a very solid option. Most builds will make use of it, and you generally need a reason not to include it.
Normal text is an average option, but you can do better. Generally only good for specific builds.[/color]
This is a below average option. Not recommended except for specific builds.
This is a terrible option. Don't take it.

Some Special Notes on the Eidolon
Since this class is for people who've died, you automatically have the ghost template from Ghostwalk (which is LA +1. NOT the MM ghost template) and at least 1 level in another class. This handbook assumes you only have 1 level in another class, but it does not assume your DM allows LA buyoff. If he does, you're just lucky :smallwink:

Also, the RAW rules for an eidolon state that you die when your levels of eidolon exceed those of your other classes. If your going to actually play an eidolon, you obviously need your DM to ignore this...

Strength: It's nice to have a decent strength, but it's not really important. Many builds won't even be relying on strength, and shadow blade and weapon finesse made it so you don't need strength at all.
Dexterity: Your most important stat, since it regulates your touch attacks and is likely one of your main sources of AC.
Constitution: If you can afford a high constitution...great. If not, that's fine since a good eidolon doesn't take a whole lot of damage to begin with :smallwink:
Intelligence: This would be a complete dump stat if not for skills...as is, try to keep it at 12 or 13 at least so you can afford basic skills you'll need, but in general this stat is not a priority.
Wisdom: Primary dump stat. The only thing you could possibly need it for is your Will save, which is good anyways.
Charisma: This governs a lot of class features and you (as a ghost) get your charisma modifier as a bonus to AC. A 14 is fine for charisma, but it's nice to have a high one - 16 is ideal. Any saves (such as for your possession and debuffs, which are very important) will be based off of this.

Your First Class...
As previously stated, the eidolon needs to start out as a different class. When choosing your first class, you should look for something that will still be helpful later on in the game. Full spellcasters, the artificer, and manifesters are all terrible options because their bonuses won't scale at all. Keep in mind the choice of your first class will matter less and less as time goes on. This list will be constantly expanding.

Barbarian: A great choice. You get a free +1 BAB, a big HP boost (automatic 12, since this is level 1), and the rage ability which won't hurt many of your abilities. As a bonus, you get some extra skill points to work with (which you'll need) and a +10 ft. bonus to your speed, which you could also need.

Fighter: Meh. The bonus feat is nice, and you do get a nice HP boost and +1 BAB but there're better options.

Monk: You're surprised this isn't a bad choice. I know. But this has some nice bonuses for eidolons: first off, your flurry of blows will become actually useful since an eidolon gets full BAB. You get a nice little bonus feat and you get to start out with +2 to all saves. Unfortunately, you don't get a BAB and your HP will start out squishier then is ideal.

Scout: The eidolon moves all the time. He's a freakishly mobile class, and he'll pretty much always get that extra little +1d6 damage, which is nice. You get a lot of skills, but no BAB and mediocre saves, as well as sort of squishy health.

Bard: Weak choice. Good skills, which is really all it has going for it, but your class abilities won't ever be helpful and neither will your spells...and you'll start out with a d6 HD. Not a very good choice.

Warlock: The single only good things you'll get out of this is ranks in Use Magic Device and a utility invocation (darkness, for example, which can be handy). You're squishy, and your eldritch blast will be forgotten beyond level 3. Also, no BAB...

Incarnate: The nice thing about this is, whatever soulmelds you have will stay relevant regardless of your level because essentia capacity will increase with your level. Unfortunately, you'll need incarnum feats to keep being able to invest essentia at a relevant level. The shape soulmeld feat is a much better option, especially because this class will make you start out squishy.

Factotum: Very solid. Lots of skills to work with in the beginning and some special powers.

Human Paragon: Awesome. You can take use magic device, and better yet, advance it through your levels as an eidolon! This is highly recommended, but there are downsides. You only have a d8 HD and no BAB to start with. It might be better to take the Cosmopolitan feat so you can have iaijutsu focus instead.

Rogue: Inferior to the scout, since you'll be getting the +1d6 from skirmish more often then from sneak attack. However, it's not completely off the table since you have 8 skill points to start with. Unfortunately, the d6 HD and medium BAB means this is rarely a good choice. Psychic rogue or scout is a much better option.

Cleric: Perfectly okay choice if you take the celerity domain and something else useful. You'll have some minor buffs through the levels which is good, and decent starting HD. The cloistered cleric alternative from Unearthed Arcana is highly recommended: you trade 2 hp for a starting out 6 skill points, an extra domain, and the lore ability.

Warblade: d12 HD, maneuvers that will always be useful, and a good BAB! This is one of the best choices.

Swordsage: An okay choice since you'll have a lot of maneuvers to work with. However, you probably don't need any more maneuvers then the warblade provides and this has a HD much lower and you won't get that +1 BAB at 1st level.

Binder: An okay choice, since the bonuses the vestiges provide will continue to help later on. However, there are definitely better options, although this is certainly a flavorful selection.

Psychic Rogue: A very nice choice. You can take the compression power, which will always be helpful and you'll have sneak attack which isn't as good as skirmish but can still be useful in flanking. As a bonus, you have a ton of skills. Unfortunately, this is still a d6 HD.

Okay...you're a ghost. That's a given. But your base race can have a large impact on your character, especially early on. What follows is a list of some races, and the benefits and drawbacks of using one for an eidolon. The list is incomplete though, and will be expanded.

Elf: Although usually a crappy race, it gets the job done for eidolons. You have a bonus to dexterity, which is great, and a penalty to constitution, which is less then great but not horrible. The proficiencies are cool too (since eidolons aren't proficient with anything, not including their original class' proficiencies) if you didn't get many from your original class and if you can get a ghosttouched longbow.
Dwarf: The constitution bonus is always useful...but the speed is a serious deal breaker here. Eidolons need to be mobile, and although the fact that dwarves don't slowdown in medium armor is usually awesome, eidolons usually don't wear armor anyways. The nail in the coffin is the penalty to charisma, which hurts your AC (and people skills :smallbiggrin:)

Whisper Gnome: If not for the penalty to charisma, this would be purple. You have a bonus to dexterity, you're small, you have low-light vision and darkvision, a +4 bonus on two important skills, and silence to give spellcasters a giant needle in their asses!

Human: As always, an excellent choice. The bonus feat is awesome, and the skill points badly needed.

Azurin: The bonus feat is nice...but unless you plan on using a soulmeld in your build (which is a perfectly fine option) the skill points are better then the essentia.

Skarn: Bleh. Natural attacks are nice, but the penalty to dexterity hurts too much and you won't see a lot of use from those spines anyways.

