View Full Version : Help me Build a Wolf-Mounted Gnome/Halfling Character!

2012-04-17, 08:10 PM
So, I've recently become enamored with the idea of playing a Gnome or Halfling of some variety mounted on a Wolf. I don't like the idea of being an uber-charger or uber-mount character, necessarily, but I'm not ruling out a warrior of some kind either. I really don't have any idea what sort of character I would want to play. Possibly a "wild champion" type, or "fey-champion" which is broad enough to be playable with many different builds.

Something I just considered that might be really fun is Glaivelock.

Any suggestions on builds?

I've never played a mounted character before, so optimization advice is also very welcome.

2012-04-17, 08:59 PM
Halfling Druid, with the alternate halfling druid class feature, which not only makes the companion a mount, but gives bonuses to the druid when doing so.

The Alternate Class features can be found in Races of the Wild, assuming you have those books.

From there it all depends on if you want to be a caster, a ranged warrior, or a fighter of some kind.

I myself took Druid 1, then went 4 levels of fighter with the Natural Bond feat to allow my Companion to continue to advance.

Over time I took the two weapon fighting feat-chain, monkey grip, oversized two weapon fighting, and the weapon finesse and weapon focus feats in order to use Spiked Chains without a great disadvantage, another idea is the buckler, and improved buckler defense, since then you don't need two weapon defense, and a buckler can be enchanted in order to improve its AC bonus.

You end up with two reach weapons (which dependent upon the DM may be light). It costs many feats, but allows you to cast spells, and fight effectively while mounted, you will also find you ride better than a paladin on their 'special mount' if you continue to invest points into the ride skill.

2012-04-18, 10:35 AM
The Halfling Druid substitution level at 1st level is pretty darn tempting, and I do like the notion of whirling a Flame Blade at mine enemies from upon the back of my Wolf companion, but I'm not convinced. It's a good idea, but I'd like to hear others.

Does anyone else have suggestions for a magical, mounted Gnome/Halfling character?

What ways exist for a Druid to expand its spell list? It would be nice to get some illusion spells thrown in there.

2012-04-20, 04:54 PM
Well, you could always make a Drow Druid if you prefer... though... then you specialize in vermin... >.> Chicks with whips and spiders that crawl on your skin.

You could also make a Swarm Druid... 5000 Squirrels! Each do 1 damage... They attack you...