View Full Version : School Fire

Viera Champion
2012-04-17, 06:56 PM
My school caught on fire today. Apparently it was some short circuit backstage while someone was fiddling around with the sound system in the auditorium. Of course our spring play was meant to be on friday so that area was FULL of dry wood and paint that were assembled as props. The roof of our auditorium also collapsed in. Of course we had to evacuate so I didn't get to retrieve my computer from my locker. I hope the sprinklers didn't ruin it. Luckily, all students and teachers were evacuated safely, and the only people injured were two fire fighters when the roof collapsed, but they are doing fine as far as I can tell.

The article from 6 ABC News, along with vide of fire being fought. (http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/local&id=8624591)

2012-04-17, 08:55 PM
Wow, thats pretty serious. My school has non drill evacutaions like 3 times a year but it's always someone leaving something in a microwave too long or someone dropping a cigarette without putting it out enough. So you haven't been allowed back in to get your laptop yet? That's too bad, but if it's inside your locker it probably couldn't have gotten too much water on it.

2012-04-17, 09:04 PM
Holy s*$@!:eek:
You okay man? No mental-emotional scarring going on? That's rough. Nothing bad ever happened when I was in school.
Besides the vice-principal's son being arrested for dealing drugs.
Not the point. Hope your computers all fine man!

Viera Champion
2012-04-17, 09:27 PM
Holy s*$@!:eek:
You okay man? No mental-emotional scarring going on? That's rough. Nothing bad ever happened when I was in school.
Besides the vice-principal's son being arrested for dealing drugs.
Not the point. Hope your computers all fine man!

This has been a terrible year for my school. Two people expelled for distributing drugs, an earthquake on the east coast, now a fire. Awful.

My poor, poor computer.

2012-04-17, 10:56 PM
I don't recall any fires ever happening at my school, but we were all sent home due to flooding once.
Our principal even let everyone with mobile phones use them to contact their parents, and our school had a strict policy concerning mobile phones.
If I remember correctly, several people couldn't get to school during that week because they were cut off.

2012-04-18, 12:36 AM
Of course our spring play was meant to be on friday so that area was FULL of dry wood and paint that were assembled as props.

Been there. Had to do a wretched version of 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. God had mercy and disintegrated our smoke machine in hail of fire and sparks. Still, good to see you're okay.

2012-04-18, 03:58 AM
Wow, that's crazy! Roof collapse is pretty serious! Glad to hear everyone got out safe, and hope your laptop survived. Being inside a locker will have helped.

2012-04-18, 06:10 AM
That's intense. We had a minor fire one time (circuit board pretty much exploded on a janitor). Didn't set anything else on fire, but it did send the janitor to the hospital. We didn't even have to go home, just evac outside till they got him out and stopped the sparking.

2012-04-18, 07:31 AM
In 8th grade, I think, someone managed to set the roof of one of the buildings of my school on fire. It was just the day before the start of the summer break, so the education didn't suffer especially much, and the damage was mostly concentrated to the attic, so they managed to get it renovated in time for school start in the fall.

I passed by my school a few times that summer, and saw the renovation work. Their first course of action was to remove the old metal roof, and for some time, it was simply lying on the ground in a horribly warped state. It looked pretty much like an oversized piece of crumpled paper, or possibly a starship wreck. Kind of cool, actually.

H Birchgrove
2012-04-18, 07:38 AM
:smalleek: :smallfrown: What a pity, Lil Shiro. Good thing no one got killed.

2012-04-18, 07:52 AM
my school has like 1 fire drill a year
and even the teachers say if there was a fire they wouldn't walk they would RUN:smalleek:

i am sorry for your loss, that must be really hard...

