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2012-04-21, 07:28 AM
The Blitzer

Adventures: The main reason blitzers adventure is to face bigger challenges. Many leave home solely for the sake of the freedom, preferring not to be tied down in a town. Most blitzers do not like adventuring into underground or inclosed places, as they are not able to run freely in such environments.

Characteristics: Though dangerous in combat, a blitzer is mostly a one-trick pony. One should be sure to cover a blitzer's weaknesses. Its skills surpass a fighter, but that's about it.

Alignment: Most blitzers are obviously chaotic, and while lawful ones are rare, they do occur. In the decision of good vs evil, most are neutral to evil, as their aggressive nature does not lend itself well to good deeds.

Religion: Kord is the preferred deity of most blitzers, but gods that cover freedom, travel, and contest are also frequent.

Background: Many blitzers have participated in arenas, either by choice or force. This could mean they were/are criminals of some sort, or just eager for battle. Others are ex-soldiers, likely discharged due to their reckless nature. Most are self-taught, even growing up in the wilderness. Their speed capabilities are helpful in chasing down prey and cowards.

Races: The most common core race to become a blitzer are half-orcs, since their strength bonus lends itself to the blitzer's abilities. Humans also often become blitzers, since they are feat-dependant and often multiclass. Goliaths most frequently become blitzers because of their love of challenge.

Game Rule Information

Abilities: Strength is obviously the most important ability to a blitzer, with the obvious dexterity and constitution following up. A wisdom score is probably the most helpful mental score, to compensate for a poor will save and a few skills.
Alignment: No restrictions
Hit Die: 1d12
Starting Age: As fighter
Starting Gold: 5d4 x 10

Class Skills
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance, Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Profession, Spot, Survival, Swim, and Tumble

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort|Ref|Will|Special|Speed|Skirmish

+0|Battle Weave, Skirmish|

+0|Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun|


+1|Undersized Force|

+1|Flawless Stride, Spring Attack|

+2|Wall Run|


+2|Knockover Charge|


+3|Improved Undersized Force, Water Run|



+4|Freedom of Movement|

+4|Interdimensional Charge 1/round, Improved Trample|


+5|Interdimensional Charge 2/round, Greater Knockback|

+5|Master Opportunist|

+6|Interdimensional Charge 3/round|


+6|Interdimensional Charge 4/round|

Weapon and Armor proficiencies: A blitzer is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all light and medium armor, but no shields.

Battle Weave (Ex): You are an adept at moving through the battlefield. Few foes can follow your movements close enough to strike when you are running past.
You do not provoke attacks of opportunity from any enemies while performing a Charge, Bull Rush, or Overrun action unless you (or the opponent) have an ability/feat that says otherwise.

Skirmish (Ex): See the scout class feature on page 12 of Complete Adventurer.

Improved Bull Rush: At 2nd level, you gain the feat Improved Bull Rush as a bonus feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites for it.

Improved Overrun: At 2nd level, you gain the feat Improved Overrun as a bonus feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites for it.

Fast Movement (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain an enhancement bonus to your speed, as shown on the table above. When wearing medium armor or carrying a medium load, the bonus is halved to the nearest 5ft, rounding down.

Undersized Force (Ex):You learn to be more effective with how you throw your weight around.
At 4th level, you count as one size category larger when making a bullrush or overrun attempt for all purposes.
This increases to two size categories larger at 10th level.

Flawless Stride (Ex): Starting at 5th level, you can move through any sort of terrain that has not been magically altered, that slows movement at your normal speed without suffering any impairment or damage as long as you wear armor no heavier than light, and carry no more than a light load. This does not allow you to move any more quickly through terrain that requires a Climb, Swim, or similar check to navigate.

Spring Attack: At 2nd level, you gain the feat Spring Attack as a bonus feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites for it.

Wall Run (Ex): Beginning at 6th level, as a move action, you can run across (up, down, left, or right) a vertical surface a total distance equal to your speed bonus without making a Climb check. You are not able to turn or change direction while on a wall, even if you have a feat or ability that says you can while running. You can use this ability only once per round (so you can't make a double move along a wall).
If you do not reach the top of the vertical surface or find a suitable hand/foot hold, you must make a Climb check appropriate to the surface. If you succeed on the check, you can use this ability again in the next round. Otherwise, you fall or make no progress, as determined by the check result.
This ability only works on vertical surfaces, not surfaces such as a ceiling.

