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View Full Version : 3.P Epic Monk....what now?

2012-04-20, 02:16 AM
currently finishing up a campaign in which I play a LE 5monk/5ironlegskickboxer/4enlightenedscholar. I've also got some pretty ridiculous DM homebrewed magic items. Everyone in the group likes their characters, so the DM is gonna take us into epic levels and have us go to hell because I made a bad deal with a devil, and my character is TRYING to become LG.

My question is this: I'm pretty much as monked as I'm willing to get. Any suggestions for a new direction I can take? I'm pretty much the only optimizer in the group (hence the simple monk build,) but at this point everyone is getting close to their class capstones and such, and I'm falling behind in Damage output and creative uses.

Any ideas on a new Direction to take this Character, maybe something that beats the hell (eh heh) out of devils? or should I just Wuxia it as hard as I can? (F.Y.I, any class is game since my DM magic Item set lets me use my wis bonus for everything. yes. everything. even HP.) The DM plays it pretty loose with rules, so just about anything goes.

2012-04-20, 02:57 AM
I'm pretty much the only optimizer in the group (hence the simple monk build)

I don't quite understand: do you mean that you took the monk build to bring yourself down to the rest of the group's optimization level?

Because around here the words "optimizer" and "monk build" are not often found in the same sentence.

I'm going to say... Ur-Priest? Accelerated casting, Wisdom synergy, and plenty of anti-outsider goodies to play with. If syphoning off the power of the gods isn't quite your style, regular old cleric moving into sacred fist could work.

2012-04-20, 09:39 AM
yeah thats exactly what I mean =P