PS. you live right near where i used to live! and where i'm staying right now!:smallsmile:

2012-04-18, 08:09 AM
Speaking of fire drills and evacuation plans, in my last school (which was providing all students with their own laptops) we were supposed to bring our computers with us if we had them readily accessible. We had a non-drill alarm last winter, the temperatures were below zero, the snow was up to your knees and most of us didn't grab any clothes on our way out. I've never been so happy about rules that force me to encumber myself during evacuation, as the heat generated by my computer was enough to keep myself mostly warm with.

my school has like 1 fire drill a year
and even the teachers say if there was a fire they wouldn't walk they would RUN:smalleek:

Unless your school is filled to the brim with gas bottles or has its walls impregnated with nitroglycerine, I kind of fail to see what the point of such a reaction would be.

2012-04-18, 08:13 AM
Oh jeez, Lil Shiro. I hope everything and everyone's okay...

2012-04-18, 08:46 AM
Speaking of fire drills and evacuation plans, in my last school (which was providing all students with their own laptops) we were supposed to bring our computers with us if we had them readily accessible. We had a non-drill alarm last winter, the temperatures were below zero, the snow was up to your knees and most of us didn't grab any clothes on our way out. I've never been so happy about rules that force me to encumber myself during evacuation, as the heat generated by my computer was enough to keep myself mostly warm with.

Unless your school is filled to the brim with gas bottles or has its walls impregnated with nitroglycerine, I kind of fail to see what the point of such a reaction would be.

that is...
kind of awesome,
however thinking about it now
my new lappy has this heat distribution system and release liek no heat at all D:

as for my school having a risk of exploding...
fair enough... :P

Asta Kask
2012-04-18, 09:43 AM
Glad to hear you're ok, Lil Shiro.

2012-04-18, 11:03 AM
Short circuit backstage? And here I thought it'd be something cooler like you go to firebending school or something.

2012-04-18, 11:42 AM
my school has like 1 fire drill a year
and even the teachers say if there was a fire they wouldn't walk they would RUN:smalleek:

i am sorry for your loss, that must be really hard...

PS. you live right near where i used to live! and where i'm staying right now!:smallsmile:

Yeah our school always forgets to do fire drills so I'm always on edge the last day of the month. Good luck Shiro, hope your computer is ok. :smallsmile:

2012-04-18, 01:12 PM
Yeah our school always forgets to do fire drills so I'm always on edge the last day of the month. :

that happened to me last time we had monthly fire drills... when i lived in america

2012-04-18, 01:34 PM
Wow. I've never experianced anything quite that big before. In May of my Sophomore year (almost exactly three years now) an exciting event occured in my Metal Shop class. The class taught everything that is used in a metal shop, including gas welding. The welding area had a set of cabinets underneath the welding table, and apparently a hose was leaking into one of those cabinets, and literally less than ten seconds after I finished welding a peice I was working on, it exploded. One of my friends was sitting there still, and the only thing that happend to him was a broken big toe, but my teacher, who had been sitting next to me before I moved, received a broken leg, three broken toes, and a bruised knee.
The entire school was evacuated, of course, but there was no fire as a result, so 6th period classes were still held. Here's a link to the story. (http://www.sonomawest.com/healdsburg/news/article_6d156d9d-c9ec-574b-955f-b80895fd5860.html)

2012-04-18, 04:42 PM
[...]Of course we had to evacuate so I didn't get to retrieve my computer from my locker. I hope the sprinklers didn't ruin it.[...]

I just noticed this, and I suppose some public education is in order. The mechanism behind the sprinkler is based around a small glass canister containing a small drop of liquid that blocks the outfall of a water pipe. If the canister is sufficiently heated, the liquid will start to boil and make the glass canister explode, thus unblocking the pipe and letting the water flow.

The sprinklers in a building are connected in no way except for sharing the same source of water, and thus, activating one won't activate all (you wouldn't want the whole building to suffer water damages just because of a small fire), and in case the sprinkler above your locker activated, the water would be the least of your problems.

Viera Champion
2012-04-18, 05:42 PM
I just noticed this, and I suppose some public education is in order. The mechanism behind the sprinkler is based around a small glass canister containing a small drop of liquid that blocks the outfall of a water pipe. If the canister is sufficiently heated, the liquid will start to boil and make the glass canister explode, thus unblocking the pipe and letting the water flow.