Half-Orc: Almost red, really. Half-orcs have a bonus to strength...but you'll loose AC because of the penalty to charisma and much needed skill points because of intelligence. Bad choice.

Xeph: Nice choice. Bonus to dexterity is more valuable then the loss to strength, you'll have darkvision, and extra mobility via burst.

Maenad: The main issue with the maenad here is you won't see a lot of use from all those fancy racial abilities. It doesn't have anything going against it, but pretty much nothing going for it either...

Rilkan: Cool racial bonuses, and as you've seen above, the bonus to dexterity is more valuable then the penalty to strength.

Duskling: The bonus to constitution is cool, the the hit to skill points (via the penalty to intelligence) sucks. You get the speed bonuses, which is a big factor in this being a decent choice, but generally if that's what you're going for a xeph is a better choice.

Warforged: Penalty to charisma is...painful. However, you do get some good immunities, so this one is up in the air. Nothing wrong with it, really.

Shifter: Not a great choice. You get a bonus to your most important physical score but a penalty to your AC via the penalty to charisma and your tiny skill points take a hit. However, all of the shifter traits can be useful so...if you really want it, you can be a shifter. Not highly recommended though.

Half-Elf: You get absolutely nothing from this.

Halfling: A decent choice. A dexterity bonus is great and you're small. If you also take a level in psychic rogue, you can use compression to become tiny. Unfortunately, the low speed prevents this from being a blue option. Highly recommended to use the quick trait with this.

Now..the Actual Eidolon: Part I (the Ghost)
Okay, so you've decided what you were before you were an eidolon. But...that's really only the tip of the iceberg. You're a ghost now, and you're milking that fact for all it's worth! So...let's start there. What can a ghostwalk ghost do, and how useful is it?

FLY. That's pretty awesome, although it does only work when incorporeal.

Charisma to AC. That makes you less squishy (what, with that d8 HD and all!) although it does kind of suck, since now you can't completely dump charisma.

None of your normal attacks work. Ever. That sucks, but it's not really a problem once you get your ghost feats.

Low-light vision. Yay! This doesn't really matter though...

Disembodied Soul. This means you can be resurrected without your body. This is actually kind of weird, since if you're resurrected wouldn't, you, uh, be resurrected being alive again? Like, no longer a ghost? Whatever. Hopefully you won't die.

No Discernible Anatomy: Yay! No criticals or sneak attacks against you.

Ectoplasmic Body: Flavor, mostly.

INCORPOREAL. That's really the bread and butter of the eidolon.

Ghost Weakness: This is even weirder then disembodied soul. It's an ability that makes you make a fortitude save or be stunned after taking a sneak attack or critical hit. But you're immune to those.................

+4 bonus to hide. Cool.

LA +1. DAMNIT. Hopefully, your DM allows LA buyoff...

The Actual Eidolon: Part II (The Chassis)

The chassis for the eidolon is really about as average as it gets. You have...

d8 HD. That's unfortunate, but you're not excessively squishy or in imminent danger of being squished.

Full BAB. Yay! This is very helpful for your touch attacks.

Crappy saves. Specifically, bad reflex and fortitude, and good will. Definitely not ideal, but at least the good will lets you dump wisdom completely.

No weapon or armor proficiencies. Not a huge issue. you get these from previous classes.

2 Skill points. This sucks. Not only could this class make excellent use of skill tricks, it'd also be nice to have some cross class skills (see below). What follows is a list of eidolon class skills, and how useful they are to you.
Balance. Not a bad skill, but you definitely don't have the points to spare.
Concentration. Absolutely useless for you.
Bluff. A nice skill if you have the points. Suggested that you nab a few ranks in it if you're a human, but otherwise ignore it.
Hide. So they can't see you coming! Probably max ranks in this.
Intimidate. Worth a few ranks, but you can't really afford to max it.
Knowledge (the planes) Not really useful.
Listen. Good skill to have. Possibly max this.
Sense Motive. Nothing wrong with a few ranks in this, but not worth maxing.
Spot. Another basic skill to have. You actually probably shouldn't max it but...you never know!

There're three other skills that are very helpful to you (more so then anything on your actual list of skills): Use Magic Device, Move Silently, and Iaijutsu Focus, listed in order of importance. A level in human paragon to start out with will let you take one of these, and the cosmopolitan feat at 1st level will let you take another. Iaijutsu Focus is mostly only useful for builds that don't use Path of the Corruptor feats, but are played instead like mobile, hard-to-hit warriors.

The Actual Eidolon: Part III (Paths)

Literally all of your class abilities are based on your selection of unique feats, known as "ghost feats." Feats are categorized into Paths, which are summarized and evaluated below. Keep a few things in mind while reading though: Not all of the feats of an excellent path are necessarily worth taking, you're not restricted just to feats from a specific path, and there are good eidolon builds for five of the six feat paths. This focuses on the best of those builds. Also, these paths assume that you are normally incorporeal and must use special powers to become corporeal. If you're actually playing in the city of Manifest, the natural state for you is solid, with the ability to become incorporeal being a special ghost feat.

Path of the Corruptor: In other words, the path of the debuffer. Corruptor eidolons are the simplest to play. You just use your flying and incorporealness to get behind an enemy and drain him away. Corruptor eidolons will want both their charisma and dexterity scores jacked up as high as possible, even more so then the average eidolon. This is a good Path and should always supplement the abilities of an optimized eidolon, although ideally it's not all they can do. No powerful characters I've heard of are complete 1 trick ponies, after all.

Path of the Dominator: You get to possess people. Damn. Not only that, but you can possess multiple people. This is an incredibly powerful build and also allows for versatility for creative players (possessing dead monster corpses, anyone?). Most eidolons will have at least 2 feats from this Path.

Path of the Haunt: While it's not useless...this isn't really a highly recommended build. You get a lot of fear effects, but it takes a ton of feats to be decent and it's still not nearly as good as an average dominator or corruptor build.

Path of the Poltergeist: Worthless, stupid path. It lets you interact with the world...path of the corruptor lets you destroy the world and the dominator build lets you become part of the world. Ectoplasm lets you interact with the world in a much better way...all in all, this path has almost nothing to offer you. Its best feats are green, and most are red.

Path of the Shaper: This path is a mixed package. It has some useful stuff, some not-so useless stuff, but most eidolons will find themselves making use of a lot of the abilities here. It's just not usually going to be central to your build. Consider this path your little bag of tricks :smallwink:

Path of the Traveler: This path is very strong, almost gold in fact. The main problem with it is that its two main feats - ghost glide and fly - are rendered useless by the fact that an incorporeal ghost can already fly...However, it's still nice to be able to fly while corporeal, and more importantly this is the path that will let you become corporeal temporarily (or incorporeal temporarily, if you're in manifest). If you're playing in the actual Ghostwalk setting then this Path is gold, since it'll let you become incorporeal.

