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View Full Version : Currently in the US. Where to get Physical Paizo Pathfinder Books?

2012-04-18, 06:10 PM
Good day!

It's been a while since I did any Pen and Paper RPGing, but I was thinking of learning to play the Pathfinder style of P&P gaming even though I don't really know of anyone here in the Philippines to play with other than my friend Joey.

My previous experience with P&P extends to watching D&D 3.5, buying some Eberron books, and playing a three-session game of World of Darkness, so I'm really quite newbish.

Right now, I've got another two and a half weeks here in the San Francisco area (Dublin, Livermore, and environs) That said... I need to find out where to get Pathfinder books, as well as learn which books to buy if I want to play the game or learn to be a GM.

Can anyone recommend certain books to get and where to buy dice? Assume a 150 dollar spending limit including shipping. As it stands, I can buy the core rulebook and some bestiaries from a nearby Comic Book Store, but if I can get it for cheaper by grabbing it online and having it shipped to my current location, I can buy more books.

Thank you for your time!

2012-04-18, 06:18 PM
I can't help you locate physical copies of the books, but the majority of Pathfinders rules are available for free here (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/).

2012-04-18, 06:23 PM
I can't help you locate physical copies of the books, but the majority of Pathfinders rules are available for free here (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/).

Oh! This is a great reference for me. :D

Thank you. I shall await further replies and look at my options!

2012-04-18, 06:25 PM
Games of Berkeley (http://www.gamesofberkeley.com/) comes recommended by a friend of mine from that area. You might try googling for "San Francisco Gaming Store/FLGS/Role-Playing Games" type things. You could also probably find the Core Rulebook at Barnes & Noble, but why not put some money in the hands of those who care about the hobby? You may even find people in your area with whom you can play, tips, suggestions, dice, and all the rest.

2012-04-18, 06:27 PM
Try a hobby store, the kind that carries Magic: the Gathering, Warhammer (40,000 and Fantasy) that kind of thing.
I live in Canuck Land, where the polar bears are hairy and the woman hairier, and practically every store of that nature I've been in has had at least the Core Rulebook.
Book stores *might* have what you are looking for, but Fourth Edition D&D was the only thing I personally saw.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-04-18, 06:36 PM
I can't help you locate physical copies of the books, but the majority of Pathfinders rules are available for free here (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/).

This (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/) is better organized. And has 3rd party stuff. And psionics. And the PrCs and feats from campaign setting books.

Lord Tyger
2012-04-18, 06:38 PM
Kind of an obvious suggestion but...


2012-04-18, 06:43 PM
Hey folks, decided to check Amazon.com...


This seems like a really good combo of books at cheaper prices. :)

Which of these books, besides the Core Rulebook should I get if I want to play and potentially GM if need be? Do I need a campaign, or can I create my own or what?


Thanks for the Paizo link! Checking it out now... though I noticed most of the books are at full price.

2012-04-18, 06:46 PM
With the link I gave above, you wouldn't need any books at all.

If you are going to get physical books, you'll need the Core Rulebook, and one of the bestiaries. I suggest the 1st Bestiary (http://www.amazon.com/Pathfinder-Roleplaying-Game-The-Bestiary/dp/1601251831/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1334792734&sr=8-1). That one covers the staple monsters: dragons, ogres, trolls, orcs, skeletons, zombies, vampires, angels, demons, devils, etc.

With those two books, you'll have everything needed to play (except dice, of course). You can come up with a setting on your own. If you do want to play in the official setting (Golarion), this book (http://www.amazon.com/Pathfinder-Campaign-Setting-World-Guide/dp/1601252692/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1334793099&sr=8-1) is the one you want.

2012-04-18, 06:58 PM
With the link I gave above, you wouldn't need any books at all.

If you are going to get physical books, you'll need the Core Rulebook, and one of the bestiaries. I suggest the 1st Bestiary (http://www.amazon.com/Pathfinder-Roleplaying-Game-The-Bestiary/dp/1601251831/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1334792734&sr=8-1). That one covers the staple monsters: dragons, ogres, trolls, orcs, skeletons, zombies, vampires, angels, demons, devils, etc.

With those two books, you'll have everything needed to play (except dice, of course). You can come up with a setting on your own. If you do want to play in the official setting (Golarion), this book (http://www.amazon.com/Pathfinder-Campaign-Setting-World-Guide/dp/1601252692/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1334793099&sr=8-1) is the one you want.

Alright. I'll get those then. :) What about the Game Master Book?

2012-04-18, 07:11 PM
Alright. I'll get those then. :) What about the Game Master Book?

The Game Mastery Guide isn't necessary, but provides additional rules that can help in a game, like: chases, settlement design rules, natural disasters and enviromental hazards, rules for insanity/madness, and some pre-generated non-player characters.

Its not necessary, but can help.