The sprinklers in a building are connected in no way except for sharing the same source of water, and thus, activating one won't activate all (you wouldn't want the whole building to suffer water damages just because of a small fire), and in case the sprinkler above your locker activated, the water would be the least of your problems.

No need to educate. I got my computer today. Believe it or not, I saw all that with my own eyes. :smallbiggrin:

2012-04-19, 02:02 AM
Heh I remember a few years ago in high school there was a huge fire going on nearby (big surprise with California). Suffice to say ashes were raining down all day and even with fire making its way down the hillside towards the school it wasn't until an hour or two before school would have let out anyway that they evacuated us. No fire damage to the school though.

2012-04-19, 05:10 AM
No need to educate. I got my computer today. Believe it or not, I saw all that with my own eyes. :smallbiggrin:

Well, I said public for a reason. It's probably the most common misconception when it comes to sprinklers (I thought this way as well a few years back). The other one that comes close is that they're intended to put out the flames, while they're not nearly large enough to do such a thing in any cases except for very small fires and are mainly intended to supress the fire to prevent it from spreading.

Also, I figured you'd notice anyway, being the one that's actually there in person.

Also, it was only the auditorium that got damaged, wasn't it? Given, that's pretty badly damaged, but at least it didn't spread.

Viera Champion
2012-04-19, 08:28 PM
my school has like 1 fire drill a year
and even the teachers say if there was a fire they wouldn't walk they would RUN:smalleek:

i am sorry for your loss, that must be really hard...

PS. you live right near where i used to live! and where i'm staying right now!:smallsmile:

Oh? Where is that?

2012-04-20, 07:32 AM
Dang. That's a serious fire. I think the worst my high school ever had was somebody in a cooking class burning toast.

2012-04-20, 07:51 AM
I had a similarly messed up high school. I found refuge in gaming, made some older friends, and at age 15 I ended up working full time and taking a few classes at the local community college. They were some of the best decisions I made in my life. I still got decent grades, finished my normal high school degree, and went on to college (go Terps!). And doing so is important for your future career options. But once I realized that high school is just a prison for teenagers, and that real life was much different, everything else started making a lot more sense. Don't worry about your school burning. You've lost nothing but your chains.

2012-04-20, 09:51 AM
We had a bomb scare once at the GSK factory I worked in, apparently because people thought it was anti-animal-testing people trying to blow stuff up etc. despite the fact we only made Lucozade and Ribena.

Turned out the "bomb" was someone returning a faulty promotional camera and the bottle of lucozade they won it from... >.>

Viera Champion
2012-04-20, 10:03 AM
I had a similarly messed up high school. I found refuge in gaming, made some older friends, and at age 15 I ended up working full time and taking a few classes at the local community college. They were some of the best decisions I made in my life. I still got decent grades, finished my normal high school degree, and went on to college (go Terps!). And doing so is important for your future career options. But once I realized that high school is just a prison for teenagers, and that real life was much different, everything else started making a lot more sense. Don't worry about your school burning. You've lost nothing but your chains.

:smalleek:Um... Alright then. I like my high school, and the people there though...

Yeah, I've actually lost an auditorium too, not just chains. As my high school isn't chaining me at all.

Wow... Um... Still, my entire school didn't burn down so I still have to go back on Monday.

Also, apparently the entire backdrop for the play remained untouched somehow.

2012-04-20, 10:09 AM
That last bit is good.
At least the production wasn't completely ruined.

2012-04-20, 09:21 PM
We had a bomb scare once at the GSK factory I worked in, apparently because people thought it was anti-animal-testing people trying to blow stuff up etc. despite the fact we only made Lucozade and Ribena.

Turned out the "bomb" was someone returning a faulty promotional camera and the bottle of lucozade they won it from... >.>

that is kind of concerning...

2012-04-20, 09:39 PM
We had a bomb scare once at the GSK factory I worked in, apparently because people thought it was anti-animal-testing people trying to blow stuff up etc. despite the fact we only made Lucozade and Ribena.

