View Full Version : Good swift action Spells.

2012-04-16, 06:21 PM
So I got me a Wiz/Druid/ArcHeir Ubermount build. It's pretty sweet. I need some spells for Wizard to go with it, preferably cast as swift actions. I got Wraithstrike, Lion's Pounce, Heroics. I'm using Mage armor (BoED Luminous Armor is outright banned due to the last time I played a druid), and Greater Celerity Will find it's place here. Anyone got any other spells good for buffing an awesome mount?

Sidenote: Kudos to my DMs way of handling this. He splits up his creature and keep them moving to keep Brothelbane, my mount, from getting in full attacks. He's also come up with clever little counters to my CCs (Tremor doesn't work on a Ball o' Zombehz! It rolls!). GJ if you're reading this! :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Also, anyone got any good items to buff up CL for buffing in the Morning?

2012-04-16, 06:53 PM
Bladeweave is a nice little buff that dazes things you hit.

For buff items, UMDing a Bead of Karma is practically mandatory.

2012-04-16, 07:05 PM
Bladeweave is a nice little buff that dazes things you hit.

For buff items, UMDing a Bead of Karma is practically mandatory.

:s I have a few UMD ranks, but my Cha was a dump stat, thankfully ended as a 10. I might have have to pick up a Circlet of Persuasion for the build. Could I UMD other items, like a Candle of Invocation or Ankh of Ascension. Wait, that'd be stupid. I'd still only be able to benefit Divine Spells.

I can already cast Divine Spells, so the Bead should work anyway.

What's the check for emulating Cleric for a Candle of Invocation? No, that doesn't give more CL >.>

2012-04-16, 09:38 PM
I'm sure you know this, but use Quicken for any spells you don't mind taking a higher level slot. I'm pretty sure there's one called Dimension Jumper or something, but that might be a standard action. Also, I think there's a guide to free movement/pounce, so you can search that up too.

There's also a maneuver (in Tiger Claw) which let's you move jump distance as a swift action.

2012-04-17, 01:50 AM
Nerveskitter is +5 to initiative and is a 1st level immediate action spell. I'm a fan of it.

Sorry, can't think of any others for wizards... Rangers get a couple that do stuff like light their blades on fire and Paladins get something similar, but neither will really help you in any way even if you could somehow get them.

2012-04-17, 02:15 AM
There are an absolute ton of fun low-level swift/immediate action spells. (I personally prefer the immediate action ones, since they usually interfere with someone else's turn. Here's a few.

Level 1 Spells:
Nerveskitter is wonderful, I almost never run arcane casters without it. (Level 1, +5 init as an immediate action you can cast flat-footed).
Lesser Deflect (+CL/3 deflection bonus to AC against next attack on target this round, immediate action)

Honestly, you should probably just prepare a lot of nerveskitters. Few things at level 1 beat that free +5 init bonus.

Level 2 Spells:
Swift Fly(pretty straightforward)
Stay the Hand (immediate action, if target fails will save they cant attack you this round, even if they already spent their move action)
Lesser Celerity(immediate action: target takes a free move action, immediately, in the middle of someone else's turn)

Level 3 Spells:
Alter Fortune (Immedate: Pay 200 xp, and reroll any die anyone just rolled. No saving throw. If you abuse this, your DM will strangle you.)
Hesitate (Immediate: If target fails will save, they can only take a move action. Subject rerolls save each turn)

Honestly, there's a ton more. The ones I listed above are just some of my more often-used ones.

2012-04-17, 10:08 AM
Nerveskitter is Transmutation, as is Wraith Strike, Heroics, and Celerity.

Stay the Hand and Hesitate are enchantments. Halt fits nicely with these, but is a Transmutation.

Bladeweave... is an Illusion? Oh well, sharing this with Brothelbane will be pretty sweet.

I'm thinking of Focus Specializing in Transmutation, as I have a lot of Spells in that school. Being a Druid should cover the loss of versatility. Evocation is getting thrown out straight out the window, and perhaps so is Necromancy. Abjuration is there for Mage Armor. Oh right, Conjuration! lol!:smallbiggrin:

2012-04-17, 10:50 AM
I'm thinking of Focus Specializing in Transmutation, as I have a lot of Spells in that school. Being a Druid should cover the loss of versatility. Evocation is getting thrown out straight out the window, and perhaps so is Necromancy. Abjuration is there for Mage Armor. Oh right, Conjuration! lol!:smallbiggrin:

I generally advise never to ban divination & abjuration and not for shield[Mage armor is not abjuration]...