Opportunist (Ex): Whenever you charge a foe you may make an extra attack at any time during the charge at your highest attack bonus -5 against any foe you move within reach of during the movement (this includes the original target of the charge).
At 17th level, when you charge, you are able to make a single attack against a number of foes equal to your Dexterity modifier, as long as they are within reach. You still have the original extra attack as well.

Knockover Charge (Ex): You don't allow anyone to stand in your way and will push through all obstacles to reach your goal.
Upon reaching 8th level, you gain the ability to overrun multiple opponents in a turn, but you take a cumulative -4 penalty on each opposed strength check after the first when doing so.

Trample (Ex): Starting at 9th level, when you perform an overrun attack, you may attempt to trample the target, dealing 1d8 (for a medium creature) + 1+1/2 your Str modifier in bludgeoning damage.
Trampled opponents can attempt an attack of opportunity, but these attacks take a -4 penalty if you are the same size as the foe or larger. If they do not make attacks of opportunity, trampled opponents can attempt a Reflex save to take half damage. The save DC against a creature's trample attack is 10 + half your blitzer class level, + the damage dealt.
If a target's space is larger than 5 feet, it is only considered trampled if you move over all squares it occupies. If you accidentally end your movement in an illegal space, you return to the last legal position you occupied.
At 14th level, the damage increases by one size category, creatures of all size take the -4 penalty to the attacks of opportunity, and no matter the size of the creature being trampled, you can trample them, as if you covered all of the creature.

Water Run (Ex): You are skilled at moving the right way for each terrain. With this ability, you are able to move a distance equal to your speed bonus over liquid surfaces no less dense than water. If you end your movement on the liquid, you fall in as normal.
When running on dangerous surfaces such as lava or acid, you take no damage as long as you remain on the surface, thanks to the flawless stride ability.
This ability only works on the surface of water, not underneath it.

Knockback (Ex): Your blows now carry great weight, sending foes backwards. Once per round, you may make a special bullrush attempt after making a successful attack against a foe you can bullrush. If you win the check, the foe is pushed back up to 10 feet, but you do not move with it. You choose the direction the target is pushed in.
Starting at 16th level, there is no longer a limit to how many times a knockback attack can be performed, there is no longer a limit on the distance the target can be pushed back, there is no longer a limit to the size of your target, you gain a +10 competence bonus on the check, and your foe takes 1d6 points of damage for every 10ft they move. A Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + 1/10ft moved) reduces the damage by half.

Freedom of Movement (Sp): At 13th level, you can move as if under the effects of the Freedom of Movement spell at all times.
This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. The subject automatically succeeds on any grapple check made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin.
The spell also allows the subject to move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. The freedom of movement spell does not, however, allow breathing.

Interdimensional Charge (Su):At 14th level, your movement can send you through the fabric of reality. As part of a charge, or while running, you can teleport a distance equal to your blitzer speed bonus, carrying your momentum with you. Teleporting this way does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You can carry up to a medium load, and no living creatures when teleporting this way.
At 16th level and every two levels after, you gain additional uses of this ability per round. This means that (at 16th level) you can move, teleport up to 50ft, run/move up to your total land speed minus what you've run/moved so far ((not counting teleporting), teleport again up to 50ft, and run/move up to your total land speed minus what you've run/moved so far (again not counting teleporting as movement).

2012-04-21, 10:23 AM
Nice concept, and what's in it is not half bad.
But it's a bit thin on features.
Add Spring Attack, Bounding Assault, Rapid Blitz, TWF, TWD and the Tempest PrC's Two-Weapon Spring Attack. This will make this class much more round and complete.

Also, Interdimensional Charge comes way way too late to count for something. Drop it to level 13 and push Freedom of Movement 2 or 3 levels forward.

This sort of class also merits good Reflex saves. It'll need it for some lasting power on the battlefield.

When donning medium armor or carrying medium load, I'd cut the speed boost by half.

2012-04-21, 10:55 AM
Nice concept, and what's in it is not half bad.
But it's a bit thin on features.

Agreed. The spring attack feats are an excellent idea. You might also look at some mobility-enhancing abilities, such as the ability to run on walls, or water, or even air.

The skirmish damage is awfully low-- the Scout's progression is +1 AC or +1d6 every other level, to a maximum of +5d6/+5 AC.