Turned out the "bomb" was someone returning a faulty promotional camera and the bottle of lucozade they won it from... >.>

That's kind of sad. At least the bomb scare at my high school was because we got a legit bomb threat. I think another place nearby had one too. In the meantime, some dude robbed a local bank and got away on a bicycle while the cops were busy dealing with two bomb threats and three thousand hot, grouchy teenagers stuck in a street.

Also, apparently the entire backdrop for the play remained untouched somehow.

That's lucky! Any chance the show can go on with the building it was supposed to be in short a roof?

Viera Champion
2012-04-20, 09:52 PM
That's lucky! Any chance the show can go on with the building it was supposed to be in short a roof?

We're moving it to another school that offered to let us use their auditorium.

2012-04-21, 08:27 AM
We're moving it to another school that offered to let us use their auditorium.

wow! thats great!

it's like they say
every cloud has silver lining :smallsmile:

2012-04-21, 11:45 AM
My high school used to get evacuated 4 times a year minimum for bomb threats due to stupid people who thought cell phones couldnt be traced and that a bomb scare is a great way to get out of a test they didnt study for. Once we had a real evacuation due to the science lab bunsen burners leaking gas at a nasty rate. That was a bit scary. The entire wing of the school stank of gas and we all were waiting for a spark to set it all off at any moment.

2012-04-21, 01:14 PM
Been there. Had to do a wretched version of 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. God had mercy and disintegrated our smoke machine in hail of fire and sparks. Still, good to see you're okay.

Well, bless your beautiful hide! I played Adam in our schools production of this. Good times.

2012-04-21, 01:27 PM
My high school used to get evacuated 4 times a year minimum for bomb threats due to stupid people who thought cell phones couldnt be traced and that a bomb scare is a great way to get out of a test they didnt study for. Once we had a real evacuation due to the science lab bunsen burners leaking gas at a nasty rate. That was a bit scary. The entire wing of the school stank of gas and we all were waiting for a spark to set it all off at any moment.

When I was in elementary school I always heard about this kind of stuff happening at the high school, but the most exciting stuff we got was some kid dumping a computer in the toilet. Boy did he get in trouble. :smalltongue:

2012-04-21, 09:11 PM
When I was in elementary school I always heard about this kind of stuff happening at the high school, but the most exciting stuff we got was some kid dumping a computer in the toilet. Boy did he get in trouble. :smalltongue:

why did he do that?

2012-04-22, 09:07 AM
why did he do that?

Forget why, HOW?! I mean, unless we are talking laptops, how the heck did he grab a school computer, disconnect it and carry it to the bathroom, and dump it in, all without getting caught? Thats like a perfect storm of coincidences to make that possible to pull off.

2012-04-25, 11:57 AM
This reminds me how I had the weirdest last day of highschool ever. I was sitting in third period Math (a little after 9 AM) playing Magic with a classmate, we had already finished the lesson plan for that class the day before, so there was no lesson on the last day. Then the fire alarm went off. We were rather confused about why they would do a fire drill on the last day of class, but we went outside anyway. Turned out there had been a bomb scare and we spent the whole rest of the day sitting outside on the lawn. We hadn't brought our cards with us either, so we were bored out of our skulls the whole time :smallsigh:.

2012-04-25, 12:01 PM
This reminds me how I had the weirdest last day of highschool ever. I was sitting in third period Math (a little after 9 AM) playing Magic with a classmate, we had already finished the lesson plan for that class the day before, so there was no lesson on the last day. Then the fire alarm went off. We were rather confused about why they would do a fire drill on the last day of class, but we went outside anyway. Turned out there had been a bomb scare and we spent the whole rest of the day sitting outside on the lawn. We hadn't brought our cards with us either, so we were bored out of our skulls the whole time :smallsigh:.

The bomb threat we had when I was in tenth grade was a huge pain. It was hot out, and I had left all my stuff (including my phone and house keys, and my book and gameboy) inside in my bag, and I couldn't find anybody I knew. After that I never left the building without all my stuff, fire or no.