Protection from X alone provide very valuable "no, you can't control me" result. Not to mention, Turmoil, Dim-Anchor[NO save], Refusal, AMF, and much more "NO!, stop it!" type of spells ^^
***Also Karmic auras[abjuration] chain are ALL swift actions. Having 3 of them on you means, 3 saves per round to anyone who attacks you. And since you are on frontline it seems, this can help a lot.***

Likewise divination can be utterly plot wrecking even without the all might collect call to a deity. Unluck, Alter fortune, Battlemagic Perception[immediate counterspell], Scry Location & much much more ^^
***One of THE Reasons not to ever ban divination =>
Assay Spell Resistance lvl4, swift. GOLD.***


2012-04-17, 11:22 AM
I generally advise never to ban divination & abjuration and not for shield[Mage armor is not abjuration]...

Protection from X alone provide very valuable "no, you can't control me" result. Not to mention, Turmoil, Dim-Anchor[NO save], Refusal, AMF, and much more "NO!, stop it!" type of spells ^^
***Also Karmic auras[abjuration] chain are ALL swift actions. Having 3 of them on you means, 3 saves per round to anyone who attacks you. And since you are on frontline it seems, this can help a lot.***

Likewise divination can be utterly plot wrecking even without the all might collect call to a deity. Unluck, Alter fortune, Battlemagic Perception[immediate counterspell], Scry Location & much much more ^^
***One of THE Reasons not to ever ban divination =>
Assay Spell Resistance lvl4, swift. GOLD.***


Hmmm... but Druids know some Divination already. I'll have to think about this, but IIRC I can't get rid of my Divination if I wanted to.

2012-04-17, 11:30 AM
okay, since no one else is gonna:

why is your mount called brothelbane? does he hate ladies of the night or just love them too much?

as far as contributing to the topic of the thread, if you are a charger, you must know about rhino's rush. 1st lvl pally spell, swift action, deal double damage on a charge.

blade of blood is available on a variety of lists, including sor/wiz and blackguard, letting you get it via archivist as well. swift action. cast it on a blade, lasts 1round/lvl until discharged, deal 1d6 extra damage or if you willingly take 5hp of damage (which if you've got enough class levels to have that many different classes, you won't care) then you instead deal 3d6 extra points of damage. useful in it lasts a few rounds so you can prebuff with it and then charge with rhino's rush and use it, effectively dealing 6d6 extra damage for 2 first level spells and 2 swift actions

2012-04-17, 12:34 PM
okay, since no one else is gonna:

why is your mount called brothelbane? does he hate ladies of the night or just love them too much?

Nah, she doesn't like Pimps and 'Pimpslayer' just doesn't have the same ring to it. And how much she likes the ladies is between her and me, tyvm. :smallannoyed:

OOC, the name originally going to be Throttlebane, but that made no sense in my head, even though it sounded really cool. Brothelbane sounded similar BA while keeping a nice LG feel to it.

as far as contributing to the topic of the thread, if you are a charger, you must know about rhino's rush. 1st lvl pally spell, swift action, deal double damage on a charge.

blade of blood is available on a variety of lists, including sor/wiz and blackguard, letting you get it via archivist as well. swift action. cast it on a blade, lasts 1round/lvl until discharged, deal 1d6 extra damage or if you willingly take 5hp of damage (which if you've got enough class levels to have that many different classes, you won't care) then you instead deal 3d6 extra points of damage. useful in it lasts a few rounds so you can prebuff with it and then charge with rhino's rush and use it, effectively dealing 6d6 extra damage for 2 first level spells and 2 swift actions

T^T You can't be a Druid and Pally at the same time.

Brothelbane has 18 HD right now, so Blades of Blood and Lady's Gambit (From Heroic) should not be a problem. Unfortunately it is a Necromancy, and its damage is a little on the low side.

