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2005-12-21, 06:32 PM
hey, so my campaign is currently set up so that the players have no definition of the world around them. they've been in a dungeon for quite awhile and eventually i'd like to bring them out of the dungeon into a much bigger world. im thinking eberron. does anyone know stuff about sarlona or Xen'drik? i'd like to have the characters eventually realize that they are from one of these two remote regions but i don't know enough about either region to do it properly yet. i already have a quori situation set up in the plot so this could be sarlona from 1500 years ago or it could be modern setting xen'drik. any knowledge about either area would be greatly appreciated.

2005-12-21, 07:53 PM
hey, so my campaign is currently set up so that the players have no definition of the world around them. they've been in a dungeon for quite awhile and eventually i'd like to bring them out of the dungeon into a much bigger world. im thinking eberron. does anyone know stuff about sarlona or Xen'drik? i'd like to have the characters eventually realize that they are from one of these two remote regions but i don't know enough about either region to do it properly yet. i already have a quori situation set up in the plot so this could be sarlona from 1500 years ago or it could be modern setting xen'drik. any knowledge about either area would be greatly appreciated.

I can probably help you with this, but the idea is going to be difficult.

In Sarlona they are going to be either Humans or Kalishtar, so if you have anyone else in your party, something is amiss. If Xen'drik, it gets worse. Xen'drik is only home to Drow(and giants/monsters/bugs) anymore, so if your characters are FROM Xen'drik, they are either Drow savages or Giants.

Sarlona is probably your best bet, but even then the game becomes very limited if everyone if from there. I would suggest something on Khorvaire instead, as it is an easier tie in.

2005-12-21, 08:41 PM
ok, well what they know so far is that it's a desert area with no contact with the outside world. im ok with reassigning species origin points if i need to.

2005-12-21, 09:50 PM
I would suggest using Khorvaire, and if the dungeon they are in is in a desert you could use the Blade Desert (I think that's what it's called, I don't have my Eberron book handy at the moment) between the Talenta Plains and Valenar.

2005-12-21, 10:06 PM
Walrus' idea is good. Given that the Desert of Blades is over a thousand miles from the nearest human civilisation (Karnnath *shudder* "In Karnnath undead turn you!") you should have a lot of fun getting your party to somewhere where the natives won't stick spears in them, get their dinosaurs to tread on them, stick them with poisoned blowdarts or eat their souls out through their eyes.

Who needs to go to Sarlona (psionic Red China *bleugh*) or Xen'drik (Darkest Africa manque) to have fun in Eberron? ;D

2005-12-21, 11:08 PM
ok, i decided to go with the mournlands because it seems to fit perfectly and it has a field of mist surrounding it. i just changed the racial stats from 98% warforged to 98% human 2% other races.

2005-12-22, 03:01 AM
ok, i decided to go with the mournlands because it seems to fit perfectly and it has a field of mist surrounding it. i just changed the racial stats from 98% warforged to 98% human 2% other races.

Just be aware that doing that will require a lot of rewriting of the history and will change a lot of the current-day dynamics.

2005-12-22, 10:55 PM
Ghostrunner is right on. You'll have to do a lot of re-writing of the history. Eberron is an awesome place and fairly rich in its back story. My current campaign is set there, and I have to say that I'm pretty much going to be running nearly all of my campaigns there. The only thing I'll do is Ravenloft it up a bit, but otherwise, I love it.

Remember that by changing the race majority from 98% warforged to 98% human you're going to eliminate the Lord of Blades, a major villian in the area and major factor as to what happens. Something or someone is going to have to fill that void.

2005-12-23, 12:13 AM
hey, so my campaign is currently set up so that the players have no definition of the world around them. they've been in a dungeon for quite awhile and eventually i'd like to bring them out of the dungeon into a much bigger world. im thinking eberron.
Unless you play it as a "different reality", this is a bad idea. Mind, I love Eberron. But the basic premise of character creation is seriously different inEberron, than in default D&D.

does anyone know stuff about sarlona
Controlled by the Inspired; no arcane magicks to speak of, rampant psionics. Supposed to be "a source of badguys" in metagame terms. Many details in the ECS, and the Explorer's Handbook.

or Xen'drik?
Jungle with the ruins of Giant cities, many different kinds of semi-civilised (at best) giants living in the ruins. Drow all over the place, in the role of "tribesmen" - and Eberron Drow are COMPLETELY different from Default D&D drow ... "Llolth" does not exist, for example.

Much more information is available in the Explorer's Handbook.

i'd like to have the characters eventually realize that they are from one of these two remote regions
Bad idea. Don't go there.

If you picked Sarlona? Every divine spellcaster would cease to exist (no such animals in Sarlona). Ditto for arcane casters. Paladins, even nonspellcasting ones? Nope. Not in Sarlona. Psionic characters? Outlaws by birth, unless they've paid the LEvel Adjustment to be aong the Inspired - which means they're inherently not intended to be PC's, they're BADGUYS in the service of the Dreaming Dark.

If you picked Xen'drik? Um, Xen'drik is completely uncivilised. No dwarf population, no human population, no halflings or gnomes, no half-elves and the only elves are DROW elves.

In either case? The PHB deities do not exist in Eberron. Period. No exceptions.

ok, i decided to go with the mournlands because it seems to fit perfectly and it has a field of mist surrounding it. i just changed the racial stats from 98% warforged to 98% human 2% other races.

You obviously didn't read what the Mournlands ARE. They are a blasted, devastated post-apocalyptic wasteland. As in, UNINHABITABLE.

If you want to run an Eberron campaign ... just restart the game.

The Demented One
2005-12-23, 12:18 AM
Controlled by the Inspired; no arcane magicks to speak of, rampant psionics. Supposed to be "a source of badguys" in metagame terms. Many details in the ECS, and the Explorer's Handbook.