2012-04-21, 02:12 PM
I agree with the above. I see this as what the barbarian should have been, so I suggest looking at the possibility of rage or rage-like mechanics. Also, with all of the abilities suggested, a powerful build might fit right in here.

2012-04-21, 02:32 PM
Just a few things...(will add more later)

In the "Abilities" section you recommend a high wisdom to compensate for skills...intelligence is what adds skills.

A good reflex save would be appropriate here. Otherwise, everything in the chassis looks good.

Just go ahead and give it full scout skirmish, or it's sort of obsolete.

How about an ability that lets him change direction while charging or bull rushing?

Powerful build, as previously stated, would be appropriate here.

Interdimensional charge comes too late. This was also addressed earlier. This issue with it though, is that it kind of changes how you play the blitzer...at 20th level. Capstones should be cool, but they shouldn't change how the class is played.

A rage, or even something more similar to ki frenzy with the speed bonus (from the sohei in Oriental Adventures) would be cool to have.

Finally, you have way too many dead levels.

2012-04-21, 03:29 PM
Neat concept, but I'll second the general consensus: Not only does it need more abilities to reduce dead level woes, but it needs more unique abilities.

As a charger/runner class, I'd suggest giving it some unique battlefield movement capabilities; let it jump around more, give it interesting bullrush options, let it actively influence the battlefield.

I would avoid just giving it bonus feats that pertain to its role; rather, give it active, interesting abilities that allow it to do what it's supposed to better. As of now, all it does is charge in places other people can't charge.

2012-04-22, 06:00 AM
I aimed to balance the class against the PHB ones, but everyone so far agrees that it's underpowered. I would like to point out that the only dead level is 19. There's always either a gain in skirmish and speed, or a pre-existing class feature being improved. I've edited the table to show all of the abilities improving.

To prevent a wall of text, I've sectioned off each response into spoilers.

Nice concept, and what's in it is not half bad.
But it's a bit thin on features.
Add Spring Attack, Bounding Assault, Rapid Blitz, TWF, TWD and the Tempest PrC's Two-Weapon Spring Attack. This will make this class much more round and complete.

Also, Interdimensional Charge comes way way too late to count for something. Drop it to level 13 and push Freedom of Movement 2 or 3 levels forward.

This sort of class also merits good Reflex saves. It'll need it for some lasting power on the battlefield.

When donning medium armor or carrying medium load, I'd cut the speed boost by half.
I've never been a fan of throwing bonus feats on classes, as it sort of builds them a specific way. Since the class (as currently is) is already focused, I decided to leave those out. I might throw on Spring Attack though, simply because it's difficult to get to and very helpful to the class.
Things like TWF will never make it on a class I make unless that's their schtick. They're feats that can go with any class, and I don't believe they belong on a base class.

With it being the only Supernatural ability, I was uncomfortable throwing Interdimensional Charge in earlier.

A good reflex save makes sense mechanically and flavorfully, but I figured the things as they are were powerful enough. A consensus of everyone disagrees with that, so I'll definitely be adding features, including a reflex save.

I forgot to include the fast movement text, but I meant to add the classic clause of light load and light armor. Considering it's a mobility-based class, I like the idea of cutting the bonus in half instead of removing it all.

Agreed. The spring attack feats are an excellent idea. You might also look at some mobility-enhancing abilities, such as the ability to run on walls, or water, or even air.

The skirmish damage is awfully low-- the Scout's progression is +1 AC or +1d6 every other level, to a maximum of +5d6/+5 AC.
I have no idea why I didn't think of running on walls or water. Loving the idea. I wouldn't include air, but flying enemies can be reached with interdimensional charge if I allow the blitzer to do it multiple times in a round. Run on the ground, appear next to the target (or on top of), then appear right back on the ground.

I did that to skirmish because it there are already plenty of feats to increase damage while charging, such as Powerful Charge, its improved version, Headlong Rush, and anything that increases damage otherwise.

I agree with the above. I see this as what the barbarian should have been, so I suggest looking at the possibility of rage or rage-like mechanics. Also, with all of the abilities suggested, a powerful build might fit right in here.

I considered rage, but didn't want to replace the barbarian. Thinking about it more, I realize that most people don't play a barbarian for more than 1 level, 5 at the most. I'll consider coming up with a rage mechanic that I like. The PHb one is kind of lame, and the UA one is a bit overpowered with pounce (which I'll probably throw on the blitzer around lvl 7).