Ectoplasmic Bread and Butter: Ghost Feats

Ah. Ghost feats. The cornerstone of every single eidolon build possible, and its only class feature. Now, a few things deserve mentioning on the ghost feats before I go into a feat-by-feat description of them:

You receive 11 bonus ghost feats, free, at 20th level. However, a 20th level eidolon is technically epic since he has 1 level in another class and possibly +1 LA, depending on if your DM allows LA buyoff or not. In any case, no non-epic eidolon will receive more then 10 bonus ghost feats as a class feature.
In addition to the 10 bonus ghost feats from the class...you also receive 7 normal bonus feats through ECL 20 (regardless of prior class levels or LA). This puts you at a whopping 17 feats. Keep in mind though that your 1st level feat cannot possibly be a ghost feat, since it's impossible to be an ECL 1 eidolon. Therefore, you have 16 feats available as ghost feats, 1 bonus feat that cannot possibly be a bonus feat, and potentially 1 more if you're a human (this also cannot be a ghost feat).
Ghost feats take priority over normal feats...but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take them. Good non-ghost feats for eidolons and traps to avoid are included below.

What follows is an evaluation of each indiviudal ghost feat. They're organized by their feat path. Each feat also takes into account what it is a prerequisite for, which makes some feats more useful then they would otherwise be.

Path of the CorruptorAgony Touch: The core feat of a corruptor build, and worth it for even non-pure corruptors. Obviously best to deal constitution damage.
Corrupting Touch: By itself not a very good feat, although it does give you some damage. More importantly, this feat is the building block for all other corruptor feats.
Enervating Touch: This inflicts negative levels on the target. Not the best of the corruptor feats, but it is an option for a pure corruptor build. Unfortunately, there's a lot of stuff that's immune to negative levels or will always make the save.
Freezing Touch: Increases the damage of your touch. Not really the effect you're going for.
Nauseating Touch: An solid corruptor choice that lets you nauseate foes.
Rend Ghost: Absolutely useless. Not worth a feat.
Shriveling Touch: This is the eidolon corruptor feat. You'll need agony touch and corrupting touch, but this deals permanent ability score damage. Very mean. Keep in mind it's not really necessary for builds that aren't exclusively corruptor.
Touch Attack Specialization: There're better ways to do damage. Not worth the feat slot.

Path of the DominatorCorpse Malevolence:
Expanded Possession: Lets you take control of creatures besides humanoids. Very useful, but also specific so be careful what you choose and when you take this feat.
Ghost Ride: This allows you to ride inside other peoples bodies, but not control them...yet. This is the backbone feat of the dominator path, but by itself its not that powerful (still useful though).
Grand Malevolence: You can take control of multiple people at once. Dear god this is good! Even if you can't control the main villain you can steal every single one of his underlings.
Malevolence: Just minor malevolence, but better. Now you're an awesome enchanter!
Minor Malevolence: Now you take control of the enemy. Nice.

2012-04-15, 10:38 PM
reserved post 1 out of 3

2012-04-15, 10:39 PM
reserved post 2 of 3

2012-04-15, 10:40 PM
reserved post 3 of 3. Post away :smallbiggrin: Any feedback on this is enormously appreciated. Obviously, as of now this isn't anywhere near complete though.

2012-04-16, 05:39 AM
Not complete (so far), but very interesting nevertheless. Eidolon is an interesting option if you want to avoid resurrections and stuff like that in your campaign.

2012-04-16, 10:38 AM
My only major concern so far pertains to your entry classes. Namely: why was Crusader left out, and why is Cleric only considered a mediocre choice? It's a well established fact (or at least I thought it was) that Cleric 1 is one of the best melee dips out there. There's even a whole handbook (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCsQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbrilliantgameologists.com%2Fboard s%2Findex.php%3Ftopic%3D2773.0&ei=jjyMT5uoGc-utwf-_qC0CQ&usg=AFQjCNGw1jZaAy1kr7HBVoR5y5hge2Oyvw) on it. And on the off chance that you want your ghost tanking at all Crusader is one of the best bases out there. Worth at least a black rating for full BAB and the presence of maneuvers.

2012-04-16, 12:10 PM
My only major concern so far pertains to your entry classes. Namely: why was Crusader left out, and why is Cleric only considered a mediocre choice? It's a well established fact (or at least I thought it was) that Cleric 1 is one of the best melee dips out there. There's even a whole handbook (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCsQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbrilliantgameologists.com%2Fboard s%2Findex.php%3Ftopic%3D2773.0&ei=jjyMT5uoGc-utwf-_qC0CQ&usg=AFQjCNGw1jZaAy1kr7HBVoR5y5hge2Oyvw) on it. And on the off chance that you want your ghost tanking at all Crusader is one of the best bases out there. Worth at least a black rating for full BAB and the presence of maneuvers.

The crusader isn't on here because I didn't have ToB at hand when I added in the initiator classes. Also, I'll review your link and re-evaluate my opinion on the cleric.

2012-04-16, 04:33 PM
Sorry, but the cleric still isn't above an average choice. His key ability score is wisdom...and you won't want to even have this at 12. I'll add the crusader today (it'll be blue, don't worry).

2012-04-16, 08:12 PM
Beginning to add in ghost feat descriptions.

2012-04-16, 10:44 PM
You have Incarnate listed as a green choice, but can Incarnum even work at all without a Con score?

2012-04-16, 10:59 PM
You have Incarnate listed as a green choice, but can Incarnum even work at all without a Con score?

This is sort of weird but...the ghost template from Ghostwalk doesn't take away your constitution score. In fact, it's not undead. It's outsider (incorporeal). Weird, right? :smallwink:

EDIT: For the record soulmelds wouldn't work if he didn't have a constitution.

2012-04-16, 11:18 PM
Sorry, but the cleric still isn't above an average choice. His key ability score is wisdom...and you won't want to even have this at 12. I'll add the crusader today (it'll be blue, don't worry).
You don't need wisdom for a level 1 dip.
Assuming cloistered domain, you can pick up (from that handbook, even):
Time - Improved Initiative

And some Devotion feats (which you can swap domains for)
Travel - Can I make this any bluer? It's like pounce, but not a charge. Your full movement as a swift action for one minute. This is awesome for skirmishers or people that can't otherwise get pounce easily (say you're Lawful ...)
Knowledge - Always on, near guaranteed bonus to hit/damage. Very good. Incidentially, many cleric dips after Complete Champion are actually Cloistered Cleric dips ...