2012-04-17, 01:54 PM
There are a lot of good (and so-so) ones in spell compendium. Blades of fire, critical strike, bladeweave, swift invisibility, swift haste, swift fly, swift expeditious retreat, guided shot, insightful feint, spell enhancer.

I happen to have that list because of a low level character of mine. There could be more at spell levels 5+, besides whichever low level ones I missed.

2012-04-17, 07:36 PM
....It occurs to me that turning most of the spells into a swift version might actually be pretty good as part of a caster fix. Cut down debuff durations to a similar amount...

2012-04-17, 07:54 PM
....It occurs to me that turning most of the spells into a swift version might actually be pretty good as part of a caster fix. Cut down debuff durations to a similar amount...

You mean for like low Tier Pally-bad right? Because Swift action spells are OP when I have 2 casting pools for 2 spells per turn and I deal damage with Brothelbane (<3!!!).

As for Paladins, I would give out Battle Blessing and Serenity for free. They work better that way. :3

2012-04-17, 08:08 PM
This is for the mount, primarily?

Blood Wind, Spell Compendium page 33. Sor/Wiz-1, swift action, lasts 1 round... lets your mount use natural weapons at range. Requires the mount have an Int of 4... but you're going the Arcane Heirophant route, so that's pretty much a given.

2012-04-17, 09:24 PM
This is for the mount, primarily?

Blood Wind, Spell Compendium page 33. Sor/Wiz-1, swift action, lasts 1 round... lets your mount use natural weapons at range. Requires the mount have an Int of 4... but you're going the Arcane Heirophant route, so that's pretty much a given.

Oooh. I took at this! The thing is that she has Extended Reach and Inhuman Reach already! 5 ft more isn't much, and it's evoctation, one of my banned for sure schools. Ty, though! :smallbiggrin:

2012-04-17, 11:58 PM
Nah, she doesn't like Pimps and 'Pimpslayer' just doesn't have the same ring to it. And how much she likes the ladies is between her and me, tyvm. :smallannoyed:

OOC, the name originally going to be Throttlebane, but that made no sense in my head, even though it sounded really cool. Brothelbane sounded similar BA while keeping a nice LG feel to it.

T^T You can't be a Druid and Pally at the same time.

Brothelbane has 18 HD right now, so Blades of Blood and Lady's Gambit (From Heroic) should not be a problem. Unfortunately it is a Necromancy, and its damage is a little on the low side.

well, that answers my question. thanks. no offense intended, sorry if you took it that way.

I know you can't be a druid and a pally simultaneously. for whatever reason, I misread archeir as arch, assuming archivist, who can pull from the pally list, so that's why I suggested rhino rush.

Oooh. I took at this! The thing is that she has Extended Reach and Inhuman Reach already! 5 ft more isn't much, and it's evoctation, one of my banned for sure schools. Ty, though! :smallbiggrin:

what's your other banned school? what kind of animal is your companionfamiliar?

2012-04-18, 07:07 AM
Oooh. I took at this! The thing is that she has Extended Reach and Inhuman Reach already! 5 ft more isn't much, and it's evoctation, one of my banned for sure schools. Ty, though! :smallbiggrin:
It's not five feet more. It gives your mount a range increment of 30 feet. Five feet more, and after that it soaks a -2 penalty for the next 30 feet, after which it soaks another -2 penalty for the next 30 feet, and so on, out to 10 range increments. It's a really nice spell for things with lots of natural weapons (or Monks).

But if it's a banned school, it's a banned school. Oh well.

2012-04-18, 11:09 AM
I had a list somewhere of swift and immediate action spells..

Ah, there it is

Accelerated Movement
Arrow Mind
Blade of Blood
Blades of Fire
Blood Wind
Breath Flare
Critical Strike
Deep Breath
Deflect, Lesser
Distract Assailant
Expeditious Retreat, Swift
Feather Fall
Golem Strike
Guided Shot
Insightful Feint
Instant Locksmith
Instant Search
Master’s Touch
Shock and Awe
Sniper’s Shot

Aiming at the Target
Celerity, Lesser
Daggerspell Stance
Electric Vengeance
Energy Surge, Lesser
Fearsome Grapple
Fly, Swift
Master's Touch
Stay the Hand
Stretch Weapon
Sure Strike

Alter Fortune
Avoid Planar Effects
Energy Aegis
Energy Surge
Giant’s Wrath
Spectral Weapon

