View Full Version : [3.5]Trying to get everything in order for my Campaign. Help?

2012-04-17, 08:37 PM
I'm starting a campaign in late May/early June, and I'm trying to figure some stuff out. I've got it mostly planned out, but there are some stuff I need clarification on.

I cannot find any Magic Items anywhere in any of the core books that grant bonuses the abilities. Like the Belt of Giant Strength mentioned in this comic. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0009.html) Is there anywhere where items like this actually exist within the rules or are they just homebrewed? I would like to have my characters not completely stuck with their starting abilities, and I don't really like the slow progression of the additions. I was thinking about having something like "You do A activity for B long and it increases C ability by D" (such as studying to increase your intelligence or doing physical exercise to increase strength/con/dex depending on acctivity) but I can imagine people abusing this. Do you have any suggestions for this?

Also, how do the carrying capacity rules work? Is the Heavy load the maximum load? or is there something that you multiply it by the get that?

Also, I've never liked the diplomacy rules. I even made a character that could (and did) get everything he wanted using diplomacy, just to prove my point. Unfortunately, he was quickly killed by the party members in his sleep. Anyhow, should I use the Giant's variant rule? I looked over it and it looked good to me, but I wanted to get the opinion of someone who's used it before.

I have a character who usually plays CN, using the fact that he's CN as an excuse to do anything he wants. I don't like this, but I don't know how to tell him that. He's said he's probably going to be CG for my campaign, but it's not set in stone, so I'm still worried.

On that topic, how do I treat alignment shifts? What qualifies for a change in alignment? Is it "Oh, you've done X evil things, you're now one step closer to evil" or is it more like "Oh, you've done something majorly evil, so you're now one step closer"? Or is there something different? Does it vary among DMs?

Thanks in advance for the help and advice!

2012-04-17, 09:23 PM
Look at d20srd.org.

The various magic items are in the dungeon master's guide, iirc. Or just search for 'belt of giant strength' at d20srd.org.

The Giant's diplomacy rules work good, but tend to become harder endgame. Also, high-level NPCs usually won't be swayed unless you max out Diplomacy.
This might be a good thing.

As for ability rises: you don't need to. The aforementioned magic items, other tomes that grant bonuses, BAB, feats, items .. there are many people who play perfectly w/o any houserules. Also, choosing an LA race should grant you high abilities ... at a price.