2012-04-16, 11:36 PM
You don't need wisdom for a level 1 dip.
Assuming cloistered domain, you can pick up (from that handbook, even):
Time - Improved Initiative

And some Devotion feats (which you can swap domains for)
Travel - Can I make this any bluer? It's like pounce, but not a charge. Your full movement as a swift action for one minute. This is awesome for skirmishers or people that can't otherwise get pounce easily (say you're Lawful ...)
Knowledge - Always on, near guaranteed bonus to hit/damage. Very good. Incidentially, many cleric dips after Complete Champion are actually Cloistered Cleric dips ...

Point conceded. I added in a clause about the cloistered cleric as well.

2012-04-22, 01:30 AM
Ghost is LA+1? Where did you find the LA? I'm looking at my copy of Ghostwalk and can't find it listed in the book or in the official update document PDF.

2012-04-22, 01:34 AM
Ghost is LA+1? Where did you find the LA? I'm looking at my copy of Ghostwalk and can't find it listed in the book or in the official update document PDF.

They state that the CR is "as the character +1" which I think can be interpreted as LA 1, just in convoluted 3.0 language...that might be up for discussion though :smallconfused:

2012-04-22, 02:46 AM
Level Adjustments did not exist in 3.0. In 3.5, there are a number of races and templates that have differing CRs and LAs. Monster Manual Vampire, for example, gives +2 CR and +8LA.

That said...

The official Ghostwalk v.3.5 Update (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20031225a) on Page 9 gives an example of a "DWARF, 1ST-LEVEL WARRIOR Medium Outsider (Dwarf) (Augmented Humanoid, Extraplanar, Incorporeal)" with "Level Adjustment: +0".

I'm pretty sure that means the template has a +0LA.

Edit: My friend Rizban pointed this out to me awhile back when I was trying to figure it out for a game I was running. I asked rather than just stating it, because I thought maybe you knew something we didn't and wanted an answer rather than just an "Okay, I'll change it." :smallwink:

2012-04-22, 04:38 AM
Despite what the rules say, it is technically possible to be an Eidolon 20 pre-epic. Be Any Class 1, die, take Eidolon levels, get a raise dead, lose a level and select the level in the non Eidolon class. Bam, straight Eidolon classes. Nothing requires you to lose your most recent class level.

1On Being a GhostYou should note that Cha is a deflection to AC while incorporeal but becomes non-stacking natural armor if corporeal.

1Your normal attacks work when you're fully manifested (you can use a magic ring to be) or if you're using a ghost touch weapon.

1Disembodied Soul is mostly flavor; however, it is also a reference to other parts of the book (p14, for example) that allows you to receive a raise dead if your ghost and body are both present without suffering the level loss. They just don't list that in the template itself... It's also specifying that you are extraplanar, and your "native plane" is "dead." A banishment spell renders you dead. You can't come back without being resurrected.

1Ectoplasmic Body is not just flavor. It means you never become fatigued or exhausted. That's actually really good, especially for a Barbarian dip.

1The No Discernible Anatomy section, at least in this case, also renders you immune to poison and disease, notes that you do not need to eat, breathe, or sleep, but that you can be stunned.

1Sense Physical Body - find your body so you don't suffer level loss when raised. Not wonderful but useful.

1Ghost Weakness - Yes, you are immune to precision damage and critical hits. If you are hit by one of those, you suffer this penalty instead of the normal damage. It spells out that you are immune to the extra damage but do still suffer this right there in the text.

1Level Adjustment +0
1Unless a DM totally ignores social situations, you probably need a rank or two in Concentration to suppress the "symptoms" of your chosen path or paths. Corrupter and Dominator put evil-looking black auras around your hands and head, respectively. Haunt gives you empty eye sockets. Poltergeist shakes small objects around you and makes little dust swirls. Shaper turns you into Slimer from Ghost Busters, leaving ectoplasmic goo on everything you touch. It's only a DC5 to suppress these when not distracted, but it's worth at least knowing about.

1Also, you really need to have a section on Ghost Traits and Faces of Death. Both are pretty integral to playing an Eidolon or Eidoloncer or ghost of any type.

Faces of Death can be useful for making an Intimidate based debuffer, with Gruesome granting a +10 untyped bonus to Intimidate. Granted, Gruesome also gives a -10 untyped penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Perform, and Charisma checks to influence NPC attitudes. But, hey, you're going for Intimidate, so what do you care?

1Strength is a total dump stat. Unless fully manifested (almost never), you have Str -.

You mention Weapon Finesse, but this is a TOTALLY worthless feat. Having no Str score means you apply Dex to attack with all attacks, regardless of ability to use Weapon Finesse with the attack. That's one of the perks of being incorporeal. Also remember that you cannot make trip or grapple attempts or be tripped or grappled due to being incorporeal. Also, no bull rush, disarm, or sunder since you can't forcibly manipulate opponents or their gear. Good news though, you can't be disarmed either, even if you're using a ghost touch weapon.

1I disagree with you on Bard. A level or two of Bard gives you bardic music, which has all kinds of fun alternate class features for it. It can also power the Doomspeak feat from Champions of Ruin: Will DC 10 + your character level + your Cha modifier or cause -10 to attacks, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. If you're playing a Corrupter or other general debuffer, then this can be situational but very useful.

Since you also generally want a decent Charisma, bard has it's place on Eidolons.

1The weakness of the Corrupter path is that the touch attacks are treated as natural attacks. That means you don't get multiple attacks with higher BAB. Also, the abilities specifically say you can only use one at a time. As such, you get one touch attack per round, even if you have the opportunity for a full attack. You can, however, combine this natural attack with attacks from a melee weapon or other natural attacks from other sources.

Corrupter seems to work best with a Combat Reflexes AoO focused build and ways to extend your natural reach. You can do some serious ability damage each turn with that kind of a build.

I generally agree with your assessment of Corrupter with the following exceptions.
Enervating Touch should be blue. Negative levels is one of the fastest ways to kill things, and the number of negative levels is doubled with a successful critical hit. The negative levels can also be permanent.

Freezing Touch should be red. 1d6 cold damage is simply not worth a feat.

Rend Ghost should be extra red. :smallwink:

Shriveling Touch should be blue. Ability drain isn't that different from damage, since they'll be dead at the end of combat or you'll be rolling new characters anyway. It's still really good though, despite being limited to uses per day.

Touch Attack Specialization should be at least black and potentially blue. Changing your Con damage from 1d4 to 1d4+2, a 50% increase in damage, is pretty well worth a feat.