Assay Spell Resistance
Blinding Breath
Entangling Staff
Mirror Image, Greater
Rebuking Breath
Ruin Delver’s Fortune
Spell Enhancer
Stifle Spell

Breath Weapon Substitution
Dispelling Breath
Electric Vengeance, Greater
Ethereal Breath
Etherealness, Swift
Planar Tolerance
Stunning Breath

Energy Surge, Greater


Celerity, Greater
Stunning Breath, Greater

Breath Weapon Admixture
Enervating Breath


Buoyant Lifting
Vine Strike

Avoid Planar Effects
Daggerspell Stance
Deep Breath
Nature’s Favor
Tiger’s Tooth

Alter Fortune
Entangling Staff
Fly, Swift
Giant’s Wrath
Lion’s Charge

Meteoric Strike
Planar Tolerance
Longstrider, Mass

Nature’s Avatar

And before anyone starts thanking me I didn't compile the list, I found it somewhere but cant remember where it was, so I can't give credit to the original researcher.

Edit: Added the Druid list as well.

2012-04-18, 06:44 PM
well, that answers my question. thanks. no offense intended, sorry if you took it that way.

I know you can't be a druid and a pally simultaneously. for whatever reason, I misread archeir as arch, assuming archivist, who can pull from the pally list, so that's why I suggested rhino rush.

what's your other banned school? what kind of animal is your companionfamiliar?

I was wasn't offended. I was joshing you. :D

My Animal Companion Mount Familiar is a Gold Wyrmling (Ranger Knight or Fermi-something) that I used Devoted Tracker and Archeir to get all three sets of benefits with. My for sure banned schools are Evocation and Necromancy. Nothing is set in stone yet so I'm thinking of dropping another school.

It's not five feet more. It gives your mount a range increment of 30 feet. Five feet more, and after that it soaks a -2 penalty for the next 30 feet, after which it soaks another -2 penalty for the next 30 feet, and so on, out to 10 range increments. It's a really nice spell for things with lots of natural weapons (or Monks).

But if it's a banned school, it's a banned school. Oh well.

Hmm... can't believed I herped the derp on the Range Increments. Oh well, it's good, but doesn't mesh well in my set up. Thanks anyway. :smallbiggrin:

I had a list somewhere of swift and immediate action spells..

Ah, there it is

Accelerated Movement
Arrow Mind
Blade of Blood
Blades of Fire
Blood Wind
Breath Flare
Critical Strike
Deep Breath
Deflect, Lesser
Distract Assailant
Expeditious Retreat, Swift
Feather Fall
Golem Strike
Guided Shot
Insightful Feint
Instant Locksmith
Instant Search
Master’s Touch
Shock and Awe
Sniper’s Shot

Aiming at the Target
Celerity, Lesser
Daggerspell Stance
Electric Vengeance
Energy Surge, Lesser
Fearsome Grapple
Fly, Swift
Master's Touch
Stay the Hand
Stretch Weapon
Sure Strike

Alter Fortune
Avoid Planar Effects
Energy Aegis
Energy Surge
Giant’s Wrath
Spectral Weapon

Assay Spell Resistance
Blinding Breath
Entangling Staff
Mirror Image, Greater
Rebuking Breath
Ruin Delver’s Fortune
Spell Enhancer
Stifle Spell

Breath Weapon Substitution
Dispelling Breath
Electric Vengeance, Greater
Ethereal Breath
Etherealness, Swift
Planar Tolerance
Stunning Breath

Energy Surge, Greater


Celerity, Greater
Stunning Breath, Greater

Breath Weapon Admixture
Enervating Breath


Buoyant Lifting
Vine Strike

Avoid Planar Effects
Daggerspell Stance
Deep Breath
Nature’s Favor
Tiger’s Tooth

Alter Fortune
Entangling Staff
Fly, Swift
Giant’s Wrath
Lion’s Charge

Meteoric Strike
Planar Tolerance
Longstrider, Mass

Nature’s Avatar

And before anyone starts thanking me I didn't compile the list, I found it somewhere but cant remember where it was, so I can't give credit to the original researcher.

Edit: Added the Druid list as well.

Oooh ty... I'll have to take some time to search through these ^^