View Full Version : Havoc WarMage Vs Evocker Spellsword?

2012-04-16, 03:16 PM
Hello all ^^ I just wanted to ask the playgrounders this interesting question.

I am building my resident "Hit-squads" which often use the most brutal approach possible. Unlike most wizards who operate as "support for the army" in my campaign, these gentlemen and ladies like to wreck poop and burn things to the ground, when called up on. They operate with in squads of 5-7-10 and usually found on front line. Sometimes, few of these squads are called to "purify the city" from a transgressor X. They than act as "sterilizing" teams, killing all transgressors in the city. So yeah...

I am playing around w/ 2 builds

1st Build - Spellsword Evoker. [Not fully optimized]
Fighter 1/Wizard 6/Spellsword 5
Variants=>Focused Evoker, Immediate Magic[Counterfire], Battle wizard.
1st[Able learner, Power Attack, Maximize Spell], 2nd[Exotic(Jovar?)], 3rd[Energy Sub(Cold)], 6th[Leap Attack, Arcane Thesis(Fireball?)], 9th[Residual Metamagic, Empower], 12[Repeat Spell or 2nd energy Sub? or Practiced Spellcaster?].
**Schools Banned=> Illusion, Necro & Ench**

Dirty Tricks/Main Tactics
-Wand of Wraith strike abuse. Chamber it, it costs very little[750gp], and empire produces magic items en mass. Charges without loss of AC, and leap attacks thanks o Able learner and having "physical skills"
-All lvl3 "Coldballs" Empowered, some half maximized or repeated thu Residual
-Level 4 higher All Maximized or Repeated.
-Level 5 for cloud kill, teleport and other dirty tricks.
-Comes Pr-Channeled with Maximized Ball.
-Wears Nimble or Twlight Full Mithril Plate with NO ASF issues.
-Has +1 Keen Spellstoring Jovar w/ acid crystal w/ wand chamber
-Talks thru Intimidation, wares a Crystal Dread mask for +10 bonus.
Pros=> Lvl5 spells, AMAZING spell list, DMG output per action is great[to of maximized stuff], higher BAB.
Cons=>Less actions per turn, I hate using exalted material[twilight enchantment] on evil characters.

2nd Build - Havoc Warmage
Paladin of Tyranny 2/Warmage 6/Havoc Mage 4
Variants=>Alternative learning at warmage 6 to gain Wraith strike[to use thru wands]
1st[Power Attack, Maximize Spell], 3rd[Battle Caster], 6rd[Energy Sub(Cold)], 9th[Arcane Thesis(Fireball?)], 12th[Residual Metamagic or Practiced Spell caster?],

Dirty Tricks/Main Tactics
-Wand of Wraith strike abuse. see above
-Maximizing thru Residual. See above
-MAIN GAG. Casting every turn without enemies attacking you in melee. Swift wraith striking-full PA while at it.
-2nd main gag. Extremely High saves thru Divine Grace
-3rd Gag. Wand of many wands with paladin wands as they can use them.
Pros=> Being immune to mage slaying, not needing concentration and being action efficient is a LOT. Also no crappy Twilight armor here, just plain Mithril ^^
Cons=>horrid spell selection, with a LOT LESS feats. Seriously feat starved build that has to choose between Residual metamagic and Practiced spell caster. Also no cloud kill and 5th lvl spells means, someone has to port them... Which is a great shame for an alleged full caster.

So gentlemen and ladies ^^ what do you think, which do you think is better? Also any optimization advices are also nice to hear ^^

Thanks for your attention ^^

P.S! Don't suggest BattleSorc to replace Warmage. Fluff reasons for this campaign disallow this substitution. However, Pal 2/Battle Sorc 4/Havoc Mage 4/Abjurant Champion 2 w/ Battlecaster & rapid metamagic feats is a FAR better(though a lot more feat starved, because abjurant champion needs crappy combat casting) build. I do accept that, lets move on ^^.