1Path of the Dominator
Corpse Malevolence - Not terrible. It allows you to possess a recently slain enemy to fight the other enemies. This is especially potent if they were using magical items. Really though, the only time I've ever seen this used is so that the ghost can "carry" his own corpse out of a dungeon. Note that this still has all the limitations (except the save... usually) of Ghost Ride.

Expanded Possession - is absolutely mandatory for a dominator, as it is the only way to control other creature types. The downside? You have to take it for each creature type. Still useless against creatures that can beat a DC15 Will save.

Ghost Ride - This serves as a prereq for all other dominator feats. Once you're inside someone, you can't actually do anything but um... ride.

Ghost Ride only allows you to dominate creatures of the same creature type as you. Since you're a ghost, by RAW, this is limited to outsiders. However, it appears that the RAI was that you could only dominate creatures the same augmented base type as you. The example they gave is "(humanoids may ride only humanoids, for example)".

Also, it's [Mind Affecting], which can really limit your targets even further.

The target gets a Will save every 10 minutes. If your target makes its Will save against your ability, it is immune to all abilities of the Dominator path for 24 hours, not just the one it saved against. If you're a straight Dominator, then you just turned useless.

Grand Malevolence - This is the capstone for the dominator. It requires four other feats, including Iron Will. It does allow you to possess multiple targets, but each target requires a standard action to possess. If you had full control of them, this would be purple. As it is, you do not gain any extra actions. You still get only one move, one standard, one swift action, and one 5ft step... with all the same limitations. You can divide your actions up among any of your possessed creatures, but if they aren't using your actions, they're just standing there immobile... unless you temporarily release them to act as normal. It still also has all the normal limitations of Ghost Ride. The best part of this feat is that, unlike the two Malevolence feats, you don't take ability damage from using it.

Malevolence - As Minor Malevolence below, except the duration might be hours instead of minutes. I say "might," because the target still gets Will saves every 10 minutes. Still suffers the limitations of Ghost Ride, but you also take Charisma damage each time you use it!

Minor Malevolence - Requires Iron Will... It is otherwise exactly the Ghost Ride except that you control the host. In fact, that's exactly what it says. "As the Ghost Ride feat, except that you do control the host." They still get saves and become immune to all your dominator feats for 24 hours if they make a single save against any of your dominator feats. Oh, you also take Charisma damage each time you use it!
1The Traveler path is effectively useless if you aren't inside the Manifest Ward and forced to fully manifest. As a whole, the path should be green or black if and only if you're playing inside the Manifest Ward.

Path of the Traveler
Ethereal Sidestep - Standard Action dimension door as the spell. Max range of 30 ft, but, as a feat, it doesn't appear to provoke AoOs (subject to DM interpretation of "as the spell dimension door.") Unfortunately, it also requires the simply awful Incorporeal Form feat (see below).

Full Manifestation - Standard Action to become corporeal... for 1 round... if you make a Will save. By definition of "1 round," you become incorporeal again as soon as your next round starts, and if you fail the Will save attempt, you just wasted your round.

Ghost Flight - Fly at land speed (good). Ghosts already fly at their land speed with good maneuverability while incorporeal. This is only useful when playing inside the Ghost Ward... which is rare outside of one rarely used campaign setting. Still, green due to that being the setting that Eidolon is from. Also, you can't run.

Ghost Glide - Fly 5ft (good). Prereq for Ghost Flight. It's useless, even if you're forced to manifest fully.

Improved Ghost Flight - This would be at least blue if it didn't require two useless feats (Ghost Glide and Ghost Flight) as prereqs. Still +10ft flight and the ability to run isn't useless. Unfortunately, as it is, it's barely black, as there are numerous ways to increase your land speed, which also directly increases your flight speed due to the ghost template. It isn't awful, but there are better options.

Incorporeal Form - Unless you're forced to manifest fully, which never happens outside the Manifest Ward, this feat does nothing. Otherwise, it's a standard action Will save to go incorporeal for 1 round. It's a lot like Full Manifestation but worse.
1Path of the Haunt
Control Visage - This is the base feat for the path. The benefit is that you ignore the Faces of Death penalties and bonuses. Your ghost clothing (which you can't remove) gains a glamered like ability to look like anything you want, and you gain a +1 to social skills. This is probably the second best base path feat after Ectoplasm.

Fade - Standard action to gain +4 Hide. Useful? Sometimes. Feat worthy? Not really.

Frightful Moan - Benefit: 30ft fear effect that makes targets panicked. Drawback: Fear effect that is also sonic, necromantic, and mind-affecting. Also deals Charisma damage to you.

Frightful Presence - Now you too can pretend to be a dragon. Unfortunately, using it causes you Charisma damage. Also requires four prerequisite feats, two of which are terrible.

Haunting Appearance - cause fear as the spell with a 30ft range that also gives you Charisma damage. I see a pattern forming...

Haunting Voice - You're a ventriloquist.

Horrific Appearance - This is one of the few Haunt feats actually worth getting, although it does require three other feats. All creatures within 60ft that can see you take Str, Dex, and Con damage. If they save, they're immune for 24 hours, but if they fail, they take damage to all physical stats. Unfortunately, like other haunt feats, you take Charisma damage to use it.

Improved Control Visage - As alter self, except you're still a ghost and everyone knows it. This is the second base feat for the path, as all later feats also require it. I think it should have been rolled into Control Visage as a single feat.

Solid Visage - Standard action to appear alive and solid. You lose your racial bonus to Hide checks. I guess it's useful if you want to convince people you aren't dead, but it doesn't actually make you solid.

1Path of the Poltergeist
Ghost Hand - This is the base feat for the path. This effectively gives your hand ghost touch so you can pick things up, provided the item weighs less than 5 pounds. Fortunately, it doesn't require concentration.

Improved Deflection - It's +1 AC and better than Dodge. It only works with your natural deflection though, so if you have a better deflection granting item, this feat is worthless. The one perk is that if you have feats to burn, because we all have plenty of those, you can stack this feat multiple times.

Improved Poltergeist Hand - As telekinesis, but limited to the "sustained force" version, provided you maintain concentration. A step up from Poltergeist Hand. Unfortunately, it has two prerequisite feats.

Poltergeist Hand - As mage hand without requiring concentration and affects multiple objects. Really, this is what Ghost Hand should have been.

Poltergeist Rage - As telekinesis, but limited to the "violent thrust" version. Sadly, this really should have been included as part of Improved Poltergeist Hand. If so, that feat would be black instead of green.

1Path of the Shaper
Ectoplasm - This is the base feat for the entire Shaper path. Fortunately, it's not too bad of a feat with some decent utility. This grants a number of bonuses to various skill checks, most of which you can confer to others, including Survival (when tracking ghosts), Climb, Escape Artist, Move Silently... In fact, most of them can only be given to others... In fact, all of them except Survival can only be given to others... Ectoplasm also lets you make any weapon ghost touch as a standard action, but the weapon only deals half damage until the ectoplasm dissipates. It also can't be used on a weapon that generates any kind of energy damage.