Undersized Force has the effects of powerful build for overrun and bullrush attacks. There's no reason to give bigger weapons or improve grappling. The class already lends itself to goliaths and large creatures.

Just a few things...(will add more later)

In the "Abilities" section you recommend a high wisdom to compensate for skills...intelligence is what adds skills.

A good reflex save would be appropriate here. Otherwise, everything in the chassis looks good.

Just go ahead and give it full scout skirmish, or it's sort of obsolete.

How about an ability that lets him change direction while charging or bull rushing?

Powerful build, as previously stated, would be appropriate here.

Interdimensional charge comes too late. This was also addressed earlier. This issue with it though, is that it kind of changes how you play the blitzer...at 20th level. Capstones should be cool, but they shouldn't change how the class is played.

A rage, or even something more similar to ki frenzy with the speed bonus (from the sohei in Oriental Adventures) would be cool to have.

Finally, you have way too many dead levels.
A wisdom is recommended for the skill abilities. Everyone already knows that intelligence increases skills known, so I suggested wisdom because more of his mental skills depend on it.

-See above on reflex, skirmish, and powerful build-

The sohei's rage is fairly simple, but I'll probably include the speed bonus. Maybe increase it with higher levels.
The type of rage I'm looking to make is something more fun and interesting like Tome's barbarian (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Barbarian,_Tome_%283.5e_Class%29). It's a bit powerful for 3.5 (Races of War (http://www.tgdmb.com/viewtopic.php?t=33294) is more like 3.75 (not pathfinder), and is designed for use with mostly its own material.), but I like some of the things it does. I'll have my own rage written out in a while.

The ability to do that is 2 skill points to gain Nimble Charge (Complete Scoundrel). I don't like doing everything for the character with a base class. Specifics like that are for prestige classes.

Could you please elaborate on what you mean by "it kind of changes how you play the blitzer"?

Neat concept, but I'll second the general consensus: Not only does it need more abilities to reduce dead level woes, but it needs more unique abilities.

As a charger/runner class, I'd suggest giving it some unique battlefield movement capabilities; let it jump around more, give it interesting bullrush options, let it actively influence the battlefield.

I would avoid just giving it bonus feats that pertain to its role; rather, give it active, interesting abilities that allow it to do what it's supposed to better. As of now, all it does is charge in places other people can't charge.

On unique abilities, I couldn't think of a lot to do with overrun and bullrush. I figured, while already existing, the abilities I gave are often difficult to put on a PC. There are monstrous abilities that can be used with PC races, and that was my general goal with the class.
If a player wants to get jumping abilities, there are already plenty of PC methods to gain that, such as the class's favorite race, Goliath.
As for actively influencing the battlefield, I'm not sure how to provide that besides the fact that this character can be anywhere on it, dealing out pain. It can easily defend casters, and with a smart enough player, the blitzer can even herd enemies where they want them.
I've only got a year of experience playing, so I'm still not certain what battlefield control is.

Changes- I added all instances of pre-existing abilities improving.
- I added text for the fast movement ability.
- I added wall running and water running abilities.
- I moved interdimensional charge to be given at 14th level (as opposed to 20th).
- I altered interdimensional charge to give more uses/round.
- I improved the reflex save to good.
- I added Spring Attack as a bonus feat.

I'm working on...
- A rage ability that fits.
- Good 18th, 19th, and 20th level abilities.
- Some more unique abilities related to overrun and bullrush.

2012-04-22, 08:47 AM
Ok, I get what you're saying regarding TWF/TWD, but this class is called Blitzer - this one is practically begging for Rapid Blitz

Regarding "Interdimensional Charge" - you changed it from [practically never gonna happen] to teleportation crazyness. Just make it per encounter and only once per round and leave some room for battlefield tactics on the players' part.

As for the Skirmish reduction - it's not really necessary. Anyone who prefers raw stats (+1d6 damage and +2 to AC are negligible at levels 15+) over options - especially at higher levels - is practically shooting himself in the leg.

2012-04-22, 08:55 AM
If it is a Blitz, why not give it Leap Attack and Shock Trooper as bonus feats?

2012-04-22, 11:06 AM
By "it changes the way you play the character" (regarding interdimensional charge) I mean that the capstone opens up a slew of new options, tactically and in normal combat, that weren't available to the blitzer for the first...19 levels. IMO this ability should come in at level 10.