If you picked Sarlona? Every divine spellcaster would cease to exist (no such animals in Sarlona). Ditto for arcane casters. Paladins, even nonspellcasting ones? Nope. Not in Sarlona. Psionic characters? Outlaws by birth, unless they've paid the LEvel Adjustment to be aong the Inspired - which means they're inherently not intended to be PC's, they're BADGUYS in the service of the Dreaming Dark.

Close, but no cigar. You're thinking of just Riedra, which is a part of Sarlona. Sarlona also includes Adar, homeland of the Kalashtar, natural enemies of the Inspired. Arcane and divine magic is rare, but not illegal there, and psionics are as common as potatos.. And I'm also pretty sure there are some uncivilized portions of Sarlona where a dungeon could be stuck.

2005-12-23, 12:46 AM
hey, so my campaign is currently set up so that the players have no definition of the world around them. they've been in a dungeon for quite awhile and eventually i'd like to bring them out of the dungeon into a much bigger world. im thinking eberron. does anyone know stuff about sarlona or Xen'drik? i'd like to have the characters eventually realize that they are from one of these two remote regions but i don't know enough about either region to do it properly yet. i already have a quori situation set up in the plot so this could be sarlona from 1500 years ago or it could be modern setting xen'drik. any knowledge about either area would be greatly appreciated.

I'm confused, if the characters have no knowledge of the world around them, are they all amnesiacs? It's pretty hard to have a character background in a vacuum.

Assuming they are amnesiacs, then you can put them wherever you want, though if you have non-humans in the party, Sarlona isn't a good pick. Sarlona is almost exclusively human, with a small group of Kalashtar beseiged in the mountains of Adar.

You can certainly have them adventuring in Xen'drik, but it isn't a place for the characters to have their origins. Xen'drik is a savage land of giants, drow and monsters. Your characters could have been abducted from Khorvaire and plopped down into Xen'drik, though.

2005-12-23, 03:44 AM
.Close, but no cigar. You're thinking of just Riedra, which is a part of Sarlona. Sarlona also includes Adar, homeland of the Kalashtar, natural enemies of the Inspired. Arcane and divine magic is rare, but not illegal there, and psionics are as common as potatos.. And I'm also pretty sure there are some uncivilized portions of Sarlona where a dungeon could be stuck.

Riedra is - sea-to-sea, wall-to-wall, top-to-bottom - the entire continent of Sarlona, excepting only the small region of Adar. There are no uncivilised portions of Sarlona, EXCEPT the Adar mountains - where the only inhabitants are some dragons, and ... the Kalashtar. And that's it. Said Kalashtar? Heavily into all things Psionic, and/or being Monks.

So says the ECS and Explorer's Handbook, both quite canonical sources (the ExHB even details just what IS inside the Riedran Monoliths).

2008-06-13, 03:09 PM
Good day all, my name is Bryan and I'm looking for an RPG group playing Eberron.
I live in North Edmonton, though I'll drive anywhere in the city for a chance to play.
Played Eberron for a couple of years, I also have a few Eberron books; Eberron Campaign Setting, Races of Eberron, PHB 1+2. Have a few miniatures as well.
I am an avid reader and have been told I am an excellent player.
For more information please feel free to call me 476-4310.

2008-06-13, 04:04 PM
Good day all, my name is Bryan and I'm looking for an RPG group playing Eberron.
I live in North Edmonton, though I'll drive anywhere in the city for a chance to play.
Played Eberron for a couple of years, I also have a few Eberron books; Eberron Campaign Setting, Races of Eberron, PHB 1+2. Have a few miniatures as well.
I am an avid reader and have been told I am an excellent player.
For more information please feel free to call me 476-4310.

Post here bub; http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=51
you're in the wrong forum for that.

2008-06-13, 04:20 PM
Riedra is - sea-to-sea, wall-to-wall, top-to-bottom - the entire continent of Sarlona, excepting only the small region of Adar. There are no uncivilised portions of Sarlona, EXCEPT the Adar mountains - where the only inhabitants are some dragons, and ... the Kalashtar. And that's it. Said Kalashtar? Heavily into all things Psionic, and/or being Monks.

So says the ECS and Explorer's Handbook, both quite canonical sources (the ExHB even details just what IS inside the Riedran Monoliths).

Very, very wrong. There are 4 regions in Sarlonna, according to Secrets of Sarlonna. There is Adar, Riedra, the Tashana Tundra, and Syrkarn. Riedra is the largest, and basicly could own Syrkarn and the Tundra if they wanted to, but those two regions have nothing that Riedra wants. Skyrkarn is only moderately settled, and the Tashana Tundra has very few permanent settlements. Even Riedra itself isn't entirely settled. There are ruins and areas that are too dangerous to tame.

Sarlonna is home to half-giants, elan, inspired, humans, shifters, changelings, dromites, duergar, maenads, xephs, kalashatar, dwarves, aventi, eneko, skulks, and more. Humans, inspired, and kalashatar are the dominant races, with shifters, dwarves, and duergar the next most populous.

Arcane magic is only semi rare outside of Riedra. Inside Riedra it's almost unknown. Psionics are fairly dominant, but not overwhelmingly so outside Adar and Riedra. Previous Sarlonnan kingdoms were actualy mostly founded on arcane might, so most ancient artifacts there are non psionic.

Wrong Forum and bad idea. You should go to the recruiting forum to find a game and don't give out personal information in public view.

2008-06-13, 04:37 PM

Might want to check the date of threads before you post in them, as per the rules about thread necromancy.

2008-06-13, 04:44 PM
Meh. How was I supposed to know a noob would ressurect a three year old question about my favorite setting?