Ghost Healing - You transfer your hit points to any ghost you can touch. You can transfer all of them + 10, in fact, which kills you. It's useful if you have some way to heal yourself after, but if you can heal yourself, why not just heal them? This is only useful if you have some source of personal healing that can't be given to another ghost for some reason, like a persisted lesser vigor.

Greater Witchlight - Like Witchlight but better! Your light can now have an effect! It can last a bit longer, can deal some minor fire damage, or even be slightly brighter than usual! It is better than standard Witchlight, but I'm not sure it is really worth a feat.

Sculpt Ghost Body - Full round action to increase Str, Dex, or Con by +2 at a -2 to the others. You have no Str score, meaning it's +2 to one and -2 to one... or -2 to both Dex and Con with no benefit, if you prefer. Really though, it lasts 10 minutes and isn't awful, and you specifically can stack it with itself for bigger boosts and penalties.

Shape Ectoplasm - The prereq for Sculpt Ghost Body. If have have available ectoplasm, which you do from this feat's prereqs, then this is essentially a fabricate spell and creates functioning items. Unfortunately, the duration is based on your Wis, meaning that it is no longer a dump stat. Also, you're limited to "nonliving material, such as clothing, rope, leather, or wood."

Temper Ectoplasm - As Shape Ectoplasm + stone, crystal, and iron... but no other metals. Duration is extended from minutes to hours. It's a step up and generally worth it.

Witchlight - Standard action to create a candle which only lasts as long as you spend your actions to maintain concentration. Specifically allows you to "outline" invisible creatures, granting some utility. Still, it's a candle that requires concentration to keep lit. You're a shaper. If you need a candle, either shape one or just light a real one and use ectoplasm to make it ghost touch so you can carry it or glue it to the top of your head.

2012-04-22, 09:58 AM
Level Adjustments did not exist in 3.0. In 3.5, there are a number of races and templates that have differing CRs and LAs. Monster Manual Vampire, for example, gives +2 CR and +8LA.

Not quite accurate, as the 3.0 DMG talked about Monstrous PCs with level adjustments to put them on par with normal PHB races but generally monster stat blocks referred to it by giving the sum of RHD and level adjustment as the ECL, which you could figure later. It wasn't till Savage Species that Level Adjustment was formalized as a term but it existed as an informal term prior to that point.

2012-04-22, 11:45 AM
Would this guide assumes the DM is using the variant (p12 in the book) where The Calling has been thrown out? Or that the afterlife doesn't work that way, and you can carry on taking Eidolon levels anyway?

2012-04-22, 11:51 AM
Would this guide assumes the DM is using the variant (p12 in the book) where The Calling has been thrown out? Or that the afterlife doesn't work that way, and you can carry on taking Eidolon levels anyway?

Yup :smallamused:

2012-04-22, 02:20 PM
I am disappointed that I can't find a way to make the PF Summoner class mesh well with this :smallamused:

2012-04-22, 03:19 PM
I am disappointed that I can't find a way to make the PF Summoner class mesh well with this :smallamused:

Considering nothing gives you more Evolution points besides Summoner, it's not that surprising. Though I suppose I could see a gestalt Summoner/Eidoloncer or something like that but that's a horse of a completely different color, there.

2012-04-24, 02:52 AM
Huh. I had encouraged Riz to come post his thoughts. I think they're pretty good. I would have thought there'd at least be a comment about it...

2012-04-24, 03:36 PM
Huh. I had encouraged Riz to come post his thoughts. I think they're pretty good. I would have thought there'd at least be a comment about it...

Sorry I've been using a lot of what he said. Just that all the work I've done on this has been on Word lately, not the forums. Sorry I didn't acknowledge you Riz!

2012-06-07, 08:04 AM
Despite what the rules say, it is technically possible to be an Eidolon 20 pre-epic. Be Any Class 1, die, take Eidolon levels, get a raise dead, lose a level and select the level in the non Eidolon class. Bam, straight Eidolon classes. Nothing requires you to lose your most recent class level.

1On Being a GhostYou should note that Cha is a deflection to AC while incorporeal but becomes non-stacking natural armor if corporeal.

1Your normal attacks work when you're fully manifested (you can use a magic ring to be) or if you're using a ghost touch weapon.

1Disembodied Soul is mostly flavor; however, it is also a reference to other parts of the book (p14, for example) that allows you to receive a raise dead if your ghost and body are both present without suffering the level loss. They just don't list that in the template itself... It's also specifying that you are extraplanar, and your "native plane" is "dead." A banishment spell renders you dead. You can't come back without being resurrected.

1Ectoplasmic Body is not just flavor. It means you never become fatigued or exhausted. That's actually really good, especially for a Barbarian dip.

1The No Discernible Anatomy section, at least in this case, also renders you immune to poison and disease, notes that you do not need to eat, breathe, or sleep, but that you can be stunned.

1Sense Physical Body - find your body so you don't suffer level loss when raised. Not wonderful but useful.

1Ghost Weakness - Yes, you are immune to precision damage and critical hits. If you are hit by one of those, you suffer this penalty instead of the normal damage. It spells out that you are immune to the extra damage but do still suffer this right there in the text.

1Level Adjustment +0
1Unless a DM totally ignores social situations, you probably need a rank or two in Concentration to suppress the "symptoms" of your chosen path or paths. Corrupter and Dominator put evil-looking black auras around your hands and head, respectively. Haunt gives you empty eye sockets. Poltergeist shakes small objects around you and makes little dust swirls. Shaper turns you into Slimer from Ghost Busters, leaving ectoplasmic goo on everything you touch. It's only a DC5 to suppress these when not distracted, but it's worth at least knowing about.

1Also, you really need to have a section on Ghost Traits and Faces of Death. Both are pretty integral to playing an Eidolon or Eidoloncer or ghost of any type.

Faces of Death can be useful for making an Intimidate based debuffer, with Gruesome granting a +10 untyped bonus to Intimidate. Granted, Gruesome also gives a -10 untyped penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Perform, and Charisma checks to influence NPC attitudes. But, hey, you're going for Intimidate, so what do you care?

1Strength is a total dump stat. Unless fully manifested (almost never), you have Str -.