EDIT: I see you changed it. My bad for not catching that. I'd say that daily limits on this are pretty harsh...maybe give additional uses based on wisdom or something? Or make it once or twice per encounter.

2012-04-23, 11:30 AM
Again, I've put each response in spoilers to conserve page length.

Ok, I get what you're saying regarding TWF/TWD, but this class is called Blitzer - this one is practically begging for Rapid Blitz

Regarding "Interdimensional Charge" - you changed it from [practically never gonna happen] to teleportation crazyness. Just make it per encounter and only once per round and leave some room for battlefield tactics on the players' part.

As for the Skirmish reduction - it's not really necessary. Anyone who prefers raw stats (+1d6 damage and +2 to AC are negligible at levels 15+) over options - especially at higher levels - is practically shooting himself in the leg.What's wrong with the Opportunist ability? Its improved form is better than Rapid Blitz.

As it was originally, Interdimensional Charge could be used once every round. I was told it was underpowered, so I did the easiest thing I could think of to increase its power. How about starting it at 11th as a 1/encounter ability (a tiny bit worse than the Shadow Blink maneuver, obtainable at 13th level), increase it to 1/round at 14th, and 2/round at 18th?
On the matter of "teleporting crazyness," all this ability does (in combat) is allow the blitzer to hit more foes. Out of combat, it gives him some fun stuff to do You can't take people with you, unlike every teleportation spell, so you can't teleport up 100ft and drop someone, or

I don't play a lot of higher level stuff (13 starting is the most), but looking over the damage output of most spells gained up there, full skirmish is in order.

If it is a Blitz, why not give it Leap Attack and Shock Trooper as bonus feats?
I didn't give those as bonus feats because the class wants power attack anyways. I prefer to use bonus feats to bypass requirements to the feat. Those fall in the 1st, 3rd and 6th level feat slots just fine and the character is still plenty powerful enough to take on monsters of his CR.
Generic bonus feats are what fighter dips and flaws are for.

By "it changes the way you play the character" (regarding interdimensional charge) I mean that the capstone opens up a slew of new options, tactically and in normal combat, that weren't available to the blitzer for the first...19 levels. IMO this ability should come in at level 10.

EDIT: I see you changed it. My bad for not catching that. I'd say that daily limits on this are pretty harsh...maybe give additional uses based on wisdom or something? Or make it once or twice per encounter.

I don't create many base classes, so I hadn't considered the change it would bring too late for fun. I agree, and there's a suggestion in the first spoiler.

That's per round, not day.

I now know why the books clarify things that are already written. :smallsmile:

Changes- I have altered the skirmish damage to equal the scout.
- Interdimsional Charge has been changed to only be useable while running or charging.

Morph Bark
2012-04-23, 11:58 AM
You need to put in what kind of action Interdimensional Charge takes (presumably free), because normally abilities require standard actions to use, so you couldn't use multiple Interdimensional Charge uses in the same round that way.

2012-04-23, 04:13 PM
You need to put in what kind of action Interdimensional Charge takes (presumably free), because normally abilities require standard actions to use, so you couldn't use multiple Interdimensional Charge uses in the same round that way.

It's as part of a charge or run action. The ability itself is not an action.

2012-04-24, 01:37 PM
What's wrong with the Opportunist ability? Its improved form is better than Rapid Blitz.

You do notice that without taking Combat Reflexes, Master Opportunist does nothing, right?
Maybe you should make it effective even without taking Combat Reflexes. Instead of AoOs, just say he's entitled to a single attack vs. any foe within his reach, up to his Dex-bonus.

2012-04-25, 09:03 AM
You do notice that without taking Combat Reflexes, Master Opportunist does nothing, right?
Maybe you should make it effective even without taking Combat Reflexes. Instead of AoOs, just say he's entitled to a single attack vs. any foe within his reach, up to his Dex-bonus.

I did, but I hadn't though of doing that for some reason.

ChangesI altered the wording on master opportunist.

Roak Star
2012-04-25, 10:39 AM
so, i originally opened up this thread because i immediately thought of a blitzballer, from ffx, but this guy looks pretty cool too :P

2012-04-25, 02:27 PM
I just noticed something interesting.
If you swap between Trample and Knockback, then a 9th level Blitzer is Achilles from the movie Troy.
I'm saying this just because I don't remember Achilles being attributed to be having the ability to trample or run on water.
Other than those two, everything else from Knockback and south seems to fits the bill.