View Full Version : Slave master / hound master class?

2012-04-20, 04:15 PM
Hey everyone,

I was wondering if there is some sort of rules or class that behave like a slave master or hound master, who would essentially use minions that are chained together to fight. I ask because one of my players wants to be an evil cleric or paladin who leads a chain of turned zombies wherever he goes and uses them in battle (like a person holding a bunch of rabid dogs, etc)

If not, I will just have to homebrew it, but I wanted to know if there was any kind of rule/class for this before I go through the work to make it up.


2012-04-20, 04:36 PM
Something like this? (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/animateDead.htm) add in 30-300gp (10-100ft) of chains (phb) and go to town.

2012-04-20, 06:58 PM
Yeah, thanks Inferno, that's essentially the idea. Figured that would be the case but I was mainly wondering if there are any special rules for the chained zombies (acting like cover or a wall for blocking missile attacks, tripping units that attempt to pass through them, etc) or whether its just like a bunch of characters that act as one and can't move out of the chain range.

2012-04-20, 07:18 PM
You could probably rule on that yourself via the Cover and Concealment rules, but for the most part using people to block projectiles tends to lose it's viability in a mid-magic setting when those projectiles explode and kill half the things on the chain.

If the creatures chained together have reach or are closely bound enough, they would get attacks of opportunity against enemies trying to pass through; arm them or just don't spread them out too much and they should make a difficult barrier of some sort, not to mention that other things could be added to the chain itself to make it difficult to pass by without risk; explosive runes, smaller chains with hooks, barbed wires, zombie pigeons lashed onto it, etc.