You mention Weapon Finesse, but this is a TOTALLY worthless feat. Having no Str score means you apply Dex to attack with all attacks, regardless of ability to use Weapon Finesse with the attack. That's one of the perks of being incorporeal. Also remember that you cannot make trip or grapple attempts or be tripped or grappled due to being incorporeal. Also, no bull rush, disarm, or sunder since you can't forcibly manipulate opponents or their gear. Good news though, you can't be disarmed either, even if you're using a ghost touch weapon.

1I disagree with you on Bard. A level or two of Bard gives you bardic music, which has all kinds of fun alternate class features for it. It can also power the Doomspeak feat from Champions of Ruin: Will DC 10 + your character level + your Cha modifier or cause -10 to attacks, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. If you're playing a Corrupter or other general debuffer, then this can be situational but very useful.

Since you also generally want a decent Charisma, bard has it's place on Eidolons.

1The weakness of the Corrupter path is that the touch attacks are treated as natural attacks. That means you don't get multiple attacks with higher BAB. Also, the abilities specifically say you can only use one at a time. As such, you get one touch attack per round, even if you have the opportunity for a full attack. You can, however, combine this natural attack with attacks from a melee weapon or other natural attacks from other sources.

Corrupter seems to work best with a Combat Reflexes AoO focused build and ways to extend your natural reach. You can do some serious ability damage each turn with that kind of a build.

I generally agree with your assessment of Corrupter with the following exceptions.
Enervating Touch should be blue. Negative levels is one of the fastest ways to kill things, and the number of negative levels is doubled with a successful critical hit. The negative levels can also be permanent.

Freezing Touch should be red. 1d6 cold damage is simply not worth a feat.

Rend Ghost should be extra red. :smallwink:

Shriveling Touch should be blue. Ability drain isn't that different from damage, since they'll be dead at the end of combat or you'll be rolling new characters anyway. It's still really good though, despite being limited to uses per day.

Touch Attack Specialization should be at least black and potentially blue. Changing your Con damage from 1d4 to 1d4+2, a 50% increase in damage, is pretty well worth a feat.

1Path of the Dominator
Corpse Malevolence - Not terrible. It allows you to possess a recently slain enemy to fight the other enemies. This is especially potent if they were using magical items. Really though, the only time I've ever seen this used is so that the ghost can "carry" his own corpse out of a dungeon. Note that this still has all the limitations (except the save... usually) of Ghost Ride.

Expanded Possession - is absolutely mandatory for a dominator, as it is the only way to control other creature types. The downside? You have to take it for each creature type. Still useless against creatures that can beat a DC15 Will save.

Ghost Ride - This serves as a prereq for all other dominator feats. Once you're inside someone, you can't actually do anything but um... ride.

Ghost Ride only allows you to dominate creatures of the same creature type as you. Since you're a ghost, by RAW, this is limited to outsiders. However, it appears that the RAI was that you could only dominate creatures the same augmented base type as you. The example they gave is "(humanoids may ride only humanoids, for example)".

Also, it's [Mind Affecting], which can really limit your targets even further.

The target gets a Will save every 10 minutes. If your target makes its Will save against your ability, it is immune to all abilities of the Dominator path for 24 hours, not just the one it saved against. If you're a straight Dominator, then you just turned useless.

Grand Malevolence - This is the capstone for the dominator. It requires four other feats, including Iron Will. It does allow you to possess multiple targets, but each target requires a standard action to possess. If you had full control of them, this would be purple. As it is, you do not gain any extra actions. You still get only one move, one standard, one swift action, and one 5ft step... with all the same limitations. You can divide your actions up among any of your possessed creatures, but if they aren't using your actions, they're just standing there immobile... unless you temporarily release them to act as normal. It still also has all the normal limitations of Ghost Ride. The best part of this feat is that, unlike the two Malevolence feats, you don't take ability damage from using it.

Malevolence - As Minor Malevolence below, except the duration might be hours instead of minutes. I say "might," because the target still gets Will saves every 10 minutes. Still suffers the limitations of Ghost Ride, but you also take Charisma damage each time you use it!

Minor Malevolence - Requires Iron Will... It is otherwise exactly the Ghost Ride except that you control the host. In fact, that's exactly what it says. "As the Ghost Ride feat, except that you do control the host." They still get saves and become immune to all your dominator feats for 24 hours if they make a single save against any of your dominator feats. Oh, you also take Charisma damage each time you use it!
1The Traveler path is effectively useless if you aren't inside the Manifest Ward and forced to fully manifest. As a whole, the path should be green or black if and only if you're playing inside the Manifest Ward.

Path of the Traveler
Ethereal Sidestep - Standard Action dimension door as the spell. Max range of 30 ft, but, as a feat, it doesn't appear to provoke AoOs (subject to DM interpretation of "as the spell dimension door.") Unfortunately, it also requires the simply awful Incorporeal Form feat (see below).

Full Manifestation - Standard Action to become corporeal... for 1 round... if you make a Will save. By definition of "1 round," you become incorporeal again as soon as your next round starts, and if you fail the Will save attempt, you just wasted your round.

Ghost Flight - Fly at land speed (good). Ghosts already fly at their land speed with good maneuverability while incorporeal. This is only useful when playing inside the Ghost Ward... which is rare outside of one rarely used campaign setting. Still, green due to that being the setting that Eidolon is from. Also, you can't run.

Ghost Glide - Fly 5ft (good). Prereq for Ghost Flight. It's useless, even if you're forced to manifest fully.

Improved Ghost Flight - This would be at least blue if it didn't require two useless feats (Ghost Glide and Ghost Flight) as prereqs. Still +10ft flight and the ability to run isn't useless. Unfortunately, as it is, it's barely black, as there are numerous ways to increase your land speed, which also directly increases your flight speed due to the ghost template. It isn't awful, but there are better options.

Incorporeal Form - Unless you're forced to manifest fully, which never happens outside the Manifest Ward, this feat does nothing. Otherwise, it's a standard action Will save to go incorporeal for 1 round. It's a lot like Full Manifestation but worse.
1Path of the Haunt
Control Visage - This is the base feat for the path. The benefit is that you ignore the Faces of Death penalties and bonuses. Your ghost clothing (which you can't remove) gains a glamered like ability to look like anything you want, and you gain a +1 to social skills. This is probably the second best base path feat after Ectoplasm.

Fade - Standard action to gain +4 Hide. Useful? Sometimes. Feat worthy? Not really.

Frightful Moan - Benefit: 30ft fear effect that makes targets panicked. Drawback: Fear effect that is also sonic, necromantic, and mind-affecting. Also deals Charisma damage to you.

Frightful Presence - Now you too can pretend to be a dragon. Unfortunately, using it causes you Charisma damage. Also requires four prerequisite feats, two of which are terrible.

Haunting Appearance - cause fear as the spell with a 30ft range that also gives you Charisma damage. I see a pattern forming...

Haunting Voice - You're a ventriloquist.

Horrific Appearance - This is one of the few Haunt feats actually worth getting, although it does require three other feats. All creatures within 60ft that can see you take Str, Dex, and Con damage. If they save, they're immune for 24 hours, but if they fail, they take damage to all physical stats. Unfortunately, like other haunt feats, you take Charisma damage to use it.

Improved Control Visage - As alter self, except you're still a ghost and everyone knows it. This is the second base feat for the path, as all later feats also require it. I think it should have been rolled into Control Visage as a single feat.

Solid Visage - Standard action to appear alive and solid. You lose your racial bonus to Hide checks. I guess it's useful if you want to convince people you aren't dead, but it doesn't actually make you solid.

1Path of the Poltergeist
Ghost Hand - This is the base feat for the path. This effectively gives your hand ghost touch so you can pick things up, provided the item weighs less than 5 pounds. Fortunately, it doesn't require concentration.

Improved Deflection - It's +1 AC and better than Dodge. It only works with your natural deflection though, so if you have a better deflection granting item, this feat is worthless. The one perk is that if you have feats to burn, because we all have plenty of those, you can stack this feat multiple times.

Improved Poltergeist Hand - As telekinesis, but limited to the "sustained force" version, provided you maintain concentration. A step up from Poltergeist Hand. Unfortunately, it has two prerequisite feats.

Poltergeist Hand - As mage hand without requiring concentration and affects multiple objects. Really, this is what Ghost Hand should have been.

Poltergeist Rage - As telekinesis, but limited to the "violent thrust" version. Sadly, this really should have been included as part of Improved Poltergeist Hand. If so, that feat would be black instead of green.

1Path of the Shaper
Ectoplasm - This is the base feat for the entire Shaper path. Fortunately, it's not too bad of a feat with some decent utility. This grants a number of bonuses to various skill checks, most of which you can confer to others, including Survival (when tracking ghosts), Climb, Escape Artist, Move Silently... In fact, most of them can only be given to others... In fact, all of them except Survival can only be given to others... Ectoplasm also lets you make any weapon ghost touch as a standard action, but the weapon only deals half damage until the ectoplasm dissipates. It also can't be used on a weapon that generates any kind of energy damage.

Ghost Healing - You transfer your hit points to any ghost you can touch. You can transfer all of them + 10, in fact, which kills you. It's useful if you have some way to heal yourself after, but if you can heal yourself, why not just heal them? This is only useful if you have some source of personal healing that can't be given to another ghost for some reason, like a persisted lesser vigor.

Greater Witchlight - Like Witchlight but better! Your light can now have an effect! It can last a bit longer, can deal some minor fire damage, or even be slightly brighter than usual! It is better than standard Witchlight, but I'm not sure it is really worth a feat.

Sculpt Ghost Body - Full round action to increase Str, Dex, or Con by +2 at a -2 to the others. You have no Str score, meaning it's +2 to one and -2 to one... or -2 to both Dex and Con with no benefit, if you prefer. Really though, it lasts 10 minutes and isn't awful, and you specifically can stack it with itself for bigger boosts and penalties.

Shape Ectoplasm - The prereq for Sculpt Ghost Body. If have have available ectoplasm, which you do from this feat's prereqs, then this is essentially a fabricate spell and creates functioning items. Unfortunately, the duration is based on your Wis, meaning that it is no longer a dump stat. Also, you're limited to "nonliving material, such as clothing, rope, leather, or wood."

Temper Ectoplasm - As Shape Ectoplasm + stone, crystal, and iron... but no other metals. Duration is extended from minutes to hours. It's a step up and generally worth it.

Witchlight - Standard action to create a candle which only lasts as long as you spend your actions to maintain concentration. Specifically allows you to "outline" invisible creatures, granting some utility. Still, it's a candle that requires concentration to keep lit. You're a shaper. If you need a candle, either shape one or just light a real one and use ectoplasm to make it ghost touch so you can carry it or glue it to the top of your head.

Hey, so I'm revisiting this handbook. What caused me to abandon it in the first place was the discovery of the Libris Mortis, which introduced several mechanics that more or less made everything I've written so far obsolete. I'm going to be rebuilding from scratch, but I want to thank you for the above contributions. They're going to be immensely helpful. :smallsmile:

2012-06-13, 09:13 PM
Hey I'm glad you're making this. To be honest, I'd seen the word Eidolon thrown around a bit but I didn't know it was a base class, let alone what book it was from (or vice versa). Now I totally want to play one.

Please keep it up!

2012-06-23, 09:19 PM
Gotta admit... still looking forward to this! My next character is totally an Eidolon.

2012-06-24, 12:00 PM
Hey I'm glad you're making this. To be honest, I'd seen the word Eidolon thrown around a bit but I didn't know it was a base class, let alone what book it was from (or vice versa). Now I totally want to play one.

Please keep it up!

Gotta admit... still looking forward to this! My next character is totally an Eidolon.

I'm still working, although admittedly very slowly!

2012-06-24, 06:56 PM
Considering nothing gives you more Evolution points besides Summoner, it's not that surprising. Though I suppose I could see a gestalt Summoner/Eidoloncer or something like that but that's a horse of a completely different color, there.It's like multiclassing between Pirate and Ninja. It sounds cool, but doesn't work mechanicaly :smallfrown:

2012-06-24, 09:08 PM
It's like multiclassing between Pirate and Ninja. It sounds cool, but doesn't work mechanicaly :smallfrown:

I was sad when I found out you can't take the Pirate archetype with the Ninja base class. :smallfrown:

2012-06-25, 11:52 AM
It seems like a Rogue/Eidolon would work well. Or anything with SA or SS (that could work, right?).

2012-06-25, 12:24 PM
A Battledancer could make a good Eidolon. +1 BAB and Charisma to AC twice.

2012-06-28, 01:52 AM
Hey, so I'm revisiting this handbook. What caused me to abandon it in the first place was the discovery of the Libris Mortis, which introduced several mechanics that more or less made everything I've written so far obsolete. I'm going to be rebuilding from scratch, but I want to thank you for the above contributions. They're going to be immensely helpful. :smallsmile:What part of Libris Mortis is that?

2012-06-28, 01:53 PM
A Battledancer could make a good Eidolon. +1 BAB and Charisma to AC twice.

Good idea! I'll add that in :smallwink:

What part of Libris Mortis is that?

The feat section. It allows incorporeal creatures to handle material objects without them being ghost touch.

2012-06-29, 03:14 PM
That doesn't really make it obsolete. It just makes it more like a normal character as far as